Leaving Highgarden

Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 45 (The North), Chapter 46 (Winterfell), Chapter 47 (Alyanna Dayne), Chapter 48 (A Feast in Winterfell), Chapter 49 (A Confession of Love), Chapter 50 (A Fight in Winterfell), Chapter 51 (A Father and A Daughter), and Chapter 52 (The Old Lion) are already available for Patrons.

As Jae dropped his pants, revealing his fat, throbbing boner. It whipped against her cheek with a sweaty thwop, and before Arianne could get her bearings, he forced that monstrous slab of fuckmeat past her lips and into her mouth! It entered at an angle, bulging her left cheek out drastically, giving her a goofy look as he started to pump her head back and forth by the ears. "Gllmph! Hmmp--!" Arianne grasped. Her body was on fire!

Drool leaked from Arianne's lips as Jae stretched and warped them around his monstercock, feeding his dick to her with rough pumps. Arianne had no way of fighting back, and she didn't want to.

"Gllmph! Hlgh, glmmh, glmf!" Her cheeks turned red as the left one danced in and out, bulging with each thrust of his juicy fuckpillar, coupled with the squelching sounds of her gums being squished around his dick. Drool dripped from her chin and into her cleavage while Jae's huge, fist-sized balls jostled and bounced inches away from her neck.

Suddenly, Jae pulled out. Ropes of drool connected his throbbing cockhead to her lips as she gasped for air. She didn't have much time, so she gathered up a big breath and said, "Why did you stop my—"


Arianne's dark eyes rolled back as Jae slammed his hips forward, forcing his cock into the back of her mouth, then through her tonsils and down the hot, gulping chute of her gullet! Her slender little neck bloated out horrendously, turning red along with her face as she was forced to crane her head, straightening out the passage for the blond stud to conquer. He started to slam-fuck her throat with all his might, barging his hips forward again and again without a shred of mercy, jamming more and more dick down her esophagus until his pelvis smack, smack, smacked against her face and his balls slapped on her bulging neck! He wrecked her throat with the power and speed of a mighty warrior.

Glok, glok, glorg, glollk, glurrgk~!

Arianne's eyes watered heavily, glazing over with tears as she choked on his cock. Her arms were around his hips, forcing him to go even deeper if that was possible. She gagged and glarked and gurgled around his mighty pillar, her tongue forced from her open mouth to slither on her chin and catch a beating from his swinging balls. "Ullgghk!"

"You look magnificent, my Princess," Jae growled as he worked, showing no signs of exertion. With his strength, he could keep doing this all night long...or longer. He slid a hand across her face and hooked a thumb into her stretched lips, tugging her drooling mouth open a little wider as he stampeded her gullet with torrents of meat. He used her throat to lube himself up, but to any outside observer, he would have looked like he was going for gold, fucking harder than he'd ever fucked in his life.

She felt his cock throbbing, and his pleasure grew higher and higher, burning inside him like an inferno. His balls smacked against her rhythmically now, glancing off of her swollen throat while he pried both thumbs into her mouth, revealing her teeth as he recklessly hammered her gullet.


All at once, without warning, Jae yanked his monsterdick out of her throat. A spray of drool followed it, and Arianne gagged as her gaped-out gullet flexed and winked.

"Ari-" Jae growled before exploding inside her throat, waves of semen sliding down her throat, gulping every bit of seed she could. Licking her fingers clean, she smacked her lips. Ohhh, Incredible, she thought, almost climaxing right there, and they soon continued their love-making for three more hours.


The following day, Jae and his party prepared to leave Highgarden. The prince had enjoyed his time in The Reach, and he had obtained two allies. Before leaving, Jae had given Ser Jaime a letter explaining what his role was from now on, to inform them anytime when something important happened, and Ser Barristan would be there with him.

From House Tyrell, only Lady Margaery had wished him good travels.

"I hope to meet again soon, Jon. I enjoyed your songs and our walk in the garden." Margaery had told him before handing him a wristband made of flowers.

Jae thanked her for their warm welcome before leaving. But he couldn't help but wonder why Lady Margaery was trying so hard to impress and talk to him.

His thoughts went away when they started their travel toward Winterfell. His father had sent a letter to Lord Stark, informing them of their arrival.

Jae couldn't wait to see where his mother had been raised.


