How to Seduce Your Aunt?

"Rhaenix! You named her after your sister?" Daenerys questioned as she climbed down from her dragon. Once she was close enough, she let go of the scales and landed on the shore, the small rocks crunching under her boots.

"So you believe me now?" her nephew said with a smile. Only then did he begin walking towards her, leaving the safety of his dragon.

"I do," Daenerys replied immediately. "Your dragon is quite compelling proof," she added, glancing up at Rhaenix, who paid them no mind. Instead, she was watching Cannibal, who lay lazily on the shore, using his wings as a pillow.

"I have read many books and scrolls about dragons as I grew up, Aunt Daenerys," Jaehaerys stated, sounding a bit tense. His eyes drifted beyond her, settling on the black dragon snoring loudly. "His appearance..." Jae looked down at Daenerys, his expression serious. "Is he Cannibal, the Dragon Eater?"

Daenerys could hear the concern in his voice. While she was ready to defend her dragon, she realized that Rhaenix was smaller than Cannibal. As much as she loved him, she knew that Kinvara had told her Cannibal had killed Grey Ghost and many dragon hatchlings and eggs for reasons even the Red Priestess didn't know. She could understand why her nephew was worried about his dragon's safety; she would feel the same if the roles were reversed.

"I call him Bloodfyre, and yes, he's Cannibal. But he won't harm anyone. He's been my dragon for a year now and hasn't attacked anyone I haven't directed him to. Bloodfyre won't harm anyone—I promise," Daenerys said with conviction, looking up at her nephew. Bloodfyre lazily opened one eye when he heard his name but quickly closed it upon realizing there was nothing required of him.

"Very well. I believe you, Aunt Daenerys," Jae said after a moment's pause, looking back at his aunt, who smiled warmly at him.

"You can call me Daenerys," she added with a friendly smile; she didn't want them to feel like strangers.

This was someone who shared her blood. Daenerys recalled her brother telling her that she should marry someone in Westeros to become Queen. She had even suggested that they could marry each other; after all, it wasn't unusual for Targaryens to wed within their own family. But to her surprise, Viserys no longer seemed keen on becoming King as he once was.

' "You are not the only one who has learned much from this temple, dear sister," Viserys remarked, sitting on the marble floor surrounded by piles of closed books, an open one resting on his lap. He patted the spot beside him, and she sat down, waiting for him to explain why he no longer desired the throne.

"Read this," Viserys said, handing her the book. As she read, her eyes grew wider with each word, filled with terror. By the end, she was speechless, looking at Viserys, who had a rueful smile on his face.

"Could this be a lie?" she asked.

"It could be," Viserys replied in a hushed tone, closing the book with a loud thud. "But I've asked around, Dany. This book might be false, but I've spoken to many traders from Westeros. I asked them what they call our father back home, and they all said the same thing: 'The Mad King.'" Daenerys felt a cold shudder run through her body; suddenly, her throat was dry. Viserys gave her a side hug, pulling her closer.

"Why?" she found her voice to ask, sensing his reluctance to answer.

"We can talk about this later; there's no need—"

"Why?" Daenerys cut him off, her voice louder and more determined as she lifted her head from his shoulder to look straight at him. "Why was he called the Mad King?" she repeated. Viserys merely nodded before explaining everything he had read from the book.

By the end, Daenerys felt sick to her stomach; she wasn't sure what to feel anymore. She had hated House Stark for so long, yet it seemed they had lost much because of the bloody rebellion and her father. She shuddered at the thought. Part of her didn't want to believe that her father was truly this mad king, a man who took joy in watching people burn.

Then she thought of herself. She had a dragon—a powerful one, capable of destroying all of Westeros. What if I end up becoming like him? Daenerys hugged herself at the thought, but then she felt Viserys's arms around her, holding her close.

"Dany, what our father was doesn't define who we are," he said gently. "No one should be judged for what their parents or grandparents did. If that were true, then everyone in this world would be guilty of something. We are not our father. We are who we choose to be." '

Viserys then explained that he wanted nothing to do with the throne and that she deserved it much more than he did. Daenerys was sure he wasn't telling her the whole reason, but she would wait for him to share when he was ready. For this reason, she had prepared herself to marry someone; after all, the best alliances are often forged through marriage.

But now, she had her nephew right in front of her. She realized she could marry him. He had a dragon, and she had a dragon. It would make sense for the two of them to unite. Besides, it didn't hurt that her nephew was quite handsome—perhaps the most handsome man she had ever seen.

"Daenerys," her nephew called, and she couldn't help but savor the sound of her name on his lips. There was a warmth in the way he spoke it.

"You can call me Jaehaerys," he continued, offering a casual smile that softened his sharp features. "Everyone in my family calls me that."

She let the name roll around in her mind, liking the way it suited him. "Jaehaerys," she repeated thoughtfully. "Is there anyone else here with you?" Her eyes scanned their surroundings, half-expecting a hidden entourage to reveal themselves at a moment's notice.

Jaehaerys shook his head, though the smile on his lips remained. "Prince Oberyn and a group of soldiers are waiting nearby, but they're only here to keep an eye on our horses. One for me and one for you, should you wish to ride to Sunspear."

She wasn't sure yet about going with him to Sunspear, but she wanted to get to know him better before she decided to follow him to a place where Bloodfyre couldn't protect her.

"How did you come to be allied with Prince Oberyn Martell and Dorne?" she asked, her gaze steady on his face. "After what happened to Princess Elia and her children, I thought Oberyn would be the last to support a Targaryen."

Jaehaerys sighed softly, glancing out toward the horizon. "Prince Oberyn raised me, Daenerys." She listened as he told her about his life in Dorne. She listened to everything he told her. The more he told her, the more envy she felt. The more he spoke, the deeper her envy stirred.

She couldn't help but compare his life to the one she had endured with Viserys. They had spent years running, starving, scraping for survival, always looking over their shoulders. Meanwhile, her nephew had grown up in a castle, surrounded by people who loved him, with a bed to sleep in and food whenever he desired. He had never known the feeling of hunger and not knowing if you could survive another day.

