The Hero of Suna

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 72 (A Date with Fuu), Chapter 73 (Hang Out), Chapter 74 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 75 (Final Rounds of Chunin Exams Begin!), Chapter 76 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 1), Chapter 77 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 2), Chapter 78 (Destiny is Just a Word), Chapter 79 (Checkmate), Chapter 80 (A Burned Flower), Chapter 81 (Hinata's Despair), and Chapter 82 (Naruto's First Move) are already available for Patrons.

As the sun beat down mercilessly on the arid desert landscape, Pakura and Baki kept running and running without any sign of slowing down. Both of them were highly skilled Shinobi who had been trained since the tender age of five to become the best of the best. Their training had taught them to endure all kinds of physical challenges, but even Pakura, with her indomitable spirit, was starting to feel the strain as they raced towards the designated meeting place. The sand beneath their feet seemed to shift and sway with each step they took, and the heat made it hard to breathe. 

In the midst of a desolate and barren wasteland, with nothing but towering rocks stretching out as far as the eye could see, Pakura and Baki found themselves on the run. Their hearts are pounding with adrenaline as they navigate the treacherous terrain. With each jump, Pakura's sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, searching for any sign of danger or deviation from their planned path. The barren landscape seemed to stretch on forever, but they pushed on, their movements quick and fluid as they pressed forward.

Ever since Pakura embarked on this perilous mission, she had been plagued by an incessant gnawing at the pit of her stomach, a nagging feeling that something was amiss, that the air was fraught with danger. 

She couldn't shake off the ominous sense of foreboding that had settled in the depths of her soul. As she journeyed towards the land of Iwa, she couldn't help but think about the long-standing enmity between her village of Suna and Iwa, a feud that had claimed countless lives and left a trail of destruction in its wake. However, what made her unease even more palpable was the sudden and unexpected change of heart of the Iwa leaders. They were now advocating for peace, claiming that they wanted to put the past behind them and move towards a brighter future. 

Pakura couldn't help but be skeptical of their sudden change of heart. She couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of a trap or a ploy to lull them into a false sense of security. Despite her misgivings, Pakura knew she had a duty to perform, a mission to accomplish. She had to put her fears aside and trust in her training and her instincts for the sake of her village and her people. It made no sense; the Kage of Iwa was still Ohnoki, so why the sudden change of heart? 

As soon as Pakura returned from successfully completing her previous mission, the Kazekage summoned her to his office and assigned her a new task. However, Pakura couldn't shake the feeling that the timing was off, as she barely had time to rest and recuperate from her previous mission before she was thrown into another one. Despite her reservations, she knew she had to fulfill her duty as a skilled ninja and complete the new mission assigned to her.

Pakura had barely spent any time to rest before Baki barged into her room as if he owned the place and told her that the Kazekage needed her urgently. Pakura didn't even have time to train with Maki before she was sent on a mission again, she had wanted to wait until tomorrow, but it seemed her Kage had other plans and wanted her in this mission right away; she figured she could train Maki after she returned.

The night was in its full glory, with the full moon shining brightly in the sky, as Pakura kept running tirelessly through the stone lands. Her face was glistening with sweat, and her breathing had become heavy due to the lack of rest and food since yesterday. Despite feeling slightly exhausted, Pakura pushed herself to keep going; her mind focused on the mission at hand. The leaves rustled under her feet as she kept moving forward, her eyes fixed on the path ahead. The sound of crickets chirping and owls hooting echoed through the land, but Pakura's determination to complete her task kept her going. Despite the physical and mental fatigue, she knew that giving up was not an option. 

As the night's icy temperatures descended upon her, she could feel the chill seeping through her skin and into her bones. Despite the frigid weather, her face was sweating profusely, causing tiny droplets of moisture to cling to her cheeks and forehead. As the moisture cooled in the arctic air, a thin layer of frost began to form on her skin, transforming her once-rosy complexion into an almost ethereal visage shimmering in the moonlight.

