I was born to protect my brother, not to govern anyone Part III

“You’re challenging Zhen’s rule?!” His tone was harsh and forceful. Ouyang Feilong knew what his brother meant.

“Your Majesty...” The formal form of address was used again. He lifted his face up to his brother. His gaze was calm and unwavering despite what the Emperor had said. “I have already told Your Majesty that I have no desire for the throne.”

Ouyang Hongxian knew what his brother, whom he had raised with his own hands, was thinking. No matter what Ouyang Feilong wanted, as an older brother, he would provide. But as the Emperor, he could not even act on his own wishes, let alone his brother’s. His brother had never asked anything of him, but if one day he did, he would be willing to give it, even the dragon throne.

“You’ve never asked Zhen for war. Even as the Commander General, you always seek peace first. But now, you’re pleading with Zhen to start a war for a single woman.”

Ouyang Feilong was silent. The silence was no different from acceptance.