Finally, she was able to play the heroine Part I

Her dark eyes gazed at her brother’s pale face that had partially regained ruddiness. Dimples appeared on his thin face, still, it was a beautiful sight that would surely surprise anyone.

“Something good happened?”

Bai Yu looked up at the newcomer. His golden eyes contained a different meaning in them. She did not understand what it was, but still smiled and replied in a friendly tone that was rarely used between them.

“It’s a good thing that I’m still uncertain.”

Ouyang Feilong nodded, not pursuing it further. “There’s nothing for benwang to worry about now that you can smile.”

“Many thanks for Your Highness’ concern.”

“Bai He’s sister is also benwang’s.”

Her thin lips slightly skewed at his words. What a stubborn person. He had already eaten her tofu but still did not accept it. There’s no way a twentieth-century woman like her would let him off the hook so easily after doing this and that to her. “Wangye kisses every friend’s sister?”