"It seems you've lived a good life, nephew," she interrupted, bitterness seeping into her words despite her efforts to mask it. The two of them were sitting on the rocky shore, feeling the cool pebbles beneath them.

Jaehaerys turned to face her, his eyes instantly catching the strain in her voice. "I tried to find you, Daenerys," he said earnestly. "I had Ser Gerold and Ser Oswell Whent searching for you for years, but they never found any trace."

She felt his sincerity as he looked at her, his eyes showing his regret. He wasn't lying; she could tell. But it didn't quite erase the bitterness in her heart nor the envy she felt toward him.

Silence settled between them, broken only by the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. Daenerys turned her gaze out to sea, contemplating her next move. She could fly back to Volantis on Bloodfyre. But she knew Viserys and Kinvara were already sailing toward Dorne, a journey that would take two weeks. Landing on a ship with her dragon would be impossible.

Or she could take a chance. She could trust in her nephew and go with him to Sunspear.

After a long moment, she turned back to Jaehaerys, her eyes steady and resolute. "I believe you."

"You are invited to come with me to Sunspear, Daenerys. You will be safe there, and you can rest. After you rest, you can decide what you want to do," Jae said, his eyes sincere as they met hers. 

Despite not knowing him for long, Daenerys felt a subtle connection. She nodded in agreement, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"You can even talk to my sisters."

"Sisters?!" Daenerys snapped her gaze to him, her violet eyes wide with surprise.

Jae chuckled softly, realizing how his words might have sounded. "I told you I was raised as Oberyn's bastard for a long time. Even now, I still see him as my father, and his daughters—I will always see them as my sisters," he explained gently.

Understanding dawned on Daenerys, and she nodded. "I see. That makes sense," she replied, her initial bewilderment giving way to curiosity about these women who had been like family to him.

"I accept your invitation, nephew," Daenerys said with a bright smile, standing up from the shore where they had been sitting. The tiny rocks shifted beneath her boots, the sea breeze playing with her silver-gold hair. Jae rose alongside her.

"I'm sure you and Arianne will become good friends," Jae commented, his thoughts turning to his betrothed. He knew Arianne would be eager to meet Daenerys.

"Arianne?" Daenerys repeated a hint of curiosity mixed with something else flickering in her eyes.

"She is my betrothed," Jae answered casually, not noticing the way Daenerys's posture stiffened ever so slightly.

"Wait, you are betrothed?" Daenerys asked, confusion and surprise coloring her tone.

Jae nodded. "Yes."

"But you told me House Martell kneeled to you when you were ten," she said, her brows knitting together.

"They did kneel," Jae affirmed, turning to face her fully. "What are you trying to say?"

Daenerys hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "I'm just surprised you didn't save your marriage to gain a kingdom on your side," she said incredulously. She recalled Kinvara mentioning potential matches like Margaery Tyrell—alliances that could strengthen his claim. Or me, she thought fleetingly, but she kept that to herself.

Jae regarded her thoughtfully before replying. "Arianne and I are in love, Aunt," he said earnestly. "And I've already secured the support of the Reach. House Stark and House Tully will stand with me. Our only true enemies are House Arryn, House Lannister, and House Baratheon. House Tarly will manage House Tyrell for me."

"I'm happy for you, nephew," she said sincerely.


The scorching Dornish sun hung high in the sky, casting its golden light over the rolling sands and the sparse patches of green dotting the path toward Sunspear. Daenerys Targaryen rode alongside Oberyn Martell and her nephew, her white mare steady and sure-footed, moving easily across the uneven terrain. Beside them, two Dornish soldiers rode silently, keeping a watchful eye on the horizon.

Daenerys had her hood pulled up to shield her face from the sun's unrelenting rays, but even under its shade, she felt the heat radiating against her skin. The rhythmic beat of the horses' hooves was the only sound for a while until Oberyn finally broke the silence.

"You must forgive Dorne's temper," he began, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "We like our sun to be as fierce as our warriors. It has a way of burning away pretense, don't you think?"

Daenerys turned her head slightly to glance at him, her expression calm but curious. "It is certainly different from Volantis," she replied. "The sun there is just as strong. But, here, everything feels... raw."

Oberyn's eyes gleamed with interest. "Ah, Volantis," he said, drawing out the word as though tasting it. "A city of wealth and decadence, but also of chains."

Daenerys wrinkled her nose at the thought of slaves. Despite wanting to help them, Kinvara had told her that she could help them after she regains Westeros, saying that despite having a dragon. Freeing the slaves and changing Essos would take more than a lifetime.

"Here in Dorne, we have no love for chains—or for those who think they can kill woman and children. No little girls are harmed in Dorne."

"You mean House Lannister," Daenerys stated, not a question but an understanding.

"Indeed," Oberyn said, grinning. "The Lannisters are like scorpions—prickly, venomous, but rather fun to squash beneath your boot if you manage to catch them." He laughed, a rich sound that echoed across the dunes. "Our war against them will be much the same, I think. Not a battle between equals, but a hunt for dangerous, sly vermin."

Daenerys allowed herself a small smile, though it did not quite reach her eyes. "You speak of war with such levity."

Oberyn raised an eyebrow, his expression turning mockingly grave. "Should I not? Should I speak of it with solemnity and furrowed brows?" He shook his head. "My dear princess, war is a grim thing, yes, but if we don't laugh, if we don't make light of it, it will consume us. We must take pleasure where we can find it. Even if it's in imagining a lion's head on a pike."

She glanced at him, her lips pressing into a thin line. "Perhaps," she said quietly, "I do not yet see the humor in it."

"Ah, but you will," he replied with a casual shrug. "Give it time. Soon, you'll find that laughter is the best armor against despair. In Dorne, we do not conquer despair by lamenting it; we conquer it by turning it into a jest, by dancing on the ashes of our enemies."

