Spies and Enemies

Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to P atreon and search 'Drinor'

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The Following TEN Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 51 (Writing Exam), Chapter 52 (Forest of Death), Chapter 53 (First Battle), Chapter 54 (Uzumaki Friend), Chapter 55 (Snake Sannin), Chapter 56 (One Tail Vs Seven Tails), Chapter 57 (Sannin vs. Genin), Chapter 58 (Anko's Revenge), Chapter 59 (Preliminary Rounds), and Chapter 60 (Uchiha's Strength) are already available for Patrons.


His team walked inside the room, and they were immediately blasted by multi Killing Intent.

Every genin there releasing their KI, trying to look intimidating; Ino and Shika weren't strangers to powerful KI, especially after being in the same place as someone like Hidan and Kakuzu; Shikamaru yawned, bored already but felt a slight weight around his body.

While Naruto just looked bored, a smirk slowly made his way to his face, and he took a step forward.

"How about we give these people a taste of their own medicine?" Naruto asked Kurama, who smirked slyly.

"Let's see how many won't pass out," Kurama replied menacingly.

After saying that, Naruto released a full blast of KI, causing the concrete and every desk in the room to start creaking, small cracks forming on the surface.

"You call this Killing Intent; my grandma can do better than this," Naruto stated loudly to everyone and released half of his KI taking almost everyone by surprise.

From the added KI, many started feeling dizzy before falling unconscious immediately; their eyes almost popped out from their eye sockets, and their face turned pale, but Naruto noticed a few groups that didn't look affected or less than the others.

His senses spread and found The Shukaku Jinchuuriki glaring at him but keeping his KI in check, his siblings looked pale and were shaking, but Naruto wasn't sure if it was because of him or Gaara. The way his fellow Jinchuuriki was eyeing him, he knew he was already on his hit list.

His senses found the Kumo teams; amongst them was Matatabi Jinchuuriki; Yugito had her eyes on him, a light blush on her cheeks, her tongue licking her red strawberry lips, wetting them. Her legs were slightly crossed, and her eyes almost looked like Matatabi's eyes.

Samui glanced briefly at him but mainly kept a stern look in her eyes; it seemed she knew when to act professional; she kind of reminded Naruto of Anko when she was working, and by working means torture.

Naruto's senses found Fuu's team, she and her teammates; Fuu's eyes found his, her eyes brightening up like a fire.

But then Naruto focused on the Iwa Team across the room, who looked almost wanting to bland in the background and not be noticed. The blonde saw a girl with pink eyes and short dark hair; from the whole team, she looked like the only competent one.

Her eyes were scanning everyone in the room; the blonde noticed she would pause briefly whenever she found someone interesting, and one of them was Naruto.

His eyes found a group of Sound Shinobi from the new village; none of them looked impressive, except they had strange devices attached to their arms and palms.

Naruto wondered where that village came from; he had never heard of it. He figured someone was making some kind of play in the background; he soon decided to figure out as soon as possible whether or not Konoha was the target.

His senses found a group from Rain village, one of the girls was holding an angel-like figure made out of paper, which Naruto found a bit odd.

But Naruto's eyes widened when he checked another group from Grass village, two of them had an enormous amount of Chakra, especially one of them, and his malice was beyond what Naruto had ever felt before. Even a psychopath like Hidan didn't have that level of malice.

His Chakra level was easily S-Rank level, and the one next to him had much fewer malice tendencies, but his chakra level was Elite-Jonin Level, or maybe even Low-S Rank.

The blonde knew the Akatsuki was after him, but he doubted they would risk being seen, not to mention that his big brother would have informed him if they would try to infiltrate the Chunin Exams.

So we have two threats; one of them is strong, and the other is weaker; I wonder if I should just kill them during the exam, the girl with pink eyes is an Iwa Shinobi, and her chakra level is Low Jonin. Should I kill her? Or maybe find a way to make some kind of alliance with them, Iwa might hate my guts, but perhaps there's a different way rather than just forcing them to comply, he thought, deciding to deal with Iwa later. When the time came, they would either comply and accept him as the ruler, or he would stump on them like ants.

Naruto's senses detected two teams of emotionless Shinobi standing at the far left corner of the room; they had no emotions in their body. Naruto wondered what Danzo wanted, perhaps trying to capture him or anyone from other villages or eliminate them.

