A Feast in Winterfell

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The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 49 (A Confession of Love), Chapter 50 (A Fight in Winterfell), Chapter 51 (A Father and A Daughter), Chapter 52 (The Old Lion), Chapter 53 (A Princess's Dragon), Chapter 54 (Love in God's Wood), Chapter 55 (Dancing with Flames), and Chapter 56 (The Cannibal) are already available for Patrons.

Jae saw the way she was looking at the walls before turning to face him. "Aly, how do you feel in Winterfell? What about Lord Stark?" Jae asked right away as she stepped inside his room, a beautiful smile on her face, as Spring and The White Direwolf started playing with each other.

"It feels incredible, Jae, but I would like to explore the whole castle. Why don't you join us?" Her outstretched hand beckoned him to follow her lead.

"Us?" Jae questioned, and the door opened wider, revealing Arianne wearing a new white dress, this time one that kept her warmer but still showed her beauty. The dress, though different from the previous one, still managed to captivate Jae's attention as it hugged her curves and flowed gracefully around her with every step she took. As he gazed at her, he felt a sense of warmth spread throughout his body.

"Sure." Jae accepted Alyanna's hand, whose face brightened up as they left his bedchamber, ready to explore Winterfell, followed closely by Spring and the White Direwolf, who seemed to be playing with each other.

As they leisurely strolled through the grand castle of Winterfell, the trio was captivated by the breathtaking sights that surrounded them. The tall towers loomed above them, casting long shadows across the many training yards that sprawled out before them. The crisp winter air was infused with the aroma of burning wood and the faint sound of clashing swords that echoed in the distance. The snow, which had blanketed everything in sight, added a layer of magical charm to the already stunning landscape. The trio took in every detail, from the intricate carvings on the castle walls to the frosty icicles that hung from the eaves. As they continued their walk, they couldn't help but feel grateful to be experiencing such an enchanting place as Winterfell.

As Jae, Alyanna, and Arianne walked through the courtyard of Winterfell, the guards, and servants swiftly parted ways, their eyes fixated on the striking women who exuded a rare aura of confidence and grace. Some of the guards and servants even bowed respectfully to the Princess of Dorne, Arianne, acknowledging her royal status and the prestige that came with it. As they continued their journey through the castle, the trio couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur and history that surrounded them, feeling humbled yet empowered by the reverence they received from the people of Winterfell.

As Alyanna trudged through the thick blanket of one feet-deep snow, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy wash over her. Every step she took was like a dance, and the snowflakes that landed on her face felt like little kisses from the heavens. Her smile was so wide and bright that it could light up even the darkest winter nights.

As she made her way through the snow-covered courtyard, she was accompanied by Spring, who bounded through the snow with such grace and agility that it seemed as though he was born to play in the snow. Meanwhile, the White Direwolf stood beside Jae, watching intently as Spring leaped and twirled around Alyanna as if he was her dance partner. The snow may have been cold and deep, but to Alyanna, it was a magical wonderland that brought her endless joy and happiness.

The stark white direwolf at their side moved gracefully, leaving Arianne in awe. She watched in wonder as the majestic creature padded silently through the snow-covered grounds, his movements so fluid and effortless that it was almost as though he were gliding rather than walking. Despite the crunch of snow underfoot and the rustling of the wind through the trees, the direwolf's paws made no sound, as if he were a ghost or mirage rather than a living, breathing creature. Arianne found herself mesmerized by the wolf's uncanny ability to move without a sound.

Arianne couldn't help but feel both awed and terrified at the same time; the creature made no noise as it approached them, its eyes locked onto hers with a fierce intensity that made her want to run. She knew that direwolves were incredibly dangerous; their sharp teeth could shred a person's neck with ease, much like Valyrian Steel. Despite her fear, Arianne stood her ground, unwilling to show weakness in front of the powerful beast.

"It seems Aly is enjoying Winterfell," Jae commented, his eyes following the footsteps of his cousin Aly as she made her way around Winterfell's winter wonderland. The crisp, cool air filled Jae's lungs as he observed Aly's childlike wonder and pleasure in the snow-covered courtyard. Jae couldn't help but smile as he watched Aly's face light up with excitement, her eyes sparkling with joy as she bent down to examine the snowflakes up close. He chuckled as she stuck out her tongue to catch the falling snowflakes, feeling the light touch of the cold, icy crystals on her tongue. It was a perfect winter day, and Aly was making the most of it, exploring every inch of the courtyard, taking in all the winter beauty surrounding her.

