Is that it?

Where is the supreme and noble place of Daming?

There is no way to hinder his progress.

The whole Daming Palace is probably a threat to the queen.

The imperial concubine Dragon Girl, he is confident that he can easily defeat her.

It's not worth mentioning.

In the past, he did not pay attention to the Ming court, and even thought that it was not fun to manipulate the Ming Dynasty.

But because of the appearance of the queen, he was very interested in Daming.

Such a Ming court is qualified to be a pawn in his hand.

He doesn't care about the so-called power and wealth.

But I really enjoy the feeling of manipulating chess pieces.

He wants to enjoy this process.

Then use Empress Wu to control Daming.

Freely sprinkle pen and ink.

At this thought of this, the smile of the little old man Wu Ming at the corners of his mouth was even more brilliant.

There was a rare feeling of excitement in my heart.

After walking and stopping, the little old man came out of the queen's bedroom very comfortably.

No one stopped me all the way.

No one found it.


Inside the bedroom.

Zhu Houzhao is discussing with Empress Wu Yu about the secret of the phoenix and the immortal body of the phoenix.

Until a strange and powerful atmosphere suddenly appeared outside the door, they were not stunned.

Soon, Zhu Houzhao showed a funny smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this person!"

"What a big courage to run to me."

Wu Wei was a little surprised:

"Your Majesty, do you know this person? It seems that he seems to be malicious and his strength is not bad!"

"How can Daming still have such a person?"

Zhu Houzhao nodded faintly:

"The leader of an organization called 'hidden people' in the world thinks that the world is invincible and is good at manipulating martial arts forces to do evil."

"Since this person took the initiative to hit me, there was no need to stay."

"Queen, it's up to you!"

Queen Wu nodded happily.


"Who is outside the door? Come in!"

The queen's majestic voice echoed.

The voice has just fallen.

With a creaking, the door of the hall was opened.

The little old man Wu Ming strode in with a trace of appreciation.


"It's worthy of being a person who can enter the diving list. It's really extraordinary!"

The little old man clapped his palm and smiled.

As for Zhu Houzhao next to the queen, he was automatically ignored by him.

"Who are you?"

The queen only felt that things were getting more and more interesting.

This guy's courage makes her feel a little incredible.

Zhu Houzhao looked at all this calmly, picked up a cup of tea and tasted it silently.

Think of it as watching a play.

"I didn't expect a woman in the district to be so bold?"

"Comparate most of the men in Kyushu."

"Emperor Daming is not qualified to have a woman like you at all. Are you right, Emperor Daming?"

The little old man looked at the silent Zhu Houzhao next to him with a sarcastic face and disdained to say it.

Zhu Houzhao even responded lazily to the frog at the bottom of the well in front of him.

There is no need to waste extra emotions on a dead person.

This person has some use value.

Just use him to experience the queen.

Act as her sharpening stone.

"Wu Ming, the leader of the invisible organization, the little old man, you are really bold."

"Unfortunfortunably, the background is a little different."

"If you don't have enough eyesight, you don't think you will pay attention to the people of the world."

"It's a pity that you are nothing in the eyes of those real bigwigs!"

"Do you really think no one knows what you did?"

"Just because your threat is not enough, you don't deserve them to take action."

As soon as the queen's words fell, Wu Ming, the little old man not far away, suddenly changed.

He looked at the queen with an incredible face.

The self-confidence in my heart is completely broken.

"Do you know me? Or, are there your undercover agents in my men?"

The little old man barely suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked coldly.

"Will the high dragon send undercover agents beside a group of ants?"

"Are you overestimated yourself?"

The queen picked up the tea, took a sip, and then put down the teacup.

"Well, now let your dragon see my ability as an ant!"

The little old man Wu Ming moved and came to the queen in an instant.

What floats lightly is a palm.

Suddenly, the air fluctuated throughout the hall.

The aftershocks of momentum overflowed.

"How about my palm? Can you dragon block my trick?"

Just then.

Zhu Houzhao gently brushed his right hand, and all the aftershocks dissipated.

The little old man's pupils shrank sharply.

There is a deadly threat in my heart for no reason.

The chill rushed straight from the soles of his feet to Baihui's acupuncture point.

At the same moment, the queen's counterattack had arrived.

"With such a ability, dare you to break into the palace?"

"Who gives you the courage of this ant?!!"

The queen's majestic voice exploded in the ear of the little old man.

In an instant, the breath in his body stagnated.

Even the action paused slightly.


A delicate jade palm patted him in the heart.


In an instant.

A mouthful of blood spewed out.

The little old man flew backwards.

The terrible palm raged in his body.

In a short time, he destroyed his internal organs.

Strength does not exist in an instant.

The little old man looked at the queen with a frightened face, frightened and angry.

How could this happen?