Dancing with Flames

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The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 56 (The Cannibal), Chapter 57 (A Family with House Stark), Chapter 58 (The She-Bear and The Dragon), Chapter 59 (The Regret of A Big Brother), Chapter 60 (The Red Temple), Chapter 61 (For The Throne), Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), and Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed) are already available for Patrons.

Daenerys Targaryen

The immense power and beauty of the dragon mesmerized her, its wings glinting in the sunlight as it effortlessly soared through the sky. Daenerys marveled at the sight, a mix of awe and anticipation coursing through her veins.

As the dragon disappeared into the distant clouds, a surge of emotions overwhelmed her. It was as if her heart was ready to burst. With a radiant smile adorning her face, she couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the dragon.

Almost instinctively, Daenerys found herself extending her hand, yearning to touch the dragon. The desire to call out, beckoning the dragon to return, danced on the tip of her tongue. She was entranced by its arrival and wanted to know more about its origins, questioning why this dragon had chosen this moment to reveal itself; she wondered where this dragon had been before, why he hadn't revealed himself before, before the Rebellion, before her brother fell to the Stag.

If only she thought she would have grown up with her family. In her dreams, she dreamed of Rhaegar flying a dragon, his dark hair dancing with the wind as he bathed the Lannister army in flames for butchering Elia Martell and her children, his dragon as beautiful as flames. She knew Rhaegar had silver hair like her and Viserys, but in her dreams, Rhaegar always had dark hair.

Come back, Daenerys thought with a tinge of longing in her heart, her eyes never wavering from the sight of the dragon gracefully soaring through the foggy distance. As the Dragon's form gradually faded away, she keenly observed the mesmerizing display of its tail vanishing into the dense cloud. A profound sense of disappointment settled within her, for she yearned to see the dragon once more.

When she heard the sound of brisk and purposeful footsteps resonating from behind, growing steadily louder as they approached, she instinctively pivoted on her heel to confront the mesmerizing vision. Kinvara, beautiful and dangerous, her mere presence managed to send a shiver down Daenerys's spine. A mixture of astonishment and exhilaration caused Daenerys's breath to catch in her throat, rendering her momentarily speechless momentarily. As her gaze absorbed the enchanting sight before her, the air suddenly felt dry to her, causing her throat to tighten with a sudden parchedness. With an effortless smile adorning her flawlessly radiant face, the Red Priestess gracefully closed more of the distance between them.

Kinvara was one of the most beautiful women Daenerys had ever seen. Her long, flowing locks were reminiscent of burnished copper, their deep color accentuating her stunning features. However, it was her predatory red eyes that truly mesmerized Daenerys, seeming to hold an untamed power that weakened her knees with every glance.

Not only was Kinvara's beauty marked by her striking eyes and hair, but she also boasted a complexion so unblemished and pale that it seemed ethereal. Her skin glowed with an otherworldly grace.

The priestess possessed a slender and graceful figure, towering even over Viserys with her height. Her dress, despite attempts to conceal it, did little to hide her ample bosom and accentuated her narrow waist, further enhancing her allure. Combined with her heart-shaped face, Kinvara's features radiated a rare and exquisite beauty.

Her voice had a melodic quality that both soothed and enchanted. Its kindness and beauty were such that sometimes Daenerys found herself entranced, feeling as though she was being gently lulled to sleep just by listening to her.

Kinvara was always impeccably dressed in long, flowing fabric dyed a vibrant shade of red, symbolizing her unwavering devotion to her faith. Not only did she wear these crimson garments, but she also adorned herself with a scarlet cloak, adding an air of regality to her already striking appearance. However, it was the captivating red gold choker that truly caught Daenerys's attention whenever she encountered the priestess. This exquisite piece of jewelry, snugly fitted around Kinvara's neck, boasted a resplendent ruby at its center, casting a mesmerizing glow akin to a flickering flame. Daenerys couldn't help but notice the warmth emanating from her body; touching Kinvara felt like touching flames.

"Princess, I see you loved the sight," the priestess spoke melodically, almost like a lovely singer, her voice carrying a captivating tune that resonated within Daenerys' soul. A warm, inviting smile adorned the priestess's face. However, as Daenerys beheld that expression, a certain unease prickled at her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. The contrasting blend of the priestess's inviting smile and her predatory red eyes filled with an intensity that made Daenerys abruptly aware of her own insignificance.