"She is; Alyanna wasn't made for the South. In another world, Lord Stark would have married Lady Ashara, and Alyanna would have grown up here instead of Dorne," Arianne agreed with a sweet smile.

Alyanna could feel the sun warming her skin and the snow crunching under her boots as she started chasing her direwolf, who was playfully darting around her. With each step, the snow would puff up, creating a small cloud of white powder. As they ran, she couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the bright red of her direwolf's fur and the pristine white of the snow. It was like the wolf was a splash of color in a monochrome world. Alyanna couldn't help but smile as she continued to run, enjoying the beauty of the world around her.

As Arianne and Jae watched Alyanna play with Spring, the crisp air nipped at their noses and cheeks, causing Arianne to shiver involuntarily. Despite the biting chill, the beauty of the castle's surroundings was not lost on her, and she found herself admiring the way the frosty air caused the leaves on the trees to dance and twirl in the breeze. Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped past the couple, causing Arianne to wrap her arms tightly around Jae's left arm in an attempt to find warmth and comfort. Jae's body felt like a furnace against her chilled skin, and she couldn't help but snuggle closer to him, finding solace in his warmth.

As the cold winter wind whipped through the air around them, Jae couldn't help but smirk at Arianne's shivering form, knowing that he had warned her to wear warmer clothes before they left for Winterfell. Her teeth chattered as she rolled her eyes at his teasing, but she couldn't help but playfully slap his shoulder in response.

Jae couldn't help but laugh at the silly antics of Arianne. However, his laughter was short-lived as he found himself drawn to her irresistible charm and pulled her close for a deep, passionate kiss. Arianne melted into his embrace, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as she deepened the kiss with an urgency that surprised her. She felt the warmth of his hands caressing her cheek as she explored his mouth with her tongue, savoring the taste of him and the intensity of the moment. The world around them faded away as they lost themselves in the ecstasy of their shared desire, their bodies pressed together in an intoxicating dance of love and passion.

Arianne's heart was racing with anticipation as she and Jae stole a moment of passion in the Courtyard. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scene as Jae's strong hands found their way to Arianne's curves, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her lips. The two of them were lost in their own world, not caring if anyone saw them as they indulged in the blissful sensation of each other's touch. The fabric of Arianne's dress felt soft against Jae's fingers as he explored every inch of her full bosom, sending shivers down her spine.

Arianne loved his daring personality and would have continued. But just as things were heating up between them, a sudden interruption shattered the moment. A furry blur darted between them, sharp claws and wet tongue threatening to ruin the mood. Arianne pulled away with a laugh, shaking her head at the playful antics of Jae's beloved Direwolf. Despite the interruption, the moment between Arianne and Jae was not lost. They shared a laugh at the animal's antics, their eyes locked in a moment of shared amusement.

As she stepped away from him, Arianne felt a warm sensation spreading throughout her body, her cheeks flushing with a deep blush as she tried to steady her breath. His kiss had left her lips tingling with anticipation, and despite having shared this intimate moment with him before, she never tired of the feeling it gave her. It was as if a fire had been ignited within her. A blazing inferno spread from her lips to her fingertips, warming her from the inside out and leaving her yearning for more. Arianne knew she wanted more, despite being a Prince; she knew her feelings; she knew she loved Jae.

Seeing his furry friend brought a smile to his face, and he eagerly walked over to him, feeling the soft snow beneath his feet. As he knelt down beside his beloved pet, he noticed the direwolf's eyes light up with excitement as he extended his hand to rub the animal's ears. The direwolf leaned into Jae's touch, his tail wagging excitedly, relishing in the attention and love from his devoted owner. With each gentle stroke of his hand, Jae could feel the bond between them grow stronger as the direwolf's warm, furry body pressed against him in a show of affection.

"Aly, come on," Jae beckoned, his voice filled with excitement as he turned his attention back to his cousin. Alyanna's eyes lit up with a bright smile as she eagerly walked up to him, ready to explore more of Winterfell.

