
Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 47 (Alyanna Dayne), Chapter 48 (A Feast in Winterfell), Chapter 49 (A Confession of Love), Chapter 50 (A Fight in Winterfell), Chapter 51 (A Father and A Daughter), Chapter 52 (The Old Lion), Chapter 53 (A Princess's Dragon), and Chapter 54 (Love in God's Wood) are already available for Patrons.

Jaehaerys Targaryen 

As the party of House Martell made their way through the frozen lands that were now covered in a thick blanket of snow, the frigid winds howled through the valleys and over the mountains, biting at their skin like a thousand tiny needles. Despite the harsh conditions, the party pushed on, their trusty horses trudging through the snowdrifts with determination and grit. The Wheelhouse, an elaborate and ornate carriage that was the pride and joy of House Martell, was being carried by twenty horses, each one straining against the weight of the massive structure as they made their way across the frozen landscape. With every step, the snow crunched beneath their hooves, and the sound echoed through the valleys like a chorus of distant thunder.

Jae found himself looking at nothing but a blanket of snow as far as their eyes could see. As he gazed out onto the vast landscape, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peacefulness and serenity wash over him. Hidden amongst the nearby forest were creatures watching their every move, like Shadow Cats, Bears, and Wolves, their white fur blending in with the snow, making it difficult to spot them.

The sky stretched out before Jae like an endless canvas painted in the brightest blue, with only a few clouds dotting the horizon, as if they were mere afterthoughts of a master painter. Despite the sun's feeble attempts to warm the winter air, the snow still clung to the ground, refusing to surrender to the fleeting warmth of the sun's rays. The frigid temperature seemed to have settled in for the long haul, as it stubbornly refused to rise high enough to melt the snow, leaving the world outside coated in a blanket of white

Accompanying them was a small group of Manderly soldiers. Jae's mind wandered back to his brief visit to the imposing Manderly castle, an impressive sight with its towering walls and sprawling grounds. He recalled how Lord Wyman, aware of the strong alliance between Dorne and The North, had welcomed them with open arms and extended every courtesy to his guests.

Jae had to admit the man was quite large; Obara had started making jokes, saying he probably couldn't even go to the toilet without help, and their father had been quick to tell his daughters to act with manners and not leave a bad impression, and by manners, Obara had been quick to defeat quite a few stupid knights who challenged her.

Daemon Sand would occasionally be in Obara's company; when he wasn't, he would spend time with Prince Oberyn, mostly talking about wars and lands and sometimes about the upcoming War. Nym would spend the majority of her time with Jae and Arianne, and since it was cold, the Snake Princess was even more bold in her advances toward Jaehaerys.

She would occasionally touch his hardened cock through his pants under the table in the middle of the feast. Whether anyone noticed or not, Jae and Arianne didn't care; she used the excuse that she wanted him ready the moment they entered her bedchamber. And she would bounce him the moment the door clicked shut.

From the first night, Wyman had made it clear that he didn't know that Jae was Lyanna's son, but Jae had seen the man looking at him whenever he was riding a horse as if he could see something; Jae couldn't see. After the second night, Lord Wyman had asked Prince Oberyn if Jon's mother was a northern lady; Oberyn mainly had dodged the question as best as he could.

His granddaughters had been kind to them, especially Wylla. From the two of them, Wylla made it clear her intentions toward Jae. She would often watch him spar with the other knights and would clap every time Jae won, which was almost every match unless he was fighting the likes of Prince Oberyn or Ser Arthur. During the many feasts, she would ask Jae for a dance, she would smile and often compliment Jae on his looks, and she would blush every time he looked at her.

After three days of staying, They had departed from White Harbor; during their stay, Wyman had informed them that House Mormont was also visiting Winterfell for some reason.

As Jae and his loyal horse drew nearer to the imposing walls of Winterfell, the chill of the North wind rushed past them, causing the horse's mane to whip wildly in the gusts; Jae had never experienced the harshness of cold weather until he ventured beyond his homeland's borders. Despite his lack of familiarity with the frigid temperatures, he was surprised to find that he could barely feel the cold, as if he had been raised in such an environment his entire life. The biting winds and icy chill that would have made most people shiver and bundle up in layers of clothing seemed to have little effect on Jae, whose body appeared to have adapted effortlessly to the sudden change in the climate.

Same for Alyanna, his cousin loved the cold and especially the snow; she always said that she loved the cold and the snow around them.