I'm a Dragon, Daenerys told herself, reminding herself of who she was. In her veins flowed the blood of old Valyria, yet in Kinvara's presence, Daenerys felt insignificant

"You know of the dragon, Priestess?" Daenerys asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of awe and curiosity as she finally gathered the courage to speak. Standing on the ship's main deck, her hands clung tightly to the weathered wooden railings, providing her with a sense of security amidst the vastness of the open ocean. Desperately attempting to emulate the regal demeanor expected of a princess, her voice wavered slightly, revealing an underlying uncertainty and a touch of timidity. Struggling to maintain her composure, she steadied herself against the gentle swaying of the ship, determined to remain on her feet and not let her nerves overcome her.

"Indeed, the dragons still exist, my Princess," Kinvara affirmed in a voice that flowed effortlessly like a serene melody. Her words were delivered smoothly, almost with the same passion as a lover. As Daenerys stood there, her heart entwined with a mixture of awe and caution, she couldn't help but acknowledge the approaching presence of Kinvara. A sense of trepidation washed over her, causing her to recoil instinctively, only to find herself pressed against the wooden railing that enclosed her surroundings. Kinvara's graceful stride brought her right in front of Daenerys, their proximity allowing the heat of Kinvara's breath to brush against her skin, glow emanating from Kinvara's crimson eyes, which seemed to sparkle with a captivating brilliance as they fixated upon Daenerys with an air of superiority.

Her body gave out warmth; Daenerys always loved the comforting embrace of heat. Being near Kinvara felt like standing right beside a crackling fireplace on a chilly winter's eve. Even though Missandei had mentioned that the intense heat bothered her, to Daenerys, the heat was comforting. The soothing warmth enveloped her like a warm blanket that she didn't want to get rid of.

"You know of this Dragon, who is he?" Daenerys questioned. For a brief moment, she wondered how she knew the dragon was a male dragon and not a female, but she quickly escaped her thoughts when Kinvara laid her delicate hand on top of Daenerys's bare hand, which was leisurely resting on the polished wooden railing. At that moment, the weight of Daenerys's worries seemed to fade away as her attention was captivated by the sensation. A faint scent lingered in the air, momentarily catching Daenerys's attention, and she instinctively inhaled, allowing the serene atmosphere to fill her senses. As Kinvara's hand connected with her own, a surprising warmth radiated through Daenerys's skin, seemingly enveloping her in a soothing embrace. Her hand was remarkably soft, like the caress of the finest silk; Daenerys had never touched something so soft and warm.

"The Dragon lives in the Ruins of Old Valyria. He has been seen coming in and out of that cursed place," Kinvara answered sweetly, her mesmerizing red eyes shimmering like precious gems. Daenerys became captivated by a sensation of utmost warmth that coursed through her entire being, akin to a flowing river, starting from the depths of her chest and then blooming outward to the soft flush on her cheeks. Unable to resist, Daenerys found herself surrendering to the delightful touch of Kinvara's hand intertwined with her own, savoring the incredibly pleasant feeling that enveloped her. It felt Good.

"Old Valyria! I thought nothing lived there," Daenerys gasped, hearing that; she knew nothing of Old Valyria, only what her brother had told her. It was known as a great Kingdom, an unstoppable kingdom until the doom happened, and all the dragons fell from the sky, never to fly again. It was said that anyone who went to Old Valyria never returned, but many spoke of Old Valyria having great Treasures hidden inside, and many desired such treasures.

"There are many things that live in Old Valyria, Princess. Things that should always remain there, things that even Balerion the Black Dread was afraid of," Kinvara leaned in closer with a gentle smile on her face, her captivating red eyes locked onto Daenerys' gaze. The softness in her voice, accompanied by the slight quiver in her tone, conveyed an undeniable sweetness that made Daenerys' heart skip a beat. As Kinvara continued speaking, her full lips moved with an effortless grace, their subtle movements captivating Daenerys' attention. The sight of them alone caused a deep sensation of desire to surge within Daenerys, rendering her momentarily breathless. Though she fought against succumbing to this captivating allure, the intensity of the heat emanating from Kinvara seemed to intensify with each passing moment, enveloping Daenerys in an almost tangible aura of comfort and invitation.