As Aly strolled through the Winterfell Courtyard, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the towering walls and ancient architecture surrounding her. She walked on Jae's right, admiring the way the sun glinted off his crow-black hair, while Arianne chatted away on his left, her dark-colored locks bouncing with every step.

The White Direwolf, with its shimmering coat, dashed around the trio, its energy contagious as it played a game of tag with Spring. The two canines reveled in each other's company, their tongues lolling out as they chased each other in circles. But Spring, with its boundless energy, was not content to stay on the ground for long. With a mighty leap, the wolf launched itself towards a nearby tree, its claws digging into the bark as it climbed higher and higher until it reached a height of ten meters, basking in the satisfaction of a job well done.

The White Direwolf, with his piercing red eyes, stood stoically at the base of the towering tree, watching as Spring effortlessly scaled the bark with nimble paws and a playful grin. As Spring reached the very top of the tree, she turned to look down at her companion below, who seemed to be gazing up at her in a mixture of admiration and frustration. The White Direwolf couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the ease with which Spring had ascended the tree while he struggled to keep up on the ground. Spring, on the other hand, seemed to relish in the White Direwolf's annoyance, reveling in the satisfaction of having achieved something her companion could not.

Alyanna, with a twinkle in her eye, couldn't help but chuckle as she observed the two majestic Direwolves engaged in a playful bickering match, much like two toddlers vying for attention. "Isn't it funny how Spring is laughing at Ghost?" she remarked to her companions, her voice laced with amusement.

"Ghost?" Jae questioned, turning to look at Alyanna, he hadn't come up with a name yet, but Ghost did sound like a good name.

"That's his name," Alyanna answered casually as if what she said was well known; this made Arianne arch an eyebrow at her.

"How do you know, Aly? When we first arrived here, you called your direwolf 'Spring' right away, as if you had known her from before," Arianne questioned with a tilt of her head, looking at Alyanna.

"I dreamed of them, Princess. Spring, I dreamed of her since the day she was born; Ghost was the one closest to her, always watching out for her, even when the deer killed our mother," Alyanna's voice quivered as she spoke, her throat constricting as she struggled to hold back a sob that threatened to escape her lips. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, the weight of her emotions bearing down on her like a heavy yoke. Overwhelmed and vulnerable, she felt as though she was drowning in a sea of conflicting feelings, unable to find a foothold in the tumultuous tide. She felt Spring's pain as if it were her own, and the weight of that empathy was almost too much to bear.

Alyanna felt a hot stream of tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. Despite her best efforts to hold them back, the tears began streaming down her face, blurring her vision as she struggled to regain her composure.

As if sensing her distress, Spring and Ghost abruptly ceased their roughhousing and turned their attention to the weeping girl. Spring quickly leaped down from the tree where they had been playing and bounded over to Aly. Without hesitation, Alyanna wrapped her arms tightly around her loyal companion, burying her face in Spring's warm fur as she let out a deep sob. Feeling the girl's anguish, Spring began to gently lick her face, her wet tongue soothing Alyanna's pain with each tender stroke. As the two friends embraced, Alyanna couldn't help but feel grateful for the loyal companionship.

As the wave of relief washed over her, Aly felt the tension slowly dissipating from her body, and she couldn't help but give her faithful Direwolf a grateful smile. As she stood up, she noticed Jae approaching her with open arms, and without hesitation, she welcomed him into a tight embrace. As they held each other, she could feel the warmth of his body radiating against hers, melting away the remaining anxiety that had been gnawing at her. It was at that moment that she realized how lucky she was to have such a wonderful...dear friend.

As the words "Jae, thank you" slipped out of Alyanna's mouth, she could feel her heart fluttering uncontrollably in her chest. With a sense of gratitude and affection, she hugged him even tighter, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. As she hugged him, she could feel his heartbeat, steady and strong, pulsating through his chest. Despite trying to remain composed, Jae couldn't help but blush slightly as Alyanna's body pressed against his, causing a rush of emotions to course through his veins. As he pulled away, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss onto her flushed cheek, causing her heart to skip a beat and the temperature in her cheeks to rise. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach.

