A Song for A Prince

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Chapter 28 (Family), Chapter 29 (A Princess's Passion), Chapter 30 (Morning After), Chapter 31 (A Golden Knight), Chapter 32 (Highgarden), and Chapter 33 (A Dragon's Pleasure) are already available for Patrons.

Jon Snow

When his father returned from the Greyjoy Rebellion, Jon had rejoiced and was relieved. He always knew that his father was one of the best warriors of Westeros; he had his cunning, his smarts, poison, and speed to counter everything. However, despite that, Jon had still been afraid, dreading that one day the maester would inform them that his father had fallen in battle, his corpse was either lost in the sea or wound be brought here to bury him beside Elia.

When the word came that his father was returning home, Jon knew he could finally get answers about his dreams.

Jon hadn't really talked much with anyone, but the dreams had been more frequent as time passed, from dreams about Aegon The Conqueror, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, and his Aunt Elia and her children. Jon had seen all those dreams as if he had been there in the dream, experiencing them as if it was real life.

The dragons looked and felt real; he had seen it with his eyes when Rhaenys Targaryen fell from the skies with her dragon Meraxes like a star from the heavens themselves; Jon had seen her dying with her dragon; he had seen the fury that it brought to Aegon Targaryen, but the most impressive one was Visenya Targaryen, she was fierce and beautiful, but knew not to lose control, but even she had her flaws.

Jon had dreamed of The Dance of The Dragons, but now he didn't understand why it was called that. The dragons had slaughtered each other, all that War and Death because of greed and lust for power.

Then after The Dance, he had dreamed of the first Blackfyre rebellion and a few glimpses of Barristan The Bold, when his sword had cut down the Last Male Blackfyre. The Golden Company swore to one day return to their homeland and put a Blackfyre on the Iron Throne.

Jon had dreamed of the silver prince; he looked and acted nothing like the tales around Dorne sang that he did; he had an aura of power around him, coating him; just being in his presence was enough to know that the man was more than just a simple prince.

He had seen Aunt Elia being... happy with Rhaegar, smiling and laughing, little Rhaenys telling her father that she wanted more cake, both of her parents, and even the Kingsguards laughing at her antics.

Seeing those dreams, Jon couldn't understand how or why Rhaegar had abandoned Elia Martell, but after all, no one was perfect; despite their Valyrian blood, they were humans at the end of the day, and just like every human, they made their mistakes.

But despite having all these strange dreams, none of them came close to his dream with Rhaenys.

"Father, I Saw it Saw it Saw it," opening the door, the little girl ran towards her father, smiling and laughing.

Rhaegar grabbed her in his arms, kissing her cheek; he looked at her with a broad smile.

"What did you see, my sweetheart?"

"A dragon, Jaehaerys, was with me?" The strange name caused a raised eyebrow from Rhaegar.

"You're mistaken, Rhaenys. Your brother will be Aegon," he explained softly, but the girl pouted before shaking her head furiously.

"No, I was with Jaehaerys; we were both flying, across the narrow sea, together," the girl said with conviction and sending her father a look as if daring him to disagree with her; Rhaegar chuckled before rubbing her hair.

"You were both riding dragons?" Rhaegar questioned, playing along, since from her words, both of them were flying, and dragons don't usually accept two Different Targaryens on their backs, only their rider.

Much to his confusion, the girl smiled slyly before shaking her head, denying it. "No, I was the dragon, Kepa," she replied, much to the confusion of Rhaegar.

Jon had woken up the moment those words left her mouth; at the time, he hadn't understood it; he didn't know who this Jaehaerys was; as far as he knew, Aegon and Rhaenys were the only children that Rhaegar had. He had thought of perhaps asking his sisters or mother for answers but decided not to; he knew how much his sisters despised House Targaryen in general, especially Prince Rhaegar.

Now, he was told that he was the son of the two people that Dorne hated the most, his father's words had ensured him that he still saved him as his son, which relived Jon from some of the pressure he felt, but the same couldn't be said for everyone else that he knew.

