A Song for The Lost

Jon Sand

When they returned to Sunspear, it was dusk, and the feeling of coldness had spread throughout the air; despite the day being hot and being able to handle the sun shining down, the night always became cold; even during the winter, the temperature would rarely drop below freezing at night, causing water to freeze.

This reminded Jon of a local legend that he had heard from his mother the previous year.

She gave it the title 'The Year Snow Fell on Dorne,' which quickly drew the attention of Jon and Nym, and shortly after that, Obara was interested as well.

His mother told them about a long time ago, during the first long night when the White Walkers attacked the living, when the sun had disappeared, and darkness had fallen all over the world, with no sun to brighten and warm the days on Dorne. "The sun had disappeared, and darkness had fallen all over the world," she said.

The sand had frozen solid, as solid as a rock, and the snow had blanketed the whole Dorne.

Of all, everyone was well aware that The Long Night was only a scary story intended to terrify little children.

But Jon wasn't sure since the exact same night he had dreamt of himself strolling through the Sunspear, a thin coating of snow had covered everything and he couldn't be sure.

What exactly is it? Jon had asked himself that question when he first saw the snow, despite the fact that he had never seen snow before.

At first, he had been perplexed, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had been intrigued.

Upon touching it, the snow on his lips had melted, nearly causing his teeth to become icicles. Shivers had crept throughout his body like tiny blades piercing his flesh one by one.

Jon recalled rushing around the castle, but he couldn't see anybody or anything there.

He had finally arrived at the location of the Sun Throne.

He had previously visited the location with his father and Uncle Doran, but this time, instead of the beautiful colors of the sun beaming into the Throne Room, he was surrounded by darkness.

The room was chilly and gloomy, with shadows everywhere; the water in the surrounding fountain had frozen, and the water had turned to ice; the flowers near the windows, where they typically stood, were no longer alive and vibrant, but had died and vanished altogether.

While shouting his father's name, Jon saw the door behind him open and turned around expecting to see his father, but all he saw were shadows, and no one was stepping inside, when suddenly dazzling blue eyes peered through the darkness, freezing him to death and causing him to lose consciousness.

Jon had woken up in the middle of the night, and he had even felt chilly, something he couldn't recall feeling in a long time.

When Jon heard the loud sound of the streets approaching closer, he escaped his thoughts.

As their horses made their way towards the Castle, Jon cast a glance over his shoulder towards the market.

When the royal horses appeared in front of them, the vast majority of people backed away.

Seeing Ari beaming at her people brought a smile to Jon's face; he knew that sooner or later, she would be the one in charge of Dorne.

Her performance as Princess of Dorne, possibly even better than her uncle Doran, was beyond question in Jon's opinion.

After riding closer and seeing others waving at her.

Their grins reached their ears, and several of them bowed their heads in front of her as she spoke.

Jon was on the verge of cracking a joke, but he opted to keep his lips shut.

He was well aware of how essential the people of Dorne were to Ari.

"The Princess of Dorne"

"The Princess of Dorne"

They all erupted in applause, showering Arianne with honor and adulation.

Jon couldn't help but keep his gaze fixed on the people around him. Examining their eyes, he saw that many of them had the same expression that Daemon gives his sisters and sometimes Ari: the look of wanting to get the lady into bed.

Apparently, even some of the ladies were smitten with the Princess, and Jon couldn't tell if they were envious of her social standing or her good looks.

He was aware of Art's apprehension about people applauding for them, but his horse was positioned closer to Jon's horse than to Arianne's horse, which he thought was odd.

What is it about you that you feel the need to protect me?

My father may have hired you, but I'm certain that the life of a Princess is much more valuable than the life of a Bastard. Jon thought to himself that he had a strong sense that Art was more than simply a bodyguard paid to protect him; he felt there was more to Art than that, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Jon caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eyes.

Aly was still deafeningly silent.

She hadn't spoken anything since the event with the snake, which was unusual for her.

Jon was perplexed as to why.

He had concluded that he may search for answers in books, but he still needed to learn how to read and write, which was an annoyance.

They arrived to the Castle in short order.

Jon walked inside the house and made his way to his bedroom, distancing himself from the rest of the party.

Despite Jon's concerns that his father was going a bit crazy with the feast, he was well aware that today was his birthday and that a feast will be served.

When he arrived at his bedchamber, he removed his tunic and locked the door behind him.