As Jae leaned in to kiss Alyanna's cheek, she couldn't help but feel a rush of warm sensations that made her go weak in the knees and her heart thump so hard she thought it would burst out of her chest. The soft touch of Jae's lips on her skin was like a delicate butterfly fluttering its wings; it was gentle yet powerful enough to make her feel dizzy. She closed her eyes and savored the moment, relishing the sweet taste of his kiss that lingered on her cheek like a fragrant memory. When she opened her eyes, she saw Arianne looking at her, and she expected to see a disapproving frown on her friend's face. But to her surprise, Arianne almost looked pleased, as if she knew something that Alyanna didn't.

"Do you want to walk around more, or do you want to rest?" Jae offered, holding her hand tenderly. Alyanna looked down at his hand and couldn't help but feel the softness of his skin. Despite being a warrior and holding a sword many times, his hands were surprisingly gentle, and his touch was soothing to her soul. She longed for him to hold her hand a bit longer, to feel his warmth and comfort.

"N-No, I want to see the entire Winterfell," Alyanna said, stuttering a bit, her voice returning to the cheerful voice she always had.

They were wandering around the abandoned part of the castle, where the snow was two feet deep, and the silence was broken only by the sound of their footsteps. Suddenly, they stumbled upon an old well, which appeared to be out of use for years. The well was closed with a round wooden board on top, and the snow had fallen on it, making it look like a forgotten relic from the past.

Alyanna's curiosity got the best of her, and she stepped forward to remove the wooden board to peek inside the well. Her eyes were filled with excitement and wonder as she imagined how deep the well must be and what secrets it might hold. However, before she could lay her hands on the wooden board, Arianne grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any further.

"You know, my mother used to tell me a scary story about a well like this back in her hometown," Arianne said, feeling a slight shudder, still remembering when her mother was still with her in Sunspear.

"Scary Story? What was it?" Alyanna asked, with a tilt of her head, liking the sound of that; she always loved scary stories.

"She said that many decades ago, her city had a punishment that all enslaved people charged with touching the nobles and raping someone. Their clothes would be removed, and they would be thrown inside a well like this one. The prisoners would break bones in the fall, but that wasn't the worst part." Arianne explained with a shudder, touching the top of the well.

"Then they would bring crates full of rats and dump them into the well. Crowds of thousands of people would gather to hear the screams as the rats would devour the prisoners. They would even bring children to watch. Since that punishment was abandoned, my mother used to say that people could still hear the screams of thousands of people who were killed in wells," As Arianne finished her account, her body visibly shaken, Alyanna couldn't help but feel disturbed by the thought of such barbaric punishment.

Jae wondered why Arianne needed to tell that story but decided the best thing to do was to ignore it.


As they made their way through the winding halls and staircases of Winterfell. Finally, they arrived in the grand courtyard, the heart of the castle, where the sound of swords clashing against each other rang through the air like a symphony.

The clash of metal on metal echoed off the walls of the ancient fortress, punctuated by the shouts and grunts of the warriors engaged in combat. The sound of rustling silk and clinking armor echoed as many servants and knights moved away as Princess Arianne walked through.

Jae was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by the sound of a loud thud. His attention was immediately drawn to the source of the commotion, where he spotted Ser Arthur sparring with Prince Oberyn.

As he watched, Jae noticed Lord Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy were standing close by, their faces etched with intense concentration and admiration. He wasn't surprised to see his sisters among the crowd, watching with rapt attention as the two legendary warriors battled it out. Obara was deep in conversation with Daemon, while Theon was trying to catch the eye of the stunning Nymeria Sand, his words dripping with charm and flirtation.

His fists clenched at his sides, his muscles tense with the urge to lunge forward and pummel the Ironborn into the ground. Jae knew that his sister was more than capable of handling herself against the likes of Theon.

Jae couldn't understand why the First Aegon hadn't burned the entire Iron Islands when he had conquered Westeros; all they do is attack villages and rape women to make them their Salt Wife; they were nothing but a problem, Jae knew once he started his own war, the Iron islands wouldn't stay put and do nothing if they tried to attack The North or any other place in Westeros, Jae would take Rhaenix and burn down their little island until nothing was left.

