A Family with House Stark

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Chapter 58 (The She-Bear and The Dragon), Chapter 59 (The Regret of A Big Brother), Chapter 60 (The Red Temple), Chapter 61 (For The Throne), Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed), Chapter 64 (The King of Dorne), and Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons) are already available for Patrons.


Taking a sip of water from his mug, Ned's hand flipped through pages, yet another wildling attack; they had gotten more frequent recently. Ned knew he would need to send someone to look around and give protection; he was the Lord of the North, and it was his job to protect his people.

After he was done with the daily reports, his mind went somewhere else, busy thinking of the day's activities. Lady Maege had come to him yesterday, asking if she and her daughters could have a race with his boys; House Mormont was known to be good at riding horses; Ned found nothing wrong with it; Robb could benefit from it; he still wasn't good at riding horses.

Ned didn't know whether Robb was too scared or just the horses not liking him; the Lord of Winterfell didn't know but hoped Robb would get better at it soon.

Ned, of course, accepted Lady Maege's offer. Ned suddenly remembered what Catelyn had told him last night.

' "Ned, Arya is having a good time with Prince Oberyn's daughters and Lady Lyanna Mormont," She said as she lay with him in their bed, his arms around her waist, bringing her closer.


"I think Arya might benefit if she fostered in Dorne or the Bear Island." Her words made Ned furrow a brow; he looked down at her eyes as if waiting for her to say all this was just a jape.

"Wait, you think Arya should foster?" Ned asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable at the thought of Arya going away. She was his daughter, but Ned reminded himself that all of them except Robb would eventually leave Winterfell.

"Ned, our daughter is not made to be a proper lady. While I would thank the Seven if Arya started acting more like a proper lady. She won't change. We are allying with Dorne, so I thought that perhaps sending Arya to Sunspear might be good for her, there she can be as wild as she wants, and if gods are good. She might be a perfect match for Prince Trystane Martell. If not Dorne, then the Bear Island could help her." Catelyn reasoned, looking up at him, her head resting on the crook of his neck.

Ned sighed; he hadn't really thought of them being fostered, but it still felt too early. "I will think about it." '

Ned escaped his thoughts; standing up, he looked down at the Courtyard through the window. Alyanna was chasing after Spring with Arya and Nymeria.

Ned reminded himself that he still had not introduced Alyanna to his family. He wanted to introduce Jaehaerys too, but he didn't want that information to spread accidentally; while he trusted Catelyn to keep it secret, Arya and Sansa were still young, as so was Bran, the wrong word, and the wrong person might learn the truth.

Ned knew he was perhaps being too secretive; the chances of the word reaching Robert's ear were slim, but Ned didn't want to risk anything. He had decided to tell his family the truth about Jaehaerys only when he announced himself to Westeros. Ned knew he might need to fight Robert, someone he still, in a way, considered a brother. Ned remembered their first meeting and how excited he had been to introduce Lyanna to Robert. But now, this time, he would choose his family over Robert. His nephew over the man he still considered a brother.

Ned knew the chance was slim, but he hoped deep down that Jaehaerys would send him to the Wall instead of taking his head. Ned knew his nephew would never spare the man who killed Rhaegar.

Ned's mind returned to the present, his mind reminding him that Lady Maege had asked for a Horse Ride. Ned had decided to have that ride just before lunch; right now, he had a meeting with Lord Wyman Manderly.

Ned knew why he was having this meeting; Robb was of proper age to betrothal and marry a lady. Brandon had been betrothed to Catelyn when he had been only 13 name days; it was time for Robb to be betrothed, too.

Lord Wyman was a good man, and his house was the richest in The North. House Stark was lucky to have that house in control of White Harbor; he had two daughters; one could marry Robb and strengthen the North.

Ned knew he had already displeased the lords of the North by marrying a Southern, and on top of that, he allowed a sept to be built in the heart of Winterfell; he didn't need to ask to know what The North thought of it. If it were up to them, he should burn it to the ground, but it was his wife's gods, and he couldn't force her to follow the old gods.

The door suddenly cracked open, revealing a guard. "My lord, Lord Wyman is here," the guard announced.

