A Princess's Dragon

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Chapter 54 (Love in God's Wood), Chapter 55 (Dancing with Flames), Chapter 56 (The Cannibal), Chapter 57 (A Family with House Stark), Chapter 58 (The She-Bear and The Dragon), Chapter 59 (The Regret of A Big Brother), Chapter 60 (The Red Temple), and Chapter 61 (For The Throne) are already available for Patrons.

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Arya's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and admiration as she approached Jae. "I heard from Nymeria and Obara," she began, her voice tinged with awe, "that you're the best swordsman in all of Dorne."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Jae's lips, unable to contain his amusement at his sisters' exaggerated tales. Though he may not have been able to defeat his father or Ser Arthur Dayne, he had earned a reputation that reached even the ears of the young Stark girl.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Jae replied, his voice laced with humor, "Ah, My sisters like to talk, my lady. Can I do something for you?" As if to match Arya's height, Jae gracefully lowered himself to one knee, his gaze leveling hers.

Arya's determination shone through as she met Jae's gaze, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "I want to fight with you," she declared, her words carrying a sense of adventure and eagerness mirrored her fiery spirit.

Jae couldn't help but smile in amusement; it seemed the tales of Starks having wolf blood were true. He couldn't help but notice Arya's dark hair; from what he had seen, only she had the Stark hair; all the other children had auburn hair of the Tully, besides Alyanna, of course.

Arya found herself in a state of annoyance as she noticed Jae's snickering directed at her. Frustrated by his laughter, she couldn't help but pout in an attempt to show her displeasure. However, her young age betrayed her attempts at seriousness, making her appear more comical than intimidating. This only served to fuel Jae's amusement, causing him to let out an even bigger laugh.

Arya's annoyance escalated further, prompting her to try and push him in a feeble attempt to assert her dominance. Realizing her physical weakness against him, she resorted to the only available weapon at the time - a handful of snow. She swiftly gathered the cold, powdery substance from the ground and tossed it at Jae with all her might. The snowball found its mark, hitting Jae, who, now unable to contain his laughter, raised his hands in surrender. A wide, mischievous smile adorned his face as he reveled in the playful exchange, all while Arya tried to maintain a stern facade, though her lips couldn't help but curl into a hint of a smile beneath her annoyance.

Nymeria engaged in a lively game with Ghost from a grassy clearing nearby. As Nymeria dashed and leaped, her excited tail served as an irresistible temptation for the mischievous Ghost. With a glint of mischief in his red eyes, he would swiftly lunge towards her tail, daring her to join in his playful antics.

However, Nymeria was no pushover. As Ghost made his move, she would promptly whip her head around, fixing him with a stern gaze that clearly conveyed her message - a silent challenge to test his limits, 'Try that Again.' Undeterred by her warning posture, Ghost couldn't resist the urge to test her once more.

But just as Ghost prepared to take another playful nip at Nymeria's tail, an unexpected presence emerged. Spring gracefully approached the duo. With her auburn fur flowing in the warm breeze, she positioned herself assertively between Nymeria and Ghost, effectively interrupting their game.

Spring, displaying maturity beyond her years, directed her keen gaze towards Ghost. Her expression carried a mix of admiration for his spirited nature and a touch of admonishment. It was as if she conveyed a subtle message, saying, "You had your fun."

Ghost, not one to be easily swayed, responded to Spring's intervention with a nonchalant and somewhat bored expression. Turning away, he sauntered off, searching for his next adventure, leaving behind Nymeria and Spring.

Back at Arya and Jae, the latter stood up from the snowy ground. He carefully brushed off the powdery snow from his clothes. His gaze shifted towards Arya, her face etched with anger and frustration, her eyes burning with an intensity that could thaw even the coldest winters.