Brandon Stark is getting frustrated, his archery lessons are seemingly hopeless, and he just can't hit the target. Lining another arrow up, he squints, aims, and fires, missing yet again as the arrow sinks itself into a barrel. With a glare, he stomps his foot on the floor, wanting this all to be over.

His elder brother Robb comes up behind him, placing both hands on the young lord's shoulders.

"Go on," Robb says encouragingly, lowering himself to look into Bran's eyes.

"Our parents are watching." The two boys look up to the area above, where Lord Eddard Stark is watching his sons intently, with his wife Catelyn standing to his right.

Bran takes encouragement from this and, with a small nod to his parents, gets ready to try again. As he was about to release the arrow, another flew past him, hitting the center. Everyone turned to see Arya with a bow as large as her; she bowed mockingly to Bran, who started chasing her, earning a burst of laughter from everyone.

As Ned and Catelyn continue to watch the three boys below the deck, Lord Stark can't help but watch as Theon and Robb are sparing. Robb was doing a good job using his brute strength to win the fight. Footsteps were heard behind the husband and wife. They both turn to see Winterfell's Master-at-arms, Ser Rodrick, and he isn't in a playful mood.

"Lord Stark." He calls out before bowing. "Mi Lady. A guardsman just came in from the hills. They've just captured a deserter from the Night's Watch." Ned's mood instantly turns sour as this is a very serious offense.

A brother of the Night's Watch is an oath to serve from life; breaking that oath comes only with death by execution, and this was the ninth one this summer.

"Tell the lads to saddle up their horses." Jory nods at once and leaves.

"Do you have to?" Lady Stark questions.

"He swore an oath, Cat," Ned says, hoping she doesn't push this further than it needs to be.

"Law is law, milady." Ser Rodrick adds as Catelyn shakes her head in sorrow.

Before Rodrick can take his leave, Ned adds. "Tell Bran he's coming too."As Rodrick bows and takes his leave as well, Catelyn almost feels the wind knock out of her, grabbing Ned by the arm. "Ned, Bran is too young to see such things." Ned doesn't let up his hardened expression, his eyes cold as steel.

"He won't be a boy forever; he has to see the world for what it truly is soon enough." Ned looks back at Catelyn. "And winter is coming."


It doesn't take long; Eddard gathers his men along with Robb, Theon, and Bran. But when Arya had seen Bran accompanying them, she had shouted that it wasn't fair.

As they ride towards the place, Bran suddenly hears light footsteps behind them. "Father, someone is following us." He shouted at the group before him, making everyone stop and turn around. Ned watched in horror, Arya riding her ponytail with a broad smile towards them.

He shook his head, closing and opening his eyes, not believing what he was seeing. "Arya, What are you doing here?" He demanded with his Lord tone; Arya's smile disappeared, and she seemed to want to hide behind her pony, looking down in shame.

"Father. I wanted to see." All she managed to say, her hands holding her pony's reins tightly. She Looked up at Robb, hoping for some support, but this time even he was quiet. Ned let out a weary sigh, feeling exhausted. Of course, his wild daughter would find a way to follow them.

"My lord, do you want me to take Lady Arya back to Winterfell?" Jory offered. Arya gave her father a pleading look.

"No," Ned answered, looking at Arya, who looked up to him with a smile, but it quickly wavered when Ned didn't smile back.

"We will have a long conversation once we return to Winterfell, Arya," Ned warned, his voice hard like steel; Arya almost jumped in joy, and she would have probably would if it wasn't for the fact that she was sitting on a horse. They quickly resumed their ride, Arya riding beside Bran, who, unlike her, didn't look as excited as she was to see an execution.

"A deserter was caught?" Bran says to Robb, his eldest brother.

"Aye, the punishment for desertion is beheading," Robb answers as they get closer and closer to the site.

"It's a law that has been passed down for centuries," Theon adds grumbly.

"This isn't going to be pleasant, but it must be done," Robb adds.

"If he is going to get beheaded, why is father going?" Bran asks.

"Father believes a man who gives the sentence should carry out the sentence," Robb answers gently. "You'll understand soon enough, Bran." Arya felt her hands shaking more the closer they got to the area.

The area surrounding the execution block is too hilly. Good for keeping the scene private but awful to get to. The Stark party arrives and quickly dismounts, forming an audience around the block. Standing between Robb and Bran, Robb looks ahead and hears a trembling voice mumbling.