The first time she saw the snow on the ground, she started riding her horse much further away from House Martell's party; soon reaching a large clearing where the snow reached her shin, she dismounted her horse.

'As Jae rode forward on his horse, the sound of laughter caught his attention, and he couldn't help but turn his head to see where it was coming from. To his surprise, he saw Alyanna's horse resting on the glistening snow while Alyanna herself was dancing around with the widest smile on her face as if the snow was her dance partner. The snowflakes were falling gently on her face, creating a picturesque scene that Jae couldn't take his eyes off of. 

As she stepped out into the vast expanse of the snow-covered landscape, a sense of pure joy bubbled up inside her, and she couldn't help but let out a laugh that sounded as carefree as that of a little girl. Without a second thought, she leaped onto the nearest snowdrift, feeling the cold powder crunching under her boots. She threw herself down onto her back, arms and legs splayed out like a starfish, and began to move them in wide, sweeping arcs, delighting in the way the snow flew up around her in a flurry of white.

As Jae approached Alyanna, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her staring up at the sky, mesmerized by the snowflakes falling like delicate feathers from the heavens. As he drew closer, Jae's infectious smile spread to Alyanna's face, causing her to giggle with delight, the sound blending harmoniously with the gentle pattering of the snow.

Jae and his friend were enjoying the serene winter wonderland that had been bestowed upon them. The snow glistened in the sunlight, creating a picturesque scene that took their breath away. "Jae, this is beautiful. Snow, it's so beautiful," she exclaimed with a dreamy look in her eyes. He was about to offer his hand to help her up when she suddenly grabbed a handful of snow and formed it into a perfect sphere. With a mischievous grin, she threw the snowball at Jae, who was taken aback by the sudden attack.

As he wiped away the snow from his face, Jae's eyes narrowed as he looked at his dear cousin, the mischievous Alyanna, who was busy preparing a second snowball. His deep voice boomed through the winter air as he spoke, "Now, you will be punished for harming the prince of the realm!" Though he tried to sound angry, a hint of amusement crept into his tone as he watched her laugh.

"Oh, your majesty. Please have mercy on a defenseless lady like me." Alyanna with fake sadness while acting like she was wiping away fake tears.

"There's no mercy from the mighty dragon prince." Jae boasted before throwing her a snowball that she dodged while laughing; they were soon joined by Nymeria, Arianne, and even Oberyn, who was more than happy to throw snowballs at Ser Arthur, who growled in annoyance.

"Oberyn, if you hit me again. I will shove a snowball down your thr-" Before he could finish his threat, Oberyn launched the snowball at his face, interrupting his words with a burst of laughter.

"What's wrong?" Oberyn taunted Ser Arthur with a sly grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 

"The best swordsman of Westeros scared of little snow?" His words were laced with playful mockery as he scooped up a handful of snow and packed it tightly in his hand. 

Ser Arthur's face twisted into a scowl, his pride wounded by Oberyn's jibe. In a swift motion, he grabbed a handful of snow and hurled it at Oberyn, hitting him square in the chest. 

The Dornish prince let out a surprised yelp, quickly retaliating with his own snowball. What started as a harmless exchange soon escalated into an all-out snowball war between the two skilled warriors. 

Their laughter filled the air as they ducked and dodged, weaving through the trees and using the landscape to their advantage. The snow flew fast and furious, turning the once peaceful clearing into a chaotic battleground. For an hour, they battled, each determined to emerge victorious. 

Jae remembered the day with a bright smile, while the cold didn't bother him. The same could not be said for his family members belonging to House Martell, who were shivering and huddling closer to one another for warmth.

All of his sisters were visibly cold, with their noses turning red and their teeth chattering, while their father, who was usually dressed in light clothing, had bundled up in layers upon layers of warm garments. Obara, perhaps, was the most vocal one to show her displease and hatred towards the cold.

"How do people even live here?" she exclaimed in frustration, her voice echoing off the frozen walls of the wheelhouse. "I feel like my fingers will fall off if I have to endure one more minute of this frigid torture!" the soldiers outside mostly agreed with her, and Jae smiled in amusement. Alyanna was riding beside him, her eyes looking at everything around them.

Jae, noticing the quietness around him as they made their way through the thick, snow-covered terrain, turned to Alyanna, his companion on this journey, and asked, "Alyanna, how do you feel about finally seeing the North?" He had been looking forward to this trip for months, and he wanted to share his excitement with her.

