
Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to P atreon and search 'Drinor'

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The Following SEVEN Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 33 (A Dragon's Pleasure), Chapter 34 (A Song in The Garden), Chapter 35 (King's Arrival), Chapter 36 (A Dragon and A Lion), Chapter 37 (The Kingslayer), Chapter 38 (The Bastard Prince) and Chapter 39 (The Dragon vs The Mountain) are already available for Patrons.

Jon Sand

They had been traveling for two weeks now; they had traveled from Sunspear, resting at the castle of House Yronwood; Jon had noticed the looks they were getting from Lord Yronwood; the man was mostly keeping his eyes on his father.

Jon figured they weren't paying much attention to them since they were bastards; they had stayed only one night, his father had spent the day talking with Lord Yronwood, and the man had questioned why they wanted to go to Highgarden.

"The king, my lord. I heard the king is bringing his prince there. I want to see myself if the rumors are true,"

That had been his father's response; Lord Yronwood had frowned hearing that; the rumors of Joffrey Baratheon's activities had spread far and wide, some simply ignoring them, some saying they were exaggerated, some saying the prince was even worse.

Jon didn't know how much of it was true, but he was quite curious; from his uncle's reports, Robert Baratheon would soon perish; he didn't care to do anything other than whoring and drink himself into an early grave. What once was the Demon of the Trident, now that Warrior was replaced by a fat man who couldn't climb his own horse without help. The reports talked about Robert kissing poor servants right in front of everyone; some of them were glad to be picked by the king in hopes of carrying the bastard of the king.

Robert Baratheon had bastards everywhere; Jon had questioned his father and uncle on what to do about the bastards or if he should do nothing. His father had said that as long as they didn't know the truth, they didn't pose any threat, his uncle...

"If you want my advice. I would suggest cutting down every Baratheon bastard; we have no way of knowing if they will be dangerous, but it is better to kill a baby on the crib,"

His uncle's words had caused Jon to think about his siblings that had been butchered by the Mountain and Armory Lorch. His father had looked furious for the entire week.

Jon had heard that Queen Cersei quite clearly favored Joffrey over her other children and was bringing her golden son to Highgarden in hopes of seducing the Golden Flower of the Tyrells.

Jon didn't know who she was, but he had heard, like everyone else, that she was a pretty girl, a year younger than him. In another life, he might have thought of taking her as queen, but he didn't need House Tyrell to have the support of the Reach; they might have the title of Lord Paramount, but the majority of the men from the Reach came from House Tarly, some were under House Hightower, but that house hadn't been the same since the Dance of the Dragons. They lost a lot of influence and power after the war, which was the bloodiest war in recent memory. A war that is still talked about to this day.

The Dragon Prince had discussed with his uncle and father how to approach Lord Tarly; they both suggested that Prince Oberyn could gain his attention, and when the time came, Lord Tarly would meet the true heir of the iron throne. A part of Jon was eagerly looking forward to the Tourney, this would be his first tourney, and he wanted to see how far he could go.

"Father, what should we do if Lord Tarly decides not to support us?"

"If he doesn't, then I will make sure he will enjoy his supper,"

After they left Yronwood, they walked through the mountains of Dorne, where Starfall was; Alysanna had mentioned the places she knew all the time as they passed through the mountains.

Now, only a few hours away from Highgarden, Jon stirred up; the warmth of Arianne near him made him let out a joyful sound; they had been sharing a bed since the night they first slept together, even if they were sleeping in tents, he and the princess would try to stay quiet during their activities. Still, it seemed they weren't that good at it.

Their night was milked in soft, glowing candlelight that reflected their damp bodies, warming each other. They did not tire of each other; more so got more familiar with each of themselves at each climax that succeeded. Pants and moans became their language; eye connection became their mirrors.

It took quite a few times for them to distract from each other enough to go under the comforter they laid upon for hours; it took the coaxing of both of them, giggles and teeth against teeth, as they smiled through their kisses.

By late night, so much so that it was more early, early morning, their lovemaking dissolved to something softer and gentler than before...still filled with the same passion and love that they had shown in the forgone bearings, but more fatigued like they were trying to get the most out of the night's magic before dawn broke. His lips kept to her collarbone as hers were to his curls that were loosened from their original pulled-back state. He rocked into her until they could not tell apart their reality from a dream, arms wrapped around her torso. They fell asleep like so - Jon moving to the side instinctively so as not to crush her.

