Extra The Golden Man Part II

“Would Your Majesty care for a stroll?” Yue Nan pulled Chu Zhaoran from his thoughts.

“Very well.” Chu Zhaoran still wanted silence to contemplate. His original intention of immediately leaving then changed to accepting Yue Nan’s offer.

Two figures walked side by side out of the ritual room, the place where only the three-eyed seer and the emperor were allowed. Yue Nan brought him to a tree garden. It was an ordinary garden that was not especially beautiful compared to any other.

“An orchard?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Yue Nan nodded. “My niece and nephew have been residing here for over a year. They have planted this garden to be used as their playground.” Despite his words, the truth was that the older one had planted it while the younger used it as her playground.