Mainly his sisters, Arianne wasn't someone to be against him; even if she knew the truth, Ari had joked a few times with them, saying how she would probably marry Prince Viserys for an alliance.

Is not like he could actually hide it now; with Rhaenix now with him, he wouldn't be able to hide her any longer; right now, she was small, but she would grow, and that would be very soon, and Jon would never try to force her inside the room, he would give her as much freedom as she wanted, to grow strong, fly and be happy.

Jon briefly wondered how it would be like to fly in a dragon; he had dreamed of flying before, but actually flying up in the sky; instinctively, he looked through a window passing by, his imagination taking him to the skies, flying higher than anyone ever did, he and Rhaenix would see every place, they would go from the Wall to the Asshai.

The wind blowing on him and Rhaenix, the endless sky and sea, the people and cities looking like a single small spot in the land, all of them smaller than me, he thought smiling; he briefly wondered that now with a dragon, Nym would actually be able to visit The Wall, despite being from Dorne, a place known to be very hot, she wanted to see The Wall of all places, saying she was interested to see such a place. They often joked that she would freeze before arriving there.

Now, he was making his way over to his uncle's solar; it had taken some convincing from his father to leave Rhaenix alone in his room, some servant might see him, and the word would spread around like Wildfire; he had left Ser Oswell to guard her door and not allow anyone to enter inside until he returned.

Despite being born an hour ago, Jon felt bonded to her, and not having her nearby, he felt cold in a strange way, and her eyes, her eyes reminded Jon of someone, yet he didn't know who.

"Jon," his father stopped him just as they were about to reach Doran's solar. He was looking at him in the eyes.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, Jon; Doran was the one who first suggested for you to be raised here; he will support you; he might try to hide it, but he loves you like an uncle, and you will have our support," Oberyn told him, encouraging him that everything would go smoothly.

Jon managed a smile before nodding; his father smiled back before turning towards the door; he didn't even knock; instead, he opened the door.

Jon walked inside, followed closely by Ser Arthur and Ser Gerold. His eyes found his Uncle, who, when he saw them, bid his servants for some wine. After the servant left the solar, the Red Viper was pleased to see the only other person left was Areo Hotah. Everyone trusted him with the truth, not to mention he had a soft spot for Jon.

"What has brought you to my solar so late at night, brother?" Doran questioned him. Oberyn was about to start the talking when...

"Uncle Doran, my father just told me that my true name is Jaehaerys Targaryen, my real parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and that I'm the true heir of the Iron Throne," Jon interrupted whatever he was about to say, causing complete silence in the room.

The only sound heard was the sound of crickets outside since it was almost midnight; Areo looked shocked and confused before abruptly looking at both Oberyn and Doran as if waiting for an explanation.

The silence was broken by Doran taking a deep breath, gesturing for everyone to sit down and not stand there like pineapple trees, Jon and Oberyn took a seat in front of his desk, but Arthur and Gerold were standing guard a meter away from the Prince.

"So Oberyn finally told you the truth; I assume you have questions," Doran said, glancing at Areo, who raised an eyebrow, understanding this wasn't some joke from Oberyn and Jon.

He knew he could ask many questions, but right now, he wanted to ask only one. "Why don't you hate me?" Jon asked bluntly; Oberyn was taken aback by the question; from all the questions he could have asked, this was the first that came to mind.

Doran sent Oberyn a glare, he and Ellaria had told him to let go of his hatred for House Targaryen, but it seemed their words fell on deaf ears every time.

His attention turned back to the Targaryen Prince, reaching out to grab his cup, drinking it in one go; he knew he would need it.