The morning introduced itself with the sound of birds chirping in the trees. Like a string held at both ends, they pulled themselves from their dreamless, oblivious rest like they were one of the same minds. Their limbs tangled underneath the blanket, and their bed-rummaged hair tickled the other. Ari's temple rested against his chest, her ear pressed against his heart.

Her eyelashes tickled his skin as Arianne blinked them open, causing Jon to roll on his back with a soft grunt.

His hand was smooth across her naked back as he put it to his face, rubbing the sleep out of his brows. Jon's eyes opened to the gray skies. His chin tilted down, and their eyes once again met. A smile tugged at his lips, which only made Arianne smile wide, tucking her lips into her mouth to escape looking as much of a love-sick twit as she had found herself to be. Jon took his working hand, for the other was still wrapping her to her face, stroking the cheeks, looking as young as she'd ever seen him.

This moment reminded Arianne of who they really were, who she wanted to be; love-sick fools.

Looking up at this man, she was begging any God that may listen that it would.

As Jon brushed a thin dark tendril of hair behind her ears, Ari turned her head to press her lips to his wrist, inhaling the scent of dry sweat and sleep and Jon. She placed a kiss there. And then moved to his forearm to do the same, and then another on his shoulder. When she lifted to his face, she found his eyes hooded with awe and lust, and she ghosted over his lips, enjoying how he looked at her for a moment. It wasn't until Jon inclined forward no more than a hair that she allowed him to be kissed - a gentle, melted connection of their lips that was no different than the others she marked up his arm.

Not letting him have more than that, Arianne pulled away from him to look into his eyes once more. His hand that had been cupping her cheek drifted along her neck to the dip of her waist under her ribcage, and he anchored there to pull her to straddle him.

Her arms' hair stood on end as the blanket fell off her back, but Jon was quick to sit up and bring it back over her shoulders. She watched his abdominals contract as he pulled himself up to meet her, and Ari took the opportunity to place surrounding pillows behind Jon for him to lay back on. With a light grip on her elbows that told her to go with him, Jon leaned onto the pillows placed behind him, Ari following his distance resting her elbows next to her knees on either side of Jon. Jon took her hands and kissed her fingers where they laced together, glancing between them and Ari.

"Good morning, Princess," Jon spoke, his voice low and deep, sending shivers into her core, reigniting her all over again; if it weren't that they needed to continue their journey, she wouldn't mind wanting to mount him again, to look at his deep purple eyes that she enjoyed looking at. Is this love? She questioned herself more than once; during their whole journey, she asked herself if what she had with Jae was love; she wasn't some maiden that didn't know the truth of the world.

She knew, more often than not, that marriages were pure politics and not out of love. She could count on the fingers of one hand the times lords or royal people had married out of love. She knew if she could choose who to marry, she wanted to marry Jaehaerys rather than a lord she didn't know. Arianne imagined carrying his children, beautiful children with silver and purple eyes.

She must have been too deep in thoughts that she escaped her thoughts only when she felt pleasure; a sudden moan escaped her lips that she desperately tried to suppress with everything she had.

Her eyes went to Jae, who was giving her the lord's kiss, her hands gripping the sheets, her legs crossed around his head, keeping him there as his magical tongue penetrated her like a sword.

"Ohhhh, Gods, Yesss, Jaeee," she moaned, feeling in heaven.


Almost six hours later, they found themselves near Highgarden, they were getting closer as the villages full of people became more frequent, and the castle could be seen from where they were; it was quite a sight. Jon had to admit that it was quite beautiful to look at, fields of green as far as the eye could see, trees with sweet fruits, the sun shining at the top, brightening up the whole landscape, making it look like paradise. The sound of farm animals, chickens, sheep, cows, goats, pigs, and many others.

Jon was quite mesmerized to see large fields, larger than Sunspear itself, full of sheep and cows eating grass. The air itself had a sweet and fresh aroma to it; he wondered if Kings Landing was somehow more beautiful than this place; it was the place that his ancestors had built. He really wanted to see it soon, to see one of the three largest cities in Westeros, behind only Old Town.