One of the Dornish soldiers cleared his throat, causing Oberyn to glance back. "What is it, Alaric?" Oberyn called, his voice still tinged with amusement.

"Nothing, my prince," the soldier replied, shaking his head. "Only that the Princess seems in need of some shade."

Daenerys, overhearing, gave a slight nod of thanks. "I appreciate your concern," she said, lifting her waterskin to her lips. The coolness of the liquid was a brief reprieve from the heat that pressed against her skin. She then turned her gaze back to Oberyn. "I've heard much of Dorne's hospitality," she said, a hint of challenge in her voice. "Is this how you treat all your guests? With jokes of war and laughter?"

Oberyn grinned broadly, his teeth flashing white against his tanned skin. "Oh, this is only the beginning of Dornish hospitality, I assure you. Once we reach Sunspear, you will be bathed in its full glory—feasts, music, dance..." He gave her a sidelong look, his eyes glittering. "And yes, laughter. Because in Dorne, we believe that life is to be lived, not mourned."

"And when the Lannisters are vanquished?" she asked. "What then?

"When the Lannisters are vanquished, there will be justice," It was Jae who answered this time, his voice low and edged with steel. "And then, perhaps, peace. Though," he added, his grin returning swiftly, "peace can be a dreadfully boring affair. That's when you must learn to entertain yourself. Perhaps by turning your thoughts to warmer, sweeter things." he added, giving her a charming smile. Daenerys felt her cheeks go red, but not from the sun this time.

"And what would those warmer, sweeter things be?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light.

Jaehaerys chuckled, turning his eyes forward to the distant walls of Sunspear coming into view. "Ah, that, Daenerys, depends entirely on what you desire. Dorne has much to offer: wine, song, pleasures of the flesh..." He winked at her. "Or, if you prefer, just the satisfaction of knowing your enemies lie crushed beneath the weight of their own folly."

Daenerys let out a chuckle and eyed her nephew intensely. She knew it would take a while for Kinvara to sail here with Viserys, so she knew her bed would be cold without her.

As they continued their ride, the walls of Sunspear grew ever closer.

Daenerys gasped at the sight of Sunspear. While the Red Temple was impressive to look at. The sight before her left her breathless, and it wasn't the sun this time.

Before her was a castle rising high above a cluster of smaller, domed buildings, perched on a sunlit hill against a vibrant blue sky. The castle itself is an architectural marvel, with sweeping walls of sand-colored stone that glow warmly in the daylight. Its walls are high and thick, built for defense, yet adorned with intricate battlements.

Several towers dominate the skyline. The tallest among them is a slender spire that stretches upward, tapering to a point where a golden finial gleams in the sunlight. Beside it, a larger, rounded tower is capped with a gilded dome, its metallic surface shimmering like molten gold. Smaller domes of similar design dot the castle complex, their surfaces smooth and polished.

The castle's main wall slopes and curves, creating a fortress-like barrier that appears to embrace the entire structure. High gates and narrow windows are designed to protect against invaders while allowing those within to survey their surroundings.

Below the castle lies a maze of smaller buildings constructed in the same sandy stone. These structures have flat roofs, some with domed tops.

As Daenerys rode into the city alongside Prince Oberyn and Prince Jaehaerys. The streets buzzed with activity as the people turned to greet their princes. Cheers and shouts echoed from every corner, men and women raising their hands in salute while children scampered through the throng to catch a glimpse of the newcomers. The crowd parted respectfully as they passed, though curious eyes lingered on Daenerys, her silver hair glinting in the light like a beacon.

Prince Oberyn acknowledges the cheers with a slight wave of his hand. The narrow streets, lined with small shops and houses adorned with bright fabrics and potted plants, widened as they approached the towering gates of Sunspear.

Daenerys glanced up as they neared the walls. The soldiers standing atop the gates turned the large wheel. With a loud creak and a rumble, the gates slowly began to swing open.

They passed through, entering a corridor. Then, the passage opened up into a vast courtyard, its size enough to hold a hundred men. At its center stood a fountain, its cool waters trickling down over an intricately carved stone basin, surrounded by lush greenery—palm trees, flowering plants, and vines that cascaded over the edges of stone planters.

As Daenerys and her party came to a halt, servants hurried forward to assist. She dismounted her horse. A young servant, appeared at her side and took the reins, leading her horse away.

Daenerys took a look around. Overhead, the banners of House Martell fluttered lazily in the breeze, the sun-spear emblem vivid against their orange backdrop.

Jaehaerys dismounted as well, handing his horse off to another servant. He approached Daenerys with a bright smile. "Welcome to Sunspear, Daenerys," he said, gesturing toward the place around them.

Jaehaerys stepped forward. His eyes met Daenerys', and with a courteous nod, he gestured toward three women standing nearby.

"Princess Daenerys, allow me to introduce my sisters, the Sand Snakes," Jaehaerys said with warmth.

From one of the shaded archways emerged three women.

The first, a tall, powerfully built woman, stepped forward and gave a curt nod. She wore a simple, sleeveless tunic. Her gaze was hard, scanning Daenerys from head to toe. "I am Obara," she stated plainly, her tone cooliness. "You'll find not all of Dorne is easily won over,"

The second, a striking woman with dark, flowing hair and an easy smile, stepped forward next. Her eyes sparkled with mirth as they darted between Daenerys and Jaehaerys. "Nymeria, though you may call me Nym," she introduced herself, her voice smooth and melodic, like honey on a summer's day.

She offered a hand to Daenerys, which Daenerys shook with polite curiosity. Then, Nym turned to Jaehaerys with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Jae, you didn't warn us how lovely your guest would be. It's almost unfair to the rest of us." Her tone was light and playful, and her words drew a soft laugh from the gathering around them.

The last of the three stepped forward, a smaller woman with golden hair and an angelic face. She gave Daenerys a sweet, almost innocent smile. "I'm Tyene," she said gently, clasping Daenerys's hands in her own. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Daenerys." Her words were warm, her touch-friendly. "You must be exhausted from your journey; Dornish hospitality is yours."