"I understand your question, Prince Jaehaerys, you might think that as brothers of our dear Elia, we would automatically hate you for what your parents did, and maybe in different circumstances, I would have, whenever you want to take back the throne is up to you, me and Oberyn will support you. But, never forget that our sister loved Lyanna, whenever it was in a sister like love, or a romantic one, we might never know, but she did, in her letter she called you her son, saying we should not hate you, and I will support her decision to my death," Doran explained sincerely, his eyes welling up at the end but not shading tears, he wasn't someone to show any kind of weakness in front of others.

Jon felt his eyes welling up, knowing Elia, someone who had every reason to hate his existence, to blame him for what his parents did, considered him as her own son, and viewed him as part of a family.

Hearing that, Jon could only say one thing. "I feel honored, I might have never known Elia Martell, but she seemed to have been quite a loving woman," He said weakly, his voice all but a whisper.

A humorless chuckle escaped his father, who drank a full cup of dornish wine, wiping away the tears that were rolling down his cheek; unlike his brother, he wasn't the best at controlling his emotions.

"My sister was one of a kind person, Jon; I never told anyone, but there was one time when we filled Doran's name day cake with extra spicy flavor, a kind that is used only by fanatics of spicy foods; I still can remember Doran running around almost spitting fire from his mouth," Oberyn japed earning a laughter from everyone except Doran who wasn't amused.

Of course, it was you two. Who else would be, he thought, trying to suppress an eye roll.

After the laughter ended, Jon's face turned serious before addressing his uncle again with a tone suiting for a Prince.

"I already told my father I want to bring Justice to Mother Elia and my siblings and to do that, I will need to take the throne," Jon stated with a firm and authoritative tone, despite being only seven name days.

That kind of tone reminded Arthur of Rhaegar; it was too much like him, same for Ser Gerold, who smiled at his king.

Doran raised an eyebrow; he had to admit that it seemed the Prince didn't lack the courage, that was sure; hearing those words, Doran forced himself to stand up from his chair, using his cane to support himself, bowing his head.

"I, Doran Nymeros Martell, pledge to Jaehaerys of House Targaryen the all might of Dorne is in your hands whenever you will need it," Doran said, bowing his head respectfully to him.

Jon had stood up from his chair, only now he noticed that Areo was kneeling as well, swearing his sword to him just like his uncle and his Kingsguard.

Jon smiled but turned to look at his father, who didn't waste time bending the knee; Arthur wanted to say some joke for old time's sake but held his tongue.

"I, Oberyn Nymeros Martell, pledge to Jaehaerys of House Targaryen; he has my full support on the upcoming wars and my advice whenever he needs it," Oberyn swore passionately, a tone he had never used with anyone else before. Even Arthur was surprised to hear Oberyn talk like that.

"I vow that you shall always have a place at my hearth and meat and mead at my table. I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new. Arise, my lord, your king, welcomes your service and will always value your wisdom." Jon spoke, his uncles and Areo standing up.

Turning to his uncle, Jon decided that it was time to talk about their plan.

"Do we have anyone else on our side?" He asked, knowing that was one of the most important things about War.

"Yes, we do," Doran replied with a nod of approval; he was about to tell him about the North. "Your uncle Lord Stark has sworn himself to you; I might have a bad bone for his role in the Rebellion, but I trust him; I know he won't betray you," Oberyn said with a hint of anger that he tried to suppress.

Uncle Lord Stark?! Jon had completely forgotten that now House Stark was his family as well; he wondered what Lord Stark was like. Was he as honorable as everyone said that he was? He wondered if he could one day meet the man but decided to think later about it.

Jon simply nodded before turning his attention to his uncle, who sent a glare at Oberyn for interrupting him.

"What about the Riverlands and The Vale, Catelyn Tully is My uncle's wife, and her sister Lysa is Jon Arryn's wife?" Jon questioned firmly.

Doran was pleased to know that Jon knew more than he let on; unfortunately, he highly doubted that they would support him; he wasn't going to lie.

A snort escaped Oberyn, "The floppy fish would never support you; Hoster Tully's days are numbered, but his son is worse; I have heard how he lost over a hundred soldiers trying to take back a fucking tower; House Tully would never support you, neither will House Arryn, while Jon Arryn might have come to regret putting that pig in the throne, I doubt he's going to support you," Oberyn said with a sneer, his voice spitting venom.