Highgarden was located on a broad, verdant hill overlooking the Mander. The castle was surrounded by three rings of white stone whose crenelated curtain walls increased in height. Between the outer and middle walls was a famous briar labyrinth that served to entertain as well as slow invaders. The oldest towers, squat and square, date from the Age of Heroes. Newer towers are tall and slender, round fortifications dating from after the coming of the Andals.

The castle sept, which has rows of stained-glass windows honoring Garth Greenhand and the Seven, is matched only by the Great Sept of Baelor and the Starry Sept. The castle's godswood contains three weirwoods known as the Three Singers. The palatial keep is decorated with statues and colonnades. Also within Highgarden's walls are groves, fountains, and courtyards. The castle's structures are covered in ivy, grapes, and climbing roses.

Highgarden was filled with flowers, singers, pipers, fiddlers, and harpers. The stables have a fine selection of horseflesh, and there are pleasure boats to sail along the Mander. Jon remembered all that from the many books he had read about every important castle in Westeros.

"This is Highgarden; it looks different from outside," Alysanna commented as they got closer; a large group of Dornish Spears accompanied them from behind. Jon was riding in the front beside his father, who had a calculating look.

Ser Arthur was wearing boiled leather and a helmet; he was riding just a little behind his King, his hair golden not to be recognized. Arianne and the others were inside a carriage, except for Obara.

"Have you been inside, cousin?" Jon questioned from where he was, briefly looking over his shoulder at Alysanna. After he had found out about his actual parents, he soon realized that Aly was his cousin since she was Lord Stark's daughter.

Five months after knowing the truth, Ashara revisited Sunspear accompanied by her daughter; she had some business with Oberyn Martell.

At first, Jon wanted to keep a secret; the fewer people who knew the truth, the better, but Aly had straight up told him in front of his sisters that she had known the truth before, saying that one night she was a little mouse and had heard a conversation between Oberyn and Doran.

This was followed by Obara threatening her, fearing her spilling the beans, but Jon had been there to quickly ease the tension, pointing out that if Aly wanted others to know about it, she could have done so already.

"Why did you tell me you know the truth?" Jon questioned her, who had a downcast look.

"The rest of my family, except my mother, is far away from me. I wanted to talk like family with my cousin," she replied, her voice cracking slightly.

After that day, Jon would spend time with Aly whenever she was at Sunspear. During the last seven years, she had gotten good at warging, many times saying that she felt more alive as an animal rather than herself.

That worried Jon slightly; it wasn't good for her to think like that; he wondered if he could change her mind somewhat, his thoughts interrupted when his father asked Alysanna...

"Alysanna, is anyone expecting us at Highgarden?" Oberyn questioned with a sly smirk as they got closer to the gates of Highgarden. The walls were five meters tall, white as snow, with many watchtowers around.

"Lord Loras, my prince. Last night, Lord Tyrell wanted no one to greet us, but Lord Willas persisted that someone must greet us. The Queen of Thorns doesn't care about our arrival, but she ordered brothels to take care of your needs, my prince," Alysanna said, her voice sharp with a little smile. Her eyes went to a group of birds flying above them. She was half-convinced to warg one of them; not the first time she had flown, but it was always a sight to behold.

Alysanna had grown a beautiful young woman with dark hair like a crow, and reaching to her waist, she allowed her hair to fly freely behind her back, saying she didn't like to tie her hair. Aly has high sharp cheekbones and eyes, which appear pale purple. She is slender with a full bosom.

Aly was wearing all brown: brown woolen breeches tucked into high boots of bleached brown leather, a brown bearskin cloak pinned at the shoulder with a carved weirwood face, brown tunic with bone fastenings. A short sword tightened to her waist. She had reached fifteen name days a month ago.

Many on Sunspear and Starfall had tried to get into her bed; many tended to compare Aly with Arianne, unlike Ari, who could put up a charming smile. Alysanna had a sharp look, tell her to spy on people, and she did without a problem; tell her to dance, and she couldn't dance even if life depended on it.

"Lord Loras, I heard he enjoys the other side of the sheet," Obara commented with a frown, her hand grasping the pommel of her dagger.

"He does, Obara. He's Renly's squire; they are lovers," Aly replied, her eyes briefly glancing at her cousin. His curly hair had reached his neck.

