Chapter 3:

"Miss Huang, I, I'm on the diving list!"

Guo Jing looked at the elixir with a clear fragrance in his hand and smiled naively.

Sitting opposite him is a touching and beautiful girl.

It is Huang Rong, the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island.

"Brother Guo, congratulations."

Seeing Guo Jing's happy face, Huang Rong glanced slightly and nodded boredly.

"Miss Huang, if it hadn't been for your help, Qigong would not have accepted me as an apprentice, and I wouldn't have been on the list."

"This elixir should be used for you."

Every time Guo Jing talks to Huang Rong, he feels extremely happy and excited.

"No, this elixir is of no use to me."

"Well, Miss Huang can easily defeat even the seven princes, and she should be able to enter the top ten of the latent dragon list."

Guo Jing scratched his head and took back the marrow washing elixir.

Speaking of which, he has always had an inexplicable good impression of Huang Rong since he met him.

Several times I wanted to find an opportunity to express my heart, but I didn't have a chance to say it.

He was afraid that once he said it, they didn't even have friends to do it.

Miss Huang seems to have been looking for someone.

A person who is very important to her.

Thinking about this, Guo Jing felt a burst of loss inexplicably.

"Take the shampoo elixir quickly. Your talent should be improved."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Huang Rong sighed slightly when he saw Guo Jing leave.

Looking at the list, my heart moved.

"With Brother Su Yi's strength, he will definitely be on the latent dragon list. Well, I have been avoided for so long, and I will definitely find you."

At the thought of the man who worried her every day, Huang Rong gritted her teeth.

At the same time, there is also a sweetness in my heart.

"Brother Guo has a life-saving grace to me. During this period, I have almost repaid the kindness."

"It's time to separate."

On the other hand, Guo Jing, who had just taken the marrow washing elixir, didn't know that the woman who was tempted to leave.

In this way, I'm afraid the fate between the two will be completely broken.

It took a long time for Huang Rong to recover.

Go back to the inn room and continue to practice.

"Brother Su Yi taught me the Military Armor Martial Arts Sutra, which is too extensive and profound."

"Abandon the creatures of heaven and earth · destroy Qingning Shenxi..."

"Even if the realm of a master, it can only be regarded as a beginner!"


Southern Song Dynasty.

Royal Palace Study.

"Is there anyone on the list in Song Dynasty?"

Emperor Zhao Gu looked at Kyushu Qianlong list in surprise.

"Aiqing, have you heard of Guo Jing?"

"Your Majesty, I have never heard of it, but Hong Qigong is the leader of the beggar gang in the Southern Song Dynasty."

Qin Hui said respectfully to the emperor.

"Hong Qigong is my martial arts master in the Song Dynasty. Now that his descendants are so excellent, it is also a happy event. Do I want to take Guo Jing for my own use?"

"Your Majesty, it's not too late to make a decision when the list is announced now.

"Well, I expect more talents to be on the list in my Song Dynasty."

Chapter 003 Bad me, good thing, do you still want to find him? Don't think about it.

Sui, on the outskirts of Yangzhou.

"Shao Ling, do you think we can be on this list?"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling stared closely at the list in the air, and a trace of envy flashed in their eyes.

"Don't think about it. The thirtieth place is the congenital period. We have only practiced the secret of immortality for a month and narrowly entered the beginning of the congenital period. How can we be on the list?"

Xu Ziling replied angrily.

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you say that the latent dragon list? It not only depends on strength, but also on talent, skills, and luck. We Yangzhou Shuanglong may not be able to be able to put it!"

Kou Zhong smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, the hidden dragon list refreshed.

[Tianjiao List · Twenty-nine!]

[Kou Zhong!]

[Identity: One of the two dragons in Yangzhou, Sui]

[Picture: the beginning of congenital!]

[Fms: The Secret of Immortality, Nine Xuan Dafa]

[Reward: Prefecture-level lower elixir: Yangyuan elixir, which can improve 30 years of strength.]

[Tianjiao List · No. 28!]

[Xu Ziling!]

[Identity: One of the two dragons in Yangzhou, Sui]

[Picture: the beginning of congenital!]

[Fms: The Secret of Immortality, Nine Xuan Dafa]

[Reward: Prefecture-level lower elixir: Yangyuan elixir, which can improve 30 years of strength.]

Two consecutive lists came out, and the two looked together.

While shocked, I couldn't help but be happy.

"Shao Ling, am I dazzled?" Kou Zhong didn't believe it.

"I have all the elixirs. Naturally, it's true."

"Hahaha, we turned out to be geniuses. We Yangzhou Shuanglong are going to be famous in Kyushu."

