The Kingslayer

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The Following EIGHT Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 38 (The Bastard Prince), Chapter 39 (The Dragon vs The Mountain), Chapter 40 (A Plan and Traitors), Chapter 41 (An Alliance), Chapter 42 (A Flower in The Garden), Chapter 43 (The Melee), Chapter 44 (Leaving Highgarden), and Chapter 45 (The North) are already available for Patrons.

Jaime Lannister

He couldn't remember the last time he had been so anxious and excited at the same time; one time he could remember was becoming a Kingsguard; at the time, he had thought his dream finally came true; he would become a Kingsguard and be with Cersei, just like how she had promised.

How foolish I was, Jaime thought; he felt like slapping himself in the face. Cersei instead left with their father to return to Castely Rock, leaving him alone in King's Landing. At first, he regretted what he had done, but spending time with Prince Rhaegar and Princess Rhaenys, the more he understood the importance of Kingsguards.

"Ser Jaime, can you tell me a tale?"

"Another nightmare?" Jaime asked, concerned, looking at the princess who nodded her head, her eyes full of unshed tears.

"Princess, I think it is better to call Princess Elia, and-" "No, don't call Muna. Her eyes are full of evil black circles; she needs to sleep with Kepa," She shouted at him, almost begging him not to call her mother.

Jaime felt his eyes burning, remembering the precious little princess and how I failed her! Jaime thought with a bitter taste in his mouth. He knew he didn't deserve a second chance; he could have done something that day; instead, he sat on the Iron Throne as The Mountain and Armory Lorch butchered Elia and her children.

Accompanied by the True King and Ser Arthur, they soon reached God's Wood; thankfully, it was still early in the morning, and only the servants were around.

Walking up to the tree, Jaime felt a little uneasy, the eyes of the tree looking back at him, almost judging him for his crimes; he felt as if they could see everything; there were no secrets they couldn't see. Jaime believed in The Seven, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy near the tree.

Turning to face the King and Ser Arthur, the Kingslayer took notice that his old sword brother was holding the pommel of his sword, Dawn. Ready to cut him down the moment he did or said anything he shouldn't say.

"Ser Jaime, I believe this is private enough. We can talk here, but before we do. I want to know one thing first. I want to hear why you killed the Mad King," The King spoke firmly, more like ordering him rather than a simple request.


The word rang in his ears; every time someone called him like that, he wanted to shout at all of them; he had saved their worthless lives; at those times, he would remember Elia and her children; he had failed them, he had failed them, he was no Knight. Perhaps he deserved the mockery; he had No Honor.

"He wanted to burn everyone," Jaime spoke loud enough for both of them to hear, their eyes widening in shock.


"I stabbed him because he ordered Rossart to light the wildfire caches," Jaime added quickly, his voice tired in a way, his eyes landing on the man who made him a knight, the man he had respected as much as he had respected Prince Rhaegar.

"You know what he was like, Arthur, his obsession with fire, how it excited him; we kept true to our oaths and allowed a mad king to do as he pleased," Jaime continued, letting out everything he knew perhaps he was being too blunt but he didn't care.

"I asked Jonathor once, weren't we supposed to protect her? Do you want to know what he told me, yes Jaime, but not from him; how was that right, Arthur? How was it right we let that monster hurt his wife, our queen, and claim we were good and true knights?" Jaime's said, his voice shaky now and tears beginning to well in his eyes.

"That day in the throne room, I..when he gave the order, I knew, I knew what I had to do, so I went after the pyromancers, and I stopped them, and when I returned, he realized what I'd done, he stepped down from the throne and said, "I am a dragon, and I will have my fire, burn them, burn them all." The King and Arthur were silent, and Jon couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"What choice did I have, Arthur? What was I supposed to do? What else was I supposed to do?" Jaime growled to Arthur, who narrowed his eyes, but the King gave him a look not to do anything.