But Naruto detected that one of them had no Chakra; at that moment, the blonde felt a slight shiver in his body; this guy could hide his Chakra even from him, and he hid his emotions, making it useless to try and detect him through emotions.

"Kurama, how is this possible?" Naruto mentally asked since even the likes of Jiraiya couldn't hide from him unless this Shinobi used a different type of Chakra he couldn't detect.

"I don't know, Naruto; your Uzumaki senses are already too good, and me enhancing them should have made it almost impossible for anyone to hide," Kurama replied, just as irritated and confused.

The demon fox, of course, knew a couple of Shinobi throughout history that would be able to hide even from Naruto's senses like Hashirama Senju, Roku Uzumaki, Arthur Uzumaki, Kenji 'The Fire Breather' Uzumaki, Anaruki Himei and his own father, Hagoromo Otsutsuki.

Naruto's attention then went to the second group from Sound village. He could feel another Uzumaki, making him pause immediately; his eyes widened, and a smile erupted on his face; his eyes glanced to the far right side of the room, a girl with red hair wearing glasses standing a bit away from her teammates, but her eyes were glancing at him every now and then.

Naruto wondered if he could talk to her later; having a Pure Blood Uzumaki like her could be quite beneficial; if Uzumaki Clan hadn't been all about Peace, they could have easily conquered the whole world a long time ago; they were the only clan that could use Fuinjtsu of level X or above, their Kenjutsu was an entirely new level, able to cut down mountains with a single swing of their swords.

Just as Naruto started formulating a plan to talk to her during the Forest of Death...

"Naruto-Kun," her arms around his neck from behind, her blonde hair covering his right shoulder, as she rubbed her cheek against his face; Naruto couldn't help but blush at the feeling of her soft breasts against his back. And a sensation was growing on his pants.

"Ah, Ino-chan, what are you doing?" Naruto questioned awkwardly, knowing many in the room were looking at them. Usually, he wouldn't mind having her this close, but they were in a room full of people.

"Hi, Naruto, how have you been?" Kiba asked, walking towards them, followed by Shino and Hinata, who was looking down, playing with her fingers.

"Shino, how are you doing?" Naruto questioned the stoic-looking guy, completely ignoring Kiba, much to his annoyance.

Shino just shrugged his shoulders, not really that focused on the exams, while Kiba had grown a dangerous tick on his forehead.

"We are kind of ready; if you ask me, we should have waited until the following year; I have no doubt you will succeed, Naruto," Shino replied, adjusting his glasses.

"What about us, Shino?" Kiba questioned, pointing at himself and Hinata, who was looking at Ino, still holding Naruto close.

Shino gave him a brief glance. "As I said, I have no doubts that Naruto will succeed," he repeated with his 'No Bullshit' kind of tone; Kiba growled in annoyance; why couldn't Shino be more positive with him.

Ignoring his teammate, Kiba turned to Naruto, a smirk growing on his face.

"We will soon have our rematch Naruto; better be ready," Kiba said with a slightly high voice, trying to challenge the blonde, but Naruto thought he sounded ridiculous.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata nervously said as she played with her finger, her face as red as a tomato. She saw Ino rubbing herself on Naruto's back like a rabbit in heat, her eyes slightly twitching at the bold blonde, despite knowing she was his girlfriend and had every right to act like that.

Naruto sighed quietly that Hinata still hadn't moved on from her crush; he hoped she at least had trained in Taijutsu or maybe Ninjutsu. His attention turned back to Kiba.

"No offense, dog breath, but you won't be much of a challenge," Naruto stated with a sly grin on his face; Kiba's face turned red from anger.

"Why is that Sunflower?" Kiba demanded with clenched teeth, taking a step closer, completely ignoring the barks of Akamaru, telling him not to mess with Naruto and get them in trouble before the exams even started.

"Because Naruto is the strongest one of us, and you, Kiba, stand absolutely no chance," Shino stated with his usual 'Nothing but spitting facts' kind of tone.

Kiba turned to Shino, growling like a dog, "Hey, you're taking his side now," He barked angrily before their discussion could escalate further.

"How are you doing, Naruto-kun," Everyone turned to see Fuu arriving, her teammates not following her, her usual cute smile on her face.

"Fuu-chan is good to see you again," Naruto said warmly, something that Hinata noticed.

The Hyuga heiress couldn't help but notice the warm and soft tone Naruto used when he talked with the new girl. She wondered who she was.