"You want to fight me? Alright," Jae accepted with a smirk, his playful challenge igniting a spark of excitement within Arya. Her face instantly brightened up, her eyes shining with delight as she eagerly jumped up and down, causing her small boots to dig into the freshly fallen snow. Observing her infectious enthusiasm, Jae chuckled and strolled towards a nearby barrel that was filled with an assortment of training wooden swords. He browsed through them for a moment, his eyes scanning each option until he discovered a sturdy one that would suit their impromptu duel. Gripping the short wooden sword firmly, Jae turned to face Arya and was met with her quick reflexes as she swiftly snatched the sword from his hands, ready to engage in a friendly spar.

Jae scrutinized her stance, meticulously analyzing every detail, searching for clues that would unveil her level of expertise in swordsmanship. From the way she gripped the wooden sword, it was evident that she lacked the refined finesse of someone who had undergone rigorous and diligent training. Her hands appeared uncomfortable and unfamiliar with the weight distribution, betraying her inexperience with each unsteady movement. It was apparent to Jae that she had never truly engaged in serious sword training, as her demeanor reflected a mere attempt at replicating the techniques observed from others. Her awkward body positioning and uncoordinated rhythm in which she maneuvered the sword further emphasized the clumsiness inherent in her stance.

"You have never used a sword before, have you?" Jae questioned, his voice laced with amusement and a hint of teasing as if stating the obvious. Gently poking fun at Arya's lack of experience, his comment triggered an immediate reaction from her. Feeling her cheeks burn with embarrassment, she blushed deep shades of crimson, unable to hide her novice status. Her lack of confidence in wielding a sword became evident as she pouted, her lips forming a slight frown. It was clear that her fingers were still lacking the strength required for this demanding skill.

"There's no shame in it; everyone starts from somewhere," Jae said encouragingly, his eyes sparkling warmly and understanding. Jae understood the importance of supporting and uplifting others on their journey. In a graceful motion, he walked up to Arya, extending his hand to grasp her small, wooden sword, the weight of her aspirations now resting in his palm. Jae kneeled down, meeting Arya at eye level, not even noticing the chilly embrace of the snow beneath him.

"Hold it like this," Jae instructed as he demonstrated the proper grip on the short wooden sword. Arya's gaze remained fixated on him, her undivided attention captivated by his every movement. With unwavering focus, she observed keenly as Jae meticulously guided her through the intricacies of holding a short sword with one hand, ensuring she absorbed every detail and technique with utmost precision and understanding.

"Short swords like this one were made to be used with one hand, typically from people who like to fight with a sword and a shield," Jae adeptly tossed the short sword between his hands, deftly catching it each time, showcasing the nimbleness and precision required to effectively control such a weapon. Filled with admiration and amazement, Arya couldn't help but fix her gaze on Jae, yet a hint of perplexity marred her brow as she struggled to fully comprehend the intricacies of this concept.

"Can't someone use a longsword with one hand and a shield with the other?" Arya questioned, feeling a little puzzled. As Jae approached and handed her the short sword, she eagerly accepted it, immediately feeling the weight of the weapon in her hand as her fingers tightly gripped the intricately carved wooden pommel adorned with the insignia of House Stark.

"A Longsword is too heavy, they're used with one one hand, besides Arthur Dayne, I don't know of anyone is able to duel wield," Jae explained as Arya tried to hold the short sword in the same way Jae showed her.

"Good, now try to poke the dummy, and you should use the pointy end," Jae instructed with a cheeky smile; Arya gave her a deadpan look.

Despite her initial confidence, Arya, determined and unwavering, declared with stubbornness, "I know which end to use," With resolute steps, she approached the motionless dummy, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. With a swift motion, she raised her short sword, positioning it with precision, aiming directly at the heart of the target. However, to her dismay, the wooden blade failed to penetrate the dummy's surface, leaving Arya exasperated and disheartened.

Refusing to be deterred, Arya gathered her strength and resolve. Time and time again, she mercilessly struck the dummy with her short sword, relentlessly attempting to pierce its defenses. The sound of grunts and frustration filled the air as each desperate stab fell short of her expectations. Frustration turned to disappointment when, in a slight miscalculation, her sword veered slightly off course, landing in empty air instead. The unexpected consequence caused Arya's momentum to betray her, resulting in an embarrassing and undignified fall flat on her face, landing on the cold, unforgiving snow.

