Chapter 12: Of Monsters and Marriage

With a forceful shove, he jumped in front of me. I didn’t ask him to and I’ve never pretended to be helpless where I’ve needed somebody else to protect me. He toppled on my legs and rolled on his back with a bolt sticking from his chest.

“Bastard,” I growled at the attacker.

The room burst into chaos and someone yelled, “Finish the job!”

“Arrest that man!”

“To arms! Defend the duke!” a nobleman shouted.

I scurried out from under the minister’s body as Velador rushed over.

The assailant ran towards me with his blade in hand. As he swung, I crouched under him and used my body to fling him over top of me. He crashed into the steps leading up to the throne and I pulled the sword from the ground.

“Shields around the duchess!” Velador shouted while he knelt over the minister. Blood poured from the wound and his pulse began to recede.

Guards, loyal to Velador, rushed to our defense and I held the short sword to the assassin’s throat.