Chapter 006 Resurrection from the Dead, is there also this?

Daming Emperor.

Wudang Taiji Hall.

"Master, what is this God's skill? Disciples have never heard of it. Is it another secret of unborn magic skills?

Yu Daiyan asked.

"It's not clear for teachers."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head:

"It's Mei Niansheng. He has been a teacher on several sides."

"He is a famous martial arts host in the south of the Yangtze River of the Ming Dynasty. He is known as the iron-bone and ink calyx. He is a well-deserved hero."

"Although he has master cultivation, he is indifferent to fame and wealth, regards money like dung, and more cherishes the world and falls in love with the world."

"A Liancheng swordsmanship shocked the martial arts, but I didn't expect that there would be a divine scripture."

"This Di Yun can become his descendant, and he should not be a gangster."

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his long beard and sighed.

"Master, understanding can improve understanding. Is it really a fairy elixir?"

"After eating it, won't you practice faster!"

Song Qingshu paid attention to the list rewards, and greed flashed in his eyes.

If he eats the elixir of understanding, he will quickly master Wudang's unique skills.

When I say goodbye to Sister Zhiruo, she will look at her with new eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but be a little moved when he heard this.

If there had been this elixir, his Taiji might have taken a step further.

However, in the end, I feel good.

It recovered soon.

"The magic power is an elixir. If you don't have a big chance, you can't get it. Just do it yourself well. Don't be too persistent."

"Well, for Shigang received a letter from the extermination master, she was ready to unite with the six factions to besiege the Guangming top of the Ming Sect."

"Yuanqiao, it's up to you to deal with this matter."



Next to a river.

"Brother Dingdian, thank you very much this time."

"If it hadn't been for the eldest brother, my sister would have been ruined by the beast Wan Gui, and the eldest brother would have taught me to follow the scriptures, giving me the strength to protect myself."

A simple young man excitedly thanked the elegant man opposite him.

"Brother Di Yun, you are kind by nature and more chivalrous. Brother, you are very close to you."

"God teaches you according to the scriptures, which is not a waste."

"Now that you can enter the diving list, it shows that I haven't seen the wrong person."

Ding Dian smiled and patted Di Yun on the shoulder.

Di Yun smiled and was a little embarrassed.

"By the way, brother, this enlightenment elixir will be given to you."

Thinking about something, Di Yun quickly handed over the elixir.

"No, I'm already a master for my brother. It's more helpful to you."

"Well, let's stop there. If you are free in the future, you can come to me at the place where you live in seclusion for me."

The elegant man smiled brightly.

Then, a little under his feet, he swept away towards the boat in the river.

But for a moment, the boat disappeared in front of Di Yun's eyes.

Looking at the departure Ding Dian, Di Yun was full of pride.

He must practice the scriptures of God and reach the realm of master as soon as possible.

In this way, we can have the strength to protect the younger sister.

To avoid being framed by evil people like Wanji and his son.

Boats on the river.

"Husband, is everything done?"

As soon as she came back, a beautiful woman with a light temperament and a good appearance greeted her.

"Madam, it's done. From now on, we will retire from martial arts and stop asking about Jianghu affairs."

"Great, it's just, husband, aren't you taking revenge on Mei?"

"Well, Mei's three rebels, even if I don't do it, sooner or later, they will suffer the consequences of themselves sooner or later, killing them for fear of staining my hands."

Speaking of which, there was disgust on Dingdian's face.

"I have found an excellent heir for Mei Daxia. Di Yun will definitely be famous in Kyushu in the future. This is the best reward for Mei Daxia."

"Well, everything is up to my husband."

"Speaking of which, we can have a happy ending today, and I really want to thank my benefactor."

"If it weren't for your benefactor, you might have been buried alive by your wolf-hearted father."

"I can't wait to kill him with my own hands to calm my hatred. There is such a cruel and wolf father in the world."

Speaking of which, Ding Dian rarely showed a touch of murder.

"Well, everything is over. Don't mention him anymore."


Daming Palace.

"It's another skill that my concubine has never heard of! The scriptures look very strong.

"As soon as the Kyushu gold list came out, my concubine felt that I was too ignorant."

The queen looked at the golden list in the sky, her beautiful eyes condensed, and her curiosity flashed.

"The Book of God is an infinite skill. Both internal and external cultivation gradually enter the world of divine meditation, and the cultivation of the true spirit is also extremely pure."

"The most important thing is that he can treat internal injuries and even have the effect of resurrecting."

Looking at the curious queen, Zhu Houzhao was full of accomplishment and immediately explained.

"How can you come back to life? Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"It's true that even if you die for an hour, you can be resurrected."

When the queen heard this, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and her heart was a little moved.

Is this still martial arts?

This is regarded as the cultivation of immortals!

"God shines on the scriptures!"

Zhu Hou muttered.

Then I smiled.

I want to know that man as light as a chrysanthemum, and an elegant man.

This is a rare couple of kindness made by Zhu Houzhao.


Hulong Villa.

Zhu ignored and stared at the list in the air with the four spies of heaven and earth.

"Tianya, one knife, you two immediately went to look for Di Yun and take him back to Hulong Villa."

Zhu ignored the flashing light in his eyes and immediately gave an order.

"Godfather, do we need to attach so much importance to him?"

"Even if Di Yun enters the latent dragon list, it is only innate and late, regardless of the overall situation!"

Duan Tianya asked doubtfully.

"The world of Kyushu is boundless, and there are countless innate masters. Di Yun can be selected as the only ten remaining places, which should not be underestimated."

"It's true that he doesn't play much now, but it may not happen in the future."

"If you grow up, there will be another master in Hulong Villa."

"We will have an extra chance of winning against the East Factory."

"On the contrary, if Cao Zhengchun gets it, I'm afraid it will be in danger."

Zhu ignored his righteousness and awe-inspiring face.

"Everything is arranged by the godfather!"

"By the way, right and wrong, how are you and Yunluo?"

"God, don't worry, it's up to me, the lover, who will come out of the horse himself. Princess Yunluo hasn't been captured yet!" Prosist and wrong look complacent.