To add insult to injury, the sound of Jae's laughter echoed in the surroundings, betraying his amusement at Arya's misfortune. His chuckles served as a constant reminder of her failed attempts, adding a touch of embarrassment to her predicament.

"The Dummy is the winner, all hail Lord Dummy," Jae japed with mischievous delight, unknowingly fueling Arya's growing annoyance. Infuriated by Jae's taunting words, Arya rose from her seat with determination and swiftly retrieved the wooden sword that lay forgotten on the snow-covered ground. She intended to lend weight to her displeasure by brandishing the weapon in Jae's direction. Yet, her defiance was abruptly halted as Jae swiftly intervened, firmly grasping her wrist and compelling her to release her grip on the wooden sword.

"Never attack someone when you're angry, you will slip and make mistakes that are easy to exploit," As Jae spoke firmly, maintaining eye contact with Arya, he emphasized the importance of never attacking someone while consumed by anger. Upon hearing these words, Arya felt a sudden shift in her anger dissipating. She became acutely aware that her unrestrained fury could have led her to harm Jae due to her own carelessness.

These thoughts overwhelmed her, causing her eyes to well up with tears. It was a familiar feeling, reminding her of the hurt she experienced when Sansa and Jeyne used to mockingly call her 'Horse face.' Before Arya could allow herself to dwell on these painful memories and retreat to a hiding place, Jae unexpectedly handed her a wooden sword. This unexpected act of kindness caught her by surprise, momentarily diverting her attention from her emotions. As she attempted to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks with her palms, a mix of gratitude and confusion washed over her.

"Now, when you grip the handle, don't let it loose, and don't try to throw your hands around; always aim for the heart, and don't try to push harder than you need to," Jae advised. Despite Arya's fondness for warrior-like skills, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Jae's guidance. Her father, while supportive, often tried to tell her that she was a lady and that she should act like Sansa, the same for her mother.

Robb had tried to show her a few simple tricks, but he was too busy with Theon to spend too much time with Arya. Bran was good at using a bow, but he had yet to show any skill as a swordsman; while Rickon was only six name days, Arya was grateful that a complete stranger was spending his time with her, trying to teach her.

"Alright, now you will keep stabbing the dummy, and I will stay here and count every time you fail," Jae said with a teasing smirk as he took a few steps back, giving her space as he sat on the snowy ground. The winter breeze danced around them, causing snowflakes to twinkle in the air as they cheerfully coated the surrounding landscape. He watched intently, ready to witness every move she made. His amusement was evident as his eyes lit up with mischief and his lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"Shut up, Stupid," Arya quickly retorted, her voice dripping with playful irritation. She adjusted her grip on the weapon, preparing herself. The cold air bit at her cheeks, her breath forming small clouds in front of her. Despite the wintry conditions, her focus remained unwavering.

Jae's laughter echoed through the frosty air, blending harmoniously with the sounds of nature. His amusement grew with each passing moment, knowing full well that Arya's determination would only fuel her determination to prove him wrong.

Arya, unfazed by his laughter on this particular occasion, chose to disregard it as she confidently believed he was merely playfully mocking her. Arya was determined to demonstrate her true potential. Her unyielding determination fueled her ambition to reach a level of mastery comparable to his. With a resolute expression etched across her face, she firmly thrust her sword forward, directing its sharp tip toward the training dummy.



Arya's repeated falls onto the icy ground, each one punctuating the solemn hush in the wintry atmosphere, shattered the silence like shards of glass. With each failed attempt to maintain her balance, Arya's frustration grew, evident in her fiery glare toward Jae.

"That was the seventeenth fail, Lord and ladies. Another win for Lord Dummy," Meanwhile, Jae, taking on the role of an enthusiastic commentator, delivered his mockingly dramatic proclamation to an imaginary crowd of noble spectators. Casting an amused glance at Arya's struggling form, Jae maintained his vigilance, ensuring she didn't sustain any serious injuries.

