Chapter 012 I can't even catch my move


Xie Xiaofeng nodded and did not refuse.

Although he likes this woman, he is too arrogant to spoil her.

Only by letting her know her ability and breaking the arrogance in her heart can she subdue her.

Xie Xiaofeng made a sword finger with his right hand, and the surging true spirit poured in.

The robe flew and the momentum fluctuated.

An invisible sword spirit went straight to Murong Qiudi.

Although there is no sword, the power of the sword alone should not be underestimated.

Under the finger of this sword, I don't know how many martial arts masters were hit and died in their hands.

But with such a sword finger, it is difficult to enter within a range of nine feet around Murong Qiudi.

Invisible true airflow.

The thick body protection is true, which can be easily blocked.

Xie Xiaofeng's face changed greatly in an instant.

The eyes are full of incredible.

"You, you are actually a martial arts master!"


How could Qiu Di be a master?

Xie Xiaofeng couldn't believe it.

She seems to be a few years younger than herself!

Xie Xiaofeng only felt a slap and was thrown.

I have a grievance that has never been seen before.

"Master, what about the master? I still defeat you!"

Xie Xiaofeng looked awe.

Pull out the divine sword in your hand, and the sword spirit poured out.

He is going to be serious.

He is ready to make the strongest sword.

Even if he hurts Qiu Di, he must take back his lost dignity.

"Qiu Di, be careful."

"I can't even control this sword."

The voice has just fallen.


The truth of terror surged out, and the bright golden light flashed away.

The third young master's sword, like lightning, stabbed straight to Murong Qiudi.

It is Xie Xiaofeng's strongest sword move to become famous.

He has tried his best to do this sword.

"Qiu Di, you are destined to be Xie Xiaofeng's wife."

The third young master shouted loudly.

Even if Qiu Di is a master, it will never be better under this sword.


A loud noise.

The violent wind swept away in all directions.

The surrounding flowers and trees seem to have been blown by a hurricane.

It's full of mess.

But the third young master's sword actually stayed five feet away from Murong Qiudi, and it was difficult to get in.

"How is it possible?"

Xie Xiaofeng's face stiffened again.

The eyes are round.

The horrible body protection is true to protect Murong Qiudi.

His strongest sword can't even break the other party's body protection.

"I don't believe it!"

Xie Xiaofeng shook his head fiercely.

In an instant, it turned into countless shadows.

Sharp and mysterious sword moves turned into sword spirit and quickly surrounded Murong Qiudi.

Everything he has learned in his life is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.


The power of terror soon completely destroyed this beautiful scenery.

The sword spirit cut the earth into deep cracks.

But Murong Qiudi still looks calm.

He looked down on Xie Xiaofeng.

There was a trace of disdain on the corners of the mouth.

"It's my time!"

Murong Qiudi drank softly.

The right hand pinched the secret.

"The trace of duckweed!"

A duckweed flower transformed by true qi appeared.

The instantaneous shot to Xie Xiaofeng.

Xie Xiaofeng immediately raised a strong uneasiness in his heart.

This is a crisis, a warning from my heart.


The picturesque attack moves actually have such a murderous opportunity.

Xie Xiaofeng exerted his strength to the limit and tried his best to resist Murong Qiudi's attack.

The whole space seems to be imprisoned.

Xie Xiaofeng's breath suddenly stagnated.

Looking at the beautiful and deadly "flower" and bombarding on myself.


In an instant, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Xie Xiaofeng was directly hit hard.

With one more move, the future sword god will die here.

"Qiu Di, stop!"

In the end, Xie Xiaofeng had no choice but to shout.

Although I am a little aggrieved, it is still important to save your life.

"Third young master, I'm not interested in marrying you."

"Don't come to me in the future."

"With your Kendo talent, you should concentrate on practicing."

"The world is very big. I don't know how many people are better than you."

"You are far from the genius you think!"

"If you meet him, I'm afraid you can't even hold on to his look."

Murong Qiudi's tone was flat, as if he was talking about something that could be most normal.

But in the ears of the third young master, it is like a sharp arrow pierced through the heart.

I almost spit another breath of blood when I was almost stimulated.

Embarrassment, anger, aggrievedness, unwillingness...

What I had never felt before is now pouring up.

"The 'Dao Liu Ping' just now is just the most basic move."

"Even so, you can't answer it. I'm a little disappointed."

Murong Qiudi shook his head and sighed.

Xie Xiaofeng, the third young master, was suddenly stupid.

Such a terrible blow.

Is it still a basic move?

In addition, the "he" in Qiu Di's mouth is too exaggerated.

Can't even catch your eyes?

Is "he" still a person!?

I claim to be the first day in the world.

After more than ten years of invincibility, I couldn't even catch Murong Qiudi's move.

It's ridiculous.

"Let's go!"

"I'm looking forward to knowing shame and then being brave, showing your true demeanor of sword god."

Murong Qiudi said lightly with an attitude of teaching his descendants.

After saying that, he greeted the two maids in the distance and turned back.

"Thank you very much."

The third young master showed bitterness, arched his hand slightly, and slowly left.

The pain in the body is not as good as the pain in the heart.

However, it's not that he has gained nothing.

At least, he has a goal to catch up in his heart.

It's not like that. I think that the world is invincible and arrogant.


"Miss, the third young master Xie Xiaofeng is too vulnerable."

"Yes, that's it. It's still a genius. It's ridiculous!"

Along the way, the two little maids talked happily.

"Xie Xiaofeng is just an irrelevant person. Don't mention him anymore."

"By the way, how's the investigation going on what I told you before?"

Say it here.

Originally, his temperament was elegant and he behaved properly. Murong Qiudi, the best friend, changed greatly in a blink of an eye.

Become arrogant and inviolable.

Seeing this, the two little maids immediately converged.

He knelt to the ground respectfully.

"Tianzun, the last time that man appeared was in the capital."

"But no matter how much we check, we can't find any trace of him."

Murong Qiudi listened and his face changed.

"Well, I finally found you and bullied me. I thought it would be clear if I left a secret?"

"It's impossible. If you become my person, you will never fly from the palm of my hand."

"Even at the end of the world, I will definitely find you."

Murong Qiudi's tone is determined, extremely majestic and domineering.

I never thought that the girl in front of me was so deep hidden.

Not only the martial arts master, but also created an extremely horrible organization.