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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 71

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Seeing Quanzhenism destroy at home.

Countless horrible sword spirits suddenly fell from the air.

Kill all the Mongols in an instant.

They finally saved their lives.

After that, no matter how they looked for it, they couldn't find a savior.

Even the little dragon girl of the Tomb School disappeared.

Everything is clear now.

So, Quanzhen teaches that he owes the little dragon girl, and even Daming a great favor.

However, when I think that the gap between Quanzhen Religion and the Dragon Girl is too big, I can't help smiling bitterly.

Don't talk about it now.

Even if his mentor Wang Chongyang is alive, he may not win the Dragon Girl.

I guess they don't care about the so-called reward.


Southern Song Dynasty, an inn.

Li Mochou, a naked fairy, was also stunned.

"Sister, you're really amazing. You quietly became the imperial concubine of the Ming Dynasty."

"The cultivation has reached the perfect completion of the great master's University."

"Ha ha, what ice and jade, what can't be moved, it's all a lie!"

"Master, is this the heir you cultivated?"

"Even the foundation of the Tomb School has been abandoned. What qualifications do you have to become the head of the Tomb School?"

Li Mochou was in a very complicated mood, and there was nowhere to vent a sense of aggrievance.

Why did the people she loved abandon her or even hate her?

And the senior sister Dragon Girl didn't do anything. When she stayed in the ancient tomb where the sky was not seen, someone automatically came to the door.

He also became a noble concubine of a country.

Strength is rare in the world.

Why is the world so unfair?

How can she not be as good as the Dragon Girl?

Thinking about this, Li Mochou's heart was full of jealousy!

But there is nowhere to vent.


Stop it. With her current strength, who can you take revenge?

Dragon Girl?

Or is it Emperor Ming?

I guess I was killed before I got close.


The Great Emperor.

Tie Muzhen couldn't help staring at the name on the list.

"National teacher, Benhan seems to have heard from you mention this ancient tomb school."

"Yes, Khan, a few years ago, I sent a large number of Dayuan masters to eliminate Quanzhen Religion.

But somehow, all the people who went died unexpectedly. Later, the investigation was that someone secretly saved him.

The Tomb School is next to Quanzhen Religion.

The person who took action in those years should be the strong man of the Ming Dynasty.

The national teacher thought about it and then explained.

"Da Ming? Well, this is also the country that Ben Khan is determined to destroy.

"Ben Khan hasn't made any trouble with Zhu Houzhao's children. He actually provoked Benhan. It doesn't make sense!"

Iron Wood is really angry.

"Great sweat, do you need us to do something?"

"Sent someone to Daming, humiliate him, and suppress Daming's momentum!"

Ba Siba suggested.

"Who will be sent? In case Zhu Houzhao's anger and a complete war, it will affect Ben Khan's next plan!"

"Well, just send King Jinlunfa to go."

"This person is good, and he also has some means. I am also very satisfied with what he does."

Tie Muzhen frowned and thought for a long time, and finally decided, the King of Golden Wheel.

"Dahan, I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed this time. The King of Jinlunfa is dead and killed by Huang Rong, a hidden dragon on the list!"

"The daughter of the Eastern Evil Yellow Pharmacist in the Southern Song Dynasty? Damn, sooner or later, Benhan will destroy the Southern Song Dynasty and destroy all the people in the martial arts of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Tie Muzhen was so angry that he was angry.

"Big sweat, I have a candidate."


"The daughter of the king of Ruyang, Minmin Temuer, also took a name, Zhao Min."

"A woman in the district, can she do it? It's okay to make a small fight. She can't afford to miss Ben Khan's big deal.

"Ha ha, Dahan, although Princess Zhao Min's strength is not high, he is extremely smart. Maybe no one is more suitable than her when he goes to Daming!"

"In that case, it's up to the national teacher to decide."

"Da Ming is not our goal for the time being. Just warn that destroying the Southern Song Dynasty is the primary goal now."

"If you want to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, it is Daming."


Daqin Palace.

"The national teacher is right. Sure enough, Daqin was not alone again."

Ying Zheng's tone was calm and he couldn't hear the joy and anger.

Although his face was not very beautiful, I didn't know why, I was relieved.

Although no one on the list of Daqin is on the list, it may not be a good thing.

Once on the list, it must be a hundred families.

The future will definitely pose a huge threat to Daqin.

If it were the last 20, he was looking forward to it.

But the top ten are all masters, either in the later stage or perfect, and the threat is too great.

It's not as good as nothing.

At least it can be explained.

The successor power of hundreds of schools is worse than that of other countries.

This is a great thing for Daqin.

"I envy Zhu Houzhao for this boy. A princess turned out to be the perfection of the great master."

"In the future, once the land immortals will be a strategic force to protect the Ming Dynasty."

Ying Zheng showed envy.

"Your Majesty, this may not be a good thing. If the harem is too strong, the threat to the emperor will also have a great impact."

"Today's Han Dynasty is a clear example."

The moon god said quietly.

Ying Zheng quickly reacted and was shocked.

Yes, the concubines in the harem are strong, with good and bad.

If you make good use of it, you can protect your family and the country.

If you lose your means, you will become a demon concubine who harms the country and the people.

Nowadays, Jiang Yuyan, the favorite concubine of Liu Hongxin in the Han Dynasty, is like this.

She has begun to show signs of transformation into a demon concubine.

Thinking about this, Yingzheng immediately calmed down the idea.

If you want the country to be strong, you still have to strengthen the right way.

Everything else is evil and not taken by him.


Han Dynasty.

The world will.

"Wen Chou Chou, have you found Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and broken waves?"

"Ohately, we have worked hard to raise them and teach them excellent martial arts. Now they have betrayed this seat one by one."

"We will definitely find them and smash them."

Xiong Ba glanced at the glare and furious.

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