"Come on, Arya, you can do it, go for the eighteenth," Jae teased, earning a playful eye roll from Arya. Determined to prove herself, she turned to face the stupid dummy, tugging at the sleeves of her shirt as her arms throbbed with exhaustion. The strain was immense, making her wonder if her arms would detach from her body at any given moment. It was a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time - the weariness that comes from wielding a blade for an extended duration. Despite her knowledge of the draining nature of blade weaponry, this particular session seemed to push her to the edge. Her heart pounded relentlessly, lodged in her throat as a constant reminder of her exertion. And as if to taunt her further, the skin around her palm and fingers had taken on a slight shade of red, a visible testament to the intensity with which she had been gripping the weapon.

Arya, her deep-set frown reflecting her growing irritation, aggressively pivoted her body to face the stupid dummy. As her eyes scanned the shoddy figure, she noticed that it bore numerous scratches all over its ignorant surface, fueling her fury even further. The intensity of her anger surged within her, compelling her to unleash her untamed power upon the inanimate object. However, just as she was about to give in to her erupting rage, a sudden recollection of Jae's wise counsel came to her mind, serving as a poignant reminder not to succumb to the dangerous grip of anger.

As Arya stood outside, surrounded by the crisp winter air, she took a deep breath, allowing the chilling oxygen to fill her lungs. The coldness brushed against her skin, creating a tingling sensation that gradually eased the tension within her. This feeling was not unfamiliar to her; it resembled the tranquility she experienced when she retreated to her comfortable bed after an exhausting day. With the day's weariness dissipating, Arya sensed that she could finally find solace and indulge in much-needed restorative sleep.

As Arya opened her eyes, her gaze immediately fell upon the dummy, upon which she focused intently. The determination radiated from her as she tightly wrapped her fingers around the pommel of the short wooden sword, readying herself for the upcoming strike. With a resolute step that left deep imprints in the freshly fallen snow, she propelled herself forward, her swift motion displaying both grace and strength. And then, with an unyielding thrust, her wooden sword pierced through the dummy's heart, effortlessly breaking through its surface and emerging triumphantly on the other side.

Arya, feeling a surge of excitement bubbling within her, took a few steps back to fully take in the sight before her. With each passing second, her anticipation grew, causing a radiant smile to spread across her face, illuminating her features like the warm glow of the sun on a crisp winter morning.

Unable to contain her sheer happiness any longer, Arya's jubilation reached its peak. She leaped into the air with a burst of energy, her exuberant 'Wooo' echoing through the peaceful snow-covered surroundings. Her small hands swiftly scooped up a handful of pristine snow from the frozen ground as she descended. Launching it skyward, the powdery flakes dazzled like a flurry of miniature diamonds, catching the light and shimmering as they danced through the air, creating a mesmerizing display of sparkling beauty.

Caught up in the enchantment of the moment, Arya spun around to face Jae, her heart beaming with joy. She noticed that Jae, who had stood up, was watching her with a mix of awe and happiness, mirroring the emotions that radiated from Arya herself.

"I did it, I did it," Arya shouted triumphantly, her voice filled with a mixture of happiness, pride, and a sense of accomplishment. However, as the adrenaline of her achievement began to dissipate, she couldn't help but feel a gradual fading of those positive emotions. Slowly, the realization of her exhaustion settled in, reminding her just how weary she actually was. It was as if an invisible weight descended upon her arms, making them feel significantly heavier than before. Each breath became a bit more labored; her quickened breathing echoing her physical fatigue. At that moment, Jae, seeing Arya's visibly drained state, walked up to her, concern etched across his face.

"My lady," Jae playfully taunted a mischievous glint in his eyes, "now, you're ready to beat up every boy you see," As he gently supported her, helping her make her way back to the castle, Arya couldn't suppress a soft chuckle. Surprisingly, instead of feeling irritated by Jae's teasing, she couldn't help but find it rather amusing. The perplexing realization dawned upon her that she couldn't quite decipher why she wasn't annoyed; nevertheless, she was captivated by the lighthearted banter between them.