"I am grateful for the warm welcome and your father's hospitality." She offered them a nod, noting the differences between the three women.

"And now," Jaehaerys continued, a note of pride in his voice, "may I introduce Princess Arianne Martell, my betrothed."

From the shaded archway emerged Arianne Martell. She moved with a sensual, confident grace, her hips swaying with each step. The sunlight seemed to cling to her olive skin, accentuating the curves of her figure. Arianne's dress clung to her hourglass form, emphasizing her full hips and generous bust, which was accentuated by the low cut of her attire. For a heartbeat, Daenerys's eyes flickered downward, catching the sight of the deep cleavage that the princess's dress so openly displayed. It was a brief glance, but enough to make Daenerys's heart skip a beat.

"Princess Daenerys," Arianne greeted, her voice rich and smooth like the finest Dornish wine. She inclined her head, her dark curls cascading over her shoulder. "Welcome to Sunspear. We welcome you with great pleasure." Her gaze held Daenerys's, her full lips curling into a knowing smile.

Daenerys quickly regained her composure, forcing herself to meet Arianne's eyes without faltering. "Princess Arianne," she replied, her voice steady despite the flutter in her stomach. "The pleasure is mind. I'm happy to hear that House Martell raised my nephew as if he was your own family."

"Jae is one of us, Princess," Arianne claimed, her arm around his. "He might have Stark and Targaryen blood, but he is one of us, and soon he will be King of Westeros," she added; her voice was sweet, and Dany realized that Arianne held feelings for her nephew.

"Shall we?" Jaehaerys's voice broke the moment, his tone light. "There is much to discuss and prepare for in the coming days." He gestured toward a shaded archway leading further into Sunspear's inner chambers.

"Yes," Daenerys replied, tearing her gaze away from Arianne. "Lead the way, Jaehaerys."

As they walked through the covered balconies, Jae apologized the moment they were out of earshot, "I'm sorry about Obara. She is not really trusting of strangers."

"Obara is protective of you, Jaehaerys. That's more than enough for me. I know she would protect you if someone tried to hurt you."

"You have no idea," Jae muttered under his breath, but Dany still heard him but decided not to dwell on it. "A bath is prepared for you Daenerys, and tonight. We will have a feast for you. I hope you like spicy food, because that's all we eat here." he added with a teasing smile.

Daenerys smirked, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief as she glanced over at him. "Oh, I can handle a little heat," she replied playfully, letting her gaze linger on Jae for just a moment longer than necessary. "The question is, can you?" She arched an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile.

"Well. I'm a Targaryen, and I always loved the warm baths. I'm sure I can handle a little heat." Jae replied playfully as he showed her the castle.

Jae led Daenerys through the courtyard of Sunspear. The sun cast its golden light on the stone, warming the air around them.

Daenerys walked beside him, her eyes tracing the beautiful mosaics that adorned the walls, her silver hair catching the light in soft glints. She glanced over at Jae, who caught her look and shot her a playful smile.

"Careful, Princess," he teased, his tone light. "Admire the castle too much, and you might decide to stay here forever. I'd have to fight off half the nobles in Dorne wanting to keep you here."

Daenerys laughed, tilting her head slightly to regard him with a smirk. "Is that so? I wouldn't want to burden you with more competition than you already have," she shot back, raising an eyebrow in mock seriousness. "I'm sure it's difficult enough being a prince without every lady swooning at your feet."

Jae chuckled, his dark eyes glinting with mischief as they rounded a corner, entering a colonnade that overlooked the castle gardens. "Ah, but swooning ladies are the least of my worries," he replied smoothly. "I'm more concerned with silver-haired Princess who make men lose their wits with just a look." He turned to her with a grin, watching her reaction.

Daenerys pretended to consider his words, tapping a finger thoughtfully to her chin. "Hmm, that does sound problematic," she mused, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Perhaps I should be kind and spare you, then."

Jae put a hand to his heart dramatically. "A mercy from Princess Daenerys herself. I am honored." They both shared a laugh as they continued down the colonnade.

He led her into a large hallway, its floors covered in rich tapestries and rugs. The stone walls were adorned with spears and banners bearing the Martell sigil. At the end of the hall stood a massive wooden door, ornately carved with symbols of the sun and spear. Jae pushed it open, revealing a sunlit courtyard garden filled with flowers and fruit trees, including lemon trees.

"Welcome to the private gardens," he said, gesturing with a sweeping motion. "This is where my family and I come sometimes to be away from everything. You'll find that this part of the castle is much quieter... most of the time," he added, giving her a sideways glance.

"It's beautiful," Daenerys said, her voice softening as she took in the vibrant blooms and the gentle murmur of a nearby fountain. "A perfect place to find peace, though I doubt you spend much time here," she quipped, glancing at him. "I imagine you're more often found in the training yard, sparring and showing off."

Jae raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk spreading across his face. "Ah, you wound me, Princess. You think I spend all my time wielding a sword for show?" He stepped closer to her, his voice dropping slightly. "Perhaps I'm more refined than you think."

"Perhaps," Daenerys replied, tilting her head up to meet his gaze, her eyes narrowing playfully. "But I've yet to see any evidence of that."

The two found a place to sit, and Jae offered the Princess a peach.

"Jae," she began, glancing sideways at him, "have you ever seen King Robert Baratheon?" There was a pause, her tone curious yet cautious. "They call him the Demon of the Trident in Volantis. The traders that come from Westeros say he is the best warrior in Westeros."

Jae's expression shifted to one of faint distaste, his eyes hardening slightly. "King Robert?" he scoffed, running a hand through his dark hair. "He's nothing more than a bloated pig of a man. A fat king who spends the crown's gold on tourneys, whores, wine, and food." His voice dripped with disdain.

