Chapter 040 I don't want to use force, why do I want to force me

Daming Emperor.

Twenty-eight miles.

Hengshan sent his disciples to stay outside the place, ten miles away.

"Okay, Sister Yilin, I said why did you leave the station every once in a while? It turned out that you hid here to practice secretly!"

"If you do this, you will worry your master and uncle."

"It's dangerous outside these days. Don't leave the station too far away."

With the soft footsteps, a surprised voice sounded.

On a huge bluestone, a beautiful little nun, about 16 or seventeen years old, beautiful and charming, opened her eyes and looked at a worried young man in front of her.

"Brother Linghu, why are you here?"

"Are I bothering you?"

"These days are the critical moment for my breakthrough, so I came out to practice alone."

Yilin said with a trace of apology.

"Huh? Yilin, aren't you practicing Hengshan skills?

"Do they know that Dingyishi is too much?"

Ling Hu frowned and didn't ask.

"Master doesn't know, and I don't know how to tell her!"

"Yes, I understand your mood."

Ling Hu rushed and nodded.

Yilin's situation is similar to what he learned from Dugu Jiujian.

Everyone has their own secrets.

"Yilin, your strength is very strong. Why don't you compare with the previous game? Maybe you can break through!"

The fox showed a trace of interest in his eyes.

Yilin is by no means as harmless as she looks.

He wants to try it out.

"Brother Linghu, I have no choice but to fight with others!"

Yilin looked up, and in her eyes, two subtle Buddha lights flashed away.

In an instant.

Some of the surrounding snakes, insects and rats seem to be imprisoned at this moment.

The strength of Linghu Chong opposite is not weak.

I suddenly noticed the strangeness.

The hair stood upside down.


Let the fox be on alert instinctively.

"Sister Yilin, you..."

Ling Hu looked at her in horror.

Obviously, there is no murderous spirit, and even full of uprightness, but Hu Chong has a feeling that he wants to be strangled at any time.

Seeing this, Yilin quickly stopped her momentum.

Meditate on the Buddha.

"Amitabha Buddha, sin!"

"He said that while having strong strength, you must have a sufficient mood."

"Keep your heart and never be manipulated by power."

"Before practicing martial arts, you must cultivate your heart..."

Yilin remembered the past in her heart.

A year ago, she went out to walk away with her sisters, but she didn't want to meet Tian Boguang, a flower picker.

At a time of danger and despair, it was he who fell from the sky.

Kill that lewd thief.

It was also he who taught his supreme magic skills, and then took himself all the way to the Hengshan Gate and left.

Now a year has passed.

Relying on that magic skill, her strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Even, she felt that even the masters and uncles were not her opponents.

And sometimes, even if she doesn't practice, her cultivation will automatically rise.

In the past few months, she had reached the perfection of the Master.

I haven't been out for the past few days, not to break through the master.

Quite the opposite.

She wants to suppress the realm and continue to stay in the realm of master.

I don't want to break through so quickly.

She wants to practice Buddhism while practicing martial arts.

Sharpen your mood.

She will keep suppressing the Dharma until it reaches a certain standard.

Every time she suppresses it, she feels like a baptism of her heart.

If she can't stand the mood, her cultivation may make rapid progress.

But the cart is upside down.

The future will also be harmful and useless.

She firmly believed in his admonition.

Therefore, for the past year, she has not dared to be careless at all.


"Hahaha, a Huashan abandoned apprentice and a little Hengshan nun, are you here for a private meeting?"

"I didn't expect my aunt to miss spring too?"

"Hahaha, it's interesting!"

Just as Yilin fell into memory, a strange sound of yin and yang sounded.

Then, more than a dozen masked men in black quickly surrounded.

"Don't hide it anymore. Are you from the Songshan School!"

Ling Huchong immediately drank it and pulled out the sword in his hand.

"Nonsense, we are the people of the demon religion, not those hypocrites in the decent."

"Why talk nonsense with him to solve this traitor who colluded with the demon religion with the greedy little nun? We still have more important things!"

"What is your purpose?"

Yilin looked calm and didn't panic at all.

The personal atmosphere of these people is so weak that it is not a threat to her.

"Do you want to sneak up on my master and sisters?"

"Hahaha, are you still a little smart? Unfortunately, I'm dying soon!"

"Just right, I'll solve you before I solve those old nuns."

After saying that, several masked men held swords and killed Yilin in front of them.

On the other side, Ling Hu Chong's face changed.

This is so powerful.

These people are all martial arts masters.

Where did the Songshan faction get so many strong people?

He is sure that these people are the helpers of the Songshan faction.

But it is definitely not what the Songshan School can cultivate.

Did the Songshan faction collude with other forces for the unity of the five mountains?

With his lonely nine swords, he can only barely deal with one or two people.

But there are more than a dozen people here now!

He is not an opponent at all?

Do you want to escape?

But once she escapes, not only will Yilin's sister be dangerous, but also the disciples of the Hengshan faction behind him will die one by one.

Just as Ling Huchong was struggling.

On the other hand, Yilin quietly looked at the oncoming sword, as if she had not noticed the other party's cultivation.

It's just a sigh.

"I just want to practice quietly, not to use force. Why do you force me?"

"Glazed lotus seal!"

Yilin pinched the secret with both hands and danced.

In an instant, a Fanlian appeared.

It exudes a bright Buddha's light, which is vast and magnificent.

Play directly to face.

Jianlian met, but the faces of several people in black opposite changed greatly.

In the lotus, the power of Buddhism circulating.

While creating everything, it destroys everything.

Several people in black only felt like a lonely boat in the stormy waves, which couldn't resist it for a moment.




The man in black, who had just been out of power, was hit by Yilin one after another and seriously injured.

The powerful power of Buddhism in the body circulates, and the master-level cultivation of the people in black is difficult to use, just like martial arts have been abolished.

"How come?"

"How could this little nun be so strong?"

"How can't you fight back?"

"Is it a martial arts master?"

Shocking thoughts flashed in my mind one after another.