"Come on, swallow the elixir and leave. If someone finds it, it will be troublesome."

The two reacted quickly and quickly swallowed the Yangyuan elixir in their hands.

In an instant, a surging force circulating crazily.

Cultivation is improving rapidly.

"Mshao Zhong, Ling Shao, it turns out that you hide here, and it's really easy for you to find for a while!"

"I didn't expect that you were on the diving list."

"Wan Wan, congratulations!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came.

The two dragons only felt numbness in their scalp and were afraid in their hearts.

"Wo witch, you really don't go." Kou Zhong looked furious.

"How about handing over the secret of immortality and the reward of heavenly way, and let you go?"

"Wo witch, even if you die, it won't let you do what you want. We have already taken the elixir."

"Hee hee, in that case, I have to arrest you."

The next moment, a ghost, charming and charming figure blocked the way for the two dragons.

I'm about to take action.

A sharp sword gas came.

"My aunt, it's a good thing for me again. Do you also want the secret of immortality?"

I was in a hurry.

Every time this annoying guy comes to ruin her good deeds.

"Sister Wanwan, I'm just stopping you from doing evil."

The ethereal immortal posture was printed into the eyes of three people.

"Sister Fairy, help, the witch is going to kill."

"It's a teacher fairy. We're saved."

Compared with Wan Wan, Shifeixuan deserves the trust of the two dragons.

"Sister Wan Wan, you don't want Brother Su Yi to believe that you are an innocent person, do you?"

The concubine sighed quietly.

After hearing this, his face couldn't help but change.

"My aunt, you have been following me all the time and against me everywhere. Don't you just want to know where the conscienceless Su Yi is?"

"Well, you stinky nun, I won't tell you!"

At this moment, Shuanglong has long been forgotten by her.

The concubine Xuan is the peerless enemy.


The Great Sui Emperor.


"Yuwen Aiqing, do you know Yangzhou Shuanglong?"

The fine light flashed in Yang Guang's eyes.

"Your Majesty, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were originally two gangsters in Yangzhou. They accidentally stole the secret of immortality from Shilong to have the current scenery."

Yu Culture and dare not hide it, they quickly replied.

"The secret of immortality they practice is one of the four strange books of martial arts."

"The secret of immortality, do you really think you can live a long life?"

Yang Guang was extremely eager.

Years of pleasure made his body unable to feel over his heart.

"Your Majesty, I will catch these two people in front of Your Majesty."

Yu culture and respectfully said.

I didn't think so in my heart and secretly disdained it.

Immortality, I want to be crazy.

Even if you can really live a long life, which round will get you as a stupid king?

"Hahaha, okay, Yuwen Aiqing, don't let me down."


Daqin Palace.

Ying Zheng looked at the two names on the list, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, the secret of immortality..."

"Can you be on the list just in the early days?"

"It must be the reason for the secret of immortality."

"Master of the country, have you heard the secret of immortality?"

"Can it immortality?"

After the golden list appeared, Ying Zheng called the moon god to him and answered doubts at any time.

"Your Majesty, the secret of immortality is one of the four strange books of the Great Sui martial arts, which is very mysterious."

"As for whether I can live a long life, maybe it's really possible."

The moon god hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice.

"Zhao Gao, immediately sent someone to the Sui Dynasty to get the secret of immortality."

"If you dare to resist, you can kill it."

Ying Zheng's words were murderous and ordered decisively.

When it comes to immortality, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he doesn't want to miss it.

If Da Sui dares to resist, he doesn't mind sending troops to destroy Da Sui.

He never paid attention to the Sui Dynasty and Yang Guang, the emperor of Sui, and he was extremely disdainful.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Zhao Gao dared not neglect.

As soon as possible, he used the power of the net to sneak into the Sui Dynasty and compete for the secret of immortality.


Da Sui, Lingnan, Songjiashan City.

Sharpening Knife Hall.

"Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, actually practiced the secret of immortality!"

"Good descendants, maybe the two of them can testify for me in the future!"

"I hope they don't die halfway."

Tiandao Song Que looked at the list faintly and was a little excited.

The appearance of the Shenzhou gold list may make Kyushu more chaotic.

But at the same time, it also shows a broader way forward for many warriors.

It's good and bad. It's hard to say.

"Trely to the owner!"

"What's the matter?" Song was impatient.

"Bashu Duzunbao Xiehui came to propose marriage with his son Xie Wenlong and asked to marry the eldest lady."

Song Wei heard the words and showed meditation.

If so, he might have agreed to the marriage.

But now that the gold list is in the world, the situation has changed greatly, and the district Duzunbao is no longer qualified.

"Tell Yuhua about this and see how she handles it."