"Well, he's not important to us, but make sure to follow Lady Olenna," Oberyn said softly, still looking forward to seeing the old hag, not turning to face the girl, who nodded without much emotion.

Aly wondered just how soon they would reach Winterfell; she knew they needed to stay until the Tourney ended, but she wanted to see The North, Winterfell, and her father, but mostly to see her little brother, Robb.

She had dreamed of that place, she had warged into animals that lived in the North, she had seen and smelled The North, yet she felt as if she had never seen it before. She wanted to feel the true north, the cold, and the warmth of Winterfell. To feel the snow beneath her feet. I have never been there, but my dreams will soon become a reality, and I will get to meet my father and little brother...

Jon made no comments, but his attention turned to Rhaenix; since she hatched, they had a powerful bond; every time they were close, Jon would feel better and stronger, especially when they were flying together; he would feel like the whole world belonged to him. He still remembered her anger and sadness when he told her in Valyrian that she would need to leave the room and live in the caves.

She had started screaming and asking if he wanted to get rid of her. Fortunately, the promise to ride together had stopped her from burning the bedchamber.

Now, Jon could feel her at the back of his head; she was flying too high for anyone to notice her; he just hoped that not that many people would see her, and those that did would be seen as either insane people or just drunk people who didn't know what they were seeing.

Soon the Dornish party reached the gates of Highgarden; the soldiers reluctantly opened the gates for them, traveling through the labyrinth that was made to make the enemy lose the way out. Two knights were showing them the way inside, but Jon noticed they weren't wearing the Flower of House Tyrell on their shields or armor but, instead, the archer of House Tarly.

Strange, He thought; he figured the soldiers guarding the gates should be from House Tyrell.

It was silence as they passed; Oberyn was eyeing the guards suspiciously, his hand opening and closing around the pommel. Soon they reached the courtyard of Highgarden without much trouble.

Jon had to admit this was a beautiful place, a vast clearing with a fountain in the middle that was decorated to look like children holding flowers, trees, and green bushes everywhere; the sound of birds chirping reached their ears, and Aly started humming to herself, hearing the pleasant sound.

Just as Aly said, the one expecting them was Lord Loras Tyrell, watching them with a frown; the kid couldn't put on a fake smile even if he tried, showing to everyone that Dorne wasn't welcome in The Reach. Oberyn smirked in satisfaction as he dismounted his horse, as did everyone else. Arianne, Nym, Ellaria, and Tyene walked outside, wearing what should be called dresses that were quite revealing despite not being in Dorne.

"Prince Oberyn, it is good to have you in Highgarden," Loras spoke seriously; Oberyn chuckled in return.

"Is it? I don't see Lord Tyrell anywhere, or was he too busy playing word games," Oberyn countered, a constant smirk on his face that was starting to annoy the young knight.

Lord Loras was about to reply when Oberyn walked past him. "Just show us to our rooms, where your brothels are, and we are good," the others soon followed Loras, who led them inside.

As they were walking inside, the prince looked at the decorated walls, symbols of flowers, and golden colors everywhere. Jon noticed a few glances he was getting from Lord Loras, but his attention turned to Arianne, a part of him couldn't wait to rip her dress open and make her scream his name for the whole Highgarden to hear.

"These are your rooms, my prince, my princess, and your bastards," he spoke at the end with a sneer; his voice was starting to annoy Obara, who thought of perhaps cutting his tongue and making him eat it for dinner.

Arianne pulled up a charming smile, a smile that would make many men weak, but it mattered that she showed to be friendly, but a voice was telling her how beautiful it would be to see their faces when Jaehaerys takes the Throne.

"Thank you for your custody, lord Loras," Arianne spoke with a fake smile, her voice husky and charming at the same time.

Soon they entered their rooms; Jon entered his, it was much smaller and barely had what his bedchamber had back at Sunspear, but he wasn't going to complain.

After taking a bath, servants wanted to help him bathe, but he kindly dismissed them; wearing his best clothes, he was prepared for the feast; it seemed since the tourney was announced, Lord Tyrell was holding a feast every day, perhaps to show their wealth.

Entering the main hall, it was booming with people; House Martell made sure to make an entrance, and once they walked inside, they got the attention of everyone; a Martell in Highgarden wasn't something that happened every day.