Ino grunted in annoyance, another cute girl that had fallen head over heels, but she couldn't deny that Fuu was cute and pretty, and her smell was quite pleasant...Damn you, Anko-chan; Ino cried anime tears; she blamed the incredibly sexy busty snake mistress for this, especially how she had Make out with her.

Sasuke noticed Fuu and wondered how strong she was; if she were anything like Naruto, he wouldn't be surprised if she was a much better kunoichi than a certain pink-haired girl.

"Good to see you, Fuu-san," Shikamaru greeted the young Jinchuuriki, who smiled in appreciation.

"Good to see you again, friend Shikamaru," she greeted him before saying hello to Ino, who, despite feeling slightly jealous, said hello to her.

"Ready for the exams, Fuu-chan?"

"Yup, except my teammates, I'm afraid you made them wet their pants when you walked in," she explained, pointing at her teammates who looked down in shame, same for many around the room.

"Wow, who's the cute girl?" Kiba asked, leaning a bit closer, eyeing her up and down; Fuu didn't return the affection. A butterfly flew on her hand, something that was noticed by Shino, who actually raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"Name's Fuu, every friend of Naruto is my friend," she introduced herself, patting the butterfly softly not to crush her accidentally.

In another corner, Team Guy was looking at the exchange between Naruto and the strange girl from Taki. Lee had to admit that Naruto had quite a good taste for women, while Neji narrowed his eyes; just the thought of her angered him, let alone seeing her here, but in the end, it wouldn't matter, the fate had chosen him the winner.

What are you doing here, Hinata? If you're here to shame yourself, then you're doing quite a good job at it, Neji thought, disgusted at the way Hinata was standing; instead of showing power, she was standing in the background as if she was mere decorations and not the heiress of the Hyuga Clan, the Strongest Clan of Konoha.

While this was happening, a certain red-haired girl couldn't keep her eyes away from the Konoha teams talking together, she knew her senses weren't lying to her, but she still couldn't believe that there were more Uzumaki in the world.

Her eyes instinctively glanced in the direction of her master but immediately moved her eyes away; a cold shiver spread in her entire body, crawling in her skin like an army of ants, and her throat felt as dry as the deserts of Suna.

Despite seeing them, she couldn't believe it, but Orochimaru-sama said there were no other Uzumaki! She reminded herself, did her master lied? She quickly shook her head in denial. No, Orochimaru-sama would never do this, She told herself repeatedly. Her hand touched the cursed mark on her left shoulder, close to her neck.

The cursed mark looked like chains coming together, forming a Whirlpool-looking symbol.

Karin turned to look at the Uzumaki again and wondered if she could just go over there and introduce herself as a member of the Uzumaki Clan.

Hello, my name is Karin Uzumaki. What's yours?

She shook her head at the ridiculous idea. No, I can't just walk over there like that, she thought with a frown, knowing her master had put his trust in her not to fail.

Karin's mood worsened when she remembered her mother, her pale face, her beautiful red hair slowly losing its color as if they were dying when she remembered the bite marks on her mother's arms, her red eyes, her hollow cheeks, and now the same thing was happening to her.

But Orochimaru-sama saved me. I owe it to him, she told herself, unsure who she was trying to convince.

In a corner, A certain Iwa Shinobi was looking at Naruto. Kurotsuchi looked at the Uzumaki with narrowed eyes; she had noticed his blonde hair almost immediately; while having that shade of hair wasn't uncommon, his face was way too similar to Minato Namikaze; she had seen many pictures of the man, her own grandpa had described the man to her, as a literal demon who would do everything to protect the people he loved.

You're way too similar to him; if you are who I think that you are, I will personally get revenge for what your father did to us, for the countless families he destroyed, she thought with clenched teeth, allowing a bit of KI to leak from her, causing her teammates to step back from her in fear.

Naruto saw the guy with glasses slowly walking towards them; much to his surprise, he had a Konoha Emblem on his forehead.

"You should try to be quiet; you are drawing too much attention to yourselves," the guy announced, smirking at them.

The others saw that everyone indeed was indeed looking at them, except Naruto and Fuu, who could feel them.

"And you are?" Sasuke asked with a hint of annoyance, not liking the smirk on his face.

"My name is Kabuto Yakushi; as you have noticed, there are quite a few outstanding teams this year and even better candidates," he stated, raising his arms.

That took the attention of everyone in the room; almost everyone leaned closer to listen.