Daenerys couldn't help but laugh She glanced at him, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Sounds like he's ruled more by his appetites. Perhaps he should crown a ham as his heir; at least it would match his priorities."

Jae chuckled. "You may be right. Though I suspect the ham might govern with more sense."

"Well, let's not keep talking about the Fat King. I have more to show you, Princess." Jae said with a charming smile, and Daenerys found herself thinking of him as even more handsome now, and she could feel her heart skipping a beat. She grabbed his hand and allowed him to walk her around Sunspear.

After two more hours of walking and exploring, Jae led Daenerys back to her chamber. "I hope to see you in the feast, Daenerys." Jae said, smiling and kissing her knuckles as a good gesture.

Daenerys smiled playfully. "Oh, maybe you just want to see me in a beautiful dress, Jaehaerys."

Jaehaerys chuckled, his eyes gleaming as he stepped closer to Daenerys, his gaze locking onto hers. "Can you blame me?" he replied smoothly, his voice low and teasing. "You make every dress look like the gods themselves made it. But, if I'm being honest," he added, his lips curling into a sly smile, "I think you'd look just as breathtaking in anything... or perhaps in nothing at all." He gave her a wink.

Daenerys giggled, and she was about to say something back at him; she couldn't let him have the high ground on this, but the two heard footsteps approaching.

"Your Grace, Prince Oberyn wants to meet you in the hall," the soldier said dutifully.

"Well, we will meet again," Jaehaerys said playfully before leaving.

Once he departed, Daenerys closed her bedchamber door and took a deep breath. Now, she could see why Dorne was considered the land of pleasure. Daenerys closed her eyes, imagining two faces: Jaehaerys and Arianne.

What the hell is wrong with me? Daenerys wanted to berate herself, yet, as she sank into the warm touch of the water in her bathtub, she found it difficult not to think about them as she slipped a finger inside her dripping pussy.


The grand halls of Sunspear were alive with the vibrant hues of Dornish tapestries and the soft glow of lanterns crafted from colored glass. The air was perfumed with the scent of exotic spices and fresh blooms, mingling with the distant sound of lutes and drums.

Daenerys Targaryen entered the hall arm in arm with her nephew, Jaehaerys. Her silver-gold hair cascaded over a gown of deep crimson silk that contrasted beautifully with her violet eyes. Jaehaerys, tall and handsome wore a tunic embroidered with the sigil of House Targaryen—a three-headed dragon wrought in gold thread.

As they moved further into the hall, they were greeted by Princess Arianne Martell, who stood flanked by her cousins, Nymeria and Tyene Sand. Arianne was resplendent in a flowing gown of deep orange, the color of a sunset, her dark curls adorned with tiny golden suns. Nymeria, elegant and poised, wore shades of indigo, while Tyene's dress was a soft shade of green that complemented her golden hair and blue eyes.

"Daenerys, Jae," Arianne said warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine pleasure. "We are honored by your presence."

"The honor is ours," Daenerys replied with a gracious smile.

"Please, join us," Nymeria said, gesturing to the seats beside them at a low, ornately carved table surrounded by plush cushions.

As they settled in, servants began to bring forth an array of dishes. The table soon overflowed with plates and bowls, each more enticing than the last.

Daenerys looked over the spread. "Everything looks and smells wonderful," she remarked.

Tyene grinned. "We hope you're ready for a true Dornish feast. Some of these dishes have quite the kick."

"Consider yourself warned," Jaehaerys added playfully, nudging his aunt. "Dornish food is as hot as their weather."

Arianne pointed to a platter of grilled quail glazed with honey and sprinkled with crushed red pepper. "You must try this, Princess. Is my favorite."

Next to it was a bowl of roasted peppers stuffed with spiced lamb and rice, topped with a tangy pomegranate sauce. "And these are a family recipe," Nymeria chimed in. "Careful though—Obara once screamed like a whore when she tried this."

There were flatbreads still warm from the oven, accompanied by bowls of hummus drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with paprika. A colorful salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions tossed in a zesty citrus dressing.

Daenerys picked up a piece of flatbread and scooped up some hummus, tasting it thoughtfully. "Mmm, I don't think I have tasted something this spicy."

"Try the spiced falafel," Tyene suggested, pushing a plate toward her.

Daenerys reached for one of the stuffed peppers, biting into it cautiously. Her eyes widened as the heat hit her. "That's... quite something!" she managed, reaching for her goblet of wine.

The others laughed good-naturedly. "Told you," Nymeria said with a wink. "Wine helps, but bread is better if it's too much."

Daenerys sampled the grilled quail. "This is exquisite," she praised. "I've never tasted anything like it."

Arianne smiled. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Dornish food is the best food in the world."

Daenerys watched as her nephew easily ate the spicy food, he didn't seem bothered by it, unlike her.

As the meal progressed. They shared stories.

"I thought he was being affectionate," she laughed, "but it turns out he just wanted the dates she'd hidden in my cloak."

Jaehaerys chuckled. "I suppose that's one way to make a friend."

"Or lose one," Nymeria quipped. "He chased her halfway back to the palace."

"It seems life here is never dull." Daenerys commented, enjoying the talk. This was her first time talking like this with other girls.

"Indeed," Arianne agreed. "We might be at the edge of the continent, but we know how to live fully."

"Speaking of living fully," Tyene interjected with a sly smile, "have you ever tried snakebite peppers?"

Daenerys raised an eyebrow. "I can't say that I have. Should I be concerned?"

"A little," Nymeria teased. "They're the hottest peppers in Dorne. But they're also said to bring good luck to those brave enough to eat them."

Jaehaerys shook his head emphatically. "They made me try it once when I was seven. I don't remember what happened next, but it felt like my head was on fire. Father said my face had turned so red, he feared I might explode."

"Perhaps another time," Daenerys said diplomatically.

Dessert was a selection of sweet treats: flaky pastries filled with almonds and drizzled with orange blossom honey, and chilled slices of melon sprinkled with mint.