The harsh cold winds whipped around her, but she paid them no heed. Despite the chill in the air, she was not wearing a hoodie; instead, her long, beautiful dark hair flowed freely in the wind, framing her face and highlighting her striking features. Her piercing violet eyes scanned the snow-covered terrain with a sense of familiarity and comfort that only a true Stark could possess. The snow and cold didn't bother her as much as House Martell.

Alyanna was happy that neither Jae was bothered by the cold. To her, this showed that despite his Targaryen Blood, his Stark Blood was just as strong in him. She wondered if he could warg just like she did.

"I have dreamed of being here, Jae," she said, her eyes sparkling with emotion. "My father is in Winterfell. My mother always used to tell me stories of how they met, their first dance, and their first kiss. And now, after all these years, I have finally made it here."She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"I have dreamed of meeting my father," she continued, her voice almost singing as she spoke. "And now, at last, I can finally put a face on the name Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. It's like a dream come true, Jae."

As the bitter winter breeze blew, the young lady tightened her grip on her mare's reins, and her violet eyes sparkled with a hint of concern as she turned to face Jae."What about you, cousin? You don't feel the cold, you might have never known them, but House Stark is still your family." She inquired as she tilted her head to the side.

Alysanna had grown a beautiful young woman with dark hair like a crow, and reaching to her waist, she allowed her hair to fly freely behind her back, saying she didn't like to tie her hair. Aly has high sharp cheekbones and eyes, which appear pale purple. She is slender with a full bosom.

Aly was wearing all white: Her woolen breeches were of the purest white hue, tucked snugly into high boots crafted from bleached brown leather, which brought out the material's natural beauty. A brown bearskin cloak was draped over her shoulders, pinned securely at the shoulder with a carved weirwood face that seemed to emanate an aura of mystique and power.

The brown tunic with bone fastenings accentuated her slender frame, adding a touch of elegance to her already impressive appearance. A short sword glistened in the sunlight, tightly secured to her waist, hinting at her formidable combat skills.

Jae wasn't sure what to think of House Stark; he had never met them before, and he didn't know any of them, but his father had told him that Lord Stark had wanted to take him and raise him as his bastard son; Jae didn't know what his life would be like as the bastard son of Lord Stark, but he did feel a connection with them. His Uncle had sworn to help in the coming wars, and Jae wanted to meet all of them and see what they were like.

"My uncle gave me to Prince Oberyn, and I lived a life with my sisters, my father, and Ellaria Sand. I have a Family. My father raised me well, and my uncle was someone who was ready to fight Ser Arthur to get to my mother. I don't know him, but I look forward to meeting them." Jae answered with a smile; Ser Arthur, who was riding behind him, nodded along; he still remembered the day when he thought would be his last; even if it had been, he would have died protecting his King.

A comfortable silence spread over them; Jae could feel Rhaenix at the back of his head; his sister was flying near them; she was growing bigger with each passing day. He knew the rumors had already spread around The South about Rhaenix, but hopefully, they would think of them as only rumors; Jae still wanted to secure The North and House Velayron before making his first move with House Tarly already on board, which left only The Vale, Riverlands, House Lannister and House Baratheon as the Enemy.

Jae knew he could use House Tarly's ships to block the trades from coming to King's Landing; House Velayron's ships could be used to control the Narrow Sea. Randyll Tarly was a great strategist; the only ones who could pose a problem were Stannis Baratheon and Tywin Lannister.

If he managed to have House Velayron, he could easily take out Stannis; without him being around, even The Stormlands would be in shambles.

Jae's brooding was interrupted by the distinct sound of horses galloping in the distance. This sudden commotion jolted him back to reality as he frantically looked around, trying to identify the source of the noise. Soon enough, his eyes caught sight of a small group of soldiers, their armor glinting in the bright sunlight, approaching them with the flag of House Stark waving high above their heads.

"Arthur, tell Prince Oberyn to pull out his head from the sheets," Jae ordered; Arthur rode back to the Wheelhouses. As the carriage rolled to a stop, Prince Oberyn stepped out of the wheelhouse with an air of confidence and mischief. His attire was disheveled, and his clothes were loosened, hinting at the activities that had taken place inside. He soon mounted his horse; he rode in front of his party just as The Stark Soldiers reached them.

"Prince Oberyn, we are sent here by Lord Stark to take you to Winterfell. Follow us." The man in the center spoke.

"Led us, my lord." Prince Oberyn spoke as they rode behind them.

