I quickly got dressed in decent clothes. I called Julia about three times but she wasn't picking.

Damn Julia and her love for putting her phone on silent!!

I took my car keys and drove to the station. It was a miracle I didn't get myself involved in an accident because tears had already filled my eyes. I wondered why Jerry didn't even let me know that something was going on.

I met the other detective whose name was Paul Jones.

"Ma'am. Your husband has not been to work for a week now..." the Detective started.

"What?!! " I exclaimed in horror. "That's impossible. Jerry never misses his job, for any reason at all. "

"Well. The log book says a different thing. And then two days ago, CCTV footage caught him standing in front of the Getty centre holding a knife and beside him was the girl who's been identified as Shelby Tucker. Look ma'am I don't think there's anything that can be done at this moment. This matter is no longer in our hands. The court is going to decide on the final verdict by next week."

"No! " I cried out "I know my husband. Jerry would never hurt a fly. He didn't kill anybody. You guys just have to investigate harder. "

"Look ma'am. The FBI are already looking into it, although it's a dead end. We've contacted your husband's attorney but if we don't find some other evidence to prove your husband's innocence ,then there's nothing we can do. "

I couldn't hold it in any longer. All my reserves and guards were broken. I broke down and went bitterly. If he was tried and found guilty, there was the possibility that I would not see him ever again and my twin babies would never get the chance to get to know their father.

"Mrs Winters. You need to leave now. You're causing a scene " The detective said harshly.

I took my bag and left the station and went home.

I called Julia again. She still didn't pick up my call. I sent her a text message that she should call me back ASAP and that it was urgent.

I cleaned everywhere first and waited for Julia's call. She was my best friend and she was also Jerry's sister. She should know what to do in this kind of situation.

It was already some minutes past 7 that evening and Julia had still not called. I was on the verge of depression. I turned on the volume of the television to drain out all silly thoughts. The last time I felt this was was when I broke up with my ex boyfriend Andrew.

I thought about how Jerry must be feeling, being locked up in a cell. I kept praying for a miracle but the evidence was clear.

Immediately there was a knock on the door . I quickly muted the television and made my way to the door.

I looked at the peephole and it wasn't Julia, rather it was...

"William" I said trying to be calm for my babies sake.

"Hey Rosie. How have you been? " he smiled.

The son of a bitch had the audacity to smile at me. Like, he knows how depressed I am ,and yet he's smiling at me. I scanned round ,regretting why there was no tool to use as a weapon.

"What are you doing here? " I asked angrily, this time around not worrying about the babies. As far as I was concerned, they were fine.

"Look Rosie. You might not believe this but I want to help you " he said.

"And how on earth do you call putting my husband in cuffs, a help ?" I asked.

"Calm down Rosie. It was all an act " he sat down. "All this that's happening is a set up. Someone higher, someone skilled and with great connections is behind all these. The person's trying to frame your husband up to make him ineligible for promotion as the Chief Justice here in LA. "

His explanation made sense but I still saw no reason why I should trust him.

"And why on earth should I believe you ?"

"Do you know the amount of risk I took coming here? Or do you want the grudges you have against me to get in the way of saving your husband? "

I frowned worriedly.

"Look Rosie. I've done a lot of things " he scratched his head "Not just me. Ellie, Richard and even mum but you'll get to know about it in due time. I've been looking for ways to ask for your... "

"Oh really "I interrupted loudly "Is that what you call what happened at the park? "

"Rosie. I was emotionally downcast that day, but listen, these people trying to frame your husband up - they won't stop until their mission is accomplished."

I looked at him with fear in my eyes "And what is their mission? "

"To either kill him or put him in a blacksite forever "

"Oh my God " I covered my mouth.

"I know he's innocent and I want to help him but I also need your help too "

"What can I do? " I asked eagerly.

"Do you know one Carla West. She was formerly here but was later transferred to New York. I've been monitoring her movements for some time now and I'm inclined to believe that she has a hand in it "

I was shocked. Of course, I remembered Carla West; the woman whom I thought was involved with my husband.

Take deep breaths, Rosie.

I told myself constantly.

