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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wu Ji. Chapter 81

Author: Pan Sheng 001

West Factory.

"Master Yu, you are your majesty's confidant. Can you tell the little ones what's going on?"

"What should we do next in the West Factory?"

"If Your Majesty and the Empress give orders together, who should we listen to?"

A fan of the West Factory asked Yuhuatian doubtfully.

"Our West Factory is the Eagle Dog in Your Majesty's Hand. Naturally, only your Majesty's orders are obedient!"

"You should always remember that my western factory is Your Majesty's West Factory, not the Queen's West Factory."

"If anyone's head is crooked, I don't mind destroying him."

Yuhuatian swept all his eyes fiercely.

Let the people present tremble one by one.

How dare you say half no?


The residence of the East Factory.

"Mr. Cao, I really didn't expect that the Empress was actually a half-step land fairyland."

"I'm afraid it won't take long to become a real land fairy."

"Who else is her opponent in the whole Ming Dynasty?"

"In the future, Daming may fall into the hands of the queen."

"Mr. Cao, in this case, why don't we be loyal to the Empress as soon as possible?"

"If it makes the Empress happy, the power of our Dongchang will definitely increase."

"At that time, what kind of western factory, what brocade bathroom, what dragon protection villa, are they still holding tails one by one?"

The stall of the East Factory beside Cao Zhengchun stepped forward with a treacherous face and suggested.


Cao Zhengchun was suddenly shocked and his face changed.

This guy is looking for death, but don't pull him up!


Unexpectedly, Cao Zhengchun slapped him hard on the face of the big stall.


"Why? It's just a suggestion!"

"This is also for the sake of the future of my father-in-law!"

The stall looked at Cao Zhengchun with an incredible face.

I didn't expect Grandpa Cao to react so much and fiercely.

"I don't need to remind me of your rebellion."

"My east factory is Your Majesty's minions, and everything is only in the order of Your Majesty."

"A slave like you dares to betray His Majesty and die."

Cao Zhengchun immediately pulled out a long knife from the waist of the East Factory next to him.

Brush it.

A knife flashed by.

Directly cut through the throat of the big stall.

Killed with one knife.

Until he died, he didn't know why Cao Zhengchun killed him so decisively.

Isn't it too a big problem?

It's not that he didn't say such a topic before, and Grandpa Cao didn't say anything?


In despair, reluctantness and incomprecion, he died.

"Come on, pull this traitor down and feed the dog!"

"Remember, this is the consequence of betraying Your Majesty!"

"In the future, if anyone hears such a great rebellious word in front of our family, our family will definitely let him live worse than death."

Cao Zhengchun was also extremely angry.

Who knows whether what just happened will spread to Your Majesty's ears?

If your majesty knows that he has the heart to be uncommanded, then what awaits him is a way to perish.

Only by proving his bold loyalty with the life of a big head.

All the Dongchang Fanzi at the scene looked awe-inspiring.

I dare not have any more whimsical ideas.

I'm afraid that Cao Zhengchun will also kill them.


Zhuge God's Houfu.

"Uncle Shi, what should we do next?"

"Would you like to go to the palace immediately to see Your Majesty and listen to the next instructions?"

I couldn't help but panic.

This time, the "enemy" seems to be a little too powerful!

If the Empress really wants to usurp the throne, the whole Ming Dynasty will definitely cause violent turmoil.

"Relentless, calm down first. Things haven't reached such serious."

"Your Majesty sent a message just now to send a message to let our Shenhoufu not move for the time being, as long as you pay close attention to the situation in the capital."

"Your Majesty will deal with the Queen!"

"Maybe Her Majesty has known her true identity and strength for a long time."

"Otherwise, Your Majesty would not be so quiet."

Zhuge Shenhou was indifferent, although he was also a little flustered.

I'm also a little worried.

If the queen's affairs are not handled well this time, Daming will definitely be divided.

The national strength has been greatly reduced.

The imperial dynasties around will also rush over like wolves and attack and share food.

Everything depends on Your Majesty's means.

Just now, you can also see Your Majesty's methods this time.

Let's see if my constant guess is correct.

"Huh, Uncle Shi is right. We are unfounded."

The four gods breathed a sigh of relief, and his face slowed down slightly.


Daming Palace.

Queen's bedroom.

Zhu Houzhao sat aside, looking at the queen who was smelting elixir not far away with complicated eyes.

I was shocked.

Wu Wu!

Isn't his queen called Li Mei Niang?

At the beginning, the Empress Dowager selected the queen from 5,000 beautiful women.


Even he secretly sent someone to check it carefully, but he didn't find out anything.

Zhu Houzhao has always been extremely satisfied with this queen.

He can even be said to be one of the people he trusts the most.

But what about now?

Everything has changed.

Zhu Houzhao always knew that the queen was not simple and concealed something, but he didn't care.

He believes that with his current strength, everything can be easily solved.

He even gave the queen a powerful skill.

As long as you continue to practice, you will be able to keep up with him.



The name Wu was too impressive to him.

Deeply, it's hard for him not to think too much!

Especially the things she hid, even he was kept in the dark.

Although there are reasons why he doesn't attach much attention to it.

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