He was mumbling about being attacked by Wildlings.

They spot a man being dragged towards the block in the middle by two guardsmen; this was the deserter, being escorted to his death.

Robb put his arm around Arya, bringing her closer to him as if trying to protect her from what was about to happen. She was only seven name days, after all.

"Arya, you better close your eyes. It won't be pretty." Robb warned his little sister, who shook her head, shaking off his arm, before looking forward with determination. Her lower lip was trembling.

Eddard steps forward and allows the stuttering man to speak.

The scraggly-haired man in black is escorted to the block where Ned is standing. As the Lord and the prisoner face each other, the deserter speaks directly to Ned. "I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I...I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them."

Ned's face is solid as stone as he hears the man's words, but nothing he says can get him out of his punishment.

"If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."

Robb stands tall as heir to Winterfell, as he feels he should when represented with his father.

Seeing that the deserter has nothing else left to say, Ned gives the order with a nod to the two guardsmen behind the former brother of the Night's Watch. They force his head down onto the hard black wood as Theon Greyjoy, ward of Winterfell, offers Ned the large Valyrian Steel great sword Ice that has belonged to House Stark for thousands of years.

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of his name ..." Ned begins under the deep whisper of his voice, with Robb stepping a bit closer to Bran.

"Don't look away," Robb whispers to his little brother. "Father will know if you do."

Arya nodded, despite knowing he was talking to Bran. She felt Robb's hand on her shoulder. She appreciated his gesture.

"...King of the Andals and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die."

As Ned lifts the greatsword above his head, Bran almost has half a mind to run away.

Ned brings down the sword and takes the man's head off with a single sure stroke.

Whereas Bran has little to no reaction other than a slight twitch of his lips. Arya's eyes widened before gulping hard, turning around, and almost falling to her knees.

"Arya," Bran called out in concern. The she-wolf motioned for him that she was alright.

Theon looks down at the head that bounced towards his feet after getting separated from its body. He laughs and kicks it away.

"Ass," Robb mutters low enough for Theon not to hear. Ned walks up to his eldest son, who turns away from watching Theon and now stares at Robb. Arya had finally caught her breath. Robb was patting her on the back, Ned had expected her to vomit, but she had held it together.

"One day, you will be the one to pass the sentence. Remember the lessons I gave you," Ned says to Robb, who nods.

"Arya, Bran. I'm proud of both of you." Ned says to his children. Arya puffed out her chest at the praise, but Bran simply stared at the sky.


"The deserter died bravely," Robb interjects, but he's not speaking to his father behind him but to his friend.

"He had courage, at the least."

"No," Bran says quietly. "It was not courage. This one was dead of fear. You could see it in his eyes, brother."

Robb said nothing to Bran, thinking about what his younger brother said.

"Are you well, Bran?" Ned asks. Bran takes his time to spare the Lord of Winterfell a quick nod of acknowledgment.

"Y-yes, Father," Bran replies, his deep blue eyes had lost a bit of their life. Ned also notices that Bran is clutching the reins of his horse a bit tighter than necessary as if he is afraid of falling.

"I had to do it, Bran," Ned says. "I hope you understand that."

Bran continues to look forward, his voice as dull as an old rusty knife. "I do, father. Robb said the man died bravely, but Robb said he w-was afraid."

"What do you think?" Ned asks.

Bran thinks about it. "I don't know. Can a man still be...brave? Even when afraid?"

"That's the only time he can be," Ned tells him.

"But I need you to understand that that man was an oathbreaker, a deserter from the Night's Watch."

"And you had to be the one to kill him," Bran says matter-of-factly, his stomach still turning at the memory of the man's head being cut from the rest of his body.

Ned nods. "Yes. Although King Robert and the rest of the Targaryen kings before him used a headsman, our way is the older way. The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we hold to the belief that the man who passes sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die."

"That's a lot to take in." That's all that runs through Bran's head once his father finishes his "little" explanation. But Bran heard; he heard loud and clear. He hopes he never has to be put in a position to look someone in the eye before killing them.

"Arya, I'm proud of you, but you will get punished once we return to Winterfell," Ned says to his youngest daughter, who opens her mouth to complain.

