If you wanted to say harsh words, at least took off the mask! Part II

“Is benwang interrupting someone’s conversation here?”

Xu Luanle’s laugh halted. The feather fan was quickly folded back. He straightened his back and assumed a dignified posture that was the polar opposite of how he was like a while ago.

Bai Yu who was smiling along with her new friend slowly masked her expression with calmness and formality. The two friends stood up to greet the prince who had come in without making a slightest noise. His high level of magic made it impossible for them to detect his presence.

“Blessings to Wangye.”

“No need to be formal.”

Bai Yu stood up straight. In her head was an amusing thought that at least Xu Luanle used the ‘correct’ manner to pay respect.

“Benwang was requested by Bai He to take Miss Bai back to Yue mansion. But it seems like benwang has interrupted an opportunity between a man and a woman.”

Bai Yu’s smile disappeared. She looked up at the man who had returned to wearing the dragon mask.