Chapter 3 - Rival?

Faye's POV:

I woke up from my beauty sleep and remembered that I am now break so I am quite excited to hangout with my best friend but it seems it won't be today but still I get up from my bed and start preparing some light breakfast to start the day

After finishing my meal I then prepare my look of the day and head to the cafe my all time crush is working on as the manager, a crush since my highschool days but I'll surely make him notice me one of these days

"Hello, may I take your order ma'am?" He jokingly asked and I chuckled and give him a warm smile and he gave me one back

"Hey Ty, morning and can I get one order of your smile?" I jokingly said and he did without hesitation and I just felt my heart melt at the sight of his smile

"Ha ha, well good morning to you too Faye you seem more early today than other days but I'm not saying it's bad just kinda shock" I playfully smack his shoulders which cause him to let out a heartfelt laugh and I just love hearing it

"Well, I am on break so maybe the excitement got to me hehe" I softly chuckled and he nodded

The backdoor opened revealing a tall redhead who looks like a linepost and it seems they're wearing the cafe's uniform so it means they're working here

"Good morning manager, how's your sleep? Good?" Ty then let out a chuckle and nodded

"Well, not exactly that good tbh, but you asking me about it makes it fine" the redhead nodded and show a thumbs up

After 20 minutes or so the shop seems to be filling in, in a rapid pace and so I check out the commotion and it seems the customers are mostly women, ranging the ages to 15 and above

"Okay, okay ladies settle down, I don't want anyone to get hurt alright" the tall person said while the girls just keep on silently giggling in their seats l scoff hearing that annoying voice

It was Lunch break so the linepost headout in the back and there goes Ty following the redhead so I sneakily followed them

"Heeeyy~ say, you and I eat at the resto just a couple of blocks from here? What you say hmm?" Ty asked the linepost and they shake their heads saying they're rejecting his offer, what a jerk

"It's alright manager, I have to check something so I really need to be on my way, but maybe next time?" This made Ty's frown turn to a smile and nodded softly

"Okay, well see you later I guess" Ty smiled and went back to the cafe and the redhead start walking

"Hey! Hey! HEY! OI!" I hurriedly went to their side since they're walking way too fast and they're not listening to me

They continued to walk while making small bopping gestures then I noticed that the earphone's isn't even connected to a phone so I pulled them instead

"Oi! Listen to me you damn linepost" I say annoyed at them

They're now facing me and they hurriedly fix their hair and shrugged and when they were going to take a step I pulled on their arm stopping them from doing so

"Look, idk what's your deal and problem is with me for the past hours of staring at me with death written on your eyes inside the cafe but I'm pretty sure I remember I didn't do such things that you may hate me for?" They said calmly and I just sighed because they seem to be acting oblivious

"Oh, c'mon stop acting like you don't like Ty, and guess what? He belongs to me!? Keep that in your thick head you damn linepost!" I poke their chest emphasizing that I got the upper hand here

Elem's POV:

I was baffled by what I am hearing coming out from this little lady's mouth and she must be a rich lady seeing from the way she carries her self it screams 'I'm filthy rich so you should bow down to me peasant'

"I know that you're the manager's friend, but please be assured that I am in no way getting in your way of getting your man, and besides you won't have a chance with him since he's gay" the look of her face is so priceless like she litterally have this wide eyes jaw drop face right now

"You got to be kidding me??!!! I won't fall for your tricks and if that's the case then are you saying you're straight??" She looks at me suspisciously

"Me? No, I'm gay too why??" She looks at me with arched brows

"Then if that's the case you must be really out to take him away from me?!" I chuckled softly because of how silly this lady is

"Hmm, what I meant is I'm a girl who also likes girls so there's no way I would like the manager in that way" she frozed and I can't help not to laugh out loud and it seems she's back to her senses then give me a disgusted look

"So you're like THOSE people then, ugh..disgusting.." she rolled her eyes and walk out

I was about to tell her that she's being rude towards us people who loves the same gender but remembering how she rolled her eyes made my thing down there twitch and so I need to go find a restroom to relieve myself because I might get crazy and do something regretful

My phone rang so I answered the caller

"Hey, meet me later at the bar at 7 pm...I miss having fun with you, and don't worry I will make it worth your time" I sighed to myself and answered her

"Mhm, okay I'm not busy today so I will definitely be there and you should really make it worth it or I won't meet up with you again" I heard a chuckle from the other line and it seems she's really amused

The line went out and I just sigh to myself and head to a nearby restroom to do the deed