"I'm not a Lady,"

Daenerys Targaryen

As the ship gracefully glided across the vast expanse of the sea, its sleek form carving a path through the undulating waves, she found herself captivated by the delightful sensation of the gentle wind caressing her face and the tranquil rhythm of her hair swaying with each passing breeze. In this mesmerizing symphony of nature and movement, she couldn't help but notice the sporadic drops of water cascading on her skin. As the misty droplets gently kissed her cheeks, she couldn't resist embracing the invigorating aroma of the briny ocean, its distinctive saltiness mingling with the freshness of the ocean air and reaching the depths of her nostrils.

It had been two months since they had been caught by Kinvara and her man; after being caught, both Viserys and Daenerys had been convinced that Kinvara either wanted to sell them as slaves or be sacrificed to the Red God, even someone like Daenerys who hadn't read that many books knew of their practices, she knew they burned people as a sacrifice to the R'hllor.

Daenerys was sure Kinvara had kidnapped them to either burn them or sell them as slaves to the highest bitter; after all, A Targaryen Princess and a Prince would have very high value, but it changed when they had dinner the first night with Kinvara.

' Daenerys found herself in Viserys's room, her brother holding her tightly as they sat together on his soft, comforting bed. In this intimate moment, she couldn't help but recollect a time from their childhood when they would sleep side by side, sharing stories of Westeros. Viserys would passionately describe their future conquest, discussing how they would reclaim their lost kingdom and restore their family's glory.

However, as days turned into years, a subtle shift occurred, causing a pang of nostalgia in Daenerys's heart. Viserys, recognizing her growth into womanhood, made the decision to move apart, telling her that she needed her own private space.

Daenerys would have smiled if they weren't in this situation; the memory was one of joy, yet she couldn't find the strength to smile; she didn't know what would happen once the dinner started. Viserys held her close and told her to be brave, reminding her that they were dragons and a Dragon feels no Fear.

As the door suddenly swung open, revealing Kinvara, all eyes were captivated by her stunning appearance. Adorned in the same beautiful red dress as before, her presence was enhanced by the dazzling red ruby that adorned her neck, emitting a mesmerizing sparkle. Her piercing red eyes seemed to emit a radiance of their own, drawing Daenerys attention. The way her figure cast a striking shadow across the room added an air of mysteriousness to her entrance. With her arrival, both Daenerys and Viserys were compelled to rise from their seats, and Viserys, ever protective, promptly positioned himself in front of Daenerys as a safeguard, resembling a steadfast shield.

"Why are you here?" Viserys demanded, his frustration mounting as he berated himself for being unprepared, devoid of any weapon to defend himself. He thought even a small dagger would have offered him a glimmer of hope, yet all he had were his bare fists. However, despite his vulnerable state, it became apparent that Kinvara possessed an uncanny ability to perceive the wariness that both Daenerys and Viserys harbored towards her. This understanding was reflected in a delicate smile that graced her flawless face.

"Why are you here?" Viserys questioned, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as he assessed the situation. He had heard of Kinvara's reputation as a powerful priestess but still couldn't shake off his wariness. The flickering torches scattered throughout the dimly lit room cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Kinvara's voice, sweet like honey, resonated through the chamber as she responded, maintaining her calm composure. "You're guests; there's no need to worry; no one here shall harm you. If we had wanted to, we could have done so already, don't you agree?

Viserys weighed Kinvara's words, his mind still plagued with doubts. The world outside was fraught with political tensions and treachery, and he had learned the hard way not to trust too easily.

"I understand your concerns, Prince Viserys," she said softly, her voice a soothing melody amidst the uncertainty. "Trust is earned, not freely given. We are not here to force your hand but to offer our support and guidance in these troubled times."

"Now come with me. I'm here to walk you to the common room, there we can talk," Kinvara warmly invited with her infectious smile. He glanced back at Daenerys, who met his gaze with a mixture of uncertainty and trust in her eyes. Allowing a moment of silent understanding to pass between them, they ultimately acknowledged the mutual realization that they had no alternative but to follow Kinvara's lead.

