As much beauty and wealth Bai Yu possessed, her friend from the Xu family could match them all! Part II

The Bai Yu from before would be tortured by this, her heart would burn with both jealousy and hatred. But she was different now. When Bai Hua bowed her head as a greeting when she sat down, Bai Yu only returned to her a smile. Her thought was of nothing complicated. She had made an achievement, so she would naturally be rewarded.

Bai Yu was still slightly gaunt. Everyone knew she had fallen ill, though they did not know whether it was because of the rumor or something else. Many wished her well and tried to advise her on what to eat, so the subsequent conversations after she sat down were all related to food and nutrition.

The consorts who had given birth to princes were engaging in a war of nerves. Their words were kind and their lips were smiling, yet their eyes only showed contempt to other consorts, before returning to smiles again when they turned to Bai Yu. It was as if everything they had said was all advice for her.