Quickly wiping away the sweat, Suddenly, Baki darted ahead and disappeared into a large clearing that was surrounded by towering rocks that seemed to stretch up to the sky. Pakura hesitated momentarily, her eyes struggling to see anything around them, but she knew she could trust Baki. With a deep breath, she summoned the courage to follow him, leaping over the rocks and landing gracefully beside Baki.

As soon as Pakura's feet made contact with the cold, hard surface of the stone ground, she felt an eerie sensation creeping up her spine. Her eyes, scanning the perimeter, caught slight movements around the towering rock formation; her hand instinctively made the first-hand sign for her Scorch Jutsu, readying herself for any potential danger that may lie ahead. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, and as she turned to gauge the situation, she saw Baki was behind her. Despite the fact that someone was obviously observing them, he remained as quiet as a shadow, his eyes scanning the vicinity for any signs of movement.

"Baki, we are not alone," Pakura warned her fellow Jonin with a voice barely above a whisper, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. The rustling suddenly broke the stillness of the night of leaves, and a second and third movement around the rock formation confirmed Pakura's suspicions. Despite the lack of light, the Jonin stood ready, her instincts sharpened by years of training and experience; she could hardly see anything and trusted her instincts to guide her.

Suddenly, she realized that Iwa was not interested in peace but had staged this entire mission as an ambush. Her heart racing, Pakura knew that she had to act quickly to protect herself and her partner Baki. Without hesitation, she began to focus her chakra and gather all her strength, preparing to launch one of her strongest jutsus- the Fire Scorching Ball Jutsu. She would give her and Baki an opening to escape when she felt Baki place his hand on her shoulder from behind.

"For Suna." Before she could even grasp the meaning behind them, a searing pain shot through her body like a bolt of lightning. Her leg felt as if it was on fire, and Pakura couldn't help but wonder what had just happened. For a brief moment, she was completely disoriented, struggling to make sense of the situation that unfolded before her. But then, as the pain began to subside, her eyes widened in terror, and a hint of fear crept into her heart.

Pakura's body trembled in excruciating pain as she felt a sharp metal object pierce through her skin, just below her thighs, causing a stream of blood to gush out of her leg. Despite the agony, she bit her tongue to prevent herself from screaming. As she lay there, helpless and wounded, her eyes locked onto Baki's cold, unyielding gaze, a mixture of anger and defiance burning within her. She understood now this mission wasn't an ambush for both her and Baki. Just for her.

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through her body, she was determined to rise to her feet and soldier on, but as she tried to summon the strength to stand, the wound on her leg throbbed with such intensity that it felt like a bolt of lightning had struck her, shooting waves of agony throughout her entire being. She gritted her teeth, trying to stifle the scream that threatened to escape her lips, and clenched her fists as she battled the urge to collapse back onto the ground. Despite the odds stacked against her, she refused to give up, drawing on every ounce of her willpower to push through the pain. 

Pakura was in excruciating pain as she lay on the ground, her leg pierced by a sword. She could feel the blood rushing from the wound, causing her to grow weak with each passing moment. However, despite the agony, her will to survive remained strong. Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps running toward her from behind, and her instincts kicked in. Her heart began to beat faster, and adrenaline surged through her veins. Without hesitation, she reached for the sword that was embedded in her leg with her right hand.

As the Iwa Shinobi came into view, Pakura's grip on the sword tightened. With a swift and powerful swing, she sliced the head off of her attacker, feeling a sense of satisfaction as the body crumpled to the ground.

"The Bitch is not Dead Yet!"

"Finish Her!"

Pakura found herself in a dire situation as the deafening shouts of enemy shinobi bombarded her ears, causing her already heavy heart to sink further into the depths of her stomach. She was outnumbered by a hundred or more of them, with no escape in sight. Her once agile leg had been seriously wounded, making it difficult for her to move and evade the enemy's attacks. The sheer force of their collective will and strength seemed to be closing in on her, threatening to engulf her completely. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Baki looking at her with a hint of pity and fear, she turned to face him, but he quickly started running away.