A moment of silence took over the Gods' Wood; Jaime Lannister waited for the True King to say something, anything, to blame him for what happened to Elia and her children. To condemn him for his failure.

"I saw dreams of my grandfather; it felt as if I was there; he would laugh as the prisoners were burned alive slowly. I saw him laughing as my grandfather and uncle were executed, one burned and the other strangled. Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn always made sure to tell me what kind of man he had been. A madman who enjoyed burning people," The King spoke with a look as if he was ashamed that he was related to that man. His eyes abruptly looked up at Jaime.

"For killing my grandfather. I forgive you; you had no other choice," I can never forgive you for failing to save my siblings and Elia, Jae wanted to say but didn't; Jaime could be a precious ally; through him, they could learn, and bring down Tywin would be easier with an inside man. Jae knew he needed to play this right. First, he needed to learn a few things before deciding what to do. He could tell Arthur disagreed with him, but he agreed to talk to him later.

"Thank you, your grace," Jaime said, bowing his head, but the king quickly gestured for him to stand up.

"I'm no king yet. You will address me as you would address a bastard. Now, I want to know how you recognized me. Is it because of features?" Jon questioned, his purple eyes looking back at Jaime's green eyes.

"I saw dreams, your- Jon. Princess Rhaenys would tell me to protect her little brother; at the time, I didn't know about your existence, and neither did Ser Barristan until he told me that he saw Arthur at the Greyjoy Rebellion after he told me. I figured Prince Rhaegar must have had a child with Princess Lyanna. Otherwise, Arthur would have been in Essos instead searching for Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys," Jaime explained, his voice low enough only for them to hear. The God's Wood of HighGarden wasn't a popular place, but better safe than sorry.

Jon was surprised to hear that Jaime had dreamed of Rhaenys, to hear that he had at the very least suspected that he existed for seven years now, and to think his sister trusted him.

"I told you, Jae. Ser Jaime is someone you can trust." Rhaenix spoke in his mind, flying above the clouds around The Reach.

"Even after he failed you! I saw those dreams Rōva mandia (Big Sister). What those monsters did to you, to our family. He could have done something to save you!! Jon almost shouted, but he stopped himself; he would never yell at her; he knew she just wanted what was best for him.

"I know, Valonqar (Little Brother), perhaps something would have changed, or maybe he would have died as well trying to protect us. There's no point in thinking about What ifs; it changes nothing. I'm here with you, and I will protect you, your children, and their children until the day I leave this world. I only ask to give Jaime a second chance, that's all," Rhaenix spoke in his mind.

Jon knew he could never say no to his sister; he could say No, to everyone else but not her. I-I will try. Thank you, Sister Jon thought, feeling his eyes burning, but he quickly regained his composure. His eyes landed on Jaime Lannister.

"So, Ser Barristan knows about me?" Jon asked, already knowing the answer based on The Kingslayer's words.

"Yes, Jon. Should I inform him about you after this?" He questioned the King respectfully.

"There's no need; Arthur here will contact him later. Now, is there anything I should know?" Jon questioned sharply.

Jaime felt his breath rapid; it was now or never. "Yes, first of all, none of the Royal Children are Robert's children. They're all bastards of my sister with our dear uncle that passed away and Lancel," he said with a hint of disgust in his voice, and to his surprise, neither Jon nor Arthur looked that surprised by the information.

"The rumors are true. Your sister is not as discreet as she likes to believe. I thought you were their father based on their looks and everything else," Arthur spoke for the first time since they arrived at the Gods' Wood. The man was giving Jaime a hard stare.

Arthur remembered the many nights he had condemned himself for knighting Jaime that day. Now, he wasn't sure what to think anymore, he still thought he needed to answer for not protecting Elia and her children, but he would follow his King's orders.

"Not for her lack of trying, a month after she married Robert, she ordered me to come into her room, but I refused her. I didn't want to associate myself with her. I left the bedchamber as soon as possible," Jaime explained; Arthur looked genuinely surprised to hear that, while the king had a blank look on his face.