As Daenerys stood there, the warmth spreading across her cheeks was undeniable. Her face slowly transformed into a brilliant shade of crimson. She told herself that she should walk away, that being in Kinvara's presence would do her no good, but she just couldn't. However, despite her rational thoughts, she couldn't tear herself away. The allure of feeling that intense heat, coupled with the intoxicating sensation of Kinvara's thumb gently caressing her hand, sent shivers of pleasure down Daenerys's spine. The overwhelming pleasure was so tantalizing that she found herself on the brink of moaning in pleasure, succumbing to the seductive touch. Unsteady on her feet, her legs quivered with weakness.

Kinvara extended her other hand, gently grasping Daenerys's chin. This subtle movement caused their eyes to meet, Daenerys's purple eyes locking with Kinvara's intense gaze that burned with desire. An intense sensation sent a shiver down Daenerys's spine as she gazed into those predatory eyes, a hunger emanating from Kinvara as if she wished to consume her whole.

"I would like to invite you to my chambers tonight, My Princess. I want to discuss something with you privately. Will you come?" Kinvara proposed, her voice again smooth and melodic; Daenerys felt her heart beating in her throat, a part of her telling her that she shouldn't accept her proposition. She didn't know the woman. For all she knew, Kinvara wanted her in her chambers to manipulate her, but Daenerys couldn't find the strength to say 'No' to her. Kinvara had saved her and Viserys from the streets, and she was giving them free food, an excellent place to sleep, and the promise that they would have back what they had lost. And most importantly, Daenerys wanted to know more about Kinvara, to know more about the woman who saved them.

"I will be there," Daenerys whispered softly, her voice tinged with a hint of submission that seemed to catch Kinvara's attention. The High Priestess seemed delighted to hear Daenerys's commitment, a subtle smile playing on her red, irresistibly alluring lips. As Kinvara inched closer, her breathtakingly beautiful lips brushed gently against Daenerys's cheeks, leaving a tantalizing trace of warmth in their wake. Daenerys, overwhelmed by the intense sensation, savored the delicious shudder that coursed through her entire body. The heat from Kinvara's lips lingered on her cheek, sending a thrilling sensation that seemed to ignite her own lips, creating a burning sensation that was both enticing and captivating. At last, Kinvara's lips pulled away, leaving Daenerys yearning for more.

Daenerys could still feel her lips against her cheeks; she could still sense the warmth radiating from Kinvara's touch as her hand tenderly reached out to graze her cheek. The overwhelming wave of pleasure that consumed Daenerys in that very instant brought forth an involuntary smile, one that she couldn't suppress no matter how hard she tried. Daenerys couldn't help but decide at that moment that she wanted to feel more from Kinvara.

Oberyn Martell

"What?!" Oberyn shouted in utter disbelief and fury, his voice reverberating through the room. The moment he heard Lord Stark's words, he felt a surge of rage, causing him to spring up from his seat abruptly. The chair toppled over and crashed onto the ground behind him. His hands involuntarily clenched and unclenched multiple times. As anger tightened its grip on him, his throat became parched, the sudden dryness making it difficult for him even to speak. Despite the sensation of his voice catching in his throat, he still managed to repeat the words Lord Stark had just said.

"They have information on someone in Essos who claims to be Aegon Targaryen," Oberyn, consumed by a burning rage, repeated the words. His dark eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and disbelief as he glanced over at Lord Stark, whose own expression mirrored his state of confusion and disorientation. Oberyn swiftly snatched it from Lord Stark's hands, reading line after line. Oberyn threw the letter toward the nearby fireplace; the flames hungrily devoured the letter, turning it into a pile of ash. With his eyes fixed upon the dying embers, Oberyn's mind churned with thoughts of Elia and her children.

"Prince Oberyn, I was there when Lord Tywin presented the... bodies to Robert. I didn't really look at the faces, but I didn't know there was a possibility that Aegon had survived."

"It's All Bullshit!" Oberyn immediately interrupted him with a growl, his voice echoing throughout the chamber, his eyes still looking at the flames in the fireplace, before turning to face Lord Stark, who seemed to be waiting for him to continue.

