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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 49

Author: Pan Sheng 001

However, a strong sense of viciousness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

If Zhu Houzhao was here, he would have felt very strange.

This East is invincible and not the same person as his understanding.

It's a girl dressed as a man.

The famous god of the sun and moon god religion, Dongfang was unbeaten, and she turned out to be a woman.


Twenty-eight miles.


Seeing Ding Yishi and others coming, Yilin greeted him in a soft voice.

"Yilin, are you all right?"

Seeing the corpses all over the ground around him, Ding Yishi was too tight and hurriedly looked at Yilin with concern.

"I'm fine."

"That's good."

Although she knew that Yilin was good nowadays, she subconsciously regarded her as a soft and cute girl.

You need to always care.

If you are a little indied, you are afraid that she will be hurt.

"Yilin, what's wrong with these people?"

Before Yilin spoke, Ling Huchong next to her responded first:

"Tian Dingyi, these should be the people sent by the Songshan faction to assassinate you?"

"Or, it's someone who comes to threaten you."

"They's purpose is to merge the Five Yue faction into one thing!"

Ding Yishi stepped forward and checked one by one.

"These are not people from the Songshan faction, and they are all killed in one shot."

"The person who started it, quickly, accurate and cruel, very unusual."

He frowned and glanced at Ling Huchong thoughtfully.

However, after all, these people are enemies and still want to kill them. Although they are a little uncomfortable, they still have to bear Ling Huchong's feelings.

However, I don't think so much about what he did.

Chapter 043 The Queen's Secret [Ask for Flowers]

Daming Palace.

Queen's bedroom.

At this time, the queen sat graceful and solemnly in the back seat, looking down at a woman dressed as a maid of honor below.

"Younger, how's it going?"

"Miss Hui, our first step plan has been successfully completed, and the next step is to implement the second step plan."

"Well, you did a good job and didn't disappoint the palace." The queen nodded with satisfaction.

"Miss, it's been several years. Why haven't you done it yet? Are you really in love with Emperor Daming?

"What you have done over the years has been secretly helping the emperor, but the emperor doesn't know at all. Why is this bitter?"

The maid of honor asked with an entangled face.

It seems that the relationship between the queen and the maid of honor is not as simple as it seems.

"So what? Your Majesty is now my husband and my closest person!"

"Miss, have you forgotten the real purpose of your draft to enter the palace?"

"At this time, then, at that time, His Majesty and I didn't know each other at all. Naturally, we can calculate it indifferently. But now, for many years of husband and wife, we have long been separated from each other."

"Miss, this Ming emperor is not worthy of you at all!"

"Who said that I should not deserve Your Majesty? No man in the world can match His Majesty."

When the queen said this, she couldn't help showing a touch of pink on her face.

"Miss, you are fascinated. It seems that you have been completely fascinated by the emperor."

"How about this? At the beginning, your plan was to use beauty to fascinate the emperor. Now why is it fascinated?"

"What magic does Emperor Daming have?"

The young girl of honor curled her lips and said helplessly.

"Younger, you don't understand. Well, don't say more. I know what I'm doing."

"Now our plan needs to be changed to remove those plans that hurt Daming and Your Majesty in other ways."

The queen didn't care, but was happy.

"Well, we can start implementing the second step plan."

"Remember, be careful when acting. Don't be found by Your Majesty's people, otherwise, Your Majesty is guilty. I'll ask you!"

"Now is not the time to have a showdown with Your Majesty."

Seeing that her beloved lady began to "dislike" herself, Qinger couldn't help shaking her head:

"Well, everything is up to you."

"One more thing, miss, you asked me to secretly convince Murong Qiudi, Lin Shiyin and others of Daming. There seems to be something wrong."

"They's cultivation seriously exceeded our estimate."

"In the realm of martial arts masters, they are the top batches. Unless land immortals are sent, they can't be taken down at all."

"Even we may still fail."

"On the contrary, I will beat the grass and startle the snake."

Speaking of business, the rare face of the mysterious maid of honor showed awe.

"Murong Qiudi and Lin Shiyin, these two people don't need to contact each other for the time being. This palace will deal with it in person."

"For some reason, I always feel that they will be full of threats to me in the future."

"In this case, it's better to kill them immediately to avoid future troubles. It's better to kill mistakes than let them go."

"No, Qinger, you're making bad ideas again. I'll solve this by myself. Just do your own business."


Royal Garden.

Zhu Houzhao lay comfortably again.

Those messy things in the court and martial arts have long been forgotten by him.

Just now, he received a lot of systematic rewards.

I'm in a happy mood and crooked.

Seeing Yilin at the 11th place on the list, she couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth.

The little nun really listened to his words.

Fan Lian was born out of his Green Lotus Immortal Sutra.

Combined with Buddhism, the effect is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

When I was on a trip, I accidentally rescued Yilin, which was also predestined to her.

In just one year, it has such a good effect.

In the future, as long as you follow your heart, there is almost no doubt that a land immortal will be.

It is also an unintentional step.

Just then.

The leader of the dark guard appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty!"

"Oh, you're coming. What can I do for you?"

"Your Majesty, a mysterious force has appeared in the world recently, and its actions are extremely secretive. If it hadn't been for an accident, our dark guards would have been almost been hidden."

"Oh? It's interesting to almost hide it from you. Do you know which force is behind them? Or the imperial dynasty?"

The first thing Zhu Houzhao doubted was Daqin and Tang Dynasty.

Even several other imperial dynasties were among his suspects.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure that they have land immortals."

"The other party doesn't seem to want to complain with me, and he hasn't done anything unreasonable."

"Please also ask your majesty for instructions, what should the Dark Guard do next?"

"Do you want to continue surveillance or start a direct war?"

The leader of the dark guard did not dare to make a decision and directly threw the problem to Zhu Houzhao.

"As long as you don't do anything harmful to the people, you will continue to pay attention to surveillance secretly."

"Once you violate the majesty of Daming, do everything you can completely erase them."

"If there are any consequences, I will make my own decisions for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know what to do."

After the leader of the dark guard retreated, Zhu Houzhao fell into meditation.

Mysterious forces?

Which party is it?

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