"Jaime Lannister, I appreciate your honesty. I want you to be our informer on whatever plan your father has when the time comes for me to retake the Throne," Jon ordered. The Kingslayer bends the knee in front of me.

"I, Ser Jaime Lannister, now pledge my sword and counsel to the true King. I will be his shield all his Life, take orders from no one but his until the day I leave this world." Jaime swore, this time genuinely meaning them.

"I vow that you shall always have a place at my hearth and meat and mead at my table. I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new. Arise, my lord, your king, welcomes your service and will always value your wisdom." Jaehaerys said with the voice of a King.

Jaime stood up, not stopping the smile that erupted on his face like a volcano. After fourteen years of serving a false king, he would serve a true king. He noticed the glare Arthur was sending toward him, Jaime figured Arthur would probably never forgive him, but as long as he could serve a good and just king, he wouldn't complain.

Margaery Tyrell

She couldn't believe that she needed to have a walk around the gardens she loved so much with Prince Joffrey. After the Prince publicly insulted her brother, Margaery wanted nothing more than never to have anything to do with him; he disgusted her, especially with the constant smirk on his face. How much she wished she could just slap him across the face.

Loras and Garlan had been furious about it; even her grandmother looked absolutely livid, but he was the crown prince, and according to her parents and her grandmother, she needed to seduce him, win his heart, and play with him.

The poor stable boy that had caused the prince to fall from his horse had disappeared; after yesterday's events, Margaery had tried to look for him at the stables, but Maka, who had worked at the stables for over two decades now, told her that last night two men took the boy away, saying they needed to tell him something important. The boy hadn't returned.

Margaery wanted to believe that either The Queen or the Prince had something to do with it, but a very small part of her feared that her grandmother was behind this, but she quickly rejected the thought; she knew her grandmother wanted her to become Queen, but not to the point that she would kill a little boy for a simple mistake.

Margaery wanted to be Queen, but not for the simple reason of making her family grow stronger. She wanted to help the common people, and Margaery had accepted the role as long as she could do better for the people.

Now, she was showing the prince the extensive gardens of Highgarden, the beautiful trees, and the sun making every color around them look brighter. The fruits looked delicious, the beautiful fountains everywhere, and the song of the birds made this feel like straight out of a silly story she used to read when she was a little girl. What made this beautiful garden ugly was the prince currently holding her hand. The smirk on his face was really starting to annoy her.

"If we keep moving, we will reach the orange trees," Margaery said with a smile splattered on her face, her face beaming, yet, her eyes as dead as a corpse.

Margaery wanted to try and see what made the Prince interested, so she could measure him and use his own desires and things that made him feel alive against him.

Once they reached the orange trees, Joffrey actually chuckled, Margaery tried to see what made him react, but she didn't need to as he pointed his index finger at one of the orange trees; Margaery saw nothing unique about it. It had a long branch almost touching the other tree from how far it went.

"I had a peasant hanged by a similar tree back at home; the children cried out for hours as I forced them to watch their peasant whore die," Joffrey said with a small giggle, walking up to the tree and looking up at it as if admiring it.

Margaery froze in place, she felt a cold feeling spread in her belly, and her smile disappeared at the thought. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to have her guards cut him down or simply run away, but the years of training reminded her of her objective.

"That would be quite a sight to see, your grace. To have such power in your hand must be thrilling," Margaery spoke with the biggest smile she could muster on her pretty face; walking up to him, The Prince turned to look at her, intrigued. Seeing that look, Margaery knew she was making progress.

"I'm sure the kids cried a lot?" She questioned with interest; this made Joffrey burst into laughter as if what she had just said was the best joke in Westeros.