Jon nodded in understanding, suddenly remembering something else. "What about House Darry? They always supported House Targaryen," Jon questioned, looking at his father.

"That's a possibility, My Prince, but sadly House Darry is not a big house since the rebellion, but we can keep them in mind for the future. Do you have any other ideas?" Doran questioned, leaning a bit forward, his elbow resting against the desk, his face leaning against his closed hand.

"House Tyrell is the richest house of The Reach; they hold Highgarden; perhaps they could be a good ally, your grace?" Ser Gerold suggested to Jon, who gave him a brief glance, he had thought of it.

"House Tyrell stood on their asses as House Lannister sacked King's Landing, I don't doubt they will bring support if I perhaps marry their daughter Margaery Tyrell, but we can have the majority support of the Reach without a marriage," Jon explained with a neutral tone, hearing his words caused a snake-like smirk to grow on Oberyn's face.

"Both House Hightower and House Tarley wish more than anything to be the ones calling the shots in The Reach, and don't forget that Randyll Tarly was known to be a big supporter of Rhaegar Targaryen," Jon explained; everyone quickly noticed that the prince didn't refer to him as a father.

"House Tarly possesses the power, and House Tyrell possesses the Land; one little move and House Tyrell will lose their role as the House Paramount of The Reach," Jon added, his face still not showing much emotion.

Oberyn chuckled in amusement, that was a good idea, but they couldn't risk being hasty.

Ser Arthur understood the reason why the King might not want to associate himself with House Tyrell; he personally hadn't thought much of them for years; it had crossed his mind that he knew and understood the importance of marriage; marrying to House Tyrell would be a good move, but everyone knew Randyll Tarly supported Rhaegar Targaryen, and he wasn't pleased with how things were right now, perhaps knowing there was someone else out there that was Rhaegar's son could change his mind.

"I agree you make a good point, My Prince, but we also need to look at every possibility," Doran replied; he disliked the flowers but understood the danger they were all in; this was a Game of Ches, full of paws and soldiers.

"I know, uncle, if I need to marry to gain an alliance, I will do it, but I would like to know if there's any information about my uncle and aunt Daenerys Targaryen?" Jon questioned, looking at them.

Doran kept his face in check; he wasn't hiding anything; he had absolutely no idea where they could be, but a part of him wanted that, at the very least, Viserys to not be found or be already dead, the last thing anyone needed was a potential danger for the future, Princess Daenerys could perhaps marry Lord Willas Tyrell to take their support, Yes, that could easily work in our favor, with Daenerys securing an alliance with House Tyrell, that will ensure our blood in the Iron Throne, he thought with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"We don't know where they could be, your grace. I had planned to leave Dorne after the Greyjoy rebellion to start a sellsword company and try to find them in Bravoss," Ser Gerold informed him grimly.

Jon gave him a look of appreciation, "That would be appreciated, Ser; finding the rest of my family is the number one priority, but I also would suggest going to Pentos; slavery is not as common and will be much easier to start a company," Jon explained, he still didn't want to sound like he was already giving orders, he was still just a kid, he was no king, at least not yet.

Gerold nodded in understanding; Oberyn walked up to Gerold. "I will come too; I have been to Bravoss before, quite a place, and I know you will need a guide," he said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

The knight rolled his eyes; being in the same place as the Red Viper for a long time wasn't on his to-do list; before reluctantly accepting his help, it wouldn't hurt anyone to have someone like him to show him around.

Jon frowned slightly, knowing his father would leave yet again; a part of him wanted to go with them; while many would think this would be an adventure full of glory, Jon knew this was anything but that; living in Essos is harsh unless you are good at killing people or are the child of a rich man, you can easily find yourself becoming enslaved, something that annoyed Jon.