"Traitor," Pakura screamed in agony as Iwa Shinobi started attacking her from all directions; as she swung her sword, she cut off the jaw of one, but a kunai pierced her stomach, tired and more tired. Pakura felt tears in her eyes as the pain grew more with each passing moment.

'I gave everything for them. For my Village. Why did they do this?' She thought in despair as she swung her sword desperately, cutting the head off of someone else. 

She felt a sharp pain in her back as three more kunais sliced through her flesh, causing blood to pour from every wound around her body. She stumbled and almost lost her balance, struggling to stay on her feet as her vision got fuzzy and her strength started to fade. Despite the agony and the chaos of the battle, she could still see the faces of the people attacking her, but they almost looked faceless, as if they were nothing more than soulless creatures driven by a dark force

'Why? Just Why? I did Everything! I gave it all I had. My family. My Friends. I gave everything. M-Mika' she thought in despair and pain; with one scream of agony, she released her Scorch Release from her mouth—a desperate final attack to stay alive somehow.

"Run Away. The Bitch Will Kill Us." One screamed as all they all tried to run, but the scorch release covered a hundred meters and was extremely deadly.

As Pakura was lying amidst the chaos, her senses heightened, and her heart raced; she could hear the distinct sound of bodies falling down, one by one, all screaming in pure agony before death embraced them, but even her jutsu wasn't enough to kill all Iwa Shinobi who had surrounded her.

As she lay there, her once strong and vibrant body now motionless, she felt the coldness of the ground seeping into her bones. Her face was pressed against the rough stone ground; her eyes fixated on the pool of blood that surrounded her. She struggled to take a deep breath, her chest heaving with each gasp of air. 

Pain coursed through her body like a raging river, every nerve ending on fire. She tried to move, but her limbs felt heavy and unresponsive as if they were no longer a part of her. Tears streamed down her face as she realized the severity of her injuries. As she lay there, on the brink of death, her mind raced with questions. 

"Why?" she thought to herself. "Where did I go wrong?" She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment things had gone astray. Was it a wrong turn, a missed step, or a miscalculation? She couldn't remember. All she knew was that she was here, alone and dying, surrounded by Iwa Shinobi. She felt a sense of regret wash over her. Regret for the things she had done and the things she hadn't.

"She killed around 83 despite the ambush; Ohnoki won't be happy." With a disgusted snarl, the Iwa Shinobi spat at Pakura's dying form, leaving her to struggle for breath and try to comprehend the meaning behind their words. 

"Screw the Old man. Cut her head off. She will be a good trophy for Iwa," with a twisted grin on his face. The other shinobis roared with laughter, their eyes gleaming with malice as they eagerly anticipated the brutal execution of their captive. One of them stepped forward, unsheathing his sword with a menacing glint in his eye, determined to claim Pakura's head as a prize for his village.

She was exhausted, tired, and bleeding out from multiple wounds, and most of all, she felt very cold; Her eyes, heavy with fatigue, struggled to stay open, but she refused to let them close. With each passing moment, however, it became harder and harder to keep them open, and slowly, her eyes started closing, knowing this was the end of the road for her.

'Curse you, Suna. I hope you all rot in Hell.' She thought in rage; as her eyes closed, she suddenly heard a faint sound of footsteps slowly approaching her. Quickly followed by the sound of a sharp sword slicing through flesh. The unmistakable sound of men and women screaming in agony filled the air. More and more screams of agony reached her ears, each more chilling than the last. The sound of blood splattering against the cold, hard stone ground echoed throughout the land.

'What is happening?' She managed to ask herself, her eyes still closed as warm hands touched her cheek.

"Just don't move. You're safe." A voice spoke to her as she felt herself falling asleep.





As she lay down on her bed, Pakura felt the softness of her pillow as her head sank into it. She felt like she had just run a marathon. Her body was aching, and she felt utterly exhausted. As she tried to relax, her stomach churned, reminding her that it had been hours since she last ate anything. 