"Y-You should have heard them crying for their whore," Joffrey said in fits of laughter. Margaery laughed along, but her eyes were burning; she knew she would cry if this kept going. After ten more minutes of walking around the garden and discussing what Joffrey did in his free time, the prince quickly mentioned that his little brother used to have a cat that had been pregnant; Joffrey then went on and explained in great detail how he had open her belly up to see the kitties inside, it took everything for Margaery to not vomit at the disgusting image.

"How about we go and see the training yard, my prince? I'm sure we can see my brother fighting," Margaery suggested grasping his hand; the prince looked intrigued even more.

"Let's hope your brother is as good as Uncle Renly says," Joffrey said with a hidden meaning on it; Margery frowned when he walked past her, her eyes were burning, but she couldn't allow herself to cry. She gained back her composure and followed him behind, hoping that he wouldn't notice her eyes.

Jaehaerys Targaryen

"Yield?" Jon asked, pointing his sword at the knight who snarled. Jon expected him to give up; instead; he stood up, he walked away without saying another word.

"Winner is Jon Sand of Sunspear," the maester at arms of Highgarden announced loudly; around them was a large crowd of people looking; it started with Jon showing his skills to a dummy, then a knight challenged him, defeating him easily, another one came, and another one came, now he was fighting against known fighters of the Reach.

The only ones left were Dickon Tarly and Loras Tyrell, and they seemed eager to fight him.

"My lords, please step forward," Jon offered with a snake-like smirk on his face, The Reach lords present looked as if someone had thrown them all a bucket of cold water on their faces, to see their sons being beaten by a bastard, and the bastard of Oberyn Martell on top of that was insulting.

Jon wanted to make a comment but held his tongue; he knew better than to make enemies out of them; he glanced at his family. All of them were watching, especially Nym and Obara; the latter was watching the others warily, her hand holding a hidden dagger with poison in case someone tried to fight dirty.

Jon saw Arianne rubbing her legs together; he could tell from her eyes that she wanted him right now; her eyes were almost black with lust; he turned around in time to see Lady Margaery and Joffrey Hills make themselves presented, the pig with the crown had arrived as well, laughing out loud, pointing at Jon whenever he won.

Jon turned his attention to his next opponent who was Loras Tyrell; he had wanted to fight Tarly's son but figured he could fight him later.

"Ser Loras Tyrell against Jon Sand, the bastard of Dorne. Begin,"

The first swing was hard and heavy, and Jon was waiting for it; stepping deftly to the side, he quickly struck the boy across the arm and followed it up with a hit to the side while the boy tried to recover from the missed strike.

After two strikes, Jon moved back as he again allowed the older boy to make his move, this time, he parried and feinted before catching the boy once again on his arm and side. The boy wasn't quick enough to counter him; Jon could almost see the disbelief on his face that he was already struck four times and hadn't managed to get a hit in.

It seemed Loras had learned his lesson; his attack was more cautious this time, his swings a little less powerful; Jon, though was in his element, was fully in control of this match now, and he began to enjoy himself. He parried a hard blow to his left and feinted a return forcing the other boy to step backward; as he did so, Jon was upon him. A short thrust followed by a quick arc to the right gave him his opening.

He swiftly took it, his sword hitting the boy square in the chest and falling on his ass; Jon pointed his sword at him, and Loras looked shocked.

"Yield?" Jon questioned, leaning his sword a bit closer to his face.

"I yield," Loras accepted the defeat, soon followed by applause from House Martell and the King, who laughed out loud before making a comment about flowers not knowing how to fight properly.

Surprisingly, Loras accepted his hand, and Jon helped him stand up. "You fight quite well, Jon Sand," Loras said with a smile.

Loras still didn't like Jon, but he always respected an excellent warrior; he didn't want to be patty like the previous knight who ran away like a coward. He looked at his family and saw the evident disappointment in all of them except Willas, Garlan, and Margaery.

Jon returned to his family; his father was the first to greet him. "You did good, son. I think I already know who will win this tourney," his father said with a cocky grin; seeing Lord Tyrell looking as if he just swallowed something sour was good enough for the Viper of Dorne.

