Chapter 034 The black hand reached into the palace of another country

Qin Emperor.

Why is Daming's person on the list again?

I have so many geniuses in Daqin. Why can't any of them be on the list?

Ying Zheng didn't understand.

Is it difficult to look down on his Daqin?

"Zhao Gao, how's the arrest of Gai Nie going?" Ying Zheng frowned.

"Your Majesty, Gainie has colluded with the Xiang family and the Moh family."

"There are also many six countries that rebelled and secretly helped them escape."

"Your Majesty hired Weizhuang in quicksand and went to help hunt them down."

"It is estimated that it won't take long for Gai Nie to be arrested."


Zhao Gao said this, and he hesitated a little.

"But what?"

"Recently, the yin and yang family seems to have changed."

"Many people were sent to Baiyue City."

Yingzheng is a little interested.

"Is it the business of the yin and yang family?"

"Well, you can use Dongjun to test this unfathomable Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

"I'd like to see what he wanted to get when he helped Daqin?"

If the Eastern Emperor and the Eastern Emperor are immortal, it is best in his interests.

It's terrible that the two land immortals unite together.

"Your Majesty, Su Yue, who is the first innate leader in the Qianlong list, do we need to take her in our hands?"

"In this way, Dongjun may become a chess piece of my Qin!"

Speaking of which, a trace of cold flashed in Zhao Gao's eyes.

One by one, the vicious plans came out immediately.

When Ying Zheng heard the words, he was a little moved.

However, if you want to say something, you still shook your head cautiously.

"Observe for another period of time."

"A land fairy, or a woman, once devours it, the consequences will be devastating."

"You have 100% ability to control her?"

"Dongjun may be threatened. What should you do with those women in Baiyue City?"

If one is not handled properly, Baiyue City will never die with Daqin.

Even it will far exceed the remnants of the six kingdoms and the hatred of the Qin Dynasty.

"There is also a mysterious green lotus sword fairy. Have you considered it?"

Just as the two were talking secretly.

But they didn't know what a figure was secretly listening and recording something in a secret corner not far from them.

Word by word, there is no omission at all.

This man's hidden skills are incredible.

Even Zhao Gao and Yingzheng, and even the ubiquitous secret guards in the palace, were not found.


Sui Palace.

"Your Majesty, Yangzhou Shuanglong, my concubine has brought it to you."

A graceful and luxurious beauty in a back robe slowly came in.

He saluted Yang Guang, who was in the upper head.

Behind her, there was Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were almost caught more than a month ago.

It's just why did the two fall into the hands of Empress Xiao Mei Niang?

It seems that their experience during this period must be wonderful.

"Yangzhou Shuanglong?"

"Queen, how did you find them?"

"Didn't the spies of the major imperial dynasties take action to destroy them?"

Sometimes Yang Guang's brains turn quickly.

"The sandpiper and clam compete, and the fisherman will benefit!"

"In addition, these two people were very clever and were finally rescued by their concubine."

The light in Xiao Mei Niang's beautiful eyes flashed away.

"Interesting, people who can be recognized by the latent dragon list, even if they are only innate realms, should not be underestimated!"

"In that case, queen, you will cultivate these two people."

"I hope they can surprise me in the future."

Yang Guang waved his hand and didn't pay much attention to Shuanglong.

A month ago, he may have been interested.

Now, he pays more attention to the master, and even the master-level latent dragon.

What's the use of two congenital?

When they were promoted to the master, it would be very useful, and the flowers would probably be thanked.

"Althing, my concubine's men are just short of manpower, and the two are just right."

Xiao Meiniang smiled and did not refuse.

Then he took the two dragons to retreat.

Queen's Palace.

"Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, do you know why this palace saved you?"

At this time, Xiao Meiniang sat high and looked at the two majesticly.

There was a strong atmosphere all over his body, which changed their faces.

"Queen, so you are so strong?"

This breath is no weaker than witches and fairy!

"It must be because our Yangzhou Shuanglong is a good material, and the Empress has a love for talent."

"Although you two are well talented, it's a pity that you still can't get into the eyes of this palace."

"Mother, is it also because of the secret of immortality?" Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other and were vigilant.

"Yes, no!"

Xiao Miniang nodded and shook her head again.

What do you mean?

The breath on Xiao Mei Niang suddenly began to change.

Fire red, khaki, grass green, water blue, golden, black, white.

Multiple colors change from each other.

At the same time,

The real qi in Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong couldn't help following and running.

"The secret of immortality?!!"

"Queen, what you practice is also the secret of immortality!!"

Shuanglong blurted out his mouth in disbelief.

"It's really smart. Now it's time for you to kneel down and call me a master."


Shuanglong was dumbfounded.

The brain didn't turn around for a moment.

Finally, Kou Zhong was smart.

He directly pulled Xu Ziling, fell to the ground, and buttoned nine heads.

He shouted with an excited face:

"Apprentice Kou Zhong (Xu Ziling), see the master!"

"That's right, children can teach! Get up!"

"Although you have luckily practiced the secret of immortality, you know very little about the real mystery. From tomorrow on, I will personally teach you the real mystery!"

"By the way, you also have mastered some forces under the command of this palace, which is a kind of experience."

"Queen Xie, oh, no, Xie Shizun!"

Looking at the happy Shuanglong, Xiao Meiniang sighed.

"So that's it. Did you expect what happened today as early as a few years ago?"

"Do you really have the ability to predict the future?"

"In that case, why didn't you take me away at that time, but let me continue to suffer here?"

Xiao Meiniang didn't know what she was saying, and her tone was full of resentment.