"How long?" Jon questioned.

Oberyn kissed his forehead, rubbing his hair, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, son; I will be around for three more months; we will be back in no time," he responded half-heartedly.

Jon didn't ask how long he would be in Essos; no one knew; it could be a year, two years, or even five years; therefore, Jon decided to change the subject and tell his uncle about the last important thing happened tonight.

"Uncle, I forgot to tell you that I have a Dragon now,"




His uncle's face, for the very first time since he knew him, showed actual surprise and confusion, as if he couldn't even understand what he had just told him.

"What?" Doran was the only response he could muster right now; despite what he had just heard, he kept his voice low and calm.

"Rhaenix, the Dragon Egg that Prince Rhaegar left for me, I hatched it," Jon added, his voice and face showing Doran that this wasn't some joke; he looked closely for any sign of a lie but found none, his eyes slowly found his brother, wanting to know if that was indeed true, he simply nodded with half a smile.

"He's telling the truth, brother. I saw the dragon myself; right now, she's small but eventually will need a bigger room," Oberyn said; the older Prince of Dorne paused for a second before simply nodded without thinking, his mind still trying to process what he just heard.

A Dragon, A Dragon?!!! He thought; before asking how it had happened, Jon explained what had happened in his bedchamber after they told him the truth.

Doran listened carefully to every word; after the explanation was done, Doran stood up slowly on his legs with the help of his cane, Areo tried to help him, but he dismissed him with a shake of his hand.

"Can I see her?"

With that, they slowly made their way to Prince Jon's chambers; he was pleased to know that Ser Oswell had been guarding the doors; walking inside, it didn't take long for the red creature to fly toward Prince Jon, not wanting to leave his side again.

Looking at her from up close, he noticed the crimson color; he had to admit that she was both beautiful and terrifying in a way. The dragon gave him a brief glance before turning her attention to Prince Jaehaerys.

"She's hungry; I need some roasted small pieces of meat," Jon suddenly said; Arthur wasted no time going and ordering food for the dragon and some for the King in case he was hungry.

Doran understood the chamber was big enough for now, but that won't work for long.

"My Prince, with her size right now, it won't be hard to hide her, but when she grows large enough, I know a place nearby, a cave big enough for her," Doran explained; his nephew thanked him.

Doran soon left the room with a smile; Elia, your name and blood was soiled that day, but no longer, today we start our revenge, justice will arrive for House Lannister, he promised his sister.

Areo was surprised to see Prince Doran return to his solar instead of his bedchamber to sleep; he walked up to the Sun Throne and sat down; he suddenly felt lighter, his back leaning back, the pain easing after years of getting worse, his eyes turned to look at his most loyal soldier and friend.

"Areo, tell Arianne to come here; I don't care what she's doing, bring her here," Doran ordered; Areo bowed his head before leaving the room without saying anything.

As the door closed, Doran took a deep breath before he started writing a letter, a letter he should have written a long time ago...

Jon Snow

Seeing Rhaenix enjoy the food brought a bright smile to his face; his father and kingsguard had left him alone in his bedchamber; it was around this time that he would usually fall asleep.

"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" To answer his question, Rhaenix chirped in joy before swallowing the piece of meat.

Seeing her like this, he suddenly remembered the Rhaenys's favorite song when she was alive; she had told Rhaegar to sing it to her every birthday. Clearing his throat, he started singing a song about the past.

"High in the halls of the king who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most

The ones who'd been gone for so very long

She couldn't remember their names

They spun her around on the damp Old Stone

Spun away all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

They danced through the day and into the night

Through the snow that swept through the hall

From winter to summer than winter again

Til the walls did crumble and fall

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most

They danced through the day and into the night

Through the snow that swept through the hall

From winter to summer than winter again

Til the walls did crumble and fall

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

Never wanted to leave

High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most."

We will soon have a seven-year Time Skip; things will get spicy between Jon and Arianne. Daenerys will make her own moves soon. The War approaches...