The old Bai Yu was just like her father Part I

Silence suddenly filled the palace. Bai Yu could hear even the sound of her own breathing.

“What did you say?”

“I...” Her face was the same as ever, though her heart was already soaked in a cold sweat.

“What is...Sha-Dou...?” she asked, awkwardly repeating the strange language she had never heard before in Chinese.

Bai Yu conjured up a smile. “I mean, Your Majesty, please wait.”

“You’re asking aijia to wait?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” She firmly nodded. Her gentle and soft mannerism returned once more after she had thought of a way out. “I’m afraid now would not be an appropriate time for the Emperor to bestow a marriage.”

“It’s at a time like this that an auspicious occasion should happen to entertain the people.”