As they indulged, Arianne leaned toward Daenerys. "There's a place in the gardens I'd love to show you," she said softly. "The view at first light is amazing. Would you care to join me?"

Daenerys smiled warmly. "I'd like that very much."

"Wonderful," Arianne replied. "We'll meet at dawn."

"Planning a secret rendezvous without us?" Tyene pouted playfully.

"You're welcome to join, of course," Arianne said, though her tone suggested she was content with the current arrangement.

Nymeria stretched lazily. "As tempting as that is, I think I'll be sleeping in. Sunrise comes awfully early."

As the evening wound down, musicians began to play softer melodies. Servants moved quietly to clear the tables, and guests began to drift toward the exits.

Daenerys rose from her seat, feeling pleasantly satisfied. "Thank you for a wonderful evening. Your hospitality has been most gracious."

"The pleasure was ours," Nymeria assured her. "It's not every day we get to share our table with a Princess."

"What about me?" Arianne asked, pointing at herself much to Jae's amusement.

"You don't count." Nymeria said with a teasing smile.

"Until tomorrow, then," Arianne said, a hint of anticipation in her voice.

"Until then," Daenerys agreed.

They parted ways in the corridor, Jaehaerys joining Daenerys as they made their way toward her chambers.

"You seemed to enjoy yourself," he observed.

"I did," she admitted. "I never had a chance to do something like this, as much as I enjoy my time with Kinvara and the rest of Red Priestess in the Red Temple. We never had fun like this. And the food wasn't bad either—though my tongue may never forgive me."

He laughed softly. "You will get used to it."

They walked in comfortable silence for a moment before Jaehaerys spoke again. "It's good to see you smile, Aunt Daenerys."

She looked at him with affection. "It's good to have reason to."

They reached the doors to their respective chambers. "Sleep well," Daenerys said. "And perhaps consider joining us in the gardens at dawn?"

Jaehaerys groaned. "I think I'll follow Nymeria's example and sleep a little longer."

She smiled. "Very well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Aunt."


Jaehaerys lay beside Arianne on the expansive bed adorned with intricate patterns of sun and spear, symbols of House Martell. They rested comfortably against plush pillows, the scent of jasmine and desert blooms enveloping them.

Arianne nestled closer, her dark curls spilling over her back as she traced idle patterns on his chest. "You know," she began thoughtfully, her voice barely above a whisper, "your aunt is quite gorgeous."

Jaehaerys glanced down at her, a subtle smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Daenerys? Yes, she is," he agreed. "She is quite something, she reminds me of you."

She tilted her head to look into his violet eyes. "And those eyes of hers, so much like yours. It's like looking at you in a way."

He chuckled softly. "Us Targaryens have wonderful eyes, Ari. Don't be jealous."

Arianne giggled cutely as her fingers continued their gentle movements. "I must admit, when I first met her, I was struck by her beauty. She's different from the women here, but in a way that draws you in."

Jaehaerys raised an eyebrow playfully. "Should I be jealous?"

She laughed. "Hardly. In fact, I was thinking..." She paused, her gaze turning mischievous.

"Thinking what?" he prompted, curiosity piqued.

Arianne leaned in closer, her lips brushing lightly against his ear as she whispered, "That perhaps we should invite her into our bed. I wouldn't mind getting to know her better—in every sense."

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

She smiled alluringly. "I see the way she looks at you, and I've caught her glancing my way as well. I know that look, trust me. She wants us to fuck her."

Jaehaerys pondered her words. "I wouldn't want to overwhelm her."

"Of course," Arianne agreed, her tone gentle. "But perhaps we can show her that she's among family—that she can find joy here with us."

He nodded slowly. "You're right. It might be good for her to feel more connected, less alone."

Arianne's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "So, how should we do it?"

Jae smiled, and the two started making a plan.



The morning sun bathed the garden in a warm, golden light, its rays filtering through the canopy of lush green leaves that hung overhead. A round table, set in the middle of the garden, was laden with an assortment of Dorne's finest sweets and a carafe of deep red wine. Daenerys Targaryen sat on one side, back straight, her expression as unreadable as stone, while Arianne Martell reclined across from her, radiating a casual yet calculated charm.

Daenerys sipped her wine, letting its warmth spread through her. She was determined to keep her composure, to remain unaffected by the woman sitting opposite her. Arianne was dressed in a gown of deep, burnt orange, the low neckline accentuating her full, ample cleavage. The fabric shimmered in the sunlight, drawing the eye to every curve of her busty figure. Arianne leaned forward, propping her chin on her hand as she regarded Daenerys with a playful smile.

"You know," Arianne began, her voice smooth like honey, "this garden is beautiful, but you should come to the Water Gardens. Nine years ago, I would sneak away from my lessons to sit by the pools with Jae, Nymeria, and Tyene."

"How did the two of you come to love each other?" Daenerys questioned curtly, reaching for a small pastry on the table. While she liked Arianne, she wanted to know why the Princess of Dorne loved her nephew or if it was all just a ploy and her nephew loved someone who had no feelings for him.

"I always liked Jae," Arianne admitted. "But as a friend. I never saw him as more than that for a long time. Uncle Oberyn used to tell us that Jae would be the future of Westeros. I never understood why. Jae was always smart and powerful, but I never saw why he was any different from the others," Arianne said with sincerity, and Daenerys was caught a little off guard by how honest she was.

"What changed?"

"One day, Nymeria wanted us to sneak into the town and just explore without the guards following us. The five of us—me, Nym, Obara, Jae, and Tyene—found a way to sneak out without the guards noticing us. We explored around, and soon we heard crying. At the time, there was this flu that had spread around the town, and my father had warned all of us to stay inside. We found a mother crying, hugging her sick daughter. When we realized she was sick—" Arianne stopped mid-sentence, a sudden look of shame on her face. She looked down at the goblet of wine in her hand before looking back up at Daenerys.

