Zhen shall bestow on you the marriage with her Part II

Bai Yu gave Ouyang Feilong a smile, one that hid a meaning only known between them. The corner of Ouyang Feilong’s mouth slightly curled up before he turned back to start the banquet when he saw that the guests were kneeling and waiting for them. Today’s banquet was attended by nobles and their families, including young ladies and young masters who were brought to meet. Everyone wore exquisite, colorful clothing. A joyful atmosphere and bright smiles filled the room.

This was not only a banquet to commemorate not only the emperor's reign but also the newly formed peace between Da Yang and Da Chu. In other words, the new emperor had successfully lessened the thing he disliked most as much as he could.

Bai Yu’s face was full of smiles as she enjoyed the sight before her.