He made the decision to dress more formally.

A darkened red blouse with black stringed around the neck, creating a dark snake composed of strings, grabbed his attention while looking at different clothes.

Jon wanted to wear it, but he knew it symbolized the one house his father despises more than anything else.

He'd simply chosen to dress in gold to symbolize House Martell, but I'm not a member of the Martell family, Jon reasoned.

Was it really important if he represented his father's family or not?

While only six name days old, Jon was well aware of his identity and his place in the world; he desired to make his father proud, but deep down, whenever his father would tell him tales of Dorne or other kingdoms, Jon couldn't help but be fascinated by the Aegon's Conquest Story.

With the exception of Dorne, Jon was always enthralled by the idea of a man who had conquered the seven kingdoms, and he couldn't help but fantasize of one day controlling a Dragon and being a legend like The Conqueror.

When Jon made the decision to put on his clothing, he thought to himself, "I might be like him."

What captivated Jon the most was either the dragon or Aegon himself. A Conqueror was what he aspired to be, to prove himself to everyone and prove his worth.

Jon was well aware that the reason he lived in a castle like Sunspear was because he was a Prince's son.

His life would be on the streets, hunting for food every day, whether he were some kind of lord's bastard or simply some random person who didn't care about anything.

It's possible for me to demonstrate to everyone that I'm worth a damn, not because of who my father is, but because of who I am, Jon reasoned as he readied himself for the feast and the surprise his uncle Doran had arranged for him.

Upon entering the main chamber where the Royal Family dined and opening the entrance, which was adorned with gold, he noted that everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

In the background, Art looked to be conversing with his father, who appeared to be speaking in quiet tone.

His uncle was seated at the high table in the center, and his sisters sat on the right side of his father at the table.

Ari was having a conversation with Nym.

Aly seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, with Lady Ashara sitting near by.

"Come, Jon," he heard Nym say, and he turned to see her motioning for him to sit near.

While sitting next to Nym, who was holding a glass of wine in front of her, Jon smiled pleasantly.

"Would you want a glass of wine?"

Nym inquired, proposing with a little grin on her face that somewhat irritated Jon.

"Sure, big sister," Jon answered, knowing well well that he wasn't of drinking age, but it was widely known throughout the seven kingdoms that Dornish wine was the greatest wine in the world.

The glass was taken by another hand before Jon could reach it, and he turned to find his mother gazing at him with a look before frowning at Nym.

"I will not allow my kid to grow like that fat king" says the mother.

It was clear she was disgusted by the concept, and Jon wanted to say something about how he wouldn't turn into a drunken fool simply by taking a drink, but the severity of her look forced him to keep his lips shut.

When they heard applauding, they came to a halt.

Every head turned to look at Oberyn, who was beaming and raising a glass in the air, as did Ser Art and his whole family, including Lady Ashara, who also joined in the celebration.

"Jon, this is your six-name-day celebration.

My best wishes for a long and happy life, and Happy Name Day to you "At the conclusion, he and the rest of the family applauded, Jon dropped his head in embarresment.

It was difficult for him to keep his grin from creeping onto his face as his cheeks went scarlet.

Soon after, a cake was delivered to Jon, who cut the first slice before it was presented to the rest of the guests.

Throughout the remainder of the night, Jon was mostly engaged in conversation with Ari and Nym.

Obama was preoccupied with casting sideways looks towards Deamon. Because of the way she touched him.

Jon expressed his desire to visit King's Landing at least once during his conversation.

During it, Aly decided to join them since she enjoyed their hilarious chats about King's Landing.

"I heard from Father that King's Landing smells like piss," Nym said, squeezing the bridge of her nose as if she were attempting to block a terrible scent.

"That palace is filled with a King who drinks and whores himself to death," Arianne said, her voice tinged with disdain; unlike Jon, who was unfamiliar with Aunt Elia and Princess Rhaenys.

Arianne, on the other hand, was familiar with them and recalled them.

She had mentioned Aunt Elia to him several times, and Jon was tempted to question his father about her, but he knew it was still a sensitive issue for his father.

The most the red Viper ever spoke of Aunt Elia was one time mentioning the first time Oberyn had seen Princess Rhaenys.

Jon, on the other hand, remembers that day with melancholy.

On the following day, his father apologized to him and told him that he didn't really want to speak about it.

