Sharingan Vs Sharingan

"You know before I start. I want to show one last trick." Naruto said with a smirk. Sasuke looked puzzled but remained in his place as he made a simple hand sign; the moment he did, everyone noticed something changed in his appearance, but the one who noticed the change first was Sasuke, whose eyes widened.

"HOW DO YOU HAVE THOSE EYES?!" His voice echoed throughout the entire stadium with rage and confusion.

"A Genjutsu kept them hidden, but now I have no reason to keep them a secret. After all. Everything will change." Naruto answered; the moon and sun symbols on his palms weren't hidden anymore; anyone could see them, but what grabbed everyone's attention was the Sharingan in Naruto's eyes.

"Let's Dance!!"


"H-how? How does he have the Sharingan?" Sakura almost shouted in confusion, sitting near TenTen; they weren't the only ones completely caught off guard by what they had just witnessed. It was already too strange that Naruto could use the Hirashin, but seeing him being able to use the Sharingan, the entire stadium was discussing the same thing, and the stadium boomed with noise.

Sakura remembered reading about it in the Academy; many books talked about it as if it was one of the strongest Jutsus, but also very difficult to master; it was said that it took a decade of intense training for the Fourth Hokage to master that Jutsu and it was said to be very dangerous to both the user and the enemy.

But now, Naruto could use the Sharingan. Sakura was smart enough to know that it wasn't like how it was with Kakashi because if that were the case, Naruto wouldn't be able to deactivate it, but he was able to do that, so his Sharingan was the result of a Bloodline, not because someone gave him the eyes.

Sakura looked up at Kakashi-sensei on the Jonin Podium, and it seemed he was as confused as everyone else, but she noticed that his Sharingan was visible; the Kunoichi couldn't help but gulp loudly, having a feeling that everything would change soon.

"Never knew about it, I wonder if his team knows something." TenTen commented as her eyes looked at the rest of Team 10.

Genin Podium

"Well, this is Troublesome!" Shikamaru couldn't help but comment, and for the first time, he wasn't speaking with a tired voice as he usually did; this time, he sounded genuinely perplexed and caught off guard.

Shikamaru had always known that his friend was hiding something from them, in the way Naruto spoke sometimes and the power he was able to show; he knew his blonde friend had yet to show all his cards, but not that he could blame him, after all, they all were Shinobi. They never showed their tricks, but having the Sharingan?

Shikamaru couldn't help but wonder. Just what else is he hiding from us? As he scratched the top of his head, he glanced furtively at everyone else, but to his second surprise, even Ino appeared shocked; he knew his friend hadn't told her the truth despite being lovers for so long now.

The only one that didn't seem surprised by what just transpired was the Seven Tails girl... Fuu, that was her name. She and the redhead from Suna, Gaara, the one Naruto had warned them that possessed the one-tail beast.

"Indeed, Ino, did you know about this?" Choji questioned his friend. The bag of chips had fallen from his hand, and he no longer felt hungry as he looked at his friend, but Ino had her eyes glued at the arena, her hands gripping the railings; she seemed to have forgotten about her injuries.

"N-No. I had no idea." Ino stuttered, feeling betrayed at the sight. She always knew Naruto hid things, but she had always hoped to be one of the few people that he trusted enough to reveal his secrets, but the sight of the Sharingan, Ino knew Naruto didn't fully trust her; perhaps he never did Ino wasn't sure anymore, but she quickly decided that she would have a discussion with him once his fight ends with Sasuke, she knew Naruto was way more powerful than Sasuke, so the fight was already decided.

"Well, this, this is definitely something I wasn't expecting," Karui murmured under her breath, suddenly feeling wary of the blonde; she knew he was dangerous; after all, the Raikage wouldn't have ordered them to watch over him if he wasn't dangerous, but having the Sharingan. She wondered if the Raikage had somehow known about it.

"Who do you think will win? They both possess the Sharingan." Mabui asked no one in particular.

"Naruto." Omoi's answer came right away as he narrowed his eyes toward the blonde in the middle of the arena.

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know, but it feels like staring at a sleeping beast, one that is just starting to wake up," Omoi explained while rubbing the inside of his ear. Samui and Yugito agreed with their friend; they knew Naruto was quite capable.