Jae's eyes scanned the crowd that had gathered to witness the sword fight, and to his surprise, he noticed Lady Arya Stark standing amidst them. She appeared to be deeply engrossed in the fight, asking Tyene for her opinion on the fight's various intricacies. He wondered what could be going through her mind as she watched the combatants clash swords and exchange blows.

As the tense atmosphere of the fight between Oberyn and Arthur reached its pinnacle, the sound of clashing weapons and the grunts of the combatants filled the air. With each passing moment, the two skilled warriors exchanged blows with a ferocity that left those watching on the edge of their seats. Finally, as the fight seemed to close, Oberyn's spear hit the snowy ground with a resounding thud, and Arthur's blade was just inches away from Oberyn's throat. However, to the surprise of all, Oberyn raised his arms in surrender, effectively ending the fight.

As Ser Arthur gracefully finished the fight, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, their hands clapping in unison until the sound echoed throughout the place.

Meanwhile, Jae decided to take a leisurely walk towards Ser Arthur with Ghost, the soft crunching of his footsteps against the freshly fallen snow caught the attention of Lady Arya, who had been lost in thought until that moment. Turning her head towards the entrance, her eyes met his, and a smile spread across her face as she recognized the familiar figure approaching.

"You're Jon Sand. I'm Arya Stark," she introduced herself, quickly walking up to Jae and extending her hand toward him with a confident smile. Nymeria, Arya's loyal direwolf, followed closely behind her, her eyes fixed on Jae, warily assessing him.

With an air of polite courtesy, Jae extended his hand to the young lady standing before him and spoke respectfully, "My lady, it is good to meet you."

However, his gesture of goodwill was met with a sudden frown of annoyance on the lady's face, which caught him off guard. "I'm no stupid lady. That's Sansa." Arya quickly corrected him, her voice laced with a hint of irritation. Nevertheless, her eyes soon shifted to a majestic white wolf standing beside Jae, and her annoyance was replaced with a sense of awe and wonder.

"Are you a Stark? Is that why he is following you?" Arya questioned bluntly, pointing at Ghost, who was looking at Spring and Nymeria. Alyanna arched an eyebrow at her half-sister, and she could see Robb was interested in Jae's answer since he was paying attention despite talking with Theon Greyjoy.

Oberyn knew this question would come sooner or later, Jaehaerys looked like a Stark despite his purple eyes and not like a Dornish, but Oberyn wasn't that much concerned, he knew Lord Stark would support them in the Wars to come, and if the truth was revealed, he believed Lord Stark could keep the truth hidden long enough.

As Jae struggled to come up with a satisfactory reply to Arya's thought-provoking question, his thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of Theon, who sauntered over to them with a smug grin on his face. Noticing the group of friends, he cast a lustful gaze toward Arianne and Alyanna, his eyes lingering on their curves for a moment too long. Theon's tongue darted out, tracing the outline of his lips as he hungrily took in the sight of the two women.

With a cocky smirk on his face and a tone of pride in his voice, Theon spoke to the princess and the lady before him, addressing her with a title befitting her grace and beauty, "My Princess, My Lady, the halls of Winterfell have surely been blessed by your presence, for the warmth of your radiance has thawed even the coldest of winter winds." As he spoke, he couldn't help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction, knowing he had caught her attention with his charming words and confident demeanor.

Arianne's voice was laced with a hint of disdain as she spoke to the Ironborn, "It's a beautiful place; Winterfell certainly is warm." The Princess of Dorne, however, didn't let her guard down even for a moment, hoping that the squid would understand she wasn't interested in talking to him. Her feelings towards the people of The Iron Islands were well-known, and she despised them with a passion that burned deep within her soul. Her mother had once almost been kidnapped by one of them, and the memory of that traumatic experience was still fresh in her mind.

Theon's eyes lingered on Arianne's revealing cleavage, and he couldn't help but notice how the cold winter air had turned her skin into a shade of pink. "Winterfell is indeed warm, but I can make it warmer for you, Princess," he offered with a sly grin on his face. Theon knew that his words had earned him a few glares from the Dornish people, especially Obara, who was fiercely protective of her little brother's future wife. However, he couldn't resist the temptation of flirting with a beautiful woman like Arianne. Despite the disapproving looks from the Dornish, Theon felt confident that he could win over Arianne's heart with his charm and wit.

