My depressed self


I stood facing my boyfriend deliberating on the same issue again.

"Well. I'm not taking any excuses from you anymore. What's so special about your mother ? Every time we go out on a date, you're not even concentrating. I can tell you're even on the verge of depression. Your mind is always at home waiting for a phone call and then you rush out. " Andy yelled furiously at me.

I pulled a face.

"No, come on. You know, my mum is the only one at home... "

He placed his hands on his waist and eyed me scornfully.

"Well. That's because she did something terrible to her children and that's why they hate her. "

I raised my hands and slapped him. I regretted my actions instantly because he's a Senator's son and he could get me arrested and then mum would be all alone again. Well, he had no right whatsoever to say such a thing.

"Don't you dare. My siblings don't hate her. They're just being caught up with work and their families and... " he interrupted me again.

"I beg your pardon Roseline Harrison. Let's face reality. Have you bothered to ask yourself what could be the problem between your mum and siblings? " He glanced at his wrist watch.

"Well that's by the way. The jet leaves at 6; We have an hour to get prepared. Go home and dress up and then call me. I'll send my driver to pick you up. "

"You arrogant son of a bitch. I'm going nowhere with you. In fact, I think it's high time we put an end to this farce of a relationship we have. You don't respect my feelings at all. You're not being considerate enough. And I'm tired of trying all my best to please you " I said in one breath.

I can't believe I was ever in love with this guy. He's just too proud and pompous and believes that the whole world revolves around him.

"Well, I guess that's it then. I have many ladies who would accept peanut amount just to be a pretend girlfriend for one day. So your loss, my gain "

He smirked with contempt.

I smiled "Good thing I'm not one of those ladies. It was fun while it lasted. Good bye Andrew. "

With that said I rushed back home and heard my mum crying again.

Maybe, Andrew was right and I'm on the road to losing it. I just experienced my first heartbreak and I'm now coming back to meet this again. I wondered when all these will ever end. I sighed and opened the door.

"Mum, it's okay "

I hugged my mum trying to pacify her. I really was not happy with the happenings in my family . I have an elder sister and two wealthy elder brothers but I lived like an orphan because my so-called siblings bluntly turned their backs on my mum and me.

I still don't know why but I believe there will be a reason.

My elder sister has three children. My brothers also have their own families too but they shut my mum and me out of their lives completely.

I was only nineteen but was already working ahead of my age. I worked at a restaurant and sometimes assisted my mum with her babysitting job, although she's thinking of quitting.

"Rosie, they said they hate me and that I'm an embarrassment " My mum cried.

I sighed. I honestly didn't know what to say to console her. It was actually her fault because I warned her not to call them and she should leave it up to me. She refused.

"Mum, they don't mean it. I'll call Richard and I'll talk to him. They'll make amends. William would also come around. "I reassured her although I didn't mean it myself.

My mum turned to me and smiled, wiping her tears . "How could I ever have survived all these years without you baby girl? You're worth more to me than all of them. "

I smiled too.

"I thought you were going shopping with Julia? "She asked me,while wiping her tears with the back of her hand. I shrugged feeling disinterested. How does she expect me to still go out, leaving her by herself. I shook my head in refusal.

"I'll call Julia and cancel. I can't go anymore "

Mum frowned.

"Definitely not sweetie. You have to go now. I'll feel guilty because I'm the reason you're staying back at home. You honestly don't need to worry. I'm fine now. "

"Can you be okay by yourself mum? I won't go if you don't want me to go " I said meaning it.

"No no no baby. You've done a lot already for me. Go have fun and make all those boys blinded by your beauty . I love you honey "

"I love you too mummy. " I kissed her on the cheeks and went to Bree's beach. That was my favorite spot and I knew Julia would find me there. I laid down on the beach to think. I really wished to be with my sister. She recently just had her third child . Worst part I had to hear that my sister has given birth from a friend who lives close to her.

I called her to congratulate her and made known my intentions to come stay with her but she shunned me disgracefully.

"No Roseline. Stay at home and take care of that woman. "My sister Ellie said

"She's your mother too, Sis"i told her quietly but she retorted immediately "Don't you ever take that tone with me again, nonsense " She hisses and ended the call. That day was one if the most horrible day in my life .

"Hello!!! " I brought my self back to reality when Julia called out to me and laid down on the beach beside me.

"Your brothers and sisters, right? " Julia asked facing me.

"Yeah ! Am not even bothered about myself. It's my mum. I'm scared she might develop health issues like hypertension or something like that. She feels bad even for the fact that she hardly knows her grandchildren. "

"Hey Rosie. I've got your back always. If you'll listen to me, I want you to forget about them and focus instead on your mother. I'll help you as often as I can. "

Tears filled my eyes as I held Julia's hand.

"Thank you. Honestly Julia ,after God and my mum, you're the next person in my heart ".

I looked at Julia and she had tears in her own eyes.

"Rosie, you've helped me too so many times and it's hurting me to see you sad. Besides What are we doing here when we're supposed to be shopping ?" Julia said humorously and laughed. She stretched her hand and helped me stand up. We walked over to the shopping mall and just threw things of no value into the cart and we went back home.

I was so glad when I saw my mum up and doing. She was no longer moody as she was cleaning the house.

"Hey mum. I'm back "

"How was your day, Rosie. What did you buy? "She asked me. I then brought out the clothes and shoes from the bag.

"Rosie!!! " she exclaimed in horror. "You bought way too much gowns. You hate gowns. "

We both laughed. Her laughter filled me with glee. I moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner and not long after, it was done. We ate and talked at the same time.

I washed the dishes and my mum wanted to go to her room but I stopped her. "C'mon mum, let's not ruin the night by sleeping early. Let's watch some crazy movies. "

"Rosie, I'm tired " My mum tried to protest but I interrupted her.

"You know I'm not taking no for an answer " I cut her sharply. She moved to the couch reluctantly "Alright. But just ten minutes "

That was how I ruined the night because the first channel I tuned to showed my brother giving a speech at an orphanage. He bought cartons of foodstuffs and donated a substantial amount of money to them. I looked at my mum who was already sobbing silently.

"Oh God, I'm the one ruining the night now "

"See how wealthy my sons are. Look at the way they are giving people attention. Why am I different? " She lamented.

"Mum, let me take you to bed. " I turned off the TV and led my mum to her bedroom. I turned off the switch and held her hands. She smiled at me, despite the tears in her eyes.

"Sweet dreams baby girl. My only Rose among thorns "

"Sweet dreams mum.. My light in a multitude of darkness " I replied.

I went back to my room trying to remember what caused the rift between my siblings and my mum. It was shortly after my tenth birthday when my brother, William dropped out of school to partner with a friend's company. My dad encouraged him because he was always bringing money home. She always said some nasty things to him and always reminded him hoe much of a failure he was. My other brother, Richard, eloped with his girlfriend, much to my mum's dismay. My sister, Ellie, did the same and my mum out of anger disowned all three of them.

But she was onlu joking, she didn't mean it. She called them the following day apologizing to them but they didn't forgive her. My dad died shortly after . And life became hell for mum and me. In addition, my siblings never returned home. We even got to see the video coverage of my sister's wedding on the TV.

But, I always seems imagine that there is something more to their quarrel than they told me but I can't figure it out.