Jon quickly greeted his sister and Arthur, and they all congratulated him, but when it came to Arianne, she gripped his hand and pulled him close to her. "In my bedchamber. Now!" she demanded with such dark eyes that made Jon's knees weak.


"Oh, God! J-Jon, fuck, that feels so good!"

Jon grunted, thrusting his cock into Arianne's cunt, his hands gripping her slim waist. His fingers pressed hard against her olive skin. He didn't ease his grip; she told him she liked it rough, and Jon was happy to oblige.

He fucked her fast and deep, her large tits swaying from the force. Jon ran his left hand up her abdomen against her soft skin before he fondled her right tits, squeezing it as he fucked her into the mattress.

Arianne made sounds, all kinds of sounds. They came free and easy. Mewls, moans, whines, whimpers; loud and wanton and fucking depraved, and the worst was when she talked.

"Yessss, oohhh fuck, yes, yes!" Arianne writhed underneath him, one arm around his back, her nails digging harshly against his skin. The other laid right above his ass, urging him forward to keep rutting into her. "Oh Gods, right there, fuuuuck yesss right there, Jon—Jon, please, please, fuuuck!"

Her filthy words, her tight moist cunt made him explode in her pussy, making Arianne almost scream in pleasure. "I'm CUMMING!!"

Jon almost thought she was playing him, mocking him. But, no, her cunt was dripping wet. Every time his cock pulled out, he saw his shaft glistening with her slick. And her eyes couldn't lie either, the way her pupils dilated and glossed over with lust. And the way she would cling to him, grasping at his body, caressing his muscles, fucking herself into him so needily—

"Yeah, please, Jon—please, please, please, never stop! Fuck me with that cock forever—sooo fucking gooood, perfect fucking cock, Gaawd!"

"You're such a Whore, Arianne!" Jon finally said with a commanding tone that made the princess even more turned on, if that was even possible.

"Oh God, please, Jon, fucking me so good, can't even think—fuck! Please don't stop, please. I'll do anything. I'll be so good for you. Just fuck me hard, please, fuck you are doing amazing! I'll do anything, Jon, j-just don't stop. Okay? Please, I want to come so bad, want to come so bad on your cock—"

She was frantic, her eyes wide, glued to their groins, watching his cock push in and out, and her lips trembled as she babbled incessantly.

Jon growled, leaning his body on top of her own, kissing her wildly.

She reciprocated eagerly, sucking on his tongue when it dipped into her mouth. Jon's hips pressed against her own at that steep angle, brushing over her most sensitive areas with each thrust. He could feel her body shivering underneath his own, her hands desperately clinging to his hair and the other scratching red lines on his back.

His cock throbbed, and his balls churned, but fuck, he was going to make it!

Arianne pulled on his hair, breaking their kiss, pressing her lips sloppily against his neck before she started murmuring filth right into his ear.

"Oh shit, right there! There, there, keeping hitting that spot, oh my God—I'm going to come, I'm going to come so fucking hard on your cock right now—there, there, please, fuck yeeeesss!"

"Fuck!" Jon spat, pressing on the mattress next to Arianne's face, reaching down as he slid his cock out of her contracting cunt. He gripped his slick shaft, barely finishing his second pump before he came, ropes of his cum splattering against Arianne's outer thighs and stomach.

Jon leaned back, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair and breathing deeply from his climax. Arianne leaned back on her elbows, looking at the mess he had made.

"My God, so much cum. Just look at that," Arianne murmured in awe, her thighs still trembling as she reached down over her stomach, collecting his thick cum on her fingers before bringing it to her mouth and sucking on it with lewd smacks of her lips. She let out a moan every time she swallowed more cum.

Jon's spent cock throbbed, and a pulse of lust rode through him.