With a slight nod towards Prince Oberyn, the man inquired with a hint of intrigue in his voice, "The first time you come North, my Prince?" His gaze then shifted towards the rest of the group, scanning each face before finally settling back on Prince Oberyn.

"Indeed, the Northest I have been before was in Riverlands during the Greyjoy Rebellion." Prince Oberyn answered, rubbing his hands together, hoping to warm himself; it didn't help that the snow was only getting thicker; even Oberyn's horse didn't seem to enjoy the cold weather.

"Well. I hope you enjoy your time in The North; Winterfell is built over natural hot springs so it won't be cold inside." The guard informed them since he could already tell that The Martell Party didn't love the cold weather.

What the guard said made Oberyn sigh in relief; he knew he would eventually get used to the cold weather, but he wouldn't stay that long in Winterfell.

The guard noticed that unlike Prince Oberyn, the two other riders didn't seem to mind the cold, and the way they were riding was similar to a Northern.

As the man rode back towards the young lad and the young lady, his horse's hooves clattered against the snow. With a polite bow of his head, the man addressed the pair with a courteous inquiry, "Might I know your names, my lord, my lady?" His voice was smooth and refined, carrying the unmistakable hint of nobility in his accent. The young lad and the young lady exchanged a quick glance before introducing themselves.

"Jon Sand, son of Prince Oberyn."

"Alyanna Dayne."

The man nodded nonchalantly, but he noticed that both of them had the Stark looks; the only thing that made it obvious that they were from the South was their Purple eyes. No one in the north had these kinds of eyes.

"My name is Rodrik Cassel, Master At Arms in Winterfell." the knight introduced himself. Rodrik is a stout man with soft flesh under his chin. He has white hair and large white whiskers, which he impulsively tugs at.

"I thought the North didn't have knights?" Alyanna questioned as her eyes flickered at the knight who was around his late fifties.

"We usually don't, my lady. But my luck, I was in White Harbor during a Tourney. I was knighted there. It is still my proudest moment." The knight explained, and soon they reached the outer gates of Winterfell.

Winterfell was larger than Sunspear; Winterfell is a huge castle complex spanning several acres and protected by two massive walls. There is a village outside, the winter town. Winterfell has been built around an ancient godswood and over natural hot springs. The water is piped through walls and chambers to heat them, making Winterfell more comfortable than other castles during the harsh northern winters.

Inside the walls, the complex is composed of dozens of courtyards and small open spaces. Weapons training and practice take place in those yards. The inner ward is a second, much older open space in the castle where archery practice takes place. It is located next to the broken tower. Inside Winterfell stands the inner castle, which contains the Great Keep and the Great Hall. Winterfell's towers and halls have diamond-shaped window panes.

"Open The Gate, Ladies." Ser Rodrik's voice boomed across the walls, causing the soldiers stationed atop the imposing walls of Winterfell to stir. The biting wind whipped around them, carrying with it a flurry of snowflakes that danced in the air. The guards swiftly sprang into action, working together to unlock the massive double gates that stood guard at the entrance to the fortress. With a loud creaking sound, the gates slowly began to swing open, the accumulated snow on top of them tumbling down in a cascade of white powder. As the gates opened wider and wider, the crisp winter air rushed in, bringing with it a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The sound of hooves echoed through the streets as the party rode through the bustling town, drawing curious onlookers from every corner. The crowd grew thicker and more excited as the riders neared the entrance, their colorful banners and ornate attire a stark contrast to the drab surroundings of the North. Finally, the inner gates swung open, and the party rode triumphantly into the vast courtyard of Winterfell.

As Jae rode his horse into the bustling courtyard, he felt a sense of pride and determination wash over him. Despite the countless eyes upon him, he kept his head held high, exuding confidence and grace. His gaze scanned the sea of faces before him, taking in the various expressions and emotions of the crowd. Soon he found the person he knew to be Lord Stark; he was a little taken aback; the similarities between him and Alyanna were as clear as day.

The man looked like a warrior despite his age. His face carried respect.

Jae could see who he believed to be, the Stark children; he was a little surprised to see that only one of them had dark hair, a girl who seemed to be around nine name days, with an annoyed face. All the other Stark children had auburn hair from their mother.

But Jae quickly noticed that House Stark wasn't the only one in the Courtyard; House Mormont was present, and his eyes looked at their faces; he assumed to be Lady Maege Mormont was around her late fifties but seemed capable of still smashing heads like eggs, but Jae quickly noticed one of the Mormont Ladies.

