In the future, he will continue to stick to it.

Even the brocade guard and six doors couldn't help but feel extremely relaxed while shocked.

Since Your Majesty is so strong, it means that he can't know about the queen.

There must have been means to contain the queen's power.

The queen will not be allowed to harm the foundation of Daming.

Don't worry, Daming will be divided.

Zhuge God waits for one side.

"Uncle Shi, have you known Your Majesty so powerful for a long time?"

"Otherwise, you can't have no worries at all!"

"Uncle Shi, do you see what level the blow has reached just now?"

"Uncle Shi, can you emit such a strong strength?"

The four famous arrests asked Zhuge Zheng me, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhuge Zheng, I don't know how to respond. In an embarrassment, a palace eunuch came over.

"Your Majesty's oracle!"

"Zhuge Shenhou, ruthless, iron hand, pursuit of life, cold-blooded order!"

"Five people are waiting for you to enter the palace immediately to see the driver. There must be no mistake. Here is this!"

Zhuge Shenhou hurriedly followed the eunuch and walked in the direction of the palace.

Soon, several people came to the emperor's imperial study.

This is the place where Zhu Hou received the ministers of the court as usual.

The expansion of the local area is particularly large.

At the same time, they also saw many other officials.

All the officials above the second grade have been present.

At the same time, the iron gallbladder god marquis and the four spies, Cao Zhengchun, Yu Huatian, the god catcher and Qinglong also arrived one by one.


"Long live your majesty, Long live!"

"Okay, get up!"

Zhu Houzhao sat on the dragon chair and glanced at all the officials present.

"I call you here. You should know why?"

"The golden list appeared in the world, and the queen's strength and information were exposed, which really made many people impetuous."

"Now I want to tell you, put away your careful thoughts."

"Do what you should do well. Don't foolishly and die!"

"With me, what god, demon, demon, ghost, all must be honest."

"Those who dare to provoke me, and those who provoke the Ming Dynasty will kill them!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Houzhao exuded a terrible breath and instantly crushed the hearts of all ministers.

Everyone present, including Zhu Houzhao, these martial arts masters.

I can't help but change in unison.

Unspeakable fear lingers in my heart.

Cold sweat.

The momentum comes quickly, and the momentum goes quickly.

Although it was just a moment.

But everyone feels like it has passed a hundred years.

I can never forget the moment in my mind.

Remember the majesty of His Majesty the emperor.

As for the so-called queen, he turned his mind in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the expressions of the people below, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

Now that the gold list is on the world, his strength and information will soon be exposed.

It's not necessary to continue to cover up.

Hurry up and win the hearts of people.

Otherwise, God knows what will happen.

Although I'm not afraid, it's too troublesome.

It affects his lying down life.

Let's take a vaccination.



Just then, the list in the sky bloomed brightly.

The first place in the Qianlong list is about to be refreshed.

Whether it's Zhu Houzhao or everyone present, they can't help but move.

I don't know who it is. It will be the first place on the Qianlong list.

Everyone showed curiosity.

The next moment.

On the gold list, a line of text flashed out.

[Qinlong List · First place!]

[Zhu Houzhao!]

[Identity: Emperor of the Ming Dynasty! ( Incarnation: Qinglian Sword Fairy Su Yi, Immortal Sword Bai Yujing, etc.!)]

[Picture: Land Wonderland!]

[Kung Fu: Qinglian Xianjing (complicating multiple skills and creating it by itself!)]

[Reward: Holy Elixir: Chaos Elixir, after taking it, it can transform the physique and become a chaotic body!]

[The Hidden Dragon List is now updated. A month later, the Martial Arts Power List will be released!]

[All Kyushu martial arts forces can be included in the list according to their main strength, scale, luck, number of people, achievements, etc.!]


In the imperial study, everyone looked at the list in the sky with a daze.

Are they dazzled?

First place, Zhu Houzhao!?

Isn't this their emperor of Daming?!

Land immortals!

I'll go!

Everyone almost spit out fragrance.

Looking at Zhu Houzhao sitting on the dragon chair one by one in shock.

They never thought that His Majesty, who usually looks like a "stupid king", would hide so deeply.

The power is so horrible.

It's terrible.

Your Majesty is only 22 years old now!

It's terrible to think that you have reached the land fairyland.

This kind of talent is rare in Kyushu.

Previously, they were still worried that the Empress would rely on her strong strength to cholera court.

Now it's ridiculous to think about it now.

What about half-step land immortals?

In front of Your Majesty's land immortals, he is still an ant after all.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations on achieving the land fairyland!"

A quick-responsive official immediately knelt down to congratulate him.

Others reacted one by one.

He quickly congratulated him, and there was a happy smile on his face.

At least, there is such a powerful emperor.

Daming has a solid backing and will not suffer too much damage.

3.1 "Okay, get up. That's all for this!"

"What did it look like before and what it will be like in the future!"

"Do your own thing well!"

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand, and his heart was a little impatient.

"I abide by Your Majesty's will!"

"Okay, go back!"