As she gradually opened her eyes, she felt a surge of confusion and disorientation as she tried to place herself in an unfamiliar environment. The first thing that caught her attention was the strange room she was sleeping in, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and the warm flicker of a solitary candle casting shadows across the room. The gentle flames seemed to dance and sway in the air, casting a warm glow on the unfamiliar surroundings, while a soft breeze blew in through the small window, filling the room with the gentle rustling of leaves outside.

Pakura looked around her, trying to make sense of her surroundings, but everything seemed hazy and surreal. Her head was throbbing with an intense pain that felt like a thousand needles piercing her brain. As she tried to gather enough strength to sit upright, she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, causing her to lose her balance and fall back on the bed. Tears of frustration and fear filled her eyes as she wondered what had happened to her. Was she dead? Was this the afterlife? The questions swirled around her mind, but she couldn't find any answers. The pain in her head was so intense that it felt like her skull was going to split open. She held her head in agony, hoping that the pain would subside soon. 

'I'm alive? Why?' She thought to herself in confusion as she rubbed the top of her head, eventually the headache wavered, but she still had no idea where she was; with great effort, her hand reached out and removed the white blanket covering her body, revealing a network of white bandages covering her stomach and legs. She couldn't help but gasp in shock when she saw the extent of her injuries, her dark-orange eyes widening as she realized the gravity of her situation. 

'Did the Iwa Shinobi take me to experiment on me?' She thought. The fear and dread that started to spread within her were overwhelming, as she knew she was beyond exhausted and in no condition to fight back. She wondered if she could even take on a Genin, let alone a Jonin or an Anbu. The exhaustion she felt was so intense that she could barely keep her eyes open. Despite her weakened state, however, the sound of the wooden door creaking open caught her attention

Pakura looked up from her bed, and a feeling of surprise and confusion immediately struck her as her gaze met that of a vibrant, red-haired woman who was standing at the entrance of her room, holding a large, steaming plate of food and a skin bottle filled with refreshing water. The aroma of the meal wafted towards her, tickling her nostrils and making her stomach rumble, while the woman's bright smile seemed to light up the entire room

She was a fairly tall and light-complexioned woman sporting a curvy figure. She was noticeably beautiful, with purple eyes and a beauty mark under the left side of her lips. She had flowing maroon-colored hair that reached her hips with bangs that parted slightly to the right of her forehead and framed the sides of her face. She was dressed in a qípáo-like garment. Her wardrobe was rather scantily-clad, revealing her shoulders and upper back, while the rest was form-fitting. Her attire was dark-pink coloring with a lining of purple, grey, and yellow and matching disconnected arm warmers that reached down to her light-purple spandex shorts. She wore a pair of black low-heeled boots that reached her calves.

"Who are you?" Pakura demanded with a raspy voice. The red-haired woman approached her slowly as if she was aware of Pakura's vulnerability and didn't want to scare her. Despite her fatigue and the visible wounds on her body, Pakura tried to sound as strong as possible, hoping to intimidate the stranger with her words. However, her exhaustion and still-healing wounds made it clear that she couldn't fight at the moment, leaving her at the mercy of the unknown woman.

"Take a Guess. You had been in a coma for a month now. I thought Naruto-Sama was wasting his time with you." She spoke; her voice was like a soothing balm to Pakura's frayed nerves. It was melodic, kind, and gentle, the kind of voice that could calm even the most restless soul and make anyone want to listen to her. She placed the plate full of food beside her bed; Pakura felt her stomach churning, the sight of food and water made her mouth almost water, but she somehow restrained herself from eating right away.

"Where am I? And who is this Naruto you speak of?" Pakura questioned with narrowed eyes, trying to stand up, but she was beyond exhausted; she could hardly sit up from her bed. From the way the woman spoke, Pakura knew this Naruto was someone significant to her but couldn't remember anyone important with that name.

The redhead woman furrowed a brow; she looked deep in thought before she eventually decided to humor Pakura.