Jon analyzed the room and the faces of people; his eyes found Lord Tyrell shoving his mouth with different dishes; he spotted the Hightower of House Hightower, the knight of House Risley, the golden tree of House Rowan, the bowman of House Tarly, the faces, they seemed displeased but not voicing it out. Still, his attention was on Lord Tarly and his heir and second son.

The man had the brutal face of a man of War, his eyes looking at the high table with disgust, something Jon recognized immediately; he had seen that look before, and it took a bit of strength for Jon not to smile. The most powerful house of The Reach was not happy. He wondered if he could spice things up, an accident or two could make many change their minds overnight.

His eyes found the trout of House Tully, the twin castles of House Frey; he found who he knew was the heir of House Tully; from one look, Jon knew this man wasn't made for war, but looks could be deceiving.

House Royce was also present, a man wearing armor talking with a knight with House Tully's sigil.

His eyes looked at the high table, finding Lord Willas and Lady Margaery Tyrell.

Jon had to admit that she was quite beautiful; Margaery has thick, softly curling brown hair and large brown eyes. She has a slender but womanly figure with smooth and unblemished pale skin and small breasts. She was fair and lively, with a shy and sweet smile. Margaery's attire included a sheer gown of ivory silk, Myrish lace, and seed pearls. She also was wearing green with a cloak of autumn flowers and a pale green samite gown with a tight-laced bodice that bares her shoulders and the top of her bosom.

Jon found her quite attractive, but she didn't hold a candle to Arianne or Alysanna, both were beautiful, and Ari had her wild personality on top of it, a want for danger, things that ladies didn't usually have.

The dancers and singers were busy entertaining everyone. Even jugglers had arrived; Jon paid them no mind, eating roasted bread with sausage covered in honey; he found the taste a bit too sweet and not spicy enough.

Arianne was sitting to his right; he noticed the Princess was getting looks from many; even Alysanna didn't go unnoticed.

Oberyn nudged Jon softly. "When the dancing starts, I want you and Nym to dance together," He whispered; the prince nodded in agreement, understanding why.

Soon the dancing started; Jon stood up walking up to his sister. "Can I have a dance?" He asked with a charming smile. His sister smiled, "Of course, my brave knight," she replied teasingly before accepting his hand and walking into the center of the sea of people. They started dancing; both had learned how to dance from Lady Ellaria, and soon, their way of dancing caught the attention of some, including Margaery.

"Look at the vipers, bastard vipers on top of that," Loras remarked with a frown; his sister paid him no attention, finding the way the boy was dancing to be quite incredible.

"Don't talk like that, Loras; you should be more respectful towards people and not judge them without knowing them," Willas spoke, sitting at Margaery's right side, looking at his brother with a frown, a growl escaped Loras, who looked the other way.

Soon the dancing ended, and Jon sat down, returning to his meal.

An 'aye' made the prince look at the northern table. A man around his Fifties was sitting with several other men and women. Jon was busy looking at the Bear of House Mormont when he felt a hand on his cock, a soft hand he knew that it belonged to a snake princess.

"Ari, what are you doing?" Jon whispered with a hint of panic. They were in a hall full of people, and she chose now to do something as scandalous as this.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She whispered innocently, wearing the most innocent look Jon had ever seen. Her soft hand went inside his pants, gripping his hard cock, rubbing it up and down with no shame. The prince felt pleasure from her hand when he grasped her wrist, his face leaning close to her ear, his breath tickling her skin.

"I can play this game too," Jon whispered with a low and serious tone, that sent shivers down her core, a finger dancing around her bare thighs. Fortunately, she was wearing a revealing dress.

Ohhh, she moaned, feeling in heaven; his fingers alone could make her cum so quickly. She knew they could get caught, but the thought of the danger made her even more turned on; leaning closer to the table, she started sucking on a sausage, the juice dripping from the corner of her mouth to her big breasts.

Ohhh, My Prince, she moaned, biting her lower lip, almost bleeding, the finger pumping in and out; her eyes found the high table, noticing Margaery, her eyes were glancing at Jon. Arianne knew that look, the look of lust.

One day, all of you will bend the knee to Jaehaerys, she thought, as she cum, her body shaking slightly.

She couldn't wait until they returned to their chambers.