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The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wuyu Chapter 52

Author: Pan Sheng 001

The Eastern Emperor gritted his teeth.

However, even if he was bombarded by Concubine Yan's attack, he was only embarrassed on the surface.

But I didn't get much real harm.

Even the huge black robe on his body was not damaged.

"Your Majesty Donghuang, do you want to continue?"

"I may not beat you, but you can't help me!"

"Now, I just want to see my daughter. Anyone who stops her is my biggest enemy."

"It's no exception, including Lord Donghuang and the Yin and Yang family!"

Two horrible hot flames flashed in the eyes of Princess Dongjun Yan.

It seems that it will explode at any time.

A terrible momentum is about to appear.

It seems that the next moment, he will never die with the Eastern Emperor.

"Concubine Yan, this time I will give you face. Next time, I won't let you go so easily."

"I hope you can take it yourself."

The Eastern Emperor took a deep look at Concubine Yan.

I didn't continue to fight, but directly turned into a streamer and disappeared in front of my eyes.

The temptation just now has proved that Concubine Yan is indeed a land fairy.

Perhaps because of the new promotion, there will be a lack of combat effectiveness.

But the difference will not be too big.

It is unwise to die until there is no way to kill or arrest Concubine Yan.

In a short time, Dongjun could not threaten the Yin and Yang family.

What about letting her go for a while?

When he breaks through to a stronger realm, Little Yanfei is not worth mentioning at all.

Seeing that Emperor Taiyi really left, Concubine Yan was relieved.

As a last resort, she didn't want to have a complete stalemate with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Born in a yin and yang family, she knows too well how terrible the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is.

No one knows how deep its hiding is.

She doesn't want sandpipers to compete with each other to let the fisherman benefit.

"Sister Cher, this place should not be left for a long time. Let's leave immediately."

Greeting the snow girl not far away, the two of them did not stop and flew away quickly.

There is only a messy battlefield left.

A few hours later.

The terrible scene here was discovered by intentional people and spread completely.

It has caused the arrival of many martial arts people.

Especially when I saw that deep crack, it was completely manpowered.

It made all the martial arts people horren.

They can't imagine how terrible people do all this on their own.

Unfortunately, these guys are too far from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Princess Yan.

At most, it's a master, innate.

It's not at the same level at all.

With their narrow vision, how can they imagine the horrors of the real strong?


It is far away from the border between Daqin and the former Zhao State.

At this time, a convoy of more than a dozen people was moving slowly.

"Lord Zhao Gao, not far ahead, there seems to be someone blocking the way!"

"Oh? Who dares to be so bold that even our car dares to stop it? It's just to die!"

"Six sword slaves, kill them!"

In the carriage, a vagic voice sounded.

"Yes, my id!"

The next moment, six figures flashed by.

Quickly encircle the "robbers" who blocked the way forward.

It only takes a few minutes for those so-called "robbers" will die under the sword of the six sword slaves.

Chapter 046 Zhao Gao fell into the calculation [Ask for Flowers]

And at a time when Zhao Gao thinks he is calculating.


The situation on the scene suddenly changed.

The "robbers" who were originally regarded as ants by him changed rapidly.

Instead, the six swordsmen who went to besieged fell into the situation of being besieged.

Taoist terrorist murder, densely all over the world.

It seems to be in a mysterious formation.

The identity of hunters and prey suddenly changed.


The Taoist sword was densely scattered around, and he shot at the six sword slaves.

"No, the trick is tricked!"

"These people came prepared. Their target is Lord Zhao Gao!"

As the top killer of the net, the six sword slaves are accompanied by siege.

The unity of six people is unpredictable.

Even the top masters may not be able to help them.

Unfortunately, those who are fighting against each other now also have the ability to encircle.

In addition, there is no intention.

The six sword slaves fell into the wind in an instant, and there was a possibility of death at any time.

"Lord Zhao Gao, it's dangerous ahead. Let's leave immediately!"

Zhao Gao's team was immediately reported.

"It doesn't matter. Keep watching. Let's take a look. Who dares to be so bold? It's annoying to our family.

"The remnants of the six kingdoms? Or is it a yin and yang family? Or are other people from the imperial dynasty?"

Zhao Gao was not afraid at all, but a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

He has always been the only one who takes the initiative to provoke others, but there are still people who provoke him.

It's just looking for death.

No matter who is behind him, he has to bear his endless anger.

He has this self-confidence.

As long as it is not the land fairy, he is absolutely invincible.



A sad scream came.

The beheading of the six sword slaves was directly led by a sword owl.

The siege skill of the six sword slaves was broken in an instant.

The momentum has been greatly reduced.

The combat effectiveness also began to decline rapidly.

Seeing this, the momentum rose again.

The sword spirit of the attack is becoming more and more horrible and fast.

Zhao Gao's face changed. Unexpectedly, the enemy did this step in order to kill him.

Send so many strong people?

Six sword slaves are the best weapon in his hand.

Now that I have folded it, I can't fold the other five here.

As soon as the body moved, the blood flashed.

Soon came to the battlefield.

He tried to take action himself and kill the "robbers".


Just when Zhao Gao thought he could kill the enemy easily.

The siege technique has changed again.

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