"Enough, Theon," Robb scolded his friend, his voice laced with irritation and anger. He was tired of Theon's loose tongue, always spouting off whatever came to mind without any regard for the consequences. But Theon, ever the provocateur, ignored Robb and continued to leer at Arianne and Alyanna.

Arianne shot him a withering glare, her eyes flashing angrily and contemptuously. Alyanna, on the other hand, had a different approach in mind. Her hand tightened around the hilt of her trusty short sword, her eyes narrowing as she considered the possibility of silencing Theon once and for all.

"It's certainly a pleasure to see a squid so far away from water. Your people certainly know how to bark but not bite," she said, her words dripping with sarcasm. Though she spoke with a certain elegance, Theon couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger rise within him, his fists clenching tightly as he tried to contain his emotions.

"Be careful, Princess, you have no grass here to hide," Theon spoke with evident anger for insulting his people; he looked ready to punch her. Despite his threatening words, Arianne remained calm and composed, her demeanor unshaken by Theon's words or nasty glare. She stood tall, her head held high, and met Theon's gaze with a cool, collected stare.

"Snakes can still thrive on land." She turned to face Theon, her gaze cold and piercing as she continued, "A squid like you is nowhere near water. You will burn from the sun." Theon's face flushed with anger, and he took a menacing step forward, but Ghost growled warningly, daring Theon to take another step.

"Take one step closer, Greyjoy, and I will remove the little worm between your legs," Jae threatened, glaring at Theon. The tension was palpable as the two men locked eyes, and it seemed like Theon was about to take action.

However, before he could make a move, the commanding voice of Lord Stark echoed through the air, "Enough," cutting through the silence like a sharp knife. The weight of Lord Stark's presence was felt by all who were present, and they scattered away, leaving only the soldiers standing their ground. Lord Stark's gaze was stern and unwavering as he marched towards Theon, unflinching in his purpose.

As Ned Stark's piercing gaze fell upon Theon, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. "Robb," he ordered, his voice filled with authority, "take Theon with you and ensure the kitchen is spotless." Robb, who had been standing nearby, nodded his head in obedience before grabbing Theon's arm and dragging him towards the kitchen. Theon, knowing that it was futile to resist, reluctantly trailed behind his friend, his mind wandering to all the other things he could be doing instead of cleaning.

As Theon Greyjoy and Robb Stark's figures slowly receded into the distance, the Lord of Winterfell swiveled on his heel to talk with Prince Oberyn Martell, the infamous Red Viper of Dorne, who was casually twirling his spear around his fingers, as though it were a mere toy.

"I apologize, Prince Oberyn and Princess Arianne, for the behavior of my ward," Ned Stark said with a hint of regret. His eyes were mainly focused on his daughter, Alyanna, who was caressing the red direwolf behind the ear, a symbol of the Stark family's strength and resilience.

"He's not your ward, Stark. He's your prisoner," Oberyn corrected Ned, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement. Oberyn continued, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You should treat him like one. You wouldn't want him to escape, would you?" Ned's jaw tightened, but he said nothing, choosing instead to turn away from Obery.

"Apology Accepted. It's alright, Lord Stark. We are used to squids like him," Prince Oberyn spoke dismissively as Arthur sheathed his sword; the Kingsguard had been close to maiming Theon if he tried to attack Jae.

"The Feast will start soon enough. I would be delighted if you could come," Ned offered to Prince Oberyn with courtesy; As he spoke, a part of him couldn't help but yearn to catch up with his daughter and hear about her life. However, he knew there would be plenty of time for that later, perhaps over breakfast tomorrow morning. Nonetheless, he was happy to see the direwolf had taken a liking to his Daughter. She's a Stark, after all, Ned thought with pride as he walked back inside The Castle.


Her long, dark hair had been intricately styled into a loose braid, falling elegantly down her back and accentuating her sharp cheekbones and full, luscious lips. The white gown she wore was nothing short of breathtaking, clinging to her curves in all the right places and revealing just enough of her ample cleavage.

And standing beside her, in stark contrast to her ethereal beauty, was Jae - tall, dark, and handsome in his all-black ensemble. Despite the fact that his clothing was completely devoid of color, Jae's striking features shone through all the more brightly. His piercing purple eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the room, and the sharp angles of his face were accentuated by the way his hair was slicked back from his forehead.

