Chapter 17 All for You

The week following Gabriella's visit to Brandon's parents' place passed by uneventfully. But as the day of her classmate Meredith's wedding drew near, she started to feel jittery. She suspected meeting Brandon's parents had been an easier task than attending the forthcoming wedding on the arm of a millionaire, now that the former was behind her and the latter loomed in the near future.

She got out her old yearbook from her closet and went through it. She stared at Meredith's picture. She had long straight cherry red hair, a wide smile, and naturally pink cheeks. She had been quite a beauty in school, which was why she was so popular. She'd probably be even prettier now, Gabriella thought.

She went to look at herself in the mirror. Compared to Meredith, she was not strikingly beautiful or eye-catching. She was just – ordinary. The only difference was that Brandon liked her just as she looked and he didn't care for the overly glamorous girls he had dated before. She smiled to herself. She had Brandon's affection, that she knew. That thought made her feel better. Back in high school, before the drama with Archer had begun, she used to be a target for Meredith's snide remarks about her being single, because she was not that pretty and no guy would ever fall for her. Gabriella had gotten over it, but it had still hurt at the time. At least this time Meredith couldn't tease her unmercifully that she didn't have a boyfriend.

She studied her face. Her skin was clear but lacked sheen. It had been a while since she indulged in self-care. She would wash her hair as well. It was starting to look limp and greasy. She hadn't had a chance to wash her hair since going back to work.

She washed, shampooed, and conditioned her hair. Then she dried it and wrapped it in a towel-turban. She put on a bathrobe. She decided to put on a face-pack. It was a Korean honey and aloe pack guaranteeing fresher skin. She smeared the green substance generously all over her face in front of the mirror. She hummed to herself as she applied it. She then went and sat in the living room to listen to some music while the pack dried. She had closed her eyes, swaying to the music for only fifteen minutes before the bell rang. She got up and went to the door, still humming. She opened it, completely forgetting her unpresentable appearance.

"Hello, Gabriella. Whoa." Brandon stood at the door, wide-eyed and taken aback when he saw her. Gabriella stared at him with her mouth open for a split second before looking down at her robe and touching her face, remembering the pack. She gave a squeal of horror and was about to slam the door.

"Wait!" Brandon yelled, but she had already shut the door instantly in his face.

"Give me a minute!" She called through the door to him, feeling both apologetic and embarrassed at the same time. She ran to the bathroom and scrubbed her face vigorously. She removed the towel from her head, quickly drying her hair with the dryer. She then discarded her bathrobe for a short sleeve blouse and a skirt. She hurried back to the door. Brandon was still standing there holding his nose.

"I think you broke my nose." He said, tearing up a little. Gabriella looked fraught with guilt.

"Sorry! I'm sorry! Here, let me see." She gently touched his nose, feeling for any fractures.

Ah, ow," he said, sounding nasal.

"It's not broken, but it must hurt a lot. I'll get you an ice pack."

"Angel, just because you're wearing a face-pack doesn't mean you should get so embarrassed. I've worn a face pack too, you know." Brandon said, entering her apartment and shutting the door behind him.

"You caught me at a bad time! And – wait, really? You wear face packs?" Gabriella blinked at him incredulously.


"Well, I suppose you do need to keep up your good looks," Gabriella observed with a coy smile. Brandon grinned.

"You happened to be doing the same. By the way, I do appreciate that tiny bathrobe you had on earlier."

"Oh, that." Gabriella reddened. "Could you forget what you saw earlier?"


"You know… the way I looked." Gabriella dragged her words out as though not wanting to be reminded of it all again.

"Goodness no, why would I want to forget how absolutely kissable you look?" Brandon asked, making a face of utter surprise. Gabriella gave a cry of consternation.

"Brandon!" He grinned at her indignation and placed his hands on her hips.

"Angel, no matter what you're wearing, I'll always find you attractive. Believe me, I have a hard time stopping myself from kissing you in a way no one should see." That last statement made Gabriella redder than when Brandon caught her earlier. She wriggled herself out of his arms and went to the kitchen.