"The only secret my sister ever held from me was her love for your sister and her approval of their marriage, and that was because she knew how much of a moron I was, she knew I would have perhaps done something wrong, but when it came to her children, she always told me everything. She would have told me if she somehow managed to save Aegon, and if she found someone capable of saving him, then my Nephew would have already been in Dorne, not in Essos. Elia knew I had numerous bastards. It would have been easy for me to hide him, just like I did with Jae. Elia would have saved Rhaenys, too, but Elia would have never trusted her children to someone she didn't know. She didn't even allow the nurses to take care of them. She wanted to raise them herself. The only ones she allowed near her children were her family and Rhaegar." In a hurry, Oberyn hastily explained as he strolled around the sollar. His wandering gaze landed upon a vase brimming with rich red wine. Without wasting a moment, he swiftly approached the vase, snatching it up and indulging in its contents with fervor. Each sip sent cascades of flavors down his throat, prompting him to continue drinking until no drop remained within the vessel. Afterward, he hastily wiped the remnants of the wine from his lips using his palm, yet he threw the empty vessel against the Wall, causing it to shatter into countless fragments.

"You don't think this Aegon is Queen Elia's child? If not him, then who is he?" Ned questioned in confusion. He tried to think of who could possibly be, but the only ones that came to mind were perhaps pretenders; there were many pretenders in the Council of 101 who claimed to be King Jaehaerys's bastard son; many people would go to great lengths if it meant they had the opportunity to become Kings.

"It doesn't matter," Oberyn said with a voice that made it clear that he didn't want to discuss this any longer. Oberyn felt the need to punch something, but he wasn't in the mood to fight, so he knew where to go to get rid of the stress he felt.

"Prince Oberyn, this pretender has convinced Robert that he's indeed Aegon Targaryen. I don't think Robert would have sent me this letter if he didn't have proof," Ned reasoned; he didn't know who this pretender was, but he knew if he had an army backing him up, then he knew he would sooner or later reach Westeros, Ned wasn't sure if Jae would be willing to fight if he thought the pretender was truly his brother.

"Proofs can easily be lies, Lord Stark. If this pretender was truly my nephew, why did it take so long to show himself? Why hasn't Doran accepted any letters from this supposed Aegon?" Oberyn questioned as he kept strolling around the solar, his rage increasing even more.

Ned could see Oberyn's reasoning to doubt it, and he knew there was a good chance that this pretender was nothing more than just a pretender. "I will need to leave for King's Landing soon. I don't think we will go to War, but I will need to speak with Robert,"

"Whoever he is, he is pretending to be my nephew; he's spitting on my nephew's grave. We won't talk about this to anyone, but if this 'Aegon' decides to push his supposed claim, I will throw him in the scorpion pit." Oberyn promised as he looked at Lord Stark, who seemed to want to talk more, but Oberyn wasn't in the mood to talk. He slammed open the door and walked out of the solar.

"They have information on someone in Essos who claims to be Aegon Targaryen,"

The words repeated in Oberyn's head like a bell. He didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't stop himself. Flashes of his nephew's bodies passed before his eyes like lightning when Jon Arryn arrived in Sunspear to give them the bodies of Elia and her children. By that point, all left of them were just bones.

Oberyn rushed through corridors, not paying attention to anything around him, he collided with someone as he walked, but Oberyn paid it little attention, soon he reached his chamber, and Ellaria lay there amongst the sheets with Ros by her side, who was currently busy feasting on Ellaria's cunt.

Jaehaerys Targaryen

"A fight?" Jae questioned playfully, raising an eyebrow as he stopped playfully grappling with Nymeria. They shifted their focus to the figure of Lord Robb. Standing nearby was Theon Greyjoy. It was difficult for him to grasp why Lord Stark would permit an ironborn to be friends with his own son, who, being the heir to Winterfell, held significant responsibilities and expectations. Ironborns were filthy people, most of them.

"Yes, everyone is talking about you being the best warrior in Dorne, and so is Arya; she holds you in very high regard," Robb said with a smirk, sounding sure of his own abilities with a blade. Nymeria looked at both of them; neither seemed much; she knew her little brother could easily defeat them; she didn't miss the hungry look Theon was sending her; she was half tempted to fight him so that she could play him like a fiddle and humiliate him in front of everyone.

"I accept, Lord Stark." Jae accepted with a smile of confidence, and everyone else cleared out, giving them enough space to fight.

