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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wu Ji. Chapter 59

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Ninth place, Lin Shiyin?!

"Who is Lin Shiyin? I don't seem to have heard of it?"

"Is it another strange name?"

"My God, how can there be so many hidden strong people in this world?"

"By the way, Daming Magic Knife Gate, I've heard of this. It seems that it was destroyed not long ago?"

"I remember that the woman next to Xiao Li Xunhuan seems to be Lin Shiyin?"

"It's nonsense. They can't be alone at all."

"I don't think so!"


Li Yuan.

Li Xunhuan is sitting at the table with a teenager drinking.

The depression of Long Xiaoyun's death before has long disappeared at this time.

Not long ago, he made another very good teenager.

His name is ALFY.

In just a few days, I felt very close.

Although he did not worship, he had already regarded the teenager as a brother.

"Brother Li, congratulations on entering the Hidden Dragon List. I don't know when I will be able to enter the Hidden Dragon List and become famous in Kyushu?"

When ALFY said this, his face was full of envy.

But there is no jealousy.

"Brother, with your age, talent and strength, you will definitely be on the list sooner or later!"

"Brother Li's good words."

"Huh? The hidden dragon list has been refreshed! Ninth place, Lin Shiyin!"

"Brother, you just said that your cousin is Lin Shiyin. Will it be her?"

At this moment, Li Xunhuan was also obviously stunned.

He never thought that his cousin Lin Shiyin, who had always been weak and slim and not very strong, would be a martial arts master?

Moreover, it also ranked ninth on the list of hidden dragons!

His strength is far beyond his ability.

Thinking about this, Li Xunhuan's heart was very bitter.

Some of the complacent in my heart suddenly dissipated.

Chapter 052 Huang Rong is on the list [Ask for Flowers]

Daming, the residence of Tianzun Organization.

"Sister Shiyin, congratulations on entering the ninth place on the Hidden Dragon List!"

Murong Qiudi congratulated him.

"Sister Qiu Di is overreputated. With her strength, she may be able to enter the top three!"

"If it had been before, I might have this self-confidence, but now, I'm afraid it's difficult. I'm only a little higher than you. It's a fluke to enter the top five!"

Murong Qiudi shook his head.

At first, she thought that there were few people in the world to compare her strength.

But as you know more, the wider your horizons will be, and the more you feel the horror of the world.

Master of Martial Arts?

Ha ha!

Perhaps only by entering the land fairyland can you be regarded as a real strong man.

Didn't you say it on the list?

From the first place to the tenth place, there are absolutely land immortals.

Compared with such a person, what does she count?

However, she is not arrogant.

As long as she is given time, sooner or later, she will definitely break through and become a land fairy.

"Sister, do you think she will also be on the list?"

"That's for sure. Well, I haven't found him for so long in the capital."

"With his ability, I must know that I'm looking for him, but I don't want to appear to see him. It's abominable."

"When the list appears, where else can he hide?"

While Murong Qiudi complained, he couldn't help showing a little resentment on his face.

Normally, with her current status and strength, as long as she waved her hand, what kind of man can't get it?

However, now that she is single-minded, she will never forget the scumbag who brings her happiness and pain?

She also complained that she was dissatisfied, but she couldn't control herself.

Forget it.

Maybe in my last life, I owed that scumbag.

I have been dedicated to paying off debts in my life.

It seems that Lin Shiyin next to her is similar to her.

What a grievance!


Sui, Songjiashan City.

Sharpening Knife Hall.

Song Que looked at Lin Shiyin, who was on the list, especially her skills, the purple lotus knife secret.

I moved my heart.

Finally, among the people on the list, there is a strong knife.

It is conceivable that she can suppress Yuhua, and it can be imagined that this woman's strength is beyond imagination.

I'm looking forward to fighting with her one day.

Whether he wins or loses, his Tiandao 8 will go further.

Song Que's eyes bloomed with a bright light, and his fighting spirit rose greatly.

Not only Tiandao Songxia, but also many masters who use knives and masters in Kyushu are all belligerent.

Fu Hongxue of Daming, Ding Peng with the full moon machete;

Kou Zhong of the Sui Dynasty and so on.

I can't wait to play one by one.

Of course.

They also know themselves in their hearts.

With their current strength, they are really not qualified.

However, one day, they will definitely be qualified to challenge.


[Qianlong List · Eighth place!]

[Huang Rong!]

[Identity: The daughter of the Five Evils of the Southern Song Dynasty!]

[Picture: The late stage of the master of martial arts!]

[Kung fu: Bingjia Martial Arts Sutra, Jiuyin Zhenjing, Luoying God Sword Palm, Orchid Fu Acupoint Hand, Yuxiao Swordsmanship, etc.]

[Reward: Tianxia elixir: spiritual elixir, after taking it, it can improve your physique, and there is a certain chance that it can be transformed into a congenital elixir, greatly improving the affinity of martial arts!]

This time, I didn't wait long.

The eighth place in the Qianlong list has appeared.

Huang Rong?

People from the Southern Song Dynasty?

Besides, is it still a woman?

How come?

Dongxie was just a master. In the early days, his daughter surpassed him?


Southern Song Dynasty.

"Hahaha, what do you think of being surpassed by his daughter?"

"Tut, in the later stage of the master, I knew that this girl was not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!"

Hong Qigong looked at Huang Laoxie with a "mocking" face, but he was not only deeply shocked.

"Huang Laoxie, how did your daughter teach her?"

"Why can't Guo Jing, my stupid apprentice, teach him?"

Huang Yaoshi looked at the list in the air and felt a little incredible.

He almost thought he was dazzled.

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