"Let him in," commanded Ned with authority, causing the door to swing wide open, revealing a man in his thirties who seemed to carry an air of confidence. As the door opened fully, it exposed not only his age but also his notable physical feature—the man's belly was of an impressive size, far larger than anything Ned had ever witnessed before. A small, well-kept beard adorned his jawline. The man walked forward, stepping over the threshold, clad in a distinguished green coat. Notably, the mermaid sigil of his house was carefully stitched onto his chest. With a grateful smile stretching across his face, the man made himself at home, bringing with him the tantalizing aroma of freshly roasted meat and the refreshing scent of northern beer on his breath.

Ned gestured for him to sit down, his hand moving in the air as he finished the letter he was writing. The quill glided across the parchment. With a final flourish, he carefully set the letter aside, making sure it was positioned neatly before looking up at the man who stood in front of him.

The man, seemingly aware of Ned's attention, lowered himself into the chair. The chair creaked under his weight. Ned couldn't help but hope that the chair would withstand the strain.

"What brought you here, my lord?" Ned reached for a nearby mug, skillfully pouring beer into it. The frothy liquid cascaded smoothly, filling the air with its rich, malty aroma. He placed the mug on the table.

"Lord Stark, I'm here to propose a way to strengthen our friendship even further." Ned listened intently, his typically stoic face displaying a slight nod of recognition, encouraging the man to elaborate on his proposal.


As he ascended into the sky, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight unfolding beneath him. The trees of Winterfell grew smaller and smaller, their lush canopies gradually merging into a sprawling patchwork of greenery. Higher than any living tree in Winterfell, he soared above the tallest tower.

The world unfurled before his eyes, a vast expanse of breathtaking beauty. Winterfell now seemed diminutive in comparison to the vastness of the landscape stretching out before him.

The endless tapestry of thick and dense trees seemed to go on forever. He marveled at the interplay of light and shadow on the forest floor as sunlight streamed through the foliage.

Like a delicate silver thread, a winding river meandered through the forest's heart.

He could see the servants and soldiers; he could see Nymeria listening to something Lady Dacey was explaining to her, Lord Robb, sitting with Theon on a staircase, looking down on the Courtyard.

He could see the sun shining high in the sky, but Jae wanted to see further; his eyes looked north, North, and only north; Jae could see the wall. So large that it seemed it would never end, standing so tall and large that it seemed it could touch the sky itself.

Jae's heart skipped a beat as he gasped, feeling a surge of familiarity wash over him. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself standing in God's wood. With a deep breath, he realized he was still touching the ancient tree with his bare hand, feeling the rough texture of its bark under his fingertips. As he started to retract his hand, a faint chirping sound reached his ears, pulling his gaze upwards, and there, perched upon a branch, he caught sight of a crow fixated on him with its piercing eyes. With a graceful flap of its wings, the crow took flight.

Leaving the God's Wood, he ventured towards the Courtyard right before the gates.

Lord Robb stood steadfastly by his father's side. Ned seemed to be paying attention to the conversation between Lady Dacey and Lady Maege.

Meanwhile, Arya tried convincing her father to allow her to ride with Jae. Her desperate pleas echoed in the Courtyard, but Ned refused, saying she was too young.

Jae's eyes found his father watching over them; when they were breaking their fast, Nymeria had demanded to know why he was drunk last night and how he made himself look like a fool. Jae had asked, too. He had wanted to know what happened last night, and the same for Tyene and Obara, but their father once again put his foot down and refused to tell them anything.

"This is none of your problems, and this discussion ends now. I don't want to hear it, I got drunk, that's it. End of Story." His father had said firmly; upon hearing his words, Nymeria stood up and left the chamber; she had decided to break her fast alone.

Jae didn't want his sister to be alone in her chamber after arguing, so he joined her in her chambers. Nym had tried to change his mind, telling him that she would be alright by herself, but Jae had refused; soon, they were joined by Arianne and Alyanna; the four of them had broken their fast together.

Jae escaped his thoughts, hearing Lady Arya voicing out her disappointment as Lady Stark dragged her away with a Septa beside her. "Not Fair!!"


After Catelyn took his daughter away, Ned turned his attention to the guests in front of him, mainly the old bear. Ned himself wanted to know how well his sons would ride horses. It had been almost a year since he had seen Robb ride a horse, but the way the old bear was looking forward to it made him feel a bit uneasy, especially the way she had been asking questions about Jae.

