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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 79

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"The Underworld City was originally a super power in the martial arts of the Han Dynasty, which lasted for hundreds of years."

"However, ten years ago, it fought against another terrorist force called Tianmen and was eventually destroyed."

"All those who knew about this war were finally wiped out."

"So, no specific information about this war has been sent in the world."

"However, there were several land immortals hiding in the dark at that time."

"I happened to be there, witnessing the destruction of the underworld with my own eyes."

"I also saw the horror called Tianmen Organization'."

When Yu Wentuo said this, it was difficult to hide his shock.

"Since the Underworld City has been destroyed, why does it appear again now?"

"And, have you become a force under the command of Empress Daming?"

Yang Guang's face is gloomy.

"The minister will continue to investigate. Presumably the Tianmen organization will also intervene this time."

"Also, I'm waiting for the good news from the master."

Yang Guang waved his hand.

"By the way, have you found the medicine you were looking for? Can I cure my wound?

Suddenly, with a move in his heart, Yang Guang asked eagerly.

Yu Wentuo listened and looked embarrassed:

"Your Majesty, your injuries are caused by skills. As long as you lose your cultivation, these injuries can be cured."

"But if you continue to practice, it will be more serious and even permanently lose its function."

Yang Guang's face is unwilling:

"Is there no other way?"

"Self-abuse martial arts? Then isn't my last means of self-protection gone? Absolutely not!"

"The wolf ambition of the gate valves in the Sui Dynasty. If they send assassins to assassin one day, won't I have no power to fight back?"

"But if you continue to practice..."

Yang Guang has been showing the illusion of indulging in feminine outside in order to hide that he had completely lost some function.

But all this is caused by his practice.

He doesn't want to be an "eunuch" emperor forever.

And I don't want to lose my strength.

That's why he is in a dilemma.

Now, even the queen and he are getting farther and farther away.

This made him even more unwilling.

This is also the reason why Yang Guang is jealous of Zhu Houzhao.

Although there is an acting element, it may not be without real ideas.

"Master, this martial arts haven't reached the land immortal yet. Can you get her to my Sui?"

"No matter how bad it is, you can kill her!"

Speaking of which, a trace of fierceness flashed in Yang Guang's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I really don't have the ability."

"We all underestimated the Ming Dynasty. He was not as weak as he thought."

"Whether it is a minister or Yuan Tiangang, a bad commander of the Tang Dynasty, under normal circumstances, he will not enter the territory of Daming."

Yu Wentuo refused very decisively.

"That's all, let's discuss this matter again."

"I'll let you pay attention to the queen. How is she now?"

"I always think she has a lot of things to hide from me?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the Empress hasn't done anything wrong with Your Majesty."

"However, the queen has made another breakthrough in her strength recently, which is already the later realm of the great master."

"Really? I underestimated the queen's cultivation talent and the secret of immortality. Why can't I practice?

"It's just the queen. Even two humble little beggars can practice. I'm so reluctant!"

"Every time I see the queen trying her best to teach those two beggars, I can't wait to kill them."

"Your Majesty, the queen just cultivated Shuanglong as a disciple, which is regarded as close to the forces under her command. There is nothing else!"

"No, my feelings will definitely be wrong. There is definitely another person in the queen's heart, but I haven't found it."

"Master, continue to pay close attention to the queen's every move and send someone to report it to me every day! Remember, don't let the queen notice it.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

I'm afraid that even Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty didn't know that Yang Guang, who had always despised, would be so deep!


The exposure of the identity of Empress Wu Yu of the Ming Dynasty not only attracted great attention from the Qin Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and Sui Dynasty.

Even the Han Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and several other countries also explored secretly.

They never thought that the hiding depth of a queen of a country almost deceived the whole Kyushu.

What a terrible!

Fortunately, the gold list exposed all this.

Many people who underestimate the Ming Dynasty also put away their despise.

Not to mention the rest, the power of the queen alone is not comparable to ordinary forces.

Not only the major imperial dynasties, but also Kyushu martial arts.

Especially the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty and the court.

It can almost be said to be boiling.


Daming Jiangnan.

Yuelai Restaurant.

Ximen blew the snow, and Chu Liuxiang and Hua Manlou mainly focused Lu Xiaofeng and stared at him fiercely.

"Lu Xiaofeng, what else do you hide from us? Tell us clearly?"

"In the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, what happened in the Ming Palace?"

"You were not taught by the imperial concubine, but the queen, did you?"

"Ye Gucheng did not die at the hands of the imperial concubine, but in the hands of the queen, did he?"

They never thought that the Ming Palace would be so terrible.

Let's not mention the happy imperial concubine of the dragon girl.

There is another one more cruel.

The queen of half a step in the land fairyland!

Even if Simon blows snow, he can't help sweating coldly.

How stupid it is to think of the decisive battle between him and Ye Gucheng on the top of the Forbidden City, hit the emperor in the face, and trample on the majesty of the Ming Dynasty?

He is so lucky to live to this day.

Fortunately, the emperor and queen of the Ming Dynasty didn't care much about it. Otherwise, he would have been destroyed by the nine tribes for a long time.

Just like Ye Gucheng and Baiyun City, which have long disappeared, are the most obvious examples.

"Oh, don't ask you guys. If you could say it, I would have said it a long time ago."

"Do you think I don't want to say it? I feel bad!"

"But once you say it, not only I'm unlucky, but also you will be unlucky."

"Do you really want to hear it?"

"If I'm not afraid of death, I would like to sacrifice my life with a gentleman!"

Lu Xiaofeng looked at these guys "intentional" and smiled.

"Forget it, since it's a secret, you'd better keep it!"

"Actually, I'm not curious at all. I don't care about that day at all."

Hearing that Lu Xiaofeng was so cautious, Chu Liuxiang and others immediately pushed away and hid far away.

As smart as them, they naturally know what to inquire and what not to inquire.

Nowadays, the gold list is in the world, and more and more secrets have been exposed.

They dare not be as ignorant as they used to be.

The Ming court, which was very inconspicuous to them, turned out to be the most horrible existence.

However, in the past, the court did not pay attention to them.

But if you really take the initiative to provoke, it is self-defeating.

Chapter 064 We are Your Majesty's Eagle Dog, and everything is only your majesty's orders! [ Please order first]

Daming Emperor.

A figure as fast as the wind quickly flew away in the direction of the capital.

It's the little old man Wu Ming.

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