"So why were you getting all dolled up?" Brandon followed her and took a seat by the kitchen island.

"I wasn't getting 'dolled' up. I was just… getting ready for the wedding."

"Ah that. When is it again?"

"Brandon, it's in two days!" Gabriella exclaimed, upset that he had forgotten.

"Right, that's why I got you this dress today," Brandon smirked at her and pulled a bag from behind his back, "it must have slipped my mind." He held up the bag, shaking it in front of her.

"Oh, you got it already? Did they take the other dress back?" Gabriella asked anxiously.

"Of course. I can sell anything." Brandon said with a touch of self-confidence. Gabriella's lips wired into a disbelieving smile.

"Right. I bet you sold the counter girl your smile and she fell for it like a ton of bricks," she said skeptically. "Anyway, what I don't know can't hurt me."

"Yeah, right. Like I'd ever show my award-winning smile to another girl besides you." Brandon replied, shocked that she would think that. "Now take a look at your dress and tell me what you think."

"Alright, alright." She patted his arm playfully. She removed the beige dress bag and carefully took out the dress. It was a subtle peach-colored sleeveless ensemble with a flattering heart neckline, long ruffles, and delicate shimmery white blossoms dotting each ruffle. Gabriella gasped in awe.

"Oh Brandon, it's beautiful! But I'm afraid it's too much for me." Gabriella said, cautiously touching the fabric with her fingers as though it were made of diamonds.

"Nonsense! I want my girlfriend to look like 'the Angel' that she is."

"At this rate, you'll have me outshine the bride!"

"Huh, you don't say." Brandon avoided her eyes, a sparkly smile coming to his face. Gabriella didn't miss it and guessed that's what he might have been aiming at.

"I'm guessing your chivalry is limited to a fair few people," she hinted subtly.

"Oh I wouldn't call myself chivalrous, but I will plead guilty for trying to get the best for my Angel." Brandon winked and Gabriella covered a little giggle.

It's so light." She ran her fingers through its layers cautiously as though afraid touching it would damage the delicate material.

"It's from the latest Parisian fashion line and is a limited edition piece."

"You would get me something like that," Gabriella shook her head but with a smile.

"I want you to be as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside, Angel," Brandon said softly with a sweltering look in his eye, "be confident in yourself. You're beautiful and everyone should see it."

"Brandon, did you get that out of a book?" Gabriella asked with a sideways glance at him. " Either that or you're awfully good at flattering people."

"I'm being honest!" Brandon laughed. "So do you like it?"

"Of course. You picked it for me. It's just – so elegant." A slight look of doubt crossed Gabriella's face.

"You'll be fine in it, Angel." Brandon hugged her, hoping she would accept the dress.

"Okay, I'll wear it."

"Maybe you should try it on, see if it's comfortable."


"Sure, why not? I'll get a preview too."

"Wait here. I'll slip into it." Gabriella skipped to her bedroom and shut the door. Brandon couldn't help but smile. She's so shy, he thought. She came out after five minutes, looking apologetic.

"I'm having trouble with the zip, do you think you could help me?" She asked, her arms twisting behind her back.

"Certainly," Brandon replied and went to help her. He took his time, his fingers lingering on her back as he felt her soft smooth skin. He heard her suck in a breath and guessed she was holding it in – she was more affected by his touch than he'd realized.

"Breathe, Gabriella," he whispered in her ear, his hands lightly gliding over her bare shoulders. She let out a breath but heat rushed through her. She felt extremely conscious of his fingers against the sensitive exposed skin of her back. But she was grateful her back was turned to him and he couldn't see her face. She hoped her cheeks cooled off when he turned her around. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"How is it? Does it look like it's too excessive? It's actually not so bad when I move. But I'm not sure about it if I have to dance, it's a little… heavy."

"You are beautiful, as always," Brandon said as he ran his hand through the silken strands of her hair.

"Would you like to practice dancing a bit? Just to make sure you feel comfortable moving in it."

"Um, sure." Gabriella turned up the music that she had turned down earlier and a slow waltz played. Brandon slipped his hand around her waist, taking her hand in his other.

