Chapter 13 - Unsure on what's real

Sofia's POV:

I woke up and stretch my limbs then I realize that I sleep with a killer so I hurriedly went to her room and saw that she's not there and my nostrills were filled with a delicious aroma that made my stomach growl

"D-diana? Are you in the kitchen?" I asked while slowly picking up a bat and  slowly walk into the kitchen

"Oh, yes Ma'am, Good morning to you, I just thought I would prepare you your  breakfast since you're still asleep and you have no helpers/nanny so I just decided to cook you something" she shrug and show me the plates fill with bacon and eggs

She's wearing proper pajamas and there's no sign of bite marks from last night

"So, what are we? Like what would be our relationship be??" I asked her boldy just hoping she won't snap and kill me on the spot

"Pardon? We are boss and employee? You're my boss while I'm your worker? And I am working as your personal assistant/bodyguard" she tilt her head to show me she's confused by my question

She put down the plate gently and pour orange juice on each glass

"Boss and employee? That's it? I mean, we crossed the line so like are we not fuck buddies or what ever you call it?" Her face reddens and she look at me wide eyed

"W-what are you talking Ma'am?! How can we ever be that? No, Ma'am we're not f-fuck buddies" she stuttered and her ears are now red as well

"Huh? But I'm pretty sure we fucked last night? And oh, I also discovered your real identity" she looks at me waiting for me to continue

Then my phone rang and I checked it out it's a message from Faye

"Girl, you won't believe this.... remember the mask killer? They killed another group of criminals in a nearby lake and all of those men seem to be drug smugglers and human traffickers" I wondered by Faye's message because if the killer is out then is Diana not the killer or does she have a partner

"What do you mean? Did any witness saw the masked person at the crime? Or something?" I message and got a reply in a minute

"Yep, they were  all alone and some witness got a picture, but a lil bit blurry since the witness's phone's cam isn't that clear" I then saw the image that  Faye sent

The image consist of the masked killer on top of of several dead bodies pilling like a pyramid and the masked killer seem to notice the witness and pose a peace sign


I can't believe that the masked killer is posing in front of the camera. quite bold or just plain crazy is all I can say to them

"Faye, Do you think that they're an organization? Or something?" I waited for her response and got it fast

"I doubt it...most witnesses say they are solo, since I read and saw from the reports that they stand around 6'0 in height and have an athletic body and probably a guy because reports saw that they're....well, they do a little touch on their thing after killing their victims which is nasty if you think about it" my nose scrunch up in disgust after reading her message because I can relate to her reaction upon reading

"I see, well..we will talk later I still need to eat my breakfast and I don't want to read more nasty stuff or I'll lose my appetite completely" she then response a thumbs up and saw I look back to Diana

"Umm, okay back to the topic you said about my real identity right?" I look at her and continued to wonder if my memory last night was right or maybe I was just paranoid about that time in the hotel and sexually frustrated since I did thought of having sex with her

"Uhm...nothing, I'm just tired is all... Also, where were you last night like around 9 or 10 pm?" She looks at me and took a sip of her drink

"Oh, I was out helping at a children's party as a clown and then hurriedly went back after since I need to protect you since it's my job" she then continue to eat her fill

"Yeah? Also last night I turn off the lights downstairs, and then I thought a burglar came inside the house and so I had to smack them with a bat because they were wearing a mask and when they fell unconscious I pulled the mask revealing it was you" I cross my arms and she sighed softly and nodded

"Yeah, you hit me with the bat quite hard so I fainted and I woke up seeing you feel asleep next to me while holding the bat" I look at her confused because the events don't kinda add up

"Huh? I didn't fell asleep... I woke up and we crashed on the floor and we got into an argument that lead to the both of us fucking instead" she choked on her food and she then smacked her chest to puff the solid particles out and slowly drank juice

"Ma'am! For the nth time we did not have sex last night!!" She whispered yelled while looking away in embarassment

"But-- okay, but tell me did something happened at the hotel? Tell me honestly" she sighed and nodded softly

"Yes, but we didn't get to cross the line of full sex, we just kind of make out I guess since it would be terrible if I did touch you, you're my boss and also, we don't have any relationship beyond coworkers so there's no way I would lay a hand on you" she looks at my eyes and I felt it skip a beat and it's weird because I hated this woman in our school days but now I somehow enjoyed her company

"Oh.. thanks, I mean I guess you aren't lying because I don't feel used down there so thank you for it" she nodded and finished her meal

Diana's POV:

I touch the area where I got smack and it's still a bit painful since it created a bump

"Guess I'll just have to wait till it's gone, gotta get check to be sure" I then told her that I'm going out and just call me if she needed my help

My phone rang and saw Elem's number on the call and so I pick it up

"Hey, did you see or heard the news last night? Two areas was attacked by the said masked killer" I sighed and continued to walk towards the clinic

"Yeah? Well, thanks to that I got a bump on my head because my boss thought I was burglar last night and she assumed I'm the killer?" I can hear her gasp and then she whisper yelled

"What?! Why the hell would she think that? I mean, what arouse that kind of suspicion??" I sighed once more and continue to walk

"Well, I came back from a children's party and my job was to entertain for an hour so when the time's up I went home and got a craving for beer... well, my clothes was kind of dark and the lights were off so she thought I was one and the mask was one of an animal so maybe she thought it was me and listen to this she insist that we fucked last night" I was waiting for her  answer and then my eardrums almost blow up since she laughed like a madman

"Seriously??!! Dude, maybe that boss of yours is sexually frustrated? You know didn't get enough of that vitamin D from her bf or something" I just sighed and nodded aggreeing to her

"Well, that's all really...also, I'll call you later gotta get check to see if I have a concusion from the hit so I'll pass by our place later, bye dude" She chuckled and end the call and so I went to get myself check in our nearest hospital