"I don't want to hear it. You disobeyed my order to stay in Winterfell. If you're ever in a situation where you need to follow orders of the higher-ups, then you should know to follow them." Ned says with a stern look aimed at his daughter, who looks down.

Ned knew there was a chance his daughter could become like Ladies from House Mormont, and when you're a soldier on the battlefield, the worst thing you can do is not follow orders.

The thought of them reminded Ned that Lady Maege would soon arrive in Winterfell accompanied by his daughters, saying she needed to discuss something of importance, but he knew there was more to it. Otherwise, why are her daughters coming along?


"Marks!" Ser Rodrik suddenly shouted, making the party stop.


"These are from a Wolf and a... Stag!" Ser Rodrik continued pointing at marks in the mud. Ned could hardly see anything from his horse, but his words made the party tense.

"Eyes Open," Ned shouted at everyone, not wanting to take chances.

They don't get too far on the road back to Winterfell when a horrendously ravaged stag halts the group a while down the road, and Ned dismounts to investigate further, the rest of the party soon following suit.

"What is it?" Robb asks, staring at the carcass.

"The Wolf?" Theon questions to the left of Eddard Stark, wondering if the wolf Ser Rodrik mentioned had left this mess.

"Maybe. Bran, Arya, stand behind us," Ned replies sombrely, looking around and following a trail that leads away to a nearby stream.

Unsheathing their swords as a precaution, they make it down to the stream, only to find a giant of a wolf with antlers through its throat, with five wolf pups whimpering around the massive beast. The group looks on in horror at the size of the wolf.

Bran is just wondering what is going on today. First, he witnesses someone's head being chopped off, then the dead carcass of a stag, and now this. Arya's face brightened up at the sight of the pups.

"What in the seven hells is that?" Jory asks.

"It's a freak," Theon says with disgust.

"It's a direwolf," Ned explains, glancing at Rodrik before kneeling. "Tough old beast," he adds, ripping the antlers out of the direwolf.

Bran is fascinated, watching his step as he gets a better look. Ser Rodrick, his swords instructor, wraps his fingers around the boy's arm to stop him from getting closer.

"Don't be afraid, little one." He whispers. "It's dead."

Bran looks up at the elder man. "I...I'm not afraid. I just want a closer look with them." He is at some level as Rodrick, seemingly satisfied with the boy's response, lets go of his arm to allow him a closer look.

"There hasn't been a Direwolf south of the Wall for hundreds of years," Robb says worriedly, unblinking.

"Now there are five," Arya adds excitedly.

A sudden silence descends over the party. The men look at the wolves uneasily, and no one dares speak.

Ned cleans his dirty hands with the little snow nearby. "I'm surprised she lived long enough to whelp," Ned says, referring to the fact the wolf gave birth to her pups in these circumstances.

"Maybe she didn't," Ser Rodrik says. "I've heard tales. Is it possible she was already dead when the pups came."

Robb bends down towards the pups and picks one up, handing it to Bran, who looks slightly scared. "You want to hold it?" He asks.

As the pup is dropped in Bran's arms, he looks up nervously. "Where will they go? Their mothers dead." As he said that, Arya grabbed one she liked.

"Father, can we keep them?" She suddenly said, turning to face her father, holding her pup close.

"There hasn't been a Direwolf in House Stark since The Kings of Winter. The old gods brought them here. We should have them." Arya quickly added, again looking at Robb, who nodded along before looking at her father with pleading eyes.

Bran sees his father's face change, and the other men exchange glances.

The lord weights his sons and daughter long and carefully with his eyes. "You will feed them yourself, you will train them yourself, and if they die. You will bury them yourself. Is that understood?"

Robb glances at Bran, who has since wiped his tears and shows a smile. "Yes, Father."

"Yes." Robb agrees.

"Thank you, father," Arya shouted, hugging her puppy close.

"The pups may die anyway, despite all you do," Theon added with a snarky attitude.

"They won't die," Robb says. "We won't let them die."

"Keep them, then. Theon, gather up the other pups. It's time we were back to Winterfell." Ned ordered, walking back, following the trail; Robb stopped when he saw Arya wasn't following them.

"What is it?" Robb asks as Arya crouches to grab a sixth and seventh one who had walked away from the others.

"Two lost ones. We should reunite them together." Arya said, bringing the two extra puppies to the others.

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