"Shall we?" He led her into the waltz, guiding her expertly. Gabriella found herself enjoying following his steps, matching her foot movement with his. The living room was too small but somehow he managed to twirl and spin her. When they finally slowed down, he held her close to his body.

"This feels nice," Gabriella hummed against his chest.

"I think you really might outshine the bride," Brandon said when he held her back, surveying her with proud eyes.

"I hope not. Meredith loves the spotlight. I don't." Gabriella shuddered. Brandon curled a lock of her hair lovingly between his fingers.

"Someday, you'll shine at your own wedding," he whispered thoughtfully. She raised her head, which was resting on his chest, to look at him. She thought she saw a flicker of something in his eyes but it vanished before she could be sure.

"Did you – get a tux?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Don't need to, I already have a lot of those," Brandon said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Oh, then we're all set."


"Yes?" Brandon leaned down, surprising her with a kiss right on her startled lips. It was a gentle chaste contact, but still conveyed the affection Gabriella knew he was trying to express. He placed his hands around her neck, caressing her skin before sliding them down to her bare shoulders. She held onto his elbows, anchoring herself as she closed her eyes and sank into him.

"I guess you're ready for the wedding," Brandon said with a satisfied smile, withdrawing from her lips. Gabriella could only gaze at his gorgeous face in wonder, doubting very much whether he was talking about the upcoming nuptials.

Gabriella had been so preoccupied with attending the wedding that weekend that she had barely had much time to check her social media accounts. She opened her phone after she found she couldn't put it off any longer. She had sixteen messages from Sassie, including twenty-seven missed calls. How did she miss that? She realized it was because her phone had been on silent all week… and with Brandon practically wearing out her doorstep, there had been no phone calls from him, so she hadn't checked her phone. Well, now she knew what she had to face.

Brandon's picture of them together had gone – for lack of a better word – viral. Everyone, her family, her relatives, and even a few other friends who had moved across the globe saw the picture on her profile and commented on it. Her mother had a lot to say about it because she hadn't informed her of Brandon. But she didn't seem too upset about it, only that she wanted to meet him someday. That could wait.

A few of her cousins got all excited to hear about Brandon after they saw her profile picture with him, some were even shocked. Brandon's prominence caused quite a stir for her. Still, replying to everybody else after her mother wasn't important. Sassie though… her messages were all in caps and full of exclamation marks for not telling her sooner. Gabriella sighed. She'd have to have a heart-to-heart with her best friend soon. Although she felt inclined to just show up at the wedding with Brandon and talk to her friend then… facing reproach was a lot easier with Brandon around – he seemed to have a soothing effect on people, making everyone as even-tempered as he was, including herself. Gabriella knew it was part of his charm and one of the things that had lured her heart.

The day before Meredith's wedding finally arrived. It was a gusty day and Gabriella was glad it was an indoor wedding – she hated standing in the wind, especially with a heavy hairdo and gown. A few clouds scurried westward, creating a temporary shade from the mild warmth as she stepped outside and she put away her sunglasses.

She had dressed in a light coat and summer dress and comfy flats for the ride. She had packed along her gown, jewelry, and a pair of pumps in a carry-on case so that she could change into them for the wedding at the hotel where it was taking place. She stood at the edge of the curb outside her apartment, suitcase in hand. Her hair flapped across her face, hindering her vision temporarily. With her free hand, she kept swiping her hair behind her ear as she waited for Brandon.

He arrived in a few minutes, his white Acura zooming up to a screeching stop in front of her. Gabriella wondered why he was driving in such a rush, it was not like they had traffic to beat. He scrambled out of the car, rushing to her side. He grabbed her carry-on and stuffed it in the trunk before pulling open the passenger door for her at lightning speed.

"Gabriella! Get in, quick!" He urged her. Sensing his urgency, she quickly slid into the seat and pulled the seatbelt. As soon as it clicked into place, Brandon took off with such force that Gabriella was thrown back against the seat with a gasp.