"Kabuto, you say, I don't think I have ever seen you before," Naruto said suspiciously.

"Well, you see, I don't really like that much to be in the spotlight," he replied, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Then why are you talking with us? Right now, you're in the center of the spotlight," Naruto retorted, taking a step closer, causing Kabuto to pale slightly.

"You just remind me of my old team, and since you're so young, I thought a few hints on how to complete the exams were needed," Kabuto quickly answered, feeling as if Naruto was interrogating him, and it didn't help that Naruto was leaking a bit of his KI.

"Why? How many times have you been in Chunin exams?" Sakura asked since, from his words, it must mean that he had been in Chunin Exams before.

"This is my seventh time, actually."

This caught almost everyone by surprise. Sakura felt even more insecure, but she quickly remembered that Sasuke was on her team; he would easily defeat everyone.

Hinata slightly lowered her head; what will father do if I fail? she asked herself, knowing her father wasn't really proud of her, many times comparing her to Hanabi.

"Hanabi is five years younger than you, but she's twice the Shinobi that you are,"

"Hanabi is already using gentle fist; it took you until you reached twelve years old to be able to do it,"

Her father's words ringed in her ears like bells, piercing her heart like a knife; why can't I be more like Hanabi? She questioned herself, feeling more insecure with each passing second.

If I had only been more like her...

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her escape her thoughts, turning to see Shino.

"Don't worry, Hinata, you're stronger than you think," He said as if he somehow knew what Hinata was thinking and was trying to encourage her to keep moving forward. Hinata smiled in appreciation and turned to look at Kabuto with resolve in her eyes.

Shino's right; I should be more determined, she thought with a little smile.

"Wow, you must really suck," Kiba mocked him, pointing his index finger at him.

"Or the exams are just that hard," Naruto retorted but couldn't help but feel the malice coming from him; his Chakra level was High-Jonin, and he smelled of snakes. The blonde knew only one person that sometimes smelled like that.

"You said you could help us; how would you do that?" Ino asked with a skeptical look, hoping for any advantage.

"And you're asking the guy who lost six times for help," Shikamaru said sarcastically, earning a glare from Ino.

Kabuto ignored the pineapple head and pulled out cards from his pocket; the cards were blank, showing them to the Konoha teams.

"With these,"

"What are these?" Sasuke asked, looking interested; perhaps this guy wasn't a complete waste of oxygen and time.

"These are Ninja Info cards; if I add chakra, it will reveal to me every information I have gathered throughout the years and about the team's participating this year."

Making the card on his finger shows a bunch of Hidden Village symbols with numbers near them.

"What is this list?" Sakura asked.

"This shows how many teams are from each village; there are nine Konoha teams, one Suna team, two Sound Teams, one Iwa Team, three Rain Village teams, two Kumo Teams, and several Teams from minor Villages," Kabuto said.

"That's quite a lot of information you have," Naruto said with a hidden meaning that Kabuto quickly noticed.

"What can the other cards do?" Shikamaru was finding this whole thing troublesome and suspicious.

"In basic terms, they're cards with information burnt into them using my Chakra. I've gathered information on this exam for the past four years. Meaning I have got a lot of information on many different people and places," stated Kabuto, then explaining what the Chunin exam was all about.

Once Kabuto had finished explaining what the exam was about, Sasuke decided to ask a question.

"You say that you've information on a lot of different people. Does that mean you've information on the combatants in this exam?"

"Yes, I do. Is there someone you're interested in?" asked the boy, with a ghost of a smirk; Sasuke just nodded.

"Now tell me what you can about these people you're interested in, and I look them up for you," said Kabuto slyly.

"Gaara of Hidden Sand, Rock Lee of Hidden Leaf, and Naruto Uzumaki of Hidden Leaf," spoke Sasuke.

At hearing this, Naruto looked at Sasuke with a bit of surprise since he could understand why he was interested in Gaara, given Kakashi had warned him about him, as well as Lee.

This caused Yugito and her team to walk closer; she approached and stood close to Naruto, who noticed her well-developed body, especially ...

"Hello Yugi-chan, couldn't help yourself," Naruto said, smiling deviously with a warm tone.

"You know I'm quite curious for my own sake," she replied with a lick of her lips and swaying her hips slightly, something Kiba immediately noticed.

"What is your name, beautiful chick? How about you spend time with an alpha instead of this pathetic loser," Kiba walked closer, his arms spread out and his chest high.

