Someday I’ll become stronger than Your Highness, and that day I will take my brother back! Part II

“It’s you?” The calm voice that was unusually cold made Bai Yu stop.

Ouyang Feilong was able to suppress his emotion for quite a while now, but seeing the woman who was like his mother made him forget that this little fool was not the same person as her, and so his tone turned unconsciously cold. When he saw her beautiful face, what he had heard her say to her sister from earlier today resurfaced and made the truth in his heart clearer than ever. All women pretended to be good in front of others to maintain their images, but when in private they would reveal their cruelty and corruptness.

How could he not hate fake women like them?

In the army, sincerity and trust were most important. If those were not present, then he would never dare turn his back toward his own soldiers to face the enemy. Without trust, his back would already be stabbed through.

“Wangye…Is something the matter?”