Once they stepped into Kinvara's common room, Viserys couldn't help but be awestruck by its sheer size and grandeur. The room's vastness resonated with every step they took, leaving him with a sense of both wonder and intimidation. It was a large square room adorned with elegant furnishings and lavish decor. The centerpiece of the common room was a meticulously crafted red tapestry that stretched from wall to wall, covering the entirety of the floor.

Embroidered onto the carpet was a striking sigil of a burning heart, an unmistakable symbol of the Red God that sent a shiver down Viserys' spine. However, the extravagance didn't stop there. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting scenes of heroic battles and divine intervention, with golden accents adding a touch of opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm and ethereal glow that filled the room.

As Dany observed the room, she noticed the walls beautifully adorned with magnificent tapestries. Each tapestry depicted a unique scene, including one where a great fire cast its glow upon the blackened expanse below, awash in darkness. Among these, one particular tapestry caught her eye, showcasing a breathtaking spectacle of a mighty dragon soaring through the air alongside its valiant rider. Hovering above a fierce battleground, the rider possessively grasped a sword engulfed in flames, its radiant glow illuminating both their path and the surrounding chaos below.

As Dany surveyed the room, her eyes fell upon another tapestry that caught her attention and seemed to intrigue her. It depicted a woman with an uncanny appearance, with features that were rather peculiar. One face depicted was made of flesh, perfectly capturing the appearance of a real human being, with skin as pale as snow, while the other face appeared ethereal and ghost-like, resembling a phantom from another realm. However, despite Dany's initial curiosity, her focus swiftly shifted toward the other servants bustling around the room, diverting her attention from the mysterious tapestry.

The room, filled with an exquisite ambiance, boasted numerous women bedecked in striking red dresses akin to Kinvara's attire. Every woman exuded an undeniable allure, captivating the onlookers. Two of these captivating figures silently glided toward Kinvara and swiftly brought forward two intricately designed chairs for her and her companions. The chairs were placed in front of a meticulously crafted square table, crafted entirely from a rich red wood. The delicate carvings on the table's surface featured the sigil of the Red God, perfectly centered for all to behold. Adding a touch of elegance, each end of the table showcased the masterfully carved figures of dragon heads, symbolizing strength and power.

"I hope you are hungry," Kinvara spoke with a warm smile as she took her seat directly across Viserys and Daenerys at the elaborately decorated table. The room was filled with an air of anticipation as neither Viserys nor Daenerys uttered a word in response. They maintained a solemn silence, their eyes fixed on the servants who gracefully entered the room, balancing trays of tantalizing dishes. The aroma of the mouthwatering delicacies filled the air, captivating their senses and intensifying their hunger. The servants approached the siblings with the utmost care, gently presenting each dish before them.

As the elegant silver plates, adorned with intricate designs, were gracefully placed on the exquisitely set table, Daenerys couldn't help but feel her stomach grumble in anticipation. The sight of the delicately prepared meal before her seemed to surpass anything she had ever encountered – a gastronomic masterpiece. The succulent aroma that wafted from the dishes filled the room, instantly igniting her senses and causing her mouth to water involuntarily. With each passing moment, the craving intensified, especially since she hadn't indulged in any nourishment for an entire day.

As her desire to reach out and taste the mouthwatering feast grew stronger, Daenerys found herself being swiftly halted by Viserys, who firmly grasped her delicate wrist. Confusion and curiosity played across her face as she gazed at him, prepared to inquire the reason behind his interruption. Before she could utter a single word, Viserys broke the silence, directing his words toward Kinvara with a piercing look in his eyes.

"You try first," Viserys spoke, his tone conveying an air of authority as he almost commanded her. Kinvara, on the other hand, simply smiled innocently. She swiftly snapped her delicate fingers, summoning a servant who obediently approached Viserys and Daenerys. The servant, cautiously wielding a fork, delicately sampled a small bite from the dishes before them. Viserys, ever vigilant, paid close attention to the servant's actions, waiting intently for any signs of treachery or foul play. As the minutes ticked by without any discernible effects from the food, a sense of relief washed over him. Finally reassured, he released his grip on Daenerys's hand, granting her the freedom to partake in the meal before them.