"What's the rush? There's plenty of time before the wedding. Are you dodging the cops or something?"

"Worse. I wish it was the cops, them I can handle. I haven't got all the details yet, but I know Madison's behind this." Brandon replied, looking agitated for once.

"Behind what?"

"Someone tipped off a dozen magazines and not a few paparazzi that quote 'Brandon Whiteley frequently goes out with his girlfriend, picking her up at her apartment' unquote. They've been following me for goodness knows how long, hoping to find out where you live and pin you down."

"Oh, then they probably want a sound bite from me?"

"Sound bite is putting it mildly. They want all the intimate details. And I mean, intimate." Gabriella looked horrified.

"I can't imagine the trash they would write," she said with a shiver.

"'Trash' is the least they can do, they can twist anything you throw out at them and make you out to be a sensational forty-niner who threw her hooks into me! Trust me, I've seen the kind of lying filth these people come up with," Brandon said with grim-faced disgust. "I can't let them find out where you live. They'll never leave you alone if they do. Even if I get them to not write anything about you, people dig for dirt one way or another and will try to harass you." He slammed his foot on the gas pedal to vent the anger he felt.

"So do you have to take it out on your poor car?" Gabriella asked with a little smile. His concern for her name and reputation was touching, even if a little over the top. But then she had never experienced his world of publicity and paparazzi and didn't know as much as he did about it. It was better to trust him on this.

"My Acura can handle it," Brandon said in reply to her question.

"But really, Brandon, they're gonna find out sooner or later. You can't hide me forever."

"I can try. I don't want them to… to cause trouble for you. What would your family think, if they saw you on the front page of some trashy magazine?" Brandon looked genuinely worried for a moment.

"Well, I already told them that I'm dating you." Brandon went silent at her reply. Gabriella observed his tense features and touched his hand on the steering wheel.

"Hey, it's okay. Whatever comes, I can take it."

"But I don't want to put you through it."

"My knight is a little overprotective today. Relax Barry, breathe. Like the times when I kiss you." She had cleverly reminded him of his very words to her. His lips twitched into a smile. His breathing became more even and the anger melted from between his furrowed eyebrows. Now that they had covered some distance, he slowed down and didn't feel hounded anymore.

"So Barry, where's your tux?" Gabriella asked when she saw him calmer.

"Don't worry, it's all packed up in the back." Gabriella turned her neck to see the backseat. A black shopping bag sat in the corner, but that's not what caught her attention. A couple of cars, clearly visible through the back of the car, were following them.

"Uh-oh, Brandon? I think we're being tailed." Gabriella notified him, touching his shoulder. He checked the rearview mirror.

"Shoot, I didn't lose them after all. Hang on, Gabriella. We're going for a ride." He sped up and shot ahead, quickly putting some distance from the following cars. Gabriella squealed in excitement each time he made a spectacular turn or dodge, not daring to stop or slow down in case the paparazzi cars tried to crowd them.

"I can't lose them. I need to get back into the traffic and lose them there," Brandon said, mostly to himself. He located the nearest exit and swung sharply to the right. They drove down a more secluded road shaded with evergreen bushes. They came to a little suburban street full of little stores and eat-outs. Brandon drove right through the bushes and swung sharply into an alley, waiting until the tailing cars passed by. When they zipped by without seeing his car, he headed back to the highway. Gabriella was trying to keep from laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Brandon asked, noticing her infectious smile.

"Nothing, it's just that I've never seen you so… intense. It's like we were in a movie, trying to shake off a bunch of bad guys." He grinned in his usual bright manner.

"I just wanted to avoid them. They'd only delay us anyway and we can't be late."

"Don't worry. The ceremony takes place tomorrow; Meredith's putting up all her guests in the hotel for today. We have plenty of time."

"That's a relief then. But we'll have to stop somewhere for lunch."

"Not necessarily. We could go straight to the hotel. Meredith booked rooms for all her guests, apparently."

"She must be generous."

"Not from what I remember. She probably just wants everyone to know that she can afford it. She likes playing the hostess."