"The woman had no coins to save her child, and her face was covered in purple spots. The sickness spread through skin-to-skin contact, so I told them the child would not survive, and touching her meant risking our own lives. So I told them we should let them be," Arianne admitted, and Daenerys's eyes widened a little.

"Jae glared at me for the first time before telling me I was emotionless. He then grabbed the girl and brought her to our maester, and despite being on death's doorstep, Anna survived," Arianne finished with a smile, her eyes showing the shame she still felt to this day.

"What about Jaehaerys?" Daenerys quickly asked.

"Jae never got sick," Arianne replied, and Daenerys found herself with her mouth wide open.

"You said the sickness spread with skin-to-skin contact," Daenerys reminded her, and Arianne reaffirmed this with a nod.

"It does, but Jae never got sick. He never showed any symptoms—not even a nosebleed, which was the first symptom. From that day, I started seeing him in a different way. I saw that Jae was not like the others. Jae was special, and before I knew it, I had fallen in love with him," Arianne said with a smile that brightened her face.

Daenerys felt better after hearing the little tale. While she thought her nephew was careless with what he did, it still showed that he was kind—a kind man who could become one of the best kings of Westeros.

Daenerys kept talking with Arianne for one more hour. The two discussed their lives, and Dany decided to avoid talking about her childhood. Instead, she shared recent good memories. She told her about the Red Priestess, Volantis, the Red Temple, and a little about Kinvara, and despite trying not to make it obvious, it seemed the Princess noticed right away that she must have slept with Kinvara.

"I hear the Red Priestesses are all quite beautiful, Princess. What was it like?" Arianne asked shamelessly, and Dany felt her cheeks go red, especially since Arianne had spent the last hour often showing off her beauty to Dany.

Arianne shifted slightly, the movement causing her dress to dip just a bit lower. Daenerys forced herself to look away. 

"Kinvara is a good friend; she taught me many things, and I have a dragon now because of her."

Daenerys bit into the cake, feeling the sticky sweetness of the honey fills her mouth. She swallowed. "I always heard that Dorne is warm, but I never thought it was so hot," she said, though her eyes involuntarily flickered back to Arianne's cleavage.

"And for its passion," Arianne purred, reaching for her own glass of wine. She brought it to her lips but paused just before drinking, her gaze never leaving Daenerys'. "Tell me, Daenerys. Do you want to try something? We in Dorne never judge. We are passionate about everything."

"I don't think I have time for passion, Princess. The war has just started."

"What a shame," she said softly, leaning back in her chair. "One should always make time for pleasure, for the little joys that life offers. Don't you agree, Princess?"

Daenerys clenched her jaw, her fingers tightening around the stem of her glass. She could feel the blood rushing to her ears, an infuriating warmth pooling low in her belly. "I think," she began, trying to maintain her detached demeanor, "It's more important to focus on the war for now."

Arianne chuckled, the sound rich and sultry. "Ah, but who says one must choose one or the other? Why not both, Daenerys?" She reached across the table, picking up a fig drizzled in honey, her fingers caressing its surface before she bit into it, her lips glistening with the sticky nectar. Daenerys couldn't help herself; her eyes were drawn to Arianne's mouth, watching as the other woman licked her lips, savoring the sweetness.

Daenerys' own tongue darted out to wet her lips, a reflex she cursed inwardly. Arianne noticed, of course—how could she not? The corners of her mouth curved into a knowing smirk as she continued, "You remind me of a story from my childhood. A tale of a princess who was so focused on her duties that she forgot how to live."

"Is that so?" Daenerys said, her voice tight. She shifted in her seat, feeling the tension coiling inside her. Arianne's gaze was heavy, and the way she watched Daenerys made her feel exposed like the sun's rays had stripped away her clothes.

"Mmm," Arianne hummed in agreement, dabbing her finger in the honey on her plate before sensuously sucking it clean. "Yes. She spend her whole life on her duties, she had friends of course. But the duty was always more important. As she grew, her duties became even more important to her, and she started ignoring her friends. They tried to help her, but she refused, and she kept working, and one day, she realised that she was alone, and her only friend in life was her duties. That's when she made a big change in her life."

Daenerys swallowed hard, her eyes fixated on Arianne's lips once more. "And what did this princess do?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity despite herself.

Arianne leaned forward again, her eyes hooded and smoldering. "She learned to let herself want things," she murmured, her voice low and intimate. "She learned that it's not weakness to crave... the touch of another."

"You speak as if you know this princess," Daenerys managed, her voice hoarse.

Arianne smiled slowly, tilting her head. "Perhaps I do," she replied, her eyes glinting wickedly. She reached out, her fingers brushing Daenerys' hand ever so lightly. "Or perhaps, I simply see a reflection of her before me."

Daenerys' heart skipped a beat, and she felt a shiver run down her spine at the touch.

"Tell me, Princess, what do you like most? Woman or Man?" she whispered bluntly, leaning across the table so that her cleavage, full and glistening in the sunlight, was on full display.

Daenerys parted her lips to speak, but no words came. She felt the heat of Arianne's gaze burning into her, stripping her bare with every sultry glance. And then, Arianne moved—slowly—around the table until she stood at Daenerys' side, close enough that the soft scent of her perfume—spices and sun-drenched flowers—filled Daenerys' senses. Arianne's hand brushed Daenerys' hair back from her face, her fingers grazing the sensitive skin of Daenerys' neck.

"Look at you," Arianne murmured, her voice like a purr in Daenerys' ear. "You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. No wonder Jae likes you already.

"He does—" Daenerys started, but her protest died in her throat as Arianne's fingers trailed lightly down her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

"Shh..." Arianne whispered, pressing a finger to Daenerys' lips, her touch soft and teasing. "No more words for now."

Before Daenerys could argue, Arianne's hand slipped lower, skimming over the smooth fabric of Daenerys' dress, tracing the outline of her thigh. Daenerys' breath hitched, her pulse quickening as she felt Arianne's fingers press against her inner thigh, dangerously close to the heat building between her legs. She wanted to pull away, to resist, but her body betrayed her, leaning into the touch instead, a small, involuntary moan escaping her lips.