She was six feet tall; She was wearing a long green dress with the House Mormont sigil stitched on the front. Her long dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of black silk, her full lips pursed in thought as she gazed back at Jae.

She wore a stunning long green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, and on the front of the dress was the sigil of House Mormont, proudly stitched in gold thread. Jae couldn't help but notice her small nose and light blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with a mischievous glint. Her face was long and beautiful, framed perfectly by her dark tresses, and her full breasts were only accentuated by the way her dress hugged her every curve, long strong fingers that she probably used to lift her mace. She was as tall as Jae. The prince had to admit that she was beautiful, a rare wild beauty, and he knew she had noticed him.

As Dacey laid her eyes on him, she couldn't help but feel intrigued by his presence. With a small, almost coy smile plastered on her lips and a glint of predatoriness in her eyes, she began to size him up, taking in every detail of his appearance. As she observed him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of liking towards him, and her smile grew wider, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth.

Prince Oberyn dismounted his horse. He couldn't help but notice the snow surrounding him, which was at least a foot deep. The coldness of the snow had seeped into his boots, but it did little to stop him as he approached Lord Stark with a confident stride. His eyes were fixed on Lord Stark, who greeted him with a pleased smile. The snowflakes that had landed on his hair and clothing melted away as he drew closer to his destination. The sound of his boots crunching through the snow echoed around them.

The rest of House Martell walked outside of their wheelhouses; Jae was quick to help Arianne walk outside, despite the cold weather, which didn't seem to stop the princess from wearing a revealing dress for the Northern standards, at least.

"Lord Stark, Thank you for accepting me into your home." Prince Oberyn spoke with courtesy as they shook hands.

"You're welcomed here, Prince Oberyn." Lord Stark said with a smile; despite his desire to meet his nephew and daughter, he still greeted him.

Jae watched as his uncle introduced his wife and all his children until one of them blurted out something he really didn't expect.

"Prince Oberyn, is it true that ladies fight in Dorne?" she queried, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of intrigue and excitement. "And is it true that you can turn into a snake at will?" she added, her voice laced with awe. Prince Oberyn couldn't help but chuckle at the young girl's enthusiasm.

The people gathered laughed at her question; Nym smiled in amusement; perhaps she could meet with the little Stark lady later; Lady Stark standing beside Lord Stark, shook her head before rolling her eyes.

"Arya, Shut Up." Sansa chided her little sister with a red face full of embarrassment.

"It's fine, my lady," Oberyn told Sansa before his attention turned to Lady Arya, who seemed eager to hear his response.

"Well, unfortunately. I can't turn into a snake at will, but all my daughters are warriors." Prince Oberyn answered with a smile of amusement. Arya's face brightened up like a sun after hearing that before looking at Nymeria over Oberyn's shoulder.

Soon, Princess Arianne introduced herself, Jae noticed she made many heads turn, but one seemed to be almost drooling after her. Robb Stark seemed a little taken aback, perhaps by her beauty, but his attention was mainly on Alyanna, standing beside Jaehaerys.

Alyanna was about to introduce herself to the Stark family when...

"They're back." Arya, Bran, and Rickon shouted as several direwolves suddenly appeared in the Courtyard; all of them were larger than a normal wolves; Ser Arthur, Oberyn, and his daughters tensed up for a moment but were relieved to see the direwolves simply found their owners and didn't seem interested on the guests, except for two of them who seemed to be eyeing Jae and Alyanna closely.

The pure white direwolf with red eyes approached Jae slowly, eyeing him with interest, but the prince wasn't afraid of him; Rhaenix was much larger than him. Jae kneeled down. The direwolf approached him with an inquisitive sniff, its wet nose tickling Jae's skin. Suddenly, the direwolf's demeanor changed from cautious to joyful as it began to bounce and playfully lick Jae's face. Jae couldn't help but laugh as he felt the soft fur of the direwolf's tail brush against his legs, the creature clearly overjoyed at having found a new friend.

Alyanna's unwavering love for the red-white direwolf with purple eyes was evident as she held the majestic creature close to her heart, cherishing every moment of their embrace. The direwolf reciprocated Alyanna's affection by licking her face with a friendly and playful demeanor, which brought a wide smile to her face. As the furry animal continued showing affection, Alyanna planted a gentle kiss on the she-dire wolf's nose and lovingly petted the top of her head, feeling the softness of her fur under her fingertips.

"I missed you, Spring."

If you want to read the following 8 Chapters, Check out the LINK Above.