"The food is not poisoned," she claimed confidently, bringing a piece of the freshly roasted bread to her lips and taking a hearty bite. The warm, buttery flavor filled her mouth, and she savored the taste for a moment before swallowing it with a satisfied smile. Despite her demonstration, the dubious expression on Pakura's face remained as she continued to eye the food warily, clearly unconvinced. 

With a stern expression on her face, the woman spoke in a firm tone, "As for Naruto-Sama, he saved your life, be grateful. He risked his own life to protect you from the enemy's attack, and for that, you owe him your thanks." 

She paused momentarily, her eyes fixed firmly on Pakura, before continuing, "He will come to see you soon, and I suggest you show him the respect he deserves." 

As she walked towards the door, her footsteps echoed through the room, and Pakura couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Just before she reached the door, the woman turned to look at Pakura over her shoulder, her eyes filled with a sense of warning. 

"Eat the food while it's still hot," she said, gesturing towards the steaming bowl of rice and vegetables on the table. "You need your strength if you're going to survive in this world. But remember, you're not a prisoner here. You can leave anytime you want." With that, the woman closed the heavy wooden door. 

As Pakura sat in solitude, she found herself lost in her own thoughts, gazing at the mouth-watering spread of food that lay before her. The steam still rose from the bowl of soup, the aroma of the freshly baked bread wafted through the air, and the vibrant colors of the crisp vegetables beckoned her. She couldn't resist the temptation of the bowl brimming with fluffy rice, and the succulent steak topped with creamy mashed potatoes looked simply irresistible.

She knew she needed to eat, but the overwhelming feeling of betrayal clouded her appetite. She had dedicated her life to the place that had now turned its back on her, leaving her feeling lost and alone. Yet, she wasted no time in filling her plate, taking bite after bite as tears streamed down her face, each one a painful reminder of the hurt she felt. Despite the pain, Pakura knew that she needed to nourish her body, to keep moving forward. As she ate, Pakura couldn't help but wonder why she was even alive. What was the point?

Naruto - Now

With a calm and confident stride, Naruto leisurely strolled through the bustling streets of Konoha, where the air was thick with anticipation and excitement. This was because the final rounds of the highly anticipated Chunin Exams were just 27 days away, and people from all over the Land of Fire had arrived to witness this grand spectacle. The city was alive with vibrant energy as merchants loudly hawked their wares and food vendors filled the air with the savory aroma of their delectable treats. Everywhere Naruto looked, he saw groups of people eagerly discussing the upcoming exams, guessing who would emerge victorious and earn the coveted title of Chunin.

The bets had already started, and the most casual bets were who would defeat who, but the ones that earned the most money were the bets about possible deaths, the type of wounds, and how long the fight might last; the average was around ten minutes.

Naruto was walking with Fuu and Pakura by his side; two days ago, Gaara had left after waking up, yesterday he informed Naruto that he wanted to talk to him in private, and for this reason, Naruto told him to meet in the Jonin Bar, telling him that no one would pay attention to them there.

As they strolled through the bustling crowd of people, Pakura's inquisitive voice broke the silence, "Naruto-Sama, do you think Gaara has agreed to join us?" Her furrowed brow was a clear indication of her concern.

Despite being known as 'The Hero of Suna, ' Pakura didn't bother to wear a hoodie to hide her face, saying she would never hide who she was, and if anyone from Suna recognized her, then it would let them know she would one day destroy them.

"I think so; Gaara knows there's no point in staying loyal to Suna. The only bond he has are his siblings, while they might love him in their own way. His siblings fear Gaara more than they love him. For this reason, they are reluctant to talk with him and prefer to ignore him as much as they can." Naruto explained; Fuu frowned beside him; she knew the feeling of not being loved. She hoped Gaara would join them; the way he growled at her whenever she did something funny reminded Fuu of how siblings act with each other.

Fuu, with a hopeful expression on her face, turned her head towards Naruto and asked him with a tinge of excitement in her voice, "Naruto-kun, do you think that Gaara might join us on our journey after the conclusion of the highly anticipated Chunin Exams?" Her short, vibrant green hair swayed gently at the side as she awaited Naruto's response. If Gaara joined, their group would have four Jinchuuriki.