Jon settled back on his heels and then grabbed Arianne by her waist. She let out a shriek as he maneuvered her legs over his shoulders and hoisted her cunt to his mouth.

"J-Jon? I came twice already. What are you — ohmyfuckingod!"

Jon took his frustrations out on Arianne's gaping cunt, flattening his tongue and licking broadly, sucking on her lips, digging his tongue inside, against her walls. He could taste a bit of himself along with her tartness, making him purr with a sense of possessiveness.

Arianne kept talking the whole fucking time, his semi-hard cock twitching against her back, smearing cum across it as he ate her cunt out like a man starved.

"Oh fuck, yes, God, how are you so good at Lord's kiss?" Arianne was pressing her arms down on the mattress, lifting her body up so she could grind up against Jon's mouth. "Gaaawd, you're Amazing, going to make me come again so fucking fast. Fuck, your tongue is magic! Please, please, my clit, oh please, Jon, suck it, suck it, God, please?" Arianne moaned, a part of her mind desperately wanted to call him her prince or use his actual name, but she knew the risk of doing that. Perhaps some other day, when Jae takes the Throne.

She whined and begged so prettily, her toes curling against his back as Jon licked a long stripe up her cunt before wrapping his lips around her engorged clit, sucking it harshly.

"Yesss, yess, fuuck yes! Coming, goddamnit, I'm coming again, Jon, coming for you — fuuuck!"

Jon felt her legs writhing and spasming over his shoulders as he tonguefucked her through her orgasm. Her mouth finally shut down, her mouth agape in a silent scream before she gently sobbed from Jon sucking gently on her sensitive clit.

When her hips sagged down away from Jon, he lowered her body back down to the bed, letting her rest.

Jon crouched beside her. "You've got a fucking mouth on you, Arianne."

"Huh, what?" she stared up at his face with a dazed expression. Her loose hair was matted with sweat against her skin. Jon preened at her state, utterly fucked and exhausted.

"Don't play games, you—you were saying the craziest shit, and you wouldn't shut up!"

"Really, I didn't notice. It just happens, you know?" Arianne rolled over toward him, stretching out her hand and taking his hard-again cock in her small palm. She began to stroke it, undisturbed by the mixture of her fluids and his cum. "You're an absolute beast, Jon. You could make a woman fall in love with your cock. You were hitting me in all the right angles, stretching me full."

"A-Arianne, would you please—"

She didn't let him finish, her eyes staring directly into his eyes, her hand moving nonstop along with her mouth. Her wrist rotated around his shaft, near the head, before continuing to pump long strokes that pulled his foreskin back.

"God, I'm exhausted, but you'll let me taste this next time, right? It already looks so delicious with my cum all over you. Mhh, fuck my cunt and then my throat right after, fuck that would be so good."

Jon groaned, flopping onto his belly and facing away from Arianne. She curled up against him, her arms rubbing up and down his waist.

He rolled over, cuddling with Arianne, pressing the front of their bodies together. She smiled at him, her eyes bright.

"You know Lady Margaery wants you in her bed?" She questioned, her voice turning a bit more serious.

"She does?" Jon asked her, surprised, earning a burst of laughter from Arianne, who kissed his lips hungrily as if wanting to mark him, making it clear to the flower to keep her hands away. She knew she was probably the last person to want that, but she felt something with Jae. It wasn't just pure lust. Having him felt different, and she craved that feeling, the way he would look into her eyes. She didn't know why but she could get lost in them easily. She wanted to look at them every time they were together.

Pulling away from the kiss, her dark eyes looked back at his rich purple eyes. "I- You're so handsome, especially your eyes and lips. They're your most impressive part," she said, unaware of where that came from, only for Jae to grab her chin and make her look at him.

"I like your eyes too," Jae whispered with a husky tone; before claiming her lips, Arianne moaned into the kiss, her arms around him. She felt silly, but she didn't want him to let her go. She felt something new with him. She felt Safe and Loved.