The Suna Team was listening nearby, keeping a good enough distance; while Kankuru seemed distressed and a little anxious, the redhead simply stared at the arena with a small smile, knowing the Plan would start soon enough. Gaara glanced furtively; he wondered who he could trust. He knew the Silly Girl was one of them; the same was true for Pakura, but he wasn't sure about everyone else.

Gaara had trained in secret for the last week before the final exam; it wasn't enough, but it was enough to learn how well he could use his Sand now that Shukaku was safely sealed. The speed and strength of his sand were greater now, but Gaara knew he would need Shukaku's cooperation to use the full strength of the sand.

"Fuu." Hearing her name being called caused the energetic girl to escape her thoughts, turning her head to look at the pineapple head.

"Friend Shikamaru?"

"Did you know about Naruto possessing the Sharingan?" His voice was sharp and a little commanding, but it seemed his voice didn't work on Fuu, who smiled cutely at him.

"Now, now. Why spoil the fun?" Shikamaru groaned at her answer. He hoped to get any information from her, but it seemed she wouldn't say anything to him.

Kage Podium

"Well, isn't this exciting?! Hiruzen. I tip my hat to you. Never thought you had another Uchiha on your hand." The Kazekage said with a grin under the piece of thin white that hid his mouth.

"Hokage, well done. You had another Uchiha this whole time." The Raikage praised with a fake grin, but Hiruzen didn't feel he deserved any of their praises; he was completely lost, and now he knew no more what to think.

A Sharingan? How? This is not like Kakashi, so how can Naruto have Uchiha blood? Kushina was a pure Uzumaki and Minato... Minato, it must have been him, Hiruzen quickly concluded, knowing Minato's parents were unknown, so he could have been a Uchiha, but Hiruzen never knew of him having the Sharingan; he didn't remember him using it.

Hiruzen quickly decided to have a long conversation with Naruto once the Exams were over; something like this was not something he could just shrug off as nothing important.

Every big Military Village always kept tabs on how strong their Shinobis were in case they became Missing Ninjas in the future. It is easier to bring back or eliminate someone when the Village has information on all their abilities. There were cases of the Village not knowing of every single ability, but it was quite often something not that dangerous, but having the Sharingan and having Uchiha Blood. Hiruzen knew he couldn't ignore that, not even for Naruto.

He has Hirashin, and now he has the Sharingan; what else are you hiding, Naruto? Hiruzen wondered, trying to think of every ability he might have; having the Hirashin already made him too powerful, but if he didn't have it Mastered like his father, then it was something they could handle, but having the Sharingan, he wondered just how much he had mastered his Sharingan.

"Yes, Naruto has the Sharingan, too; from all the Shinobis we have, I will say that Naruto is perhaps the one with the most tricks." Hiruzen played it off; he didn't even want to look bad in front of two Kages, especially the Raikage, while the Kazekage had a wide, hidden grin on his face.

Well, well, Sensei, on top of being a horrible Kage, you are a terrible liar; even a child would see through your words, Orochimaru thought as he licked his lips, his eyes focused solely on Sasuke and Naruto.

Since his attempt failed in the Forbidden Forest, Orochimaru had decided to try to give him the cursed mark during the invasion, or better yet, have Kimimaro kidnap him. While stealing his body would be the perfect scenario, he wouldn't mind just stealing his Sharingan; while he couldn't turn them off, it would still do the job, but now, with Naruto's new pair of Sharingans, he knew he could give the cursed mark to both Naruto and Sasuke.

Orochimaru was thankful that Kimimaro was present; his Level Three Curse Mark would easily deal with any problems, including Kakashi. While he personally dealt with his old Sensei, he just hoped that Jiraiya would decide to take a break and now show up to ruin the fun.


"For how long have you known?" Sasuke demanded as he glared at Naruto; he wanted answers, to know why he possessed the Sharingan and, most importantly. Why not tell me? He thought he knew right away this wasn't like Kakashi-Sensei, who could never turn off his Sharingan and always consumed Chakra. No, Naruto's Sharingan was because he somehow had Uchiha blood in his veins.