The extravagant small feast commenced with an assortment of mouthwatering delicacies, including succulent Roast ox that was flawlessly cooked to perfection, complemented by the tantalizing flavors of stuffed ducks and heaping buckets of fresh crabs. An exquisite River pike encased in a delectable crust crafted from an assortment of aromatic herbs and crushed nuts. Accompanying the feast were sips of refreshing sweet cider, perfectly balancing the rich and savory flavors that pervaded the atmosphere. Satisfyingly hearty stews made their appearance, brimming with an assortment of mussels, succulent crabs, and three varieties of fish, delighting the taste buds with their harmonious blend of oceanic goodness.

The tantalizing Spiced rum from the Summer Isles, a rare gem in the land of Westeros, offered a sensory journey unmatched by any other libation. The feast's grandeur continued with the arrival of succulent boiled beef, masterfully prepared and exquisitely paired with zesty horseradish, adding a spicy kick to every delectable bite.

Daenerys barely bothered chewing her meal as she marveled at its incredible texture and taste. From the moment she brought the food into her mouth, she experienced an extraordinary sensation – it effortlessly melted, gliding down her throat with the smoothness of water. Each bite was a delightful surprise, as she struggled to recall a time when she had ever indulged in such extraordinary dishes. The explosion of flavors in her mouth was an overwhelming delight, an orchestra of sensations that danced on her tastebuds. For a fleeting moment, she savored the tantalizing spiciness. The subtle sweetness was followed by a gentle saltiness, and all of these remarkable flavors harmoniously intertwined, creating a symphony of culinary pleasure.

As the meal reached its conclusion, Daenerys found herself with hands filled with remnants of delicious food, a stark contrast to the impeccably clean hands of Viserys. Recognizing the need for cleanliness, the servants swiftly appeared with damp towels for both Daenerys and Viserys. Daenerys gratefully pressed the soft cloth to her face, reveling in the refreshing warmth it offered before diligently attending to the task of wiping away any lingering traces of the meal from her visage.

Once they were done eating, Daenerys and Viserys looked at Kinvara, who seemed to have finished her plate.

"My lady, I would like to know where we are headed?" Viserys questioned, speaking formally, his voice calm and collected.

"Volantis," Kinvara answered right away, her voice sounding genuine to Daenerys.

"A city of slaves," Viserys spat. "I'm sure your master would pay handsomely for the last two Targaryens in the world," he continued, speaking with a sneer.

"My only master is Lord R'hllor, he is the only one I answer to," Kinvara spoke, her voice sounding genuine, her beautiful smile on full display.

"The Red God, I'm afraid burning us will be difficult," Viserys added with a look of confidence on his face. Undeterred by Viserys' skepticism, she gracefully rose from her seat and began to stride towards a nearby torch, emanating a sense of poise and grace. As she approached the flickering flames, Daenerys, anticipating that Kinvara would retract her hand, watched in amazement as the Red Priestess extended her slender fingers toward the searing heat. Contrary to Daenerys' expectations, Kinvara disregarded any concern for her own safety and maintained her hand's proximity to the dancing tongues of fire, before pulling it away.

"R'hllor doesn't want your flesh, neither your King blood. We came to your aid to bring you to Volantis, our Lord showed us your sister in the flames, as did you, and we obeyed our Lord," As Kinvara spoke, Meanwhile, Daenerys couldn't help but be captivated by the mesmerizing sight of Kinvara's crimson eyes, which seemed to emit a radiant glow akin to precious gemstones. What enhanced this ethereal spectacle was the flickering torchlight casting its gentle illumination upon Daenerys' already enchanting countenance.

"Why, my sister?" Viserys spoke protectively, not liking the way the red priestess was gazing at Daenerys. Viserys had seen that look too many times; he recognized the look of desire. He knew the woman saw a good opportunity and was simply using them for her own purposes.

"That remains to be seen once we arrive at Volantis," Kinvara answered, not batting an eye at Viserys, instead looking solely at Daenerys.

