Do you remember the first time we met? Part I

“Be benwang’s consort.”

Bai Yu frowned. Do people of Da Chu have traditions of trading rabbits for spouses?

“How about it? Will you marry into the white jade palace?” Chu Zhaoran bent his face down, whispering to her with a sly smile.

Spurred on by her silence, his lips came down, intending to cover over hers. Bai Yu turned her face away, then said stiffly. “I’m not marrying a man who doesn’t love me.”

Chu Zhaoran revealed a smile once again. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek before he whispered. “It is benwang who loves you the most.”

“And Your Highness do something like this to a beloved woman?” His mouth was caressing her cheek, his body pressed on top of her, and she had no way of escape with her two hands held tight. She only had to use words in order to escape from this man.