"Your husband is a very brilliant lawyer and he has so many enemies. Did he tell you they're planning to make him a Chief Justice? By the way... " William brought out a piece of paper and a pen. "Can you tell me his whereabouts as at the 11th ?"

I searched my head trying to remember what happened the previous week.

"Oh yeah. He came home at the usual time. We were discussing something and then he got a phone call. He answered it quickly and then when he ended the call,he looked worried and told me something came up at work and that he needed to go. He left abruptly but then returned a few hours later. I was in bed already but he just went straight to the bathroom to take his bath and then came back to sleep "

"What did he wear when he was going ?" William asked me.

"He wore a green top and black jeans. Maybe we can take this matter to the FBI. " I said.

William sighed in exasperation. I asked "What? "

"You don't understand Rosie. Your husband is the youngest lawyer to ever attain such a height of being next in line for a promotion. Everyone is looking for something to bring him down. Not everyone can be trusted. Why do you think I'm here? If I go along with the police investigation, your husband is going to spend the rest of his life in jail. We need someone else, who can have access to federal databases..." He stood up pacing about, trying to make me understand.

"Someone discreet; that can be trusted ; someone who isn't in official power; So we can commence our own off the books investigation and then if we're successful, I'll tell the police that I got an anonymous tip. "

I then remembered Julia. Of course, she was the only one who fit into this description. She recently told me that she's started hack jobs. I wasn't in approval of it then, but now I was really grateful for her experience.

"I know someone who we can go to. Jerry's sister. She's a forensic scientist and also a skilled hacker. She would do anything to save her brother. I could talk to... "

"No Rosie. It's late already and you're pregnant, which means you need rest. Rest on for tonight and by tomorrow ,I'll stop by and we'll go there together "

He hugged me slightly and the tears that were threatening to fall spilled out at once. He left after leading me to my bedroom and tucking me safely in bed.

That night, a lot of thoughts kept ruminating in my head. Above all, my legs were itching and I really missed Jerry's warm hand massage. I couldn't believe my husband wasn't in bed beside me. I cried till the sleep enveloped my eyes.

The following morning, the sound of the door bell brought me out from my reverie thoughts. I stood up and made my way slowly down the stairs and opened the door. It was William.

"Morning Rosie May. I hope I'm not too early " he said anxiously.

"No you're not. Let me quickly freshen up and then we'll be on our way. " I said breathlessly and turned to go back upstairs, but he drew me back.

"Have you had anything to eat at all, Rosie? "

I shrugged.

"Okay fine. I'll get something to eat on our way." I replied


The drive to New York took 5 hours and by afternoon we were at Julia's place. As soon as we arrived at the house, William jumped out immediately but I stopped him.

"She's still the same Julia. She hates you " I warned him but he just shrugged like he didn't care and followed me silently. Julia opened the door as I rang the doorbell. She smiled and was about to start talking, when she saw William.

She frowned instantly.

"What the hell is going on? Missy ?? " She questioned.

"Julia. Before you start your interrogations, Why weren't you picking up your calls yesterday? " I asked

She ushered us inside and we both sat down.

"Well. Raymond was teething and I had to take him to the hospital. Now my question, what are you doing here? Judging by the time, I can tell that you left LA very early this morning. Where's Jerry and what's this person doing here? "

"Jules, William is a LAPD officer and he wants to help justify my husband "

"And so what...? After... Wait!! " She stopped "Justify who? What the heck happened? Where's Jerry? "

"Jerry has been arrested. He was framed for murder " I explained. Her hands flew to her mouth immediately.

"What can I do to help? "She asked teary-eyed.

William cleared his throat and sat up "I believe the CCTV footage was tampered with. So I need you to hack into the footage and find out what was deleted . I believe you know what to do? "

"Yeah. I have an angry IP scanner. I know the IP address. You're gonna send me the username and password and ehm... You don't need to worry about the password. I can crack it using Hydra and then... "

"Julia just get to work!! " I didn't mean to yell but I couldn't help it. She was just mentioning terms that I don't even understand, and judging by the look on William's face, neither does he.

"Alright alright. I'll do everything I can because my brother is not going to suffer for a crime he didn't commit. "