That was two years ago, and Jon had nodded in understanding and even embraced him in the hopes of alleviating his suffering.

A real Snake, Arianne always talked fondly of her Aunt Elia, and whenever House Lannister and House Baratheon were mentioned, Arianne spoke with venom.

"Princess Arianne, have you ever met Prince Rhaegar?"

Alyanna questioned, her voice low, almost a whisper, as she drank water from her cup and posed the question.

The mention of Prince Rhaegar made Nym's shoulders twitch, but Ari didn't seem to be concerned by it from the outside; she maintained a phony grin on her face, which Jon was well aware was not genuine.

"I met him; he came to Dorne like two or three times; I don't recall much," Ari said, a faint edge to her tongue, as if she were attempting to bring the conversation to a close.

When Jon saw Aly was about to say anything more, her lips parted, but no words came out before they closed completely.

"Jon," Uncle Doran yelled from the opposite side of the table, breaking the silence.

Jon sprang to his feet, realizing why his uncle had called him.

He could see the bewilderment on everyone's faces, even his father, who had no clue why his brother had called him; he prodded Jon, pleading for clarification.

"Yes, Uncle Doran," Jon said, a little smile on his face, which was reciprocated by his uncle.

Suddenly, when his uncle clapped his hands, a door leading into the vast room opened, and within stepped a servant who was carrying something wonderful.

Something Jon had hoped for a very long time was now coming to fruition.

Oberyn almost gasped when he saw the servant bring Jon a harp. He saw Doran give his son a nod to do whatever he pleased.

Jon was holding the harp in his hands when he saw it.

When Oberyn turned around, he saw that Ser Arthur, Ser Oswell, and Ser Gerold were all startled, and he knew it was because they were surprised.

Before Oberyn could inquire as to whether or not he knew how to sing...

The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,

and her kisses were warmer than spring.

But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,

and its kiss was a terrible thing.

The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,

in a voice that was sweet as a peach,

But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,

and a bite sharp and cold as a leech.

As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,

and the taste of his blood on his tongue,

His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,

and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,

"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,

the Dornishman's taken my life,

But what does it matter, for all men must die,

and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!

The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,

and her kisses were warmer than spring.

But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,

and its kiss was a terrible thing.

The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,

in a voice that was sweet as a peach,

But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,

and a bite sharp and cold as a leech.

As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,

and the taste of his blood on his tongue,

His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,

and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,

"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,

the Dornishman's taken my life,

But what does it matter, for all men must die,

and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!

Jon paused his singing and opened his eyes again; he could see the expressions on everyone's faces from where he was standing.

It was unusual for someone as stern as Uncle Doran to have tears flowing down his cheeks, but it happened.

He seemed to be recalling some memories.

Jon was perplexed as to what he was recalling.

Looking from him to his sisters, all of them seemed to be sobbing, with the exception of Obara, who appeared to be smiling at him.

Ari was staring at him with a cunning expression on her face.

Nonetheless, she seemed to be quite delighted with his voice; his mother was beaming with pride at him; and Lady Ashara appeared to be startled, much to his surprise, by his performance.

In response, Alyanna was applauding and laughing, and the light from the candles in the room appeared to reflect off her purple eyes, which shone brightly.

Even Quentyn was taken aback by his voice and expressed his admiration for it.

Jon was taken aback by his grin, which he thought was unexpected.

Ser Art gazed at him, almost as if he were seeing someone else and not him, not me, Jon became perplexed. He couldn't help but wonder who he was seeing. Do I have a resemblance to somebody in particular?

The same couldn't be said for the other two, who were smiling but still looked at him with wide eyes, as if he were insane.

Areo, the leader of the soldiers of Sunspear, who was not known for showing much emotion, offered him a genuine grin.

The look his father gave Jon as he turned to face him, on the other hand, was different; tears were streaming down his cheeks and there was a trace of sorrow in his expression.

Jon wanted to check in to see if everything was okay...

Uncle Doran said, "That was a great Song, Jon," and the rest joined in, with the exception of his father, who rose up and walked out of the room, his face hidden from everyone's gaze.

Jon's eyes welled up with tears as the door closed; the harp dropped to the floor, creating a resounding sound that resonated throughout the room.

Oberyn Martell

He had no idea where he was going; his legs were moving on their own, and he had no idea where they were taking him. He didn't care where they were taking him.

