Chapter 021 The idea hit me

Daming Palace.

"The old slave Cao Zhengchun knocked to your majesty, and Liu Xi's head and old slave have brought it."

Cao Zhengchun knelt in front of Zhu Houzhao tremblingly.

"Let it go, Liu Xiyi. I don't want one to stay. Do you hear me!"

Zhu Houzhao's indifferent voice sounded.

"And, getting a hundred sticks down is a lesson for you."

"Always remember your identity!"

"If I hadn't seen some of your credit and served you with me since my prince, I would have cut you to pieces."

Hearing Zhu Houzhao's punishment, Cao Zhengchun was not surprised and overjoyed.

Your Majesty's punishment shows that Liu Xi's story is over.

On the contrary, if you don't punish him, it will be the greatest punishment for him.

Even the factory will be sturbated to the end.

"Lao Slave, thank Your Majesty for not killing!"

Cao Zhengchun cried with joy.

"Get down and do what you should do!"

Knock Cao Zhengchun so that he wouldn't kick his nose on his face.

He is not Zhu Houzhao in the play. With his current strength and status, he killed a domestic slave in the district, which is just one sentence.

However, this person is more convenient to use.

I gave up the idea of killing him.

In the court, there are loyal ministers, good ministers, capable ministers and cadres. Of course, there are also treacherous ministers and sycophant ministers.

Cao Zhengchun is a treacherous sycophant in the morning.

It's appropriate for some ministers to do what he can't do.

This is also his way of employing people.


Harem, Huaqing Palace.

This is where Concubine Zhu Houzhao lives.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao stepped forward.

In the courtyard, there is a stone table, next to which sat a peerless girl playing the piano quietly.

He is about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Beautiful as a fairy, bright and beautiful, ice crystal jade bone, like a fairy in the heavenly palace.


Seeing the woman, Zhu Houzhao smiled comfortably.

"Brother Su Yi!"

Seeing Zhu Houzhao, although the little dragon girl's expression was faint, she could still see the joy in her eyes.

That's good. It's the little dragon girl.

The head of the Nanshan Tomb School in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao got married to the dragon girl, or because of an accident.

At the beginning, I traveled to the Southern Song Dynasty and prepared to go to Zhongnan Mountain.

But I didn't expect that Quanzhenism at that time was being attacked by the strongmen of the Yuan Dynasty.

Even the Tomb School has been affected.

Quanzhenism and the Tomb School are almost completely destroyed.

The little dragon girl was almost seriously injured and died.

Naturally, Zhu Houzhao would not save him from death. He immediately took action to destroy the great master of the Yuan Dynasty who attacked the ancient tomb.

Take the little dragon girl away directly and treat her.

With Zhu Houzhao's method of picking up girls, how can a simple little dragon girl be her opponent?

But in a short time, I fell in love with him completely.

Then, of course, she was taken back to the palace.

He was appointed as the imperial concubine.

Without the little dragon girl, what should Yang Guo do in the future?

That's none of his business.

The imperial concubine Liu Xi wanted to kidnap before was the little dragon girl.

Unexpectedly, I want to use the little dragon girl to practice the so-called power absorption method, which is simply looking for death.

"Dragon, I've scared you before. I've solved the bedbug that hurt you."

"Well, I'm not afraid with Brother Su Yi, and the Binglian heart you taught me is very strong. That eunuch can't hurt me."

The little dragon girl smiled with a touching smile.

Zhu Hou took a clear picture.

Ice lotus heart decision is a martial arts born from the Qinglian Fairy Sutra.

He created it specifically for the Dragon Girl.

Liu Xi, but it's just a master. How can he be the opponent of the master?

Not bad.

With the help of Zhu Houzhao, how can the dragon girl's strength be simple?

I have already stepped into the master.

If the land fairy does not come out, the little dragon girl will not be in danger.

"Come on, I'm free today. I happen to practice Jade Girl's Suxin swordsmanship together."

"I have improved this swordsmanship. Even if it comes to the land immortals, I can continue to practice."

After hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, the little dragon girl was full of joy.

She feels that her current life is countless times happier than that in the ancient tomb.

As long as she stays with Zhu Houzhao, she will never feel lonely.


Time goes by day.

These days, the gold list has not been opened again.

It will take another month to refresh.

At the same time, the whole of Kyushu rose and cloudy.

The undercurrent of the Taoist road broke out in all corners.

The same is true of Daming Capital.

The first restaurant in the capital.

OK, come to the restaurant again!

During this period, countless people came and went.

Take a gully and eat a lot of meat.

It's very lively.

I keep talking about recent major events in the world.

Zhuge Shenhou, one of the four famous arresters under his command, was dressed in regular clothes and sat in a corner of the restaurant.

There was a burst of comments from people from all over the world.

"Did you hear that?"

"On the full moon night, Ximen Blows Snow and Ye Gucheng will compete with swords on the top of the Forbidden City to determine who the first swordsman of the Ming Dynasty is!"

"Is it true?"

"These two people are really arrogant!"

"I guess it's also because of the hidden dragon list. I want to start the name first!"

"This matter has been in full play. Who doesn't know and who doesn't know?"

"Ha ha, ridiculous!"

"The Forbidden City is the important place of the Ming Palace. They ignore the majesty of the royalty. Will they turn a blind eye to Hulong Villa, Jinyiwei, East-West Factory, Six Doors, and Zhuge Shehenhou Mansion?"

"The iron gallbladder god marquis and Cao castrated endless infighting. The six doors and the Shenhou Mansion are also fighting openly and secretly. Xichang and Jinyiwei also don't like each other. How can they care about the martial arts struggle in their eyes?"

"Kid, you don't want to die. No matter how much they consume internally, it's not what we can say, so as not to cause death!"


Yuelai Inn, West District, Beijing.

Ye Gucheng kept wiping the sword in his hand, and his eyes were calm and waveless.

"Mong Gong, how are you doing?"

When the sword was inserted back into the scabbard, Ye Gucheng asked a shadow in the dark.

"Everything is ready."

"Ha ha, tomorrow, the bodyguard of the inner palace will be transferred for a quarter of an hour. At that time, the lord of the city can take His Royal Highness straight to the emperor's bedroom."

A shrill and harsh voice sounded.

"Well, as long as I see Emperor Daming and rest for three breaks, I will definitely take his life. Even if it is protected by the master, I can't stop me!"

Ye Gucheng clenched his fists excitedly and showed arrogance.

The eyes are full of self-confidence.

So what about the emperor?

Under his sword, it's just dead bones in the tomb.

This decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City is an excuse for Ye Gucheng to enter the palace.

Change the world another day, once it succeeds.

The whole Ming Dynasty will be theirs.

"Mr. Gao, after everything is done, the world will not forget you."

"I won't forget you in Ye Gucheng."

"Thank you, Lord, for cultivating it!"