Sasuke wasn't sure if he was happy or angry; on the one hand, he had someone else from his clan who wasn't named Itachi, and he was no longer alone, but on the other hand, his friendship with Naruto was nonexistent. He remembered all the times he called him 'Motherless' and other bad names because he felt that Naruto was gaining all of Itachi's attention. His big brother always used to tell him that he had no time to play before tapping his forehead and telling him that they could play next time.

"Several years ago," Naruto answered nonchalantly; he couldn't help but smile; it felt good to no longer hide his Sharingan and all his abilities. Sasuke's eyes widened upon hearing his answer, and he clenched his teeth as he pulled his Kunai.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sasuke demanded as lightning chakra engulfed his Kunai, something his Sensei had taught him during the training they had done, infusing elemental chakra into his weapons.

"Why would I do that? Last time I checked, you spit on my face when I tried to become your friend, so now." Naruto stopped mid-sentence as he took a fighting stance. "It's time to show what the Sharingan is capable of in the hands of someone worthy of it." Sasuke's eyes widened in rage before throwing several Lightning Shurikens at Naruto.

As the skilled blonde effortlessly maneuvered, dodging his opponents' attacks, he quickly noticed that all four Shurikens aimed at him were cunningly equipped with minuscule blind bombs. Nice try. A smug expression danced upon Naruto's face. The paper exploded in a blinding burst of radiant light, searing Naruto's sensitive eyes and causing him immense pain. Determined not to let this setback hinder him, Sasuke swiftly retaliated by swiftly hurling an additional barrage of Shurikens, this time skillfully rigged with explosive paper bombs. In an instant, the atmosphere erupted into chaos as the detonations unleashed a torrent of debris, scattering it in all directions. The explosion's impact left behind a small, yet noticeable, crater.

As Sasuke focused his gaze on the smoke, his Sharingan eyes glowed with an intense red hue. He noticed a faint yet unmistakable movement from the corner of his right eye. Instantly recognizing the presence of Naruto, his instincts sharpened, and he swiftly pivoted on his heel, clutching a Kunai firmly in his hand. He unleashed a sweeping slash through the air. In response to Sasuke's lightning-quick strike, Naruto instinctively retreated, skillfully evading the deadly trajectory of the blade.

Sasuke could see Naruto's Sharingan was fully mastered. He quickly rushed him, trying to slash him using his Kunai, but Naruto easily dodged everything. It's pointless; his Sharingan is better than mine; I can't win like this; my only option is to force him to deactivate it, Sasuke thought before jumping back away from Naruto.

"Are we done playing Cat and Mouse, Sasuke?" Naruto questioned with a smirk; the blonde enjoyed how Sasuke panicked; he had no way of fighting back. His Sharingan was usually his biggest advantage, but right now, his Sharingan was useless and weak.

"Not yet, Naruto," Sasuke shouted, his voice echoing through the air. He swiftly removed the heavy metal weights encircling his arms and legs. With a powerful flick of his wrists and a swift kick, he sent the weights soaring through the air, their metallic clanking sound resonating in the stillness. Upon impact, they hit the ground with a formidable force, resulting in deep cracks in the earth beneath them.

"Weights! Let me guess, it was Kakashi-Sensei."

"He might have been," Sasuke said before rushing forward; with the newly added speed, he started making circles around Naruto while often throwing kunai at him from every direction possible.

What is he trying to accomplish here? If boring me to death is his strategy, then he's succeeding, Naruto thought as he dodged yet another kunai. Frustrated by the continuous barrage of kunai, he closed the distance between them, swiftly grabbing Sasuke by the throat. The force of Naruto's punch reverberated through Sasuke's body, eliciting a pained groan from him. Bloodied and weakened, Sasuke could only react instinctively as Naruto's foot connected with his face, dislodging a tooth that flew through the air, accompanied by a trail of crimson. The impact of the kick sent Sasuke sprawling to the ground, disoriented and breathless. Propping himself up, he gazed upwards just in time to witness the approaching kick; he quickly placed his arms in front of his face for protection, causing his body to become a mere rag doll before colliding forcefully against the wall.

Sasuke's face contorted in agony as he forcefully expelled crimson droplets of blood from his mouth, the metallic taste making his nausea intensify. His left arm throbbed with an unbearable heat that seemed to radiate through his entire body. The skin surrounding the injury transformed into a vibrant shade of red, the surface painfully swollen. Every attempt to utilize his arm, even the slightest movement, sent an electrifying surge of torment coursing through Sasuke's nerves, leaving him momentarily paralyzed with suffering.