"Ah, I see."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to dine at the hotel?"

"Hmm, it would be cooler than getting out in this heat. But I don't think we'll make it in time."

"Why not?" Brandon pointed to the road ahead in response. Gabriella turned to the road. They had driven smack into a traffic jam.

"Oh no! This will take—"

"Careful what you say. You don't want it to come true," Brandon cut her off. Gabriella bit her tongue.

"Right. This won't take long at all," she rectified herself and they both laughed. After twenty minutes of crawling through the traffic, Gabriella felt bored. She pulled out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked, glancing at her.

"Just thought I'd check the news, I haven't kept up with anything this week," she said. Brandon looked startled and made a grab for her phone.

"No, you can't!" He got her phone before she knew it. Gabriella frowned.

"Why not?" She asked slowly.

"Just… trust me on this one, okay?"

"But, why? And give me my phone back." She insisted. Brandon slid it into his pocket.


"Promise me you won't check the news yet. I'll explain why later."

"Fine, at least let me check… oh never mind, traffic's moving." He turned and sped up a little. It was clearing; he didn't have to stay in one place anymore.

"Guess you don't need your phone now." He gave it back to her, looking a little wary.

"Thank you. And I won't check the news if you don't want me to." Gabriella assured him, seeing his face.

"Good. So, where would you like to eat?"

"I don't know any good places around here… wait a second." She opened Google Maps on her phone.

"There are a ton of little restaurants around here. What are you in the mood for?" She asked.

"Anything light. I don't like driving long distances after a heavy meal."

"Okay." She zoomed in on the map to see all the places they could eat at. She found one she thought looked appealing.

"There's a little bistro called Gill's Bistro. It's straight ahead on the right." She showed him the map.

"I see it. Let's go there then."

Gill's Bistro was near the river and had several seafood dishes. Gabriella wasn't feeling very hungry after such a long drive and declined ordering anything more than a quiche and a fruit juice. Brandon ordered a light chowder.

"That should keep us going," he said when they were back on the road. "There will be a heavy dinner tomorrow night anyway. Weddings go all out when they cater."

"I know. It's a wonder how much people eat at weddings."

"Well, it is free food. It's like an all-you-can-eat Vegas-style buffet."

"Good point." Gabriella laughed in agreement.

A few miles later, she felt a slight stab in her stomach and pressed it with her hands. Her face crinkled up with the pain. Brandon noticed and glanced at her with concern.

"Are you feeling okay, Angel?"

"I think I'm a little queasy."

"Is it the food we had? Do you want me to stop?"

"No, it's okay. I'll be alright."

"Want some mints?"

"Not right now." Gabriella began to look considerably green.

"Angel, you don't look so good. I'm stopping." Brandon insisted. She didn't say anything for fear of retching and covered her mouth. Brandon drew up to the side of a little off-road lane and they got out, Gabriella still holding her stomach and doubling over.

"Do you want to throw up?" He asked, massaging her back.

"No, I'll be fine," she said in a subdued voice. Truthfully, she was feeling woozy. She wondered if she was car sick. She had never been like that before with him. She took Brandon's hand when she felt faint and he supported her full weight.

"Easy, I got you. Angel, do you want to go home? Or to a hospital?"

"No, I'll be fine, really." She did feel better now that she had breathed in the fresh air.

"We'll go now."

"You sure? We can go home, you know." Gabriella straightened up, shaking her head.

"No. We came this far. And I don't want to cause rumors by not going to Meredith's wedding."

"Forget about that. But if you feel funny, let me know. We'll go home straight away." They got back into the car. Brandon rolled down the windows, keeping one eye on Gabriella in case she felt sick again.

"The fresh air should help," he said hopefully. Gabriella leaned back and closed her eyes. Eventually, the nausea faded away and the pain subsided. Gabriella perked up as they neared the hotel and Brandon felt relieved; he'd been so worried that Gabriella might've been sick and was glad to see the color come back to her cheeks. He would've turned back immediately if he'd known she felt worse; he'd do anything to make sure she felt better, anything, for his Angel.