Arianne's smile widened as she heard the sound, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "There it is," she whispered, leaning closer, so close that Daenerys could feel Arianne's breath warm against her cheek. Arianne's lips hovered tantalizingly close, brushing against Daenerys' skin as she continued, "Let yourself feel it. All of it."

Daenerys squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold on to her composure, but Arianne's touch was relentless, her fingers dancing along the sensitive flesh of Daenerys' inner thigh, teasing, pressing, stroking, thrusting into her dripping core. She gripped the armrests of her chair tightly, her knuckles white as she fought to stifle the sounds rising in her throat, but Arianne was relentless.

"Arianne..." Daenerys whispered, her voice barely more than a breath, her head falling back against the chair.

Daenerys moaned as two of Arianne's fingers began to pump in and out of her. Daenerys's hips rotated. She wanted Arianne to touch her clit again. She wanted to come. She wouldn't ask. She wouldn't beg. She knew she had more resolve than that.

The fingers inside her curled up and rubbed her g spot with each thrust. Her walls clenched around the fingers, and Arianne pulled out. She clenched her jaw and evened out her breathing. She felt Arianne wipe her fingers off her thigh and shiver from the patch of cooing wetness it left behind.

Lips found her neck, and she turned her head to give Arianne more surface area to work with. Her hips bucked up against Arianne's leg, trying to take the pleasure she desperately wanted. Arianne smiled against her neck.

"Let it come, Daenerys. Don't fight it." She kissed the hollow of Daenerys' throat, her lips warm and soft, and Daenerys felt her restraint crumble, a moan slipping past her lips. The sensation was overwhelming, a sweet, intoxicating pleasure that made Daenerys' back arch and her breath come faster.

Daenerys' breaths came in ragged gasps, her moans growing louder, her hands gripping the edge of the table as she felt herself spiraling toward the peak, her whole body trembling with need. She was so close, so very close, and Arianne's lips moved against her ear. Just a little more, just—

And then, just as Daenerys was about to tip over that sweet edge, Arianne pulled her fingers away, withdrawing her touch completely. The sudden absence left Daenerys gasping, her eyes snapping open in shock, her body throbbing with the loss of the pleasure she had been so close to reaching.

Arianne straightened, her expression wickedly amused as she licked her fingers, savoring the taste. "I'm afraid that's all for now," she said, her voice light and teasing. "If you want more, come to my chambers tonight."

Daenerys stared at her, her chest heaving, her eyes burning with frustration. " for this," she managed to say, her voice thick with lust and annoyance.

Arianne laughed. She leaning down to press a final, lingering kiss to the corner of Daenerys' mouth, she said, "Don't forget about my invitation." She walked away.



The grand library of Sunspear was a labyrinth of ancient tomes and scrolls, its high arched windows allowing shafts of golden sunlight to illuminate the dust motes dancing in the air. Shelves carved from rich mahogany stretched from floor to ceiling, laden with volumes bound in leather and cloth, their spines bearing titles in various languages. The scent of old parchment mingled with the faint aroma of desert flowers wafting in from the open windows.

Daenerys sat at a long wooden table near one of the windows, a heavy tome open before her.

Footsteps echoed softly against the stone floor, and she glanced up to see Jaehaerys approaching. In his hands, he carried a small stack of books.

"I thought I might find you here," Jaehaerys said, his voice gentle as he placed the books on the table. "I see you've discovered the Valyrian histories."

Daenerys offered a slight smile. "There's so much I don't know about our ancestors. I thought it was time to learn."

He nodded, pulling out a chair beside her. "The Freehold was a marvel of its time."

"Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to see it," she mused, gazing out the window. "To walk those streets, would that place feel like home."

"You haven't felt at home here?" he asked softly.

She hesitated, her fingers stilling on the page. "Sunspear is beautiful, and you've all been very welcoming. But... home is something that even I don't know what feels like."

He leaned forward slightly. "What place would you call home?"

Daenerys glanced at him, her eyes meeting his earnest gaze. She took a deep breath. "There was one place," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "A house with a red door."

Jaehaerys remained silent, giving her the space to continue.

"It was in Braavos or maybe somewhere else. Sometimes I'm not sure where it even was," she said, she could almost see it right now. "When I was very young, before the years of wandering. The house had a red door and a lemon tree outside my window. The air was always filled with the scent of lemons. It was the only place that ever felt like... like a true home to me."

She paused, her expression distant. "I remember the feel of the cool tiles under my feet. Ser Willem took care of us. He was the kindest person I have ever known. He sang to me, songs I can't remember."

"It sounds wonderful," he said softly. "Why did you leave?"

Daenerys sighed. "My brother Viserys said it wasn't safe to stay in one place for too long. He feared the usurper's assassins would find us. So we left, moving from city to city, always looking over our shoulders."

A shadow passed over her features. "I was so young, and much of it is a blur. But the memory of that house is always with me. The red door, the lemon tree. That place felt like home to me."

"Do you have a place like that?" she asked. "Somewhere that feels like home?"

Jaehaerys thought for a moment. "For me, it's the Water Gardens. I spent countless hours there as a child, swimming and playing with my sisters and Arianne. No matter what's happening in the world, that place always brings me peace."

"It sounds lovely," she said.

"Perhaps I could take you there sometime," he offered. "I think you'd like it."

"I'd like that," Daenerys replied, her eyes meeting his.

He hesitated for a moment, then gently placed his hand over hers. "When this war is over, I'll build you a home like that," he promised softly. "With a red door and a lemon tree outside."

She felt a lump rise in her throat, tears welling in her eyes. Before she realized what she was doing, she moved toward him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. He held her gently, warmth and comfort radiating from his presence.

"Thank you, Jaehaerys," she whispered earnestly.

He rested his chin atop her head. "You're not alone anymore, Daenerys."

Right now, with his arms around her. She felt at home...