The guests, including the members of House Martell and House Stark, were adorned in their finest attire, adding to the already grand ambiance of the castle. As they made their way through the long corridor, the sound of their footsteps echoed against the stonewalls, creating a symphony of sound that could only be heard in Winterfell. The torches lined the walls and flickered, casting shadows that danced across their faces, adding an eerie yet enchanting effect to the already mesmerizing setting. The smell of freshly cooked meats and baked bread wafted through the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation of the feast that awaited them.

Jae observed Arya in a green dress and noticed a look of misery etched upon her face. Jae couldn't help but wonder if her apparent distress was due to the absence of Nymeria, her beloved direwolf, or the green dress she was wearing.

Robb was accompanied by Nymeria, both talking to each other in hushed tones.

As Bran and Lady Lyanna Mormont conversed, Sansa's auburn hair cascaded down her back in waves, a striking contrast against the deep blue of her gown. As they approached the imposing hall of the Castle, the large double doors made of sturdy wood loomed over them. Despite his youth, Bran walked with purpose, his eyes focused, while Lady Lyanna was talking with him.

As they pushed the doors open, the sound of their creaking hinges echoed through the hall, and the scent of burning firewood and roasted meat filled their nostrils. The room was filled with the sights and sounds of a great feast, with banners of the great houses of the North hanging from the rafters and the sound of laughter and merry-making ringing in their ears.

Alyanna noticed many giving her looks in the hall as she walked through the hall, not that she cared about that, her left arm around Jae's arm, while Arianne was walking at Jae's right side, much to the envy of many people in the Hall.

The moment the guests settled down in their respective seats, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the tantalizing aroma of sumptuous food filled the air. Within minutes, the feast began, and the table was brimming with an array of delectable dishes, ranging from succulent steaks to mouth-watering seafood and fragrant herbs and spices. The clinking of glasses filled with chilled beers and fine wines echoed around the room as the guests raised a toast to the occasion and the company of each other. The room was alive with laughter, chit-chat, and the clinking of cutlery, and everyone was relishing the delightful experience of indulging in the exquisite food and drink that was everywhere around them.

Alyanna sat down at the dinner table, her mouth watering as the savory aroma of the roasted chicken wafted toward her. She picked up her fork and knife, cutting a small piece of chicken, and brought it to her mouth with the utmost care, ensuring that she didn't make a mess while eating. As she savored each bite, she couldn't help but notice a woman across the room, her eyes fixed on Jae, who was sitting next to Alyanna.

Alyanna suddenly nudged Jae's shoulder and asked in a curious tone, "Jae, who is the woman looking at you?" Surprised by her question, Jae turned his head to follow her gaze and saw two elegant ladies, Lady Maege and Lady Dacey, looking at him with a hint of amusement in their eyes.

Jae leaned in and whispered into Alyanna's ear, "They're from House Mormont, you know, the noble house that is known for training both men and women in the art of combat and leadership." The mention of House Mormont piqued Alyanna's curiosity, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of conversing with members of such a prestigious and formidable house. 

As the lively music filled the great hall, its intoxicating rhythm beckoned the guests to start dancing. Soon enough, the once-empty space was filled with a sea of swaying bodies. Each lost in the moment and the infectious beat.

Summoning his courage, Jae offered his hand in the dance. Despite her initial hesitation, Alyanna couldn't resist the charm and charisma of her suitor and soon found herself twirling and spinning in his embrace.

As they moved together, Alyanna couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Dancing was not something she had ever been particularly skilled at, and she knew that her movements were far from graceful. However, Jae seemed unfazed by her lack of experience, guiding her deftly across the dance floor with confidence and ease that left her feeling safe and secure. As they reached the middle of the hall, Alyanna couldn't help but feel a sense of self-consciousness wash over her. Everywhere she looked, pairs of eyes seemed to be watching their every move, scrutinizing her every misstep.

