I joined Jerry in the car and stayed calm, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Darling, what's wrong? " Jerry asked. He turned on the ignition and started driving.

"After everything they did to mum and me, I can't believe I'm.... In fact I don't even understand what's going on "

"You know I always told you back then that everything was going to turn out well, remember? " his face held that proud look that he always displayed anytime he beat me in a card game or in a car race.

I nodded "You should have been a priest or even a therapist "

I couldn't even imagine or think of Jerry as a priest, standing in a church in front of a congregation. It would look ridiculous.

"No babe. My sweet words is more useful in my law profession and it makes me able to convince my opponents properly. "

We both laughed and he got to my house and dropped me off at the entrance.

When I entered inside, I told my mum everything that happened with Richard and I half expected her to be worried at the sordid reminder of her children's neglect and abandonment but she showed no emotions. Her expression was unreadable. That got me scared


"What do you want me to do Rosie, start crying? Become unhappy? Start being moody? No baby those days are gone. I have you ;I have everything. " She replied.

I sighed "If the opportunity for reconciliation comes mum, are you going to take it? " I asked her.

"Well, to err is human but to forgive is ..."

"...divine " I interrupted and hugged her.

The following morning, I was very busy at work and I didn't even call my fiancee at all. He texted me asking me to meet him at a restaurant during lunch hour. I notified my PA and told her to cancel my appointments for the next hour.

I was about to stand up when my intercom buzzed. I picked it impatiently wondering why the hell Sandra was calling me after I just told her that I was going out.

"I'm so sorry ma'am but there is a man here and he's insisting that he's your brother. "

I stilled clutching the telephone tightly to my ear. Goose pimples filled my body. I wondered which of them was at the door.


Would I even be able to recognize him if I saw him?

"Let him in " I said and dropped the telephone . I straightened my hand on my skirt wondering why the hell I was trying to look presentable for someone that doesn't care about my welfare.

The door opened slowly.

Ana came in first, followed by her husband, my brother. He looked like a walking dead by the way he was unkempt and wearing shaggy hair.

"Hi " I said to the both of them, looking straight at Ana. It felt strange; all this while, I had always wanted my elder ones to treat me like their baby sister that I was. But the case was different now as I felt like the one in charge.

"Good afternoon Rosie. I wanted to come alone but your brother insisted on coming with me to see you. I hope we aren't interrupting your schedule ".

I thought about Jerry. Well , I'd have to sit out our lunch today.

"Look how grown up and beautiful you've become "Richard started "Look Rosie, I'm so sorry for everything that went wrong. The thing is, it's actually a long story but you'll get to know it soon. But I never stopped loving you as my sister. Mum is the real cause of everything. I am so sorry "

"Mum is the real cause of what? What aren't you telling me? " I asked with a puzzled expression and by the look on Ana's face, I could tell that she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Forget I said that. Look, everything will all come t light soon. "

I knew there was something that had happened to have made them behave the way they did. I asked the both of them to sit down and just then, my phone started ringing.

I smiled when the caller was ID'd as My heartbeat - that was what I used to save Jerry's name on my phone.

"Hey sunshine, what's up. Can I come pick you now?"

" About that, I'm gonna take a rain check. I'm a little bit busy today . bye. Love you "

He ended the call and then I sat down. I remembered asking Ana to come see me today but to be honest, I didn't know what to do. I don't even know why I asked her to come but I'm sure that it had to do with helping her so she could stop working at Julia's place. It was really absurd. And during my chat with Julia last night, she told me she was actually planning on sacking her. She wasn't really perfect I'm household chores. I wanted to laugh because it was actually true. Ana was the daughter of wealthy parents and then she got married to my brother who is equally rich. I was sure they'd had series of servants to do the chores around the house.

"I'd like to meet the kids. Where are they? " I said to And specifically. She smiled.

I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to recognize them. In fact, I only knew Brian as their first child and he was three as at the time. They later had a daughter but unfortunately, I don't recollect her name.

"They're at school. " Ana replied and then she exclaimed after checking the time on the clock in my office. "It's even their closing hour . I need to go pick them " She said standing up.

"Alright, let me come with you then"i suggested and she nodded in agreement. She went out first; Richard lingered behind.

"Roseline ..." he started to say

"Don't!!! I do not intend talking to you now. You cut me out of your life for almost 16 years and now you expect me to welcome you back with open arms. If you have any apologies to make, render it to mum instead. She was really heartbroken after you guys left; She still is "

I put my hands in my suit pocket and brought out a 50dollar bill. I threw it at him "Find your way back home. My car won't be able to contain you. See yourself out and please lock the door behind you. Bye"

As I left the office, I smiled and held my head high with much gusto.

I felt really proud of myself. He really deserved that. Yes, he's my elder brother but he should also feel what I felt those days when he and Williams threw wads of notes at me with disgust. I've forgiven him actually. I just wanted a little taste of revenge.

"Mum!!! " Three beautiful children rushed out as Ana and I alighted from my car. The eldest, Brian looked at me "Who are you? "

I looked at Ana with a questioning look, wondering if I should tell them the truth and she nodded.

"I'm your dad's younger sister" I replied truthfully

"But dad said you're dead. " his sister Betty said. I could tell she was a social teenager and an extrovert from the tone of her voice.

"Well, I'm alive. Let's go to my house and make you a nice meal and then we can get to know each other, how does that sound? "

"Sounds good " both Brian and his youngest brother whose name I got to know as Gabe ,replied.

Ana looked at her daughter disapprovingly "Betty?!! "

She shrugged "Well, it sounds great if there are no chickens in the meal you're planning to make "

Both her siblings and her mum burst into laughter.

"No sweetie. In actual fact, I'm vegan so...we're good " I replied. She smiled at that and they all got into my car.

"Wow. Your car is beautiniceous " Gabe exclaimed in delight.

"Sorry... what??!!! " I had to press the brake to control my laughter without running into a tree on the road.

"Gabriel has a talent of forming new words and then writing it in his dictionary" Betty explained

"Oh wow. "

I got home and got them settled in our warm cozy living room. I looked round and found out that my mum wasn't home.

"Do you think your mum would be happy to see me? "Ana asked from behind me.

I placed my hands on her shoulders "Whatever you did ,you acted on your husband's orders. So she's not angry with you, okay? "

Just then, mum came in carrying a basket of vegetables and foodstuffs. As she saw Ana, she put down the basket and looking round at the kids, she asked, "Are these my grandchildren? "

"Yes " Ana replied timidly. She looked uncertain.

But then Betty stood up and smiled at mum "Grandma". And then she pulled mum into a warm big hug. Her siblings followed suit and then Ana and I also liked on the hug.

I was so glad seeing the smile on mum's face.