This caused Naruto to snicker slightly when Kiba turned to Naruto, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Any problems, sunflower?" Kiba asked, trying to sound intimidating.

"Nothing, dog breath, but I remember you got knocked out with a single hit by this loser," Naruto replied shyly.

Yugito giggled slightly from the red face of Kiba, who was clenching his teeth and glaring at Naruto.

"Do you have any information?" Sasuke suddenly demanded, looking at Kabuto.

"You know their names, then this will be easy," replied Kabuto, where he took out four cards from his deck and then channeled Chakra into it. After which, a small puff of smoke came from the card, where a profile and picture of Lee appeared on the card.

"Let's start with Rock Lee," said Kabuto, "Now he is one year older than you; he has done twenty D-rank missions and eleven C-rank missions. He's team sensei in Maito Gai, he has extremely high hand-to-hand combat skills, but all his other skills are terrible. Last year, he gained much attention as a highly-skilled rookie genin but didn't take the Chunin exam. Like you, this is his first time taking the exam; his teammates are last year's top Kunoichi Tenten and last year's rookie of the year Hyuga Neji, who is rumored to be a highly gifted prodigy like yourself."

At the mention of Neji's name, a worried look appeared on Hinata's face, although no one noticed it except Shino.

"Next Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Sand)," spoke Kabuto, and he got another card and channeled Chakra into it. Now he is the same age as you and has done eight C rank missions and...this is amazing he has done a B rank mission as a Genin..." said a surprise Kabuto.

This caught quite a few by surprise. Except for Yugito, Fuu, Naruto, and Samui, who knew never to underestimate a Jinchuuriki,

"But it is said that he never received as much of a scratch from any of his missions; teammates are Kankuro and Temari," Kabuto finished taking everyone by surprise.

Naruto had to give it to Gaara; that must be Shukaku's Ultimate Defence that Kurama had told him about.

Kabuto pulled the fourth letter. "Now, Naruto Uzumaki has completed 53 D Rank Missions, 6 C Missions, 1 A-Rank Mission, and 1 S Rank Mission," He said, earning gasps from everyone.

Samui looked at Naruto with interest; it seemed their Raikage had an excellent reason to be interested in him. What are you hiding, and who are you? She thought with a finger on her chin, knowing several ways to extract information from Naruto, and it helped that the blonde was very Hot.

Naruto figured that when he executed Mizuki, that counted as S Rank.

"His specialty is Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu; he only sucks at Genjutsu," Naruto narrowed his eyes dangerously. Does he know? The blonde asked himself.

"He's good at Wind Style Jutsus, and he also knows a few Fire Jutsus; his teammates are Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka," Kabuto finished; Naruto stopped his KI when he understood that Kabuto didn't know about his Hirashin.

"That's quite useful information you have there, Kabuto; if I didn't know any better, I would say you're an excellent Spy," Naruto said suddenly in front of Kabuto, with his hand on his shoulder.

Kabuto was caught off guard by his speed; when did he get to me? He thought and saw that everyone was looking at him with suspicion.

"Would you mind giving me information?" Naruto asked with a calm but threatening tone releasing his KI; his grip on his shoulder tightened.

Kabuto suppressed a wince of pain. "S-sure." With the way the Uzumaki was looking at him, almost as if he already knew who he was, and was prepared to cut his head off at any moment.

"I want information in a redhair with glasses and is from Hidden Sound Village," Naruto demanded.

Kabuto felt like a prisoner right now; he felt his whole body sweat. Why is he so strong?

He grabbed the eighth card. "Karin Uzumaki, she has completed 9 D Missions, 2 C Missions, and 1 B Mission, her specialty is healing, and that's it," he said, releasing a sigh of relief when the blonde let go of his shoulder.

Naruto's eyes went to Karin, and he wondered why she was suddenly looking away from him.

Before anyone could say anything else, a large explosion happened in front of the class, revealing a man standing almost two meters tall.

"Alright, worthless maggots, Playtime is Over."

Announcement: On 17-18 December, I will release my new Naruto story.

The Purple Flash of Kumo

Naruto is raised in Kumo and has Purple Lightning; his specialty will eventually be Hirashin with purple lightning, along with certain abilities that will be revealed eventually.

Naruto will be with Yugito, Samui, Mabui, and eventually with Fuu as well. Rated M and all that.