"I think so, but I can't know for sure. His bond with his siblings might convince him to stay loyal to Suna. Whatever the case, I think Gaara is our ally." Naruto answered with a little shrug; from all the Jinchuurikis out there, the hardest to get on his side would be Han and Bee. They were loyal to their own Villages, but Naruto had an idea on how to sway their opinion; after all, everyone's mind could be changed; one just needed the right circumstances, either by "accident" or fate.

As they kept walking through the busy streets of Konoha. Naruto's mind went to Hiruzen, a part of him wanted to leave the old man to his fate, whatever his fate was going to be. The Uzumaki knew this fight against Orochimaru would devastate the third Hokage.

While with a Good heart, the old man preferred to bury his head in the sand and pretend that everything was perfect rather than take action to change things for the better.

How Danzo could create such a large group of 100 Anbu that followed all his orders instead of Hokage's orders, and for Hiruzen to either not notice it or not care, Naruto couldn't really fathom it, he wasn't sure which one was worse. The Hokage is so reluctant to take action or be so imbecile that he can't see an entire organization forming under his nose.

A part of Naruto wanted to let fate decide Hiruzen's future, but another part wanted the old man to live for sure just to see everything crumble before his eyes like dust. Naruto knew the new world didn't have a place for Konoha and this old way of living.

Sending children into wars and orphans everywhere, this way of living had started since the Age of Clans had lasted for two millennia until Hashirama and Madara created the very first Village, which was soon followed by four big villages around the world. Still, even the creation of villages hadn't stopped the Wars, and why would it? The Higher-ups earned money from wars, so why stop having wars?

Naruto escaped his thoughts once they reached the bar; walking inside, Naruto saw the bar was buzzing with Jonins who had just completed their missions and wanted to rest; looking around, he noticed that the bar was packed with Jonins who had just returned from completing their missions. They had come to unwind and share their stories of triumph and defeat. But the bar was frequently occupied by Chunins who loved to drink and forget about the missions they completed and act as if everything was alright.

His gaze fell upon Gaara - sitting by himself in front of an empty table, unassumingly clad in a green hoodie. However, Naruto's keen perception allowed him to see right through Gaara's feeble disguise, recognizing him instantly.

With a sly grin on his face, Naruto made his way toward Gaara, accompanied by his trusted comrades - Pakura and Fuu. As they sat across him, Gaara acknowledged Naruto's presence with a curt nod of his head, his piercing gaze never leaving the blonde ninja's face.

"Take the hoodie off, Gaara-Kun. We are all friends here." Fuu encouraged with a cute smile. Even though Gaara looked slightly annoyed, he decided to listen to Fuu's playful and lighthearted request, knowing she meant no harm. As he removed his hoodie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him, as if shedding the outer layer was also shedding the stress and anxiety he had been carrying around with him.

"It's good to see you, Gaara. How are you feeling?" Naruto inquired, breaking the ice as he sat across from his old friend.

But before Gaara could even answer, a waitress cleared her throat near their table, interrupting their conversation. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filled the cozy cafe, making Naruto's stomach grumble in anticipation.

The waitress, a cheerful young woman with curly hair and a bright smile, took out her notepad and pen and asked if she could take their orders. Naruto, being the enthusiastic one, flashed his charming smile.

"Sure," Naruto spoke with a warm, friendly smile that could light up a room, "I would love to have four steaming cups of Jasmine tea, a delicious bowl of rice with perfectly cooked eggs, and a piping hot bowl of Ramen to satisfy my appetite. And don't forget to take whatever you want for yourself, my dear waitress." The waitress's eyes widened in surprise and appreciation at Naruto's thoughtful gesture, her face lighting up with a grateful smile before she quickly nodded and walked away, her heart filled with warmth and gratitude.