As Jae observed his cousin with unwavering attentiveness, he couldn't help but notice the firm grip Robb had on the pommel. Robb's piercing blue eyes remained fixated on Jae. Bracing himself for the impending attack, Jae anticipated Robb's first swing with utmost readiness. Swiftly sidestepping the powerful blow, he capitalized on the opportunity by swiftly delivering a precise strike to Robb's arm, causing him to momentarily falter in his stance. Seizing the advantage, Jae seamlessly transitioned into a follow-up attack, striking his cousin's side and exploiting the opening created by Robb's failed attempt to recover from his previous missed strike.

Despite being hit, Robb didn't seem to lose his control. His focused gaze remained unyielding as he effortlessly shrugged off the impact. Instead of succumbing to the pain, he defied it. With unwavering resolve, Robb skillfully adjusted his stance and subtly increased the gap between him and Jae.

In one swift motion, he tightened his grip around his sword. The sound of metal striking dirt echoed through the air as Jae hastily retreated, his defense crumbling under the relentless assault. The force of Robb's attack was noticeably lighter than the initial blow.

Undeterred by the lack of immediate success, Robb's movements became a blur of precision and agility, his strikes quick and nimble as he relentlessly pursued an opening to strike. Every swing was calculated and deliberate.

After two rapid strikes, Jae tactically stepped back, creating distance between himself and Robb. With a calculated display of skill, he confidently offered Robb an opportunity to advance with the training sword. Reacting swiftly, Jae seamlessly parried and executed a deceptive feint, leaving Robb momentarily off balance. Capitalizing on this advantage, he skillfully landed another precise strike on Robb's arm and side, effectively marking the fourth time he successfully touched his opponent. The expression on Robb's face visibly revealed his disbelief at having been struck multiple times without managing to land a single hit on Jae.

Robb kept his distance, standing precisely two meters away from the others, as he felt his heart pounding so vigorously that it seemed lodged in his throat. He repeated to himself, "I shouldn't... I can't lose." His determination was palpable, evident in the tight clenching of his jaw. Unbeknownst to Robb, beads of sweat formed on his forehead and trickled down his face.

It seemed Robb had learned his lesson; his attack was more cautious this time, his swings a little less powerful. Jae, though he was in his element, was fully in control of this match now, and he began to enjoy himself. He parried a hard blow to his left and feinted a return, forcing Robb to step backward; as he did so, Jae was upon him. A short thrust followed by a quick arc to the right gave him his opening.

He swiftly took it as his sword made direct contact with Robb's chest, knocking him off balance and causing him to fall on his ass. Standing over his fallen opponent, Jae raised his sword and positioned it close to Robb's face. Sensing the futility of his resistance, Robb stammered his acceptance of defeat, his voice trembling as he reluctantly uttered the words, "I-I yield."

The courtyard erupted into a chorus of jubilant cheers, the air filled with triumphant shouts and applause. Jae looked around and wasn't surprised to see Theon lying on the ground and moaning like a bitch as Nymeria walked away with a smirk of satisfaction on her face.

As Jae was about to pull away the dull blade, perhaps placing it back on the barrel, a voice spoke behind him; Jae recognized her voice, firm and, in a way, dominating.

Jae turned to face Lady Dacey Mormont; unlike the other ladies, she was wearing armor, which made her look even more appealing, reminding Jae of Alysanne in a way; she too loved to wear armor sometimes but not often; she much preferred moving around freely, saying the armor bothered her to move around as much as she wanted.

Jae couldn't help but acknowledge that Dacey possessed an undeniable allure with her captivating northern beauty. Her stunning, long, and lustrous dark hair cascaded down her back, enhancing her overall charm. Not only did her hair hold a captivating beauty, but her face also held a unique blend of sharp features that managed to be both delicate and intense at the same time.

What truly stood out to him was Dacey's extraordinary height. Far from being bothered by it, Jae found her tallness intriguing and attractive. Standing just a few inches shorter than him, she exuded an aura of confidence and poise that only added to her overall attractiveness.

Jae's gaze lingered on Dacey as he observed her, and as soon as she noticed his attention, a sweet smile graced her lips. Her smile was filled with warmth and kindness.

"My lady, what can I do for you?" Jae inquired with utmost respect, his handsome features adorned by an infectious smile that exuded warmth and sincerity. Curiosity flickered in his eyes as his gaze shifted towards Dacey. In her grasp, she tightly held a massive mace, a weapon so formidable that it could easily crush a man's skull with a single blow. Although Jae couldn't quite fathom the reason, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of Dacey with the mace in her hand. In his eyes, she looked even better with the mace on her hand.

