She must have known before anyone could Part II

“Your Majesty, I have something I’d like to suggest.”

Ouyang Feilong brought Bai Yu back to the palace. She did not wait long after sitting down before pulling him to sit next to her and speaking with a serious look. She seemed to have forgotten that she had almost fainted.

“Change your clothes first,” Ouyang Feilong firmly said.

“But…” Bai Yu wanted to quickly tell him her thoughts, but the golden eyes that stared back made her obediently nod. “Alright. But Your Majesty has to stay here and wait to hear what I’m going to say.”

“Is it about Bai He?”

“Your Majesty knows?”

Ouyang Feilong laughed low. “Zhen’s empress can never wait when a matter involves her brother. Once, she even abandoned zhen to be with him. Of course, such a hurry can’t mean anything other than Bai He.”