"And if we want to leave?" As Kinvara stood up in response to Daenerys' question, a brief moment of surprise passed before she fully grasped that it was Daenerys who had asked rather than Viserys. The shift in authority and determination was evident in the way Daenerys delivered the question, her eyes fixed on Kinvara with a daring challenge. In that split second, Kinvara couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for the young princess.

"Then you will be sent back to where we found you two; you will be given a thousand gold dragons and two weapons," Kinvara answered sincerely. Viserys couldn't help but doubt her words; he had learned the hard way that no one ever does something out of the goodness of their heart unless the said person was family; that was the only expectation.

Viserys didn't know if he could truly believe her words, he thought that perhaps the easier route would be to be on their own.

"Maybe we should go back," Viserys whispered to Daenerys, briefly glancing at her but mainly keeping his focus on the red woman.

"Why? To be on the streets once again," Daenerys answered with a hushed tone.

"Dany, these people are not our allies. But I think we wouldn't be a lot safer in the streets, than with a group of people that are known to burn people for sacrifices," Viserys quickly reasoned.

"We have been in the streets for years, Vis. If we go back, we will return back to having nothing; eventually, the gold dragons will be either spent or stolen, we are defendless, we have no choice, Vis. We should try our luck, but if you want you can go on your own," Daenerys reasoned, knowing Vis was only concerned for her, and she couldn't blame her. Right now, they were defenseless and needed loyal people by their sides.

"I won't leave you, Dany, never. If you say we should go, then I will follow you every step of the way," Viserys whispered to her, kissing her forehead, before he looked at Kinvara.

"We are coming with you,"

Muna, please guide us, Viserys thought, knowing no matter what, his Muna would watch over them. His words made Kinvara smile triumphantly. '


Daenerys escaped her thoughts to the sound of approaching footsteps behind her. Without wasting a second, she swiftly pivoted on her heels to face Missandie, a young woman who had endured the life of slavery before being acquired by Kinvara. It had been a pivotal moment when Daenerys and Viserys, having agreed to follow Kinvara's lead, were informed that they were entitled to select a solitary servant, each to serve them for a lifetime.

Despite Daenerys continuously reassuring Missandie that there was no need for fear, she remained quiet and reserved, barely uttering a word. However, ever since Daenerys had chosen her as her handmaiden, Missandie had gradually begun to feel more at ease in the princess's presence.

Although the transformation was subtle, faint glimmers of trust and comfort could be seen in the way Missandie carried herself. Although still maintaining a humble posture with her eyes cast downwards, there was a newfound warmth in her interactions with Daenerys. She no longer flinched at every movement or gesture from the princess.

Missandie's presence became less rigid, her tense shoulders easing slightly as she became more comfortable sharing her thoughts with Daenerys.


"Lady Kinvara wants your presence in her chambers," Missandie answered, keeping her head down while she talked, something Daenerys really wished she would stop doing.

Viserys had warned Daenerys never to stay in the same room with Kinvara alone, but Daenerys couldn't help but feel intrigued; Kinvara had never asked for her presence in her chambers when Viserys wasn't with her, but before she could accept the offer...


Daenerys nearly lost her balance on the smooth wooden floor as the deafening roar reverberated through the vast expanse of the land, resembling the mighty rumble of thunder. As her surroundings trembled, the ship swayed violently, challenging her stability. However, driven by sheer determination, Daenerys outstretched her hand instinctively and clung onto the sturdy ropes of the ship, mustering every ounce of strength to regain her footing. Her eyes, wide with wonder and astonishment, swiftly turned upwards, greeted by an awe-inspiring sight. Hovering above them, with wings stretched magnificently, was an enormous Black Dragon.

Unfathomably colossal, it was easily the largest living creature Daenerys had ever laid eyes upon. Despite the overwhelming intimidation, an insatiable sense of awe enveloped her, leaving her unable to tear her gaze away as the majestic creature gracefully soared into the distance, leaving behind a trail of wonder.

"Dragons have returned!"

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