Damn it, Sasuke cursed under his breath before quickly reaching into the small bag around his waist; he grabbed a single pain pill, he quickly threw the pill in his mouth; before swallowing it, he knew it wouldn't heal his injured arm, but it would help with the pain.

Quickly doing his hand sings. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." He spit out a massive fireball toward Naruto, who stood in one place. Sasuke moved his left hand; he pulled a wire that was attached to all the Kunais located around Naruto that he had thrown during the running; iron wires sprung out that quickly tightened around Naruto's body from every direction, leaving him no chance to escape and every wire had sharp spikes around it, with poison at the tips, Sasuke smirked, now Naruto had no chance of escaping using his Hirashin.

As the Fireball grew in intensity, it devoured Naruto within its fierce embrace, causing the previously dim arena to be bathed in a mesmerizing glow of fiery hues. With each passing moment, Sasuke's mouth gradually sealed shut, allowing him to unleash an incessant torrent of scorching flames that surged with unprecedented force. The velocity of the flames intensified exponentially as he clenched his teeth tighter. Finally, Sasuke tapped his own teeth, triggering a small, glowing orb of golden flame to hurtle toward its target. The instant it collided with the spot where Naruto had stood, a cataclysmic explosion erupted, engulfing the area in a torrent of resplendent, golden inferno. Although Sasuke winced, the searing heat emanating from the conflagration uncomfortably seeped into his flesh, prickling his skin despite the considerable distance that separated him from the scorching blaze.

Is he dead? Sasuke asked himself, his heart pounding in his chest. As the flames gradually cleared out, the thick smoke began to dissipate. In the center of the clearing stood Naruto, his figure seemingly untouched by the blazing inferno that had engulfed the area moments ago.

Naruto's normally fair skin had taken on a sudden dark brown hue, to Sasuke's surprise. Yet, as the last tendrils of smoke vanished, Naruto's skin gradually returned to its original color.

Naruto's Sharingan eyes pierced through the dissipating smoke with a crimson glow, revealing their intense power as he took strides toward Sasuke.

Naruto appeared completely unscathed. Not a single injury marred his resilient form. Naruto brushed off the dust and dirt that clung to his clothes with a nonchalant flick. His clothes had small cut marks because of the melted iron wires.

"Good try, Sasuke. Your strategy could have worked even against a Jonin." Naruto praised with a chilling smile; Sasuke felt a sudden rush of fear in his body. That plan had been his best plan to get rid of Naruto, but his friend had managed to handle the attack as if it were nothing to him.

I see. He used his Earth Affinity to enhance his own skin, but my flames should have still damaged him, Sasuke thought, realizing he was running out of options.

Naruto seemingly vanished from Sasuke's line of sight with a swift and unexpected motion. To Sasuke's astonishment, Naruto reappeared directly before him, capturing him by surprise. An immensely strong grip, resembling that of iron, clutched desperately at his throat, instantly suspending him above the ground, rendering him utterly helpless. Sasuke fought relentlessly, employing all his strength and will, desperately attempting to free himself from Naruto's unyielding stronghold. His desperation grew as each second passed, gasping for even the slightest gasp of air, yet the unrelenting grip around his throat refused to relent. Sasuke resorted to punching and kicking Naruto's hand, but to his dismay, it remained steadfast, denying him the chance to draw even a single breath.

"You are weak," Sasuke's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he heard those words uttered. The voice that he had expected to hear was not that of Naruto. Instead, it was a voice that sent shivers down his spine, a voice that belonged to his older brother, Itachi. Naruto's face began to peel away like an eggshell, revealing the true identity hidden beneath.

Dark hair replaced the familiar golden locks, and Naruto's once bright and cheerful face transformed into Itachi's cold and stoic countenance. Sasuke's stunned gaze met the piercing scarlet eyes of his brother's Sharingan. Panic coursed through Sasuke's veins as he desperately attempted to break free from Itachi's iron grip, his body straining against the unyielding hold.

But Itachi's grip only tightened, almost as if he found pleasure in Sasuke's struggle. The air grew suffocatingly thick, making it harder and harder for Sasuke to draw in a breath. His attempts to speak were rendered futile, his voice caught in his constricted throat.

