Fear not, sister Part I

Bai He’s condition was kept a secret. The news of the lieutenant-general being comatose would certainly affect the soldier’s morale. Those in the Yue family mansion perfectly maintained their calmness.

As for Bai Han and Yue Mei, they left quietly, appearing normal even though their hearts felt as if they were torn apart. Yue Mei was worried sick. She returned to Bai mansion with a pale face and red-rimmed eyes, her husband holding her hand beside her and a secret weighing heavy over them both.

The first miss of the Bai family, however, did not return with her parents. Bai Yu stayed at Bai He’s bedside and cried almost the entire night. She did not eat. No one could deduce anything from her impassive eyes. She did not leave her sleeping brother for two days and nights.

Her tears never stopped. It was as if compensation, the only thing that she could do for Bai He.