As the waitress scurried away to fetch their order, Gaara leaned in towards his companion and quizzically arched his eyebrows, "Jasmine Tea?" he repeated incredulously, almost as if he were trying to taste the unfamiliar words on his tongue.

"Is made from Jasmine Leaf, which can only be found in my homeland, Gaara-Kun," Fuu answered, resting her cheek against her palm, with her elbow resting against the polished wooden table.

"You like tea?" Pakura asked, slightly curious, leaning back against the bar chair; if Gaara was going to be their ally, she figured she might as well know him a little. Before being betrayed by Suna, she hadn't known much about the Jinchuuriki of Shukaku, only that it was sealed inside The Kazekage's youngest son.

"I used to," That's all Gaara said with a downcast look, his voice barely a whisper.

"How are you feeling?" Naruto asked as they waited for their orders to arrive; Pakura watched as chunins were betting on who could drink the most.

"Much better. I was able to sleep the whole night." Gaara answered with a small smile; the thought of sleeping still sounded strange to him. Fuu's face brightened after hearing his words, letting out a joyful sound, much to Pakura and Gaara's amusement.

"That's good to hear. Have you talked with Shukaku yet?" Naruto asked, wanting to know if the Bijuu could still talk with Gaara. He was sure it would be possible only if Gaara allowed him to talk, but Naruto wanted to make sure.

"No, and I don't really want to talk with him right now. I might one day, but not anytime soon." Gaara answered with a hint of anger in his voice. He knew what the Bijuu had done to him; while a part of him understood that Shukaku didn't want to be imprisoned and was simply looking for a way to break the seal and be free again, Gaara still couldn't forgive him that easily for so many years of suffering.

"Yesterday, I noticed that my sand is even better and faster now. Why?" Gaara asked curiously, not that he wasn't grateful, but he wanted to know how much stronger he could become.

"As I said, my seal allows you to use all Shukaku's abilities without his help," Naruto explained; Gaara simply nodded, thinking of ways to utilize his new abilities.

Soon the waitress arrived, bringing them their food and drinks; Naruto gave the money and a small tip knowing the salary of those that work in bars, restaurants, and coffee shops isn't exactly good enough.

The Waitress winked at Naruto before walking away; Pakura snorted as the waitress walked away, much to Naruto and Fuu's amusement; if she thought she was being subtle, she was wrong. Gaara, on the other hand, looked confused, not understanding what Naruto and Fuu were finding funny.

As they started eating. Gaara talked mainly with Naruto and Fuu; it was mostly small talk to get to know each other, a little about their childhood, but mostly about where they were from until Gaara brought up something important.

"While I'm enjoying the tea and the food. I need to tell you something." Gaara interrupted, his voice suddenly serious, as he leaned over the table before him, looking directly at Naruto.

Naruto understood the importance; with a quick move of his wrist, he made a hand sign, and he activated a Silence Seal; no one outside of the two meters circle couldn't hear them; Naruto motioned for Gaara to continue.

"Suna has betrayed Konoha. They will launch an attack during the Exams..." Gaara told them everything he knew, how he was supposed to lose control during the Exam, and how his Bijuu would be used to launch a devastating blow on Konoha while the Kazekage and Orochimaru were supposed to kill the Hokage and all those who help him.

Naruto had to restrain himself from laughing at the stupidity of this whole invasion. How the Higher Ups of Suna hadn't seen the Errors was beyond him; despite being A Bijuu, one should remember that Shukaku was simply the weakest one; his strength relaid on being in a desert, Shukaku could never fully use his full potential if he wasn't fighting in a desert, and Konoha was surrounded by trees, the nearest desert was over a thousand kilometers away. Shukaku fighting in the Desert was stronger than even the Three-Tails Turtle.

Despite all that, Konoha was the strongest out of all Five Villages and had Kyuubi on their hand, the strongest out of all Bijuu. Did Suna even think of this for more than a minute before going for it? Hiruzen, despite being old, was still a formidable opponent, same for Danzo, who would never allow Konoha to be entirely destroyed. Konoha still had the likes of Kakashi Hatake, Guy, Jiraiya, and many others who could go against Shukaku and the Kazekage.