"You were always weak. No wonder you couldn't protect your family." Those words made Sasuke's blood turn cold. He knew this was a Genjutsu.

"Shut Up!!" Sasuke shouted in rage as his two tomoe Sharingan turned into three Tomoe Sharingan; suddenly, everything started cracking, and the air itself did, until a bright light engulfed everything.

Sasuke gasped loudly; he took deep breaths, sweat rolling down his face, realizing that he was on his knees; he looked at the other side of the arena. Naruto stood in the same place where the explosion had happened. Sasuke realized that he managed to escape the Genjutsu of Naruto's Sharingan.

"Good Job, Sasuke." Naruto praised, but Sasuke felt like he was mocking him in a way, but he refused to let anger cloud his mind despite what he saw at the Genjutsu. Taking a deep breath, he steadied his mind and focused his chakra. He began to swiftly weave intricate hand signs as the final sign fell into place. Sasuke's voice pierced the stillness in that very instant, "Chidori!" A tangible energy crackled through the atmosphere. The brilliance of a thousand volts manifested in his left hand, engulfing it with a blinding blue hue of lightning while his right hand maintained a firm grip on his left wrist.


"You taught him that, didn't you, Kakashi?" Asuma questioned, but more like stating the obvious, Kakashi simply nodded without a word, while Darui, who was watching the battle beside them, looked to be paying attention to the Jutsu.

"I have heard of that Jutsu; it's quite beautiful; you have done a good job, Kakashi Hatake." Darui praised him with a look of respect.

"You are the black panther of Kumo, Darui of Black Lightning." Kakashi said, shaking his hand with Darui, who shook his hand with a small nod.

"That would be me, I'm not as interesting as you are, Kakashi. I'm quite dull." Darui said humorously.

"Dull? I doubt it. Don't tell me that the user of Black Lightning is just a dull man?" Kakashi humored him; Darui chuckled, but his attention quickly went towards the arena as Sasuke rushed towards Naruto.


I was right; he won't use Hirashin; even if he does, I will follow him around with my Sharingan; he can't escape me, so he doesn't even want to try to use his Hirashin, Sasuke thought as his Sharingan eyes focused solely on Naruto. Sasuke knew it; he would see him move if he tried to escape; he would win this fight; as he rushed forward with all his speed, the Chidori on his left hand caused the ground to crack and melt slightly.

"Take This!!" Sasuke screamed as he thrust forward; he expected his hand to slice through flesh and bones, but instead, a hand gripped his wrist; he looked up to see Naruto had grabbed his hand effortlessly, and Chidori slowly faded away. Sasuke gasped; his strongest Jutsu was countered so easily. How?

"Sasuke, for what it is worth, you are a Good Shinobi." Sasuke screamed as Naruto forcefully snapped his wrist with a swift movement. Naruto seized the opportunity, droving his knee forcefully into Sasuke's face, resulting in a bone-crushing impact that shattered his opponent's nose. The force of the blow was so intense that crimson streams of blood erupted from both Sasuke's mouth and nostrils.

Sasuke breathed heavily as he spit out blood. "You know. I could kill you right now. But you're lucky that Itachi wants you alive." What?! Sasuke wanted to ask more when Naruto kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall on his back. Sasuke gasped loudly, desperately trying to breathe; every part of his body hurt a lot until he felt Naruto's feet on top of his stomach before adding pressure, increasing the pain.

Sasuke didn't try to fight back; he knew he had lost sight as the announcer approached them. "The Winner is Uzumaki Naruto." The Audience cheered, but Sasuke could see many were immensely disappointed by the results.

Naruto pulled his leg away from Sasuke's stomach and turned to face the Hokage, who looked at him with a calculating look; suddenly, Naruto noticed the fast movement of the Kazekage, as well as the movement of every Sound and Suna ANBU around the Stadium. The Suna ANBU were doing hand signs around the Stadium.

"They Are Attacking Us," Naruto shouted before throwing a Kunai with a paper bomb right at the Kazekage that exploded, burning off his Kazekage robes and his mask, revealing Orochimaru. Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock, as did the eyes of countless others; the Raikage stood up in alarm.

Baki quickly shouted at the top of his lungs. "ATTACK!"