78. Pampering mother

After closing the clinic, Andy went to his room to take a nap since he didn't get much sleep last night. When he woke up he found some water droplets on his face and thought 'what is this?', then he got out of bed after wiping his face. By the time Andy got up, it was already time for dinner so he directly went to dining area.

When Andy reached the dining area, Lily wasn't there and Emily was just sitting at the table not eating anything.

"Sister where is mother?" asked Andy

Emily then turned to look at her brother, her eyes were red and puffy as if she was crying for a while now.

"Whats wrong sister, what happened?!"

"Andy you are awake, are you alright?! Why did you do that?! What if something happened to you? Our grandfather is a scary person." asked Emily with a weak and sobbing voice.

Andy then turned to look at Freya in anger which sent shivers down her spine.

"Y-You see the news about Arden family is basically public knowledge at this point, if I didn't tell them they will soon hear it from somewhere else. Also I assured them that you didn't get hurt and didn't take any unnecessary risks while doing this." clarified Freya to avoid another punishment.. or maybe she told Andy's family to receive more punishment in the first place. Being stared at like that caused Freya to become wet a little.

"Haah it can't be helped. Sister I had no choice but to go against Arden family, as they were targeting my clinic. Please don't worry about it I did not take any un-calculated risk doing it and everything was well planned. The best thing is we are finally free from the shackles of Arden family and not related to them in any way now. So please don't cry, we should be celebrating instead."

Emily simply nodded without saying anything.

"Where is mother, is she not coming for dinner?"

"Mother said she wasn't hungry and went to sleep early and asked us not to disturb her"

"Alright, Layla can you prepare one dinner plate for me, I will go and eat with mother"

"Right away master"

Soon Layla prepared one plate for Andy and he went to his mother's room and knocked on her door.

*knock knock*


When he got no reply, Andy tried opening the door, it wasn't locked from the inside. Andy then got inside and locked the door from the inside.

Lily was 'sleeping' facing the other side on the left side of the bed. Andy then went close to her bed and sat on the right side of bed, Lily was facing the other side so Andy couldn't see her face.

"Mother I brought some dinner, let's eat together okay?"

"..." Lily's body twitched slightly when she heard her boy's voice but she did not reply.

Andy then placed the plate at the bed side table and got closer to his mother.

"Mother everything is fine now, there is nothing to worry about. Arden family will not bother us ever again."


"I am completely alright mother, I didn't put myself in danger at all for this."


Although Lily wasn't speaking, her soft sobs could be heard once Andy started talking. She was really glad her son was alright and a heavy burden lifted off her shoulders.

Andy then got even closer to her, his face was now above his mother's face which was covered by her hairs. Andy gently brushed her hairs behind her ears to reveal her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed as tears continuously flowed out of them while she released the soft sobbing noise.

Andy slightly bent down and brought his face close to her face and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheeks. Lily's body shivered when she felt her son's loving kiss.

"I love you mother" said Andy and gave her another kiss on her cheek and kept caressing her head and hairs for a while.

After sometime Lily calmed down a little and asked without opening her eyes

"Did he hurt you?"

"No mother, I am perfectly alright, look I am sitting right here, there is not a single scratch on me."

Lily then slowly started opening her eyes. She was afraid to find out that her little boy got hurt because of her. She already checked on her son once while he was asleep but didn't disturb him as he was sleeping. After opening her eyes she turned her body and looked at her son who was looking at her gently with a smile.

Lily's tears started flowing at even faster pace and she sat up and checked her son for any injuries while touching his face and hands.

"See mother I am perfectly fine"

"You were reckless! You are not allowed to do anything like that ever again!"

"Yes I know mother, I am sorry, I won't do something like this again. Come I brought some dinner for us, let's eat."

"I am not hungry" said Lily and turned her head around in anger.

Andy then sighed and picked his mother by her waist and made her sit on his lap sideways and held her with his left hand by her waist.

"Kyaa~ what are you doing Andy!" Lily scolded her son, but didn't try to stop him.

"But I am hungry mother" said Andy and picked up the plate from the table

"Can you hold this plate for me mother?"

Lily didn't say anything and held the plate, Andy then picked up some food using a spoon and brought it close to his mother's mouth, seeing which Lily blushed and said

"I am not a little girl you know! And I already said I am not hungry!"

But Andy kept the spoon near her mouth and didn't move it, after some time Lily gave up and opened her mouth and allowed her son to feed her.


After they were done eating the dinner, Andy picked up a napkin to wipe his mother's lips which caused her to blush once again.

"I can do this on my own!" Lily tried complaining, but Andy didn't stop and gently wiped her lips with the napkin.

"Mother do you feel better now?"

Lily nodded slightly as a beautiful smile bloomed on her face.

Looking at his beautiful mother, Andy's heart skipped a beat and he kissed her cheek again.

"You are beautiful mother"

Lily once again blushed and turned her face to other side. Lily was sitting on her son's lap all this time, both of their hearts were going crazy. Lily then asked

"Do you want to practice your massage today?"

"Yes mother if that is alright with you"

Lily slightly nodded and said

"Alright let me go and wash my face first" then she went to bathroom.

Andy waited patiently as his mother took her time washing her face and then came back with a red face.

"W-Which massage are you going to practice today?" asked Lily nervously.

"Mother since we missed 2 of our massage sessions in last 2 days, let's make up for it by doing full body massage"

Lily's body shivered and she nodded cutely.

'Tonight I will finally eat you mother'