His eyes opened as he felt the cool, soft breeze brush against his cheeks and realized that he was standing in front of the Moon Window, where he could plainly see the moon high in the sky, brightening the night for them.

Oberyn recalled numerous visits to this location with Elia, particularly when they were young, very young, the prince of Dorne reflected, his lips stinging from the unpleasant taste in his mouth.

Those were the songs Prince Rhaegar performed for Elia, the Dornish song, and he had even created a song just for Elia, True Love, Oberyn had believed at the time.

The little and innocent voice of Little Rhaenys when she was a child, when she had begged Prince Rhaegar to sing Jenny of Oldstone for her third name day; she loved the song, even though it was a sad one that brought tears to her eyes, she still loved the song, Oberyn chuckled to himself as he remembered hearing Rhaenys sing the song to herself on a few occasions.

"Don't tell Muna, I'd want to sing it for her birthday,".

Oberyn, of course, had obliged with her request after the young princess had pleaded with him.

He couldn't imagine ever disobeying an instruction given by a princess as beautiful as she was.

His arms were resting on the edge of the window sill, and his eyes were fixed on the moon, as if he were waiting for some kind of response.


The prince couldn't help but turn to look into the eyes of his paramour.

"Oberyn, what are you doing? Do you have any idea what you did to Jon? You left in the middle of his name Day," she spoke, but almost shouting at him, her anger slipping.

Oberyn had a good idea, his brave boy wasn't pleased with him, the viper wondered what had gotten into him, he didn't want to leave, but his voice, that song, Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon...

"I'm... I don't know what happened; many times I look at him, his purple eyes remind me so much of both Rhaenys and Aegon. The way he looks curiously at the books and weapons, almost as if they were the most interesting piece of the puzzle he had ever seen. The way he sometimes he begs for a wish to be fulfilled, just like Rhaenys, their similarities are almost frightening," Oberyn spoke, his voice low, filled with sadness, trying hard not to cry.

Not many remembered, but Oberyn could see the similarities between Jon and Rhaenys; he wondered how would Rhaenys treat him, would they be good friends, loving each other like siblings, or would they be something more?

"I know Oberyn, I may not have known her for as long as you did, but Princess Rhaenys was one of a kind," Ellaria said softly, stroking his back.

Oberyn felt at ease since Ellaria had the ability to calm him no matter how tense he was, and she could always console him because the way she talked and touched him always worked.

They were enveloped in silence.

His gaze was fixed on the moon, which was beaming down on him and turning his face; Oberyn kissed his paramour on the lips, and the scent of wine lingered on her lips and tongue.

"I have to go back," Oberyn said, taking her hand in his and beginning to walk towards the room.

When he got to the door, his hand moved to the handle but stopped before opening it; he was feeling heavy and couldn't bring himself to move; Ellaria placed her hand on his, and Oberyn breathed a sigh of relief before they opened the door for one other.

As he walked inside the room, he was greeted with glares from his brother, who almost seemed disappointed.

Ari glared at him, which was unusual since, as far as he could recall, his niece had never been upset with him.

All of the king's guard, including Areo (the commander), seemed to be disappointed in him, yet Arthur gazed at him the same way he had looked at him the last time they had met before Arthur went for King's Landing.

His daughters and Jon, on the other hand, were the worst.

They were entirely oblivious to his presence and didn't even bother to give him a passing look.

When he cleared his throat, he saw that everyone's attention had been drawn to him, with the exception of Obara, who was looking the other way.

"You have a beautiful voice, Jon, and I'm impressed.

I'd want to know whether you'd be willing to perform another song for me "Oberyn smiled warmly at his son, whose scowl had been replaced by a little grin as he heard his father's words.

His expression became more cheerful.

"Of course, father," Jon said before rising to his feet and turning to face everyone in the room with the harp in his hand.

"Jon, sing your favourite song," Oberyn stated, wanting to know if the Dornish song was his favourite or not.

Jon looked uncertain for a moment, but Oberyn catched both his brother and paramour, giving him a nod; Jon nodded back and said nothing as he closed his eyes...

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found.

And the ones who had loved her the most

The ones who'd been gone for so very long

She couldn't remember their names

They spun her around on the damp old stones

Spun away all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

They danced through the day and into the night

Through the snow that swept through the hall

From winter to summer then winter again​​

Til the walls did crumble and fall

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most"