A lier and it’s slayer

Life is full of surprises

Adrenaline rises



Another way of torment

But at the moment

My thoughts as I meant

I don't know

But need to know

If someone just going through

Knows what I'm going through

Is just enough

Am I being rough

Not knowing though

Now being naïve

Is how I live

I feel used

I feel amused

How can I still

Have my thoughts to kill

I don't have the skill

My heart is beating a mil


At the moment


Is another

Is there any other?

To convince me not to bother

It's being said by my brother

Am I in love?

Someone please just to prove

I'm lost

I'm confused

It seems to be the start

Of another piece

Of the puzzle that fell apart

A piece of art

Not even the great painter

Can differentiate them apart

How can I make sure

He won't worry for me?

My head again

Nods down for so much pain

I see there's no way

I can gain

Love to last that way

That I miss dearly



That love we both sow

That inadvertently grew

And only one of us fought

Growing the seeds of love

No one approved

No one loved


Mostly potty

Anyone noticed

No more excuses were faced

Now two bodies are forced

To bring up their own

Beaten heart

In many pieces now apart

Where's the glue

That will join the pieces

Out of the blue?


Not mending

Just announcing

A love defeated

Nevertheless created

Now two bodies are evading

The love once two were mending


My love

My precious love

No one cares to ever approve

This secret love

No one will approve

Just appreciate

The time they both associate

To lust


To mention

And much more just to show direction

Just a mere way of protection

Turned itself into a correction

Many hurting

As many it could affect

All affection

The love that once was there

It scaped to the atmosphere

Where sins adhere

And flaws finds love back in here