Dacey walked up to him, sensually swaying her hips; Aemon swallowed hard, looking at her eyes instead as she stood before Aemon.

"You're a good Dancer, Jon," Dacey purred seductively, her captivating voice laced with an alluring blend of desire and mischief. "I would like to see how you dance in the training yards, and," she continued with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "maybe in bed too." Her words flowed with such sensuality and finesse that they sent an enticing shiver down Aemon's spine; he knew how not to lose his mind in front of a beautiful woman; he had been raised in Dorne, after all, and his father had taken him visit many brothels, there he was taught how to be more resistance to a woman's advances, his father often told him that many women would use their beauty to get what they wanted.

"I wouldn't mind that, Lady Dacey. I really want to see you dance in the Training Yard," Jae accepted with an intense voice. His voice caused Dacey to feel a shudder in her body, a pleasant one, as she took several steps backward, her feet digging into the snow, and soon both rushed towards each other.

Dacey was the first to launch an attack on Jae. With a swift motion, she swung her mace towards him. However, Jae's instincts kicked in, allowing him to deftly evade her incoming strike. As he witnessed the speed at which Dacey swung her hefty mace, a faint surprise flashed across Jae's face. It was remarkable that despite the weight of the weapon she wielded, Dacey displayed impressive agility and quickness in her movements.

Her swings were not only fast but also carried a lethal ferocity. Yet, Jae's remarkable nimbleness enabled him to dodge each of her blows effortlessly, all the while opting to keep his own sword sheathed, seemingly unphased by the imminent danger.

Dacey understood the handsome boy was using the long game to win, so she decided to change her strategy quickly. Dacey confidently took a calculated, elongated step forward with her long legs, positioning herself strategically to launch her attack. With a swift and forceful swing of her mace, she skillfully maneuvered it in a way that compelled Jae to instinctively use his sword as a means to parry the assault. Yet, despite his valiant efforts, the sheer power behind Dacey's mace proved overwhelming, causing Jae to wince slightly in physical pain as he desperately blocked her formidable strike. A satisfied smile adorned Dacey's face.

But Dacey was caught off guard when Jae swiftly raced towards her at a speed she hadn't seen him display before. Surprised and unprepared, she felt a sharp punch connect with her stomach, leaving her momentarily gasping for breath as pain rippled through her body. Dacey reacted instinctively, fiercely swinging her mace at Jae's arm in an attempt to immobilize him. Despite her determination, Jae's unparalleled agility allowed him to evade her strike, effortlessly dodging her attack swiftly.

Seizing this opportunity, he retaliated with relentless aggression, deploying his sword with lightning-fast precision. Overwhelmed by his relentless assault, Dacey's efforts to defend herself gradually waned, her grip on the mace slipping until it fell from her hand, leaving her defenseless. With the tip of his sword, he poised mere inches from her vulnerable throat.

"I Yield," Dacey said, feeling no shame in it. She was bested by a better warrior, but this only made her blood rush in her head. In her eyes, Jae suddenly seemed even more attractive than before, as she couldn't help but feel tingles in her body. Despite being defeated, Dacey really wished she could just take Jae to her chambers so she could ride his cock and face all night long.

"You're a great Warrior, Lady Dacey," Jae praised warmly, his voice laced with genuine admiration as he gracefully lowered his blade from her delicate neck. Dacey's lips curled into a sultry smile, her eyes twinkling with a mix of triumph and appreciation as she confidently took a step forward. With a graceful fluidity, she extended her hand towards Jae. Jae wasted no time reciprocating the gesture, firmly clasping her outstretched hand in his own. As their hands met, Dacey couldn't help but notice the undeniable strength radiating from Jae's grip, much to her delight.

"My invitation still stands, Jon. Your princess can come too. I wouldn't mind riding a Princess's face," Dacey spoke with a low, husky voice, her sultry smile stretching across her beautiful face.

Jae watched as Dacey walked away while swaying her hips, knowing he was looking at her ass, even bigger than Arianne's.

Father, I Blame you for this, Jae thought before walking inside.

Note: In the books, the snow around Melisandre slowly melts despite being in the Wall, and Jon notes that her body gives out heat. Also Ghost is very friendly with Melisandre despite never meeting her before?!