"Just follow my lead," Jae whispered reassuringly, his warm breath caressing Alyanna's ear as he placed his left hand over her right hand and wrapped his right arm around her waist. Her heart fluttered with excitement as she gazed into his mesmerizing eyes, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through her veins. Alyanna's smile widened as she surrendered herself to the rhythm of Jae's movements, letting her legs and arms follow his lead, almost stepping on his foot several times but never losing her balance, thanks to his firm grip and guidance. With each step they took, Alyanna felt herself falling deeper and deeper under Jae's spell, completely entranced by his charm and grace.

As the music filled the air, Jae's body started to move in rhythm with Aly's. As they danced, he felt a sense of connection with her that he couldn't quite explain. But just as he was getting comfortable with her, Arianne stepped in and asked him to dance. They danced with ease and grace, and before he knew it, the two of them were dancing together more often than not.

As the night went on, Jae found himself switching between dancing with Alyanna and Arianne. Each time he switched partners, he felt a new kind of excitement. Alyanna was a bit clumsy at first, stepping on his foot a few times, but as they danced more, she became more comfortable. Her eyes were locked on his, and he could feel the intensity of her gaze. But when he danced with Arianne, it was different. She moved with such fluidity and grace that he found himself getting lost in the music. Her eyes were just as captivating as Alyanna's, but there was something else there too. As he started dancing with Aly again, she looked only at his eyes.

Alyanna's heart was pounding as she moved to the rhythm of the music with Jae in the hall, but as she caught his gaze, she felt her cheeks flush with warmth. Her mind raced with a flurry of thoughts - she loved the way he looked at her, yet hated how vulnerable it made her feel. As she leaned in close, her face hidden from the curious gazes of onlookers, she couldn't help but wonder why she cared so much about what others thought. Despite her inner turmoil, she found solace in the fact that Jae was the only one who could see her like this, and she trusted him enough to keep her secrets safe.

After dancing some more, Alyanna noticed people were changing partners once again, but she was tired; Suddenly, they saw one of the Bear women approach them.

"Jon Sand, I was hoping we could dance?" The woman offered with a bright smile across her beautiful face. Alyanna looked at her carefully and was a little surprised to see a mace leaning against the chair the woman had been sitting on a minute ago. Alyanna knew the mace was quite heavy just by the looks of it, and if someone wanted to use it on fighting, they needed to be able to use it freely without much effort.

She was six feet tall; She was wearing a long green dress with the House Mormont sigil stitched on the front. Her long dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of black silk, her full lips pursed in thought as she gazed back at Jae.

She wore a stunning long green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, and on the front of the dress was the sigil of House Mormont, proudly stitched in gold thread. Jae couldn't help but notice her small nose and light blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with a mischievous glint. Her face was long and beautiful, framed perfectly by her dark tresses, and her full breasts were only accentuated by the way her dress hugged her every curve, long strong fingers that she probably used to lift her mace. She was as tall as Jae. The prince had to admit that she was beautiful, a rare wild beauty.

"You are?" Jae questioned; Alyanna looked intrigued; she could see why they were warriors.

"Dacey Mormont of Bear Island, just call me Dacey." She said sharply before her eyes settled on Alyanna, who looked back at her.

"You are, my lady?" She questioned with a little smile of her own; just like Alyanna, Dacey could tell the woman in front of her was a warrior.

With a voice as sweet as honey, Alyanna introduced herself, "I'm Lady Alyanna Dayne." As she spoke, her eyes flickered towards Jon, who was standing nearby.

"I would like a dance, Jon, if she doesn't mind?" Dacey's gaze shifted back to Jon, but it seemed that Alyanna was perfectly fine with it.

"You can dance with him as long as we have a spar later?" Alyanna asked with a challenging look; her accent made her sound more dangerous. Dacey smirked at her challenge; she wouldn't mind it.

"Of course, tomorrow morrow would be a good time," Dacey accepted with a smile. Alyanna leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Jon's cheek, relishing in the warmth of the moment as they shared an intimate connection. As she pulled away, she gracefully made her way back to her seat, settling in beside Arianne with a contented sigh.

As the sound of the music filled the air, Dacey's heart was beating with excitement as she offered her hand to Jae. He eagerly grabbed her hand with his strong grip, sending a thrill through her body as they locked eyes. The warmth of his hand on hers made her smile with delight; Dacey's eyes never left Jae's as they started dancing.

If you want to read the Following 8 Chapters, You need to check out the LINK Above.