"Before we continue, Naruto-Sama," she began, her tone measured and deliberate. "You mentioned Baki. Do you know him?" Gaara could feel the KI, or killing intent, leaking from Pakura, and he had to admit that this woman was not to be trifled with. Despite his own formidable abilities as a ninja, he recognized that Pakura was stronger than him, and that made her all the more dangerous.

"He's my sensei, but I think he was chosen just to keep an eye on me since he is one of our strongest Jonins," Gaara explained, and he knew the woman's name was Pakura. He remembered what Baki had told him about her two days ago; he wondered just how much of what Baki had told him had been a lie, if not everything.

Pakura's face was almost red with rage, she had sworn to kill him, and she would do it; she would be there to see him die slowly, his body being scorched by her new powerful Jutsu. The blood inside the body would boil, the steam created would eventually be too much for the veins and the arteries to handle, and all of them would burst; Pakura would see that happen to Baki.

Suddenly, she felt Naruto's hand on her shoulder. His touch was like a soothing balm that always managed to calm her down, no matter how upset she was. As she turned to face him, she saw Fuu standing beside her, her hand on her other shoulder. Pakura felt a sense of relief wash over her as she realized that she wasn't alone. With her anger wavering, she placed her hand on top of Naruto's hand, grateful for the warmth and comfort he provided.

"Thank you, Naruto-Sama."

Gaara smiled slightly at the way Naruto was acting toward the people he held dear. It reminded him of how Kankuro and Temari sometimes used to act before that fateful night when he had first lost control. After that night, his siblings were never the same; Gaara could see they were afraid, just like everyone else.

As Gaara gazed through the window, his mind wandered to the idea of having siblings who would love him unconditionally. He pondered the possibility of experiencing the warmth of sibling love, a concept that seemed foreign and unattainable to him. The sight of a bird soaring through the sky caught his attention, and he watched it with a sense of wonder and awe. Despite his troubled past, Gaara couldn't help but feel a sense of joy filling him up, his lips stretching into a gentle smile. The thought of having siblings who would offer him love and comfort was a distant dream, yet he found himself hoping that it could become a reality one day. His thoughts were interrupted when Naruto cleared his throat.

"I'm grateful for your information Gaara. I must tell you that the one in charge is not your father." Naruto said grimly; the redhead furrowed a brow in confusion.

"Your father is dead. The one acting like the Kazekage is Orochimaru, The Sannin." Naruto revealed and paid attention to Gaara's reaction; his face barely changed after being told his father was dead. Instead, Gaara looked relieved to know that.

After a minute of silence between them, Gaara opened his mouth to speak. "...I see. What will you do with the information I gave you, Uzumaki Naruto?" Gaara questioned.

"After the Chunin Exams. I will leave Konoha. I won't tell you everything right now, but I desire to create a world where children are not hired to kill people, and children can actually grow and have a good childhood, where there won't be as many orphans. Where the Jinchuurikis can live in peace and not be seen as ugly creatures that need to be killed. A Better World." Naruto claimed with fire in his eyes, his voice full of determination and passion. Both Pakura and Fuu looked at Naruto with awe and inspiration.

Gaara was slightly surprised to hear that, he knew achieving such a goal was almost impossible, but a part of him wanted to believe somehow they could create a world like that; not long ago, he believed he needed to kill as many people as possible just to prove his existence. Naruto had saved him. Perhaps, Naruto could save this world too.

'Gaara, one day you will be free of your chains. One day. I promise you will know you're finally with the people you love.' 

Yashamaru's words repeated in his head. Gaara smiled at the memory of him; besides what happened that night, Gaara still remembered his only father with a smile; the redhead looked up at Naruto once again.

"I would like to join you." His declaration was met with a genuine smile from Naruto and Pakura, and Fuu squealed loudly before throwing herself and hugging him, much to his annoyance.

"Welcome to our Family, Friend Gaara!"

"Let go of me, you Silly Girl!!"

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