Chapter 009 Yunluo is on the list

Daming Palace.

"Your Majesty, are you ready to take action? Is it a little early?"

The queen had some doubts.

"Action? What action? I'm just killing a few slaves who carry their backs.

Zhu Houzhao pretended to be stupid.

The golden list appears, and the cow, ghost, snake gods in Kyushu will also appear one by one.

Before seeing the overall situation thoroughly, Zhu Houzhao responded to all changes unchanged.

Slowly accumulate strength and practice yourself.

If he is forced to make a head bird, even if he is a land fairy, he may not insist on.

Or continue to lie flat, get system rewards, and improve your strength first.

As long as he is invincible, he will always be invincible.


Royal Garden.

"Pr. Yunluo, I finally found you. Where have you been these days?"

A ruffian young man stopped Yunluo with a bad smile.

This person is the first spy of the yellow character of Hulong Villa.

He was ignored by the gallbladder god Hou Zhu and sent to "protect" Princess Yunluo.

"It's you again. You really don't go!"

"Get out of the way!"

"My sister-in-law is calling me. How dare you stop me? I will ask my sister-in-law to teach you a lesson!"

Princess Yunluo's face was not good.

The eyes of right and wrong, with disgust.

When Cheng Yifei heard the word "imperial sister-in-law", his frightened body trembled.

The face is pick-up.

Obviously, he is familiar with the queen and even very afraid.

To be honest.

Throughout the Ming Dynasty, he was not afraid of heaven and earth, not afraid of Zhu's disregard, or even the emperor.

But I'm only afraid of the queen.

In front of the queen, right and wrong dare not behaved to be a little unruly and disrespectful.

It's like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Hey hey, Princess Yunluo, it's just a joke. Why are you so serious!"

"By the way, there is another high-end gambling shop in the capital."

"Let's try our luck, okay?"

Laugh at success and wrong and quickly change the topic.

"Falth and wrong, now I'll give you a chance. As long as you win me, I'll go to the gambling shop with you. How about it?"

Princess Yunluo's eyes turned and immediately had an idea.

"Bettery you? Hahaha, isn't this an easy thing!"

"I'm the No. 1 yellow character. In the later stage of the martial arts master, you were born perfect, and the ending is obvious."

It doesn't care if it's right and wrong.

Princess Yunluo didn't have time to get angry.

Above the sky, the hidden dragon list refreshed again.

[Qinlong List · Twenty-fourth place!]


[Identity: Princess of the Ming Dynasty]

[Picture: Congenital Perfection]

[Fatm: Single Front Sword Tips]

[Reward: prefecture-level middle-class spiritual object: five-leaf sword-shaped grass, which can greatly improve the sword spirit.]


Seeing the names on the list, the face of right and wrong is stagnant.

With a trace of incredible.

Yunluo actually entered the diving list?

Single-front sword secret?

What kind of swordsmanship is this? He seems to have never heard of it!

"Well, I'm on the list? The swordsmanship taught me by my brother is really extraordinary.

Seeing herself on the list, Yun Luo opened his eyebrows and smiled.

Gently stroked the single sword given to her by the emperor's brother in his hand, smiling.

"What about success and wrong? Is it more than it?"

"In front of me, a real hidden dragon, your district master is not enough to see at all."

Yunluo looked at right and wrong with a look.

"Hey hey, Yunluo, come on, let's have a competition."

"But the district is congenital, even if it is on the list, so what? How can it be my opponent of martial arts master?"

Pross and sos soon recovered.

There was a cheap smile on his face.


Just the next second!

A sharp sword gas came.

The horrible sword spirit seems to pierce the void.

With a casual sword, there is such terrible power.

The attack power is terrible, beyond imagination.

"It's special!"

The face changed greatly in an instant, and there was a burst of curse in my heart.

I don't want to think about it. I'm really angry when I'm running quickly.

King Kong's magic skills are unfolded.

The whole body becomes golden.

"Yunluo, it's useless. My defense, don't say that your district is congenital. Even if it's a master, what if it's a great master?"

"I was born to be invincible..."


Before the words of right and wrong were finished, a sword spirit hit him.

There was a loud noise.

In an instant.

The face of right and wrong is frozen.

The eyes were extremely big.


A mouthful of blood spewed out.

The defense of King Kong is not bad, but it is broken in an instant.

The sword spirit passed directly through the chest.

The internal organs of the body are seriously damaged.

"What kind of swordsmanship are you..."

With deep incomprecion, right and wrong only felt the darkness in front of him, completely fell to the ground and fainted.

If it hadn't been for Yunluo's mercy.

A blow just now killed him.

"Ha ha, King Kong doesn't bad magic power?"

"I can only deal with some ordinary people."

Yunluo glanced disdainfully at right and wrong.

"Although I am innate, when it comes to the meaning of single front swords, even if the perfect swordsman of the master is not so."

"It's not easy to beat you, a little gangster!"

"Holy? I still want to pursue the princess, let's do it in my next life!"

After saying that, Yunluo didn't care and did not leave.

My sister-in-law is still waiting for her!

Don't miss the time.


Queen's Palace.

"Yunluo was on the list?"

The queen was also a little surprised.

Zhu Houzhao nodded calmly, and there was no surprise.

If it hadn't been for the foundation, she would have become a Kendo master, and it would not have been included in the top 20.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm coming!"

Before the eunuch reported, Yun Luo came in directly.

"Your Majesty, the method you taught me is so effective that you have saved me several years!"

"Really, as long as you are happy."

"Huh? You've been really angry. Who did you do it with?"

"Well, it's not the annoying guy who is right and wrong. He is always pestering. He knocked him unconscious with a sword just now. I dare to mess with him in the future."

"Is it right or wrong? I'm afraid it's God's trick, Yunluo, be careful in the future."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the gap between him and me will become bigger and wider in the future, so big that you can only run and chase my back."

Zhu Houzhao listened and laughed dumbly.

The stronger the girl is, the thicker the face will be.