Extra The dawn of fate Part II

“…You’re given this duty as caretaker for Taizi’s garden. But do you know what he looks like?”

“Beautiful, obviously!” Bai Yu swiftly replied, still self-assured.

“Beautiful?” Feilong frowned. “Isn’t this a word used to praise women?”

Bai Yu tilted her head and pondered. “But that’s what I’ve heard.”

“What have you heard?”

“All within the four seas and eight directions said that the younger brother, Taizi Feilong, was as enchanting as a goddess, yet also as majestic as a man can be…”

Feilong nodded. Was he that beautiful? Should he, who was born a man, be happy with that compliment?

“There’s more!” Bai Yu raised her index finger. “…The older brother, God of War Hongxian was magnificent and dignified, while at the same time more gentle than anyone!”

Feilong nodded, agreeing with this rumor. “And…”