"Quite a good lad, your bastard son," Lady Maege suddenly said towards Oberyn, who looked mildly annoyed that she used the word 'bastard'; Ned was ordering his men to prepare the horses for the boys, polishing the boots, cleaning the horses' feet, making sure their saddles were steady and that everything would go well.

"Indeed, he is. He's good with a sword; Maester Caleotte suggests giving him extra classes since he's that good at studying," Oberyn commented proudly, with a growing smile.

"Is he good with horses?"

"The best, my lady. Since he was four name days, he loved riding horses." Oberyn said with the same proud smile.

"Did he now!" Maege said, not bothering to hide her surprised face.

"What about the direwolf? I'm sure you found it unusual that your son tamed a Direwolf?" Maege questioned sharply. Ned felt his blood turn cold, but before he could come up with a good answer.

"He takes it after his mother; she was a beauty, and she used to love direwolves," Oberyn said; his words made Lady Maega think deeply while Ned felt like punching Oberyn for making it so obvious.

Ned escaped his thoughts when he heard the sound of his son falling from his horse. He instinctively turned his gaze towards the commotion. Robb sprawled upon the glistening snowy ground, his face etched with pain and frustration. His hand gently and instinctively found the exact spot where the impact had struck him, methodically rubbing it in a desperate attempt to alleviate the throbbing ache. Meanwhile, the horse cautiously retreated, leaving Robb alone.

"Stupid Horse," Robb murmured under his breath, seeing the horse walk away from him.

"That's the second time, Lord Robb; come on, you can do it; go for the third," Jae teased, earning a glare from Robb, who was in no mood to joke around.

Jae, on the other hand, was on his horse, who was calm; it didn't show any sign of not liking Jae.

With the help of Lady Dacey and Ser Rodrik, Robb eventually mounted another horse after the other one was led away in the stall.

Ned had decided to ride along with his son, his horse waiting for him, the gates of Winterfell open, allowing several riders to ride away, the first being Dacey, Lady Maege, Lord Glover, and Jae, who was smiling brightly, like the sun high in the sky.


He held the reins in his hands, sitting up tall, with shoulders squared, heels down in the stirrups, and eyes focused ahead between the horse's ears.

Jae could feel himself riding faster than ever before, the wind brushing off against his clothes, his hair dancing with the wind, his eyes looking forward; he felt free. Jae enjoyed this moment; he leaned his upper body forward, wanting to ride even faster; the horse seemed to think the same when he started riding more quickly.

The ground shook from the horse's legs, and Jae rode up a small hill, Winterfell behind him now; reaching the highest point of the small hill, he saw vast fields with snow ahead; everywhere he looked, the field seemed never to end, the snow all around him, land and air.

Jae leaned forward, closer to his horse, before patting his head; the horse let out a neighing sound at the attention. Jae chuckled before turning his horse around and facing the castle; despite being up a hill, he still wasn't higher than the tallest tower of Winterfell.

From here, Jae could see the castle's beauty; every roof was shaped like a cone, letting the snow fall from it during winter instead of accumulating on the roof.

Jae suddenly heard the sound of horses; looking back in the direction of Winterfell, his eyes saw Lady Maege followed by Dacey and Lord Glover riding towards his location.

Finally reaching, Dacey's breathing labored; Lord Glover seemed not to be that tired; Lady Maege was just strangely looking at him; Jae noticed she was looking at him as if he was someone else, not him.

"Damn, boy, you damn know how to ride a horse. I have been riding horses since I could walk and yet never seen anyone ever riding a horse like you," Robett Glover said with a loud laugh escaping his mouth.

"Thank you, my lord, but I'm sure there are people who are better than me at riding horses," Jae said, looking down slightly, feeling embarrassed, earning a chuckle from Lord Glover.

"He's right, Jon. All my years, I have seen only one person who could ride a horse like you, as if you and the horse were one." The voice of Lady Maege suddenly reached his ears; Jae looked up in curiosity, his curiosity piqued, wanting to know who he reminded her of.

"Who, my lady?"

"Lyanna Stark, she was the best rider I have ever seen." Lady Maege said, smiling sincerely at him. Jae smiled back; he had heard from even his father how good his real mother was with a horse, and being compared to her was an Honor.

Lady Maege's comment caused Robett to look at her with confusion before looking at Jae, more specifically, the way he was standing on his horse.

Lady Dacey narrowed her eyes at her mother, knowing she held Lyanna on such a high pedestal, maybe even above her own children. Hearing her mother compare someone to Lyanna must mean that Jon must have made quite an impression on her. Yet, Dacey felt like she was missing something, especially with how her mother looked at Jon.

"Thank You; my lady is an honor to be compared to someone like her."

"No need for that, Jon; you can just call me Maege," she said warmly towards the boy but earned a gasp from Robett.

"How come he can call you Maege, and I, who has known you for years, still can't call you that?" He asked with a frown, but Jae could tell he was teasing her.

Lady Maege rolled her eyes before turning to look at him. "Well, when the day comes that you win a horse race against me, you can call me whatever you want," She said, smiling. Robett chuckled at her comments; "Nevermind then," he murmured before turning to ride to join the others.

Tonight's Feast

Jae was eating a piece of sausage, followed by boiled eggs and bread; Jae knew the importance of not making a mess while you eat, unlike Lady Arya, who seemed to be fighting with her food, much to Lady Catelyn's horror and kept whispering to her to start acting like a lady.

Lady Dacey had asked Jae before the feast if it was true he could sing; the boy had answered with a passionate 'Yes.'

Knowing they weren't exactly drunk yet, Dacey stood up, making her way over to Jae. She turned to look at the boy, who seemed to understand why she had come over to him.

"I think it is time for the song," Dacey suggested, earning a nod from Jae. Lady Mormont turned to look at everyone before clearing her throat.

"Everyone, Jon Sand wants to sing a song for us. I want everyone to listen to him," Dacey announced, earning 'YEH' from everyone, their mugs raised in the air, cheering for the Martell boy.

He stood up before walking in front of the high table; clearing his throat, he started singing...

A bear there was,

A bear, a bear,

All black and brown and covered with hair.

'Oh come,' they said,

'Oh come to the fair',

'The fair?' said he,

'But I'm a bear,

All black and brown and covered in hair!'

And down the road,

From here to there,

From here, to there

Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear,

They danced and spun all the way to the fair!

Oh, sweet she was and pure and fair,

The maid with honey in her hair, her hair,

The maid with honey in her hair.

The bear smelled the scent of the summer air,

The bear, the bear,

All black and brown and covered with hair,

He smelled the scent of the summer air,

He sniffed and roared and smelled it there,

Honey on the summer air.

'Oh I'm a maid and I'm pure and fair,

I'll never dance with a hairy bear,

A bear, a bear,

I'll never dance with a hairy bear!'

The bear, the bear,

Lifted her high into the air,

The bear, the bear,

'I called for a knight but you're a bear,

A bear, a bear,

All black and brown and covered in hair!'

She kicked and wailed,

The maid so fair,

But he licked the honey from her hair,

Her hair, her hair,

He licked the honey from her hair.

Then she sighed and squealed,

And kicked the air,

She sang: 'My bear so fair',

And off they went,

The bear, the bear,

And the maiden fair.

Everyone started cheering and applauding when he ended his song; many ladies were in tears, especially Alyanna.

Jae looked at his father, who was on the verge of tears but still gave Jae a look of pride.


"Why are we here father?" Sansa asked as she looked around; after the feast ended, Ned had brought his whole family to God's Wood, with Alyanna waiting nearby, away from the others.

"I need to tell all of you something," Ned said as all his children except Alyanna sat by the foot of Weirwood Tree. Catelyn stood beside him, shivering slightly, her eyes looking around God's Wood; Ned knew she never felt comfortable in this place despite the many years together in Winterfell.

"Is everything alright, father?" Robb was quick to ask. His eyes flickered at Alyanna before looking back at Ned, but he remained silent, thinking of ways to start this conversation.

"Ned!" Catelyn called him concerned; from her face, Ned knew she was already figuring out what was happening.

"Alyanna," Ned called her; she took a breath before walking over to them, her face red from embarrassment; everyone's eyes were on her.

"This is-" "I'm your half-sister!" Alyanna blurted out before Ned could finish; this earned a gasp from the Stark children, including Catelyn, who looked away, tears rolling down her face, falling on the snowy ground below.

Silence stretched; the only sound heard was the wind blowing in their ears until Rickon looked at his mother with confusion. "Mom, why is my little sister bigger than me?" Rickon asked, bewildered. Arya rolled her eyes before standing up and walking up to Alyanna.

"My name is Arya Stark. It's good to have a new sister. I hope you are not like Sansa." Arya said excitedly, grabbing Aly's hands, who sighed in relief before returning a smile towards Arya.

"What do you like to do? Do you like to ride? Do you like-" "Arya. Don't ask so many questions." Robb interrupted Arya with a scolding look before he turned to face Ned, ignoring Arya, who pouted at him.

"Father, how is she our sister?" Ned took a deep breath; his hand reached out to grasp Catelyn's hand for support, only to grab empty air. Ned turned his head to see her walking away from God's Wood; Ned sighed before turning to face his children.

Ned told them everything: how he had met Ashara Dayne and then how he married Catelyn when the war started. Once he was finished, everyone looked at Alyanna; all this was too much for them, except for Arya, who looked excited.

"Father." Ned looked at Robb, who called him.

"Do you love our mom?"

"I do," Ned answered without hesitation; his children looked relieved to hear that. Ned hadn't loved her from the beginning; it had taken years for them to slowly open up to one another, for the titles to be dropped, and for them to call each other by names. Ned knew in his heart he still loved Ashara, but the Old Gods had made the decision for him. Perhaps in another world, he would have married Ashara instead.

"I want you all to treat her like your sister. I want you all to get to know her." Ned said with a commanding voice; his children nodded as they turned to look at Alyanna, whose smile had faltered slightly.

Ned turned on his heels and walked away; he wanted to talk with Catelyn.

Upon reaching their shared chamber, Ned walked inside. He closed the door, and in the bed they had shared together for the last fourteen years, Catelyn sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes red with tears.

"My lady," Ned called her, but silence was the only answer he received; the fire cracked on the fireplace. Ned walked up to her before sitting beside her; she was wearing nothing but her nightgown. Ned tried to put his arm around her shoulder but she shook her head body, shaking his arm away.

"Fourteen years. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Catelyn finally asked, looking at Ned, who sighed, knowing this discussion would soon come.

"My lady, after the war. After everything that we both lost. I didn't want to talk about that tragedy." Ned said firmly, still remembering the day he learned that his father and brother were dead.

"What about at any moment within the last six years? After you returned from the Greyjoy Rebellion? I-" Catelyn's words hitched in her throat, more tears welling up in her eyes, red like blood; her hand closed her mouth as she sobbed.

"I gave you five children, Ned. I deserved to know."

"I didn't want this to happen," Ned said, his voice rising, cold like the wall. "My daughter was far away, and I didn't want what we have built here to be broken. But when Alyanna claimed her dire wolf, I knew you were suspicious; even Lady Maege is; I knew you would ask questions. I knew you are angry with me, my lady. I deserve your ire, but not my daughter. Do not be angry with her for something she had no control over." Ned said, placing his hand on her shoulder. Catelyn didn't try to shake it off as she wiped the tears from her face.

"I would never. I'm unhappy, but I would never direct my anger towards Lady Alyanna. She's innocent in my eyes and the eyes of the seven." Catelyn said while wiping the tears away; her words made Lord Stark feel relieved as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"What about the boy?"

"What boy?" Ned blinked, fearing she was asking about Jae, his heart beating faster against his chest.

"Prince Oberyn's son. He claimed the white silent direwolf. Is he a bastard Stark?" She questioned with a furrowed brow, looking at his eyes as if she was trying to read his mind.

"He's no Stark." Ned claimed, but Catelyn didn't look convinced.

"Ned, I have been here for fourteen years. He looks just like a Stark and nothing like Prince Oberyn." Catelyn said Ned felt a headache; he knew he needed to come up with a reason.

"He's not Prince Oberyn's son, is he?" Catelyn questioned with a look as if she already knew the answer. Ned tried to come up with something, but his silence was more than enough for Catelyn, whose eyes grew wide.

"Brandon's son." Her voice cracked, her hands shaking, gripping the white sheet of the bed.

"Not Brandon." Ned quickly added he wouldn't sully the name of his brother. His words made Catelyn's face fall, white like snow; for a moment, Ned feared she would collapse